Iftev. 3©bn Canon ©TDanlcn
m m. % a.
Jfyccial Jejsttoate, and the (fommemwatitftt* of goly gerrttf,
P^iimis, ||aiitg!ialngiC5, nutt |apii8 %nrmi
€\)t grirfent Cfturrl) fii'ston? of fielantr,
Vol. VII. <- K '
Dublin: James Duffy and Sons, 15 Wellington-quay, and
la Paternoster-row, London.
London: Burns, Oates, and Co., 17 & 18 Portman-street, and
63 Paternoster-row, E.C.
New York: The Catholic Publishing Society,
9 Warren-street.
JFtrst ©atj of 3ulg.
Article T.— St. Rumold, Apostle and Bishop of Mechlin, Belgium. [Eighth
Chap. I. — Introduction — Ancient and Modern Writers of St.
Rumold's Acts — Nativity and Parentage of St.
Rumold— His Birth the Fruit of Prayer — His early
Piety — Angelic Communications — St. Rumold de-
votes himself to a Life of Celibacy — On the Death of
Gualafer, he is nominated and elected Archbishop
of Dublin — Remarks on the dubious Character of
these Statements ... ... ... 1
Chap. II. — Rumold consents to accept the Episcopal Charge
and he is duly consecrated— His Labours as a Bishop
— Establishment of the Christian Faith in Dublin —
An Angel admonishes St. Rumold to seek a more
distant Field for his Administrations — He leaves Ire-
land for England, and then visits France — He
travels to Rome — His Interview with the Pope —
Recommended to visit Belgium as the future Scene
for his Career — Miracles — Favourably received at
Mechlin by Count Ado — Birth of his Son Libertus —
The latter miraculously restored to Life — Rumold
commences the Erection of a Cell at Mechlin, and
there builds a Church in Honour of the Protomartyr
St. Stephen ... .. ... 9
CHAP. III. — His Disciple Libertas obtains the Crown of Martyr-
dom— Labours of St. Rumold — His Martyrdom —
Miracles after his Death — Cathedral of Mechlin —
Veneration in this City — Honours paid to St.
Rumold — Commemorations of his Festivals — Con-
clusion ... ••• ... iS
Article II. — St. Servan, Serb, Serf, or Scran, Apostolic Missionary in Scotland.
[Fifth or Sixth Centu/y.] ... ... ... 26
Article III. — St. Ailill of Cloonown, County of Roscommon, thought to have been
Second Archbishop of Armagh, County of Armagh ... 31
Article IV. — St. Cuimmein, Bishop of Nendrum, or Mahee Island, County of
Down. [Seventh Century. ~\ ... ... ... 31
Article V.— St. Cathbadhor Cathfadh ... , ... ... 32
Article VI.— St. Lugid or Lughaidh, Son of Lugeus or Lughaidh ... 32
Article VII.— St. Ultan ... ... ... .. 33
Article VIII.— St. Sineall, or Sillin ... ... ••• 33
Article IX.— St. Barrinu or Bairrfhinn ... ... ••• 33
Article X.— St. Connan ... ... ... . ••• 34
Article XL— St. Ernin ... ... ... •• 34
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of St. Tarnanus, Bishop of Li-more, Scotland ... 34
Article XIIL— St. Emant, of Cluain ... ' ... ••• 34
Article XIV.— Festival of Aaron, First Priest of the Mosaic Law ... 34
Article XV.— Feast of Mary ... ... ... ••• 35
Article XVI.— Festival of Saints Simon and Thaddaeus ... ... 35
Srconti Sag of 3ulg.
Artici woo, or Ternoc. of Cluain-mor ... ... 35
ARTICLE II.— The Daughter or Daughters of Cathbath, or Cathbadh, of Airedh
F tha .. ... ... ... 36
i. Reputed Festival of St. Caucus, among the Ilebrideans, Scotland.
[Sixth Century] ... ... ... 37
Article IV.— Festival of St. Euticus, Martyr, at Rome ... ... 37
ARTICLE V. — Feast of Saints Processus and Martinianus, Martyrs at Rome ... 37
JCijtrtf Dag of 3ulg*
Article I. — St. German, First Bishop of the Isle of Man. Fifth
Century, .] ... ... ... • ••37
Article II.— St. Guha^on, Confessor, in Belgium. [Probably in the Eighth
Century.] ... ... ... ... 41
Article III.— St. Cilline, orCillen, Droicteach, Abbot of Iona, Scotland. [Eighth
Century.] ... ... ... ... 43
ARTICLE IV. — St. Tirechan, Bishop. [Seventh Century.] ... ... 44
. —St. Dartinne or Tartinna, of Druimard, or ofCill-aird, in Ui-Garrchon,
County of Wieklow ... ... ... 46
ARTICLE VI.— St Mielmuire or Marianus Ua Gormain, better known as
M nanus O'Gorman, the Irish Martyrologist, Abbot of
Knock, near Lughmhagh, now Louth, County of Louth. [Twelfth
fury.] ... ... ... ... 47
Article VII. — St Ultan ... ... ... ... 49
: 1. Y 1 1 1. —Reputed Feast of St. Kenuinus, Abbot in Ireland... ... 49
St Colmari ... ... ... ... 49
Article X. — Reputed Festival of St. RuaiOld, Martyr, and Patron of Mechlin,
ium ... ... ... ... 49
Article XL— St. Breacnat, Virgin ... ... 49
LIL— Feast of St Thomas' Translation ... ... 50
Article XIII; — Festival of St Cyrion, Martyr at Alexandria ... ... so
JFourtI) ©ag of 3ulg«
Article I.— St. Bolcan of Kilcoolev, County of Roscommon. [Probably in
the Fifth Century.] ... ... ... 50
[I.— St Finbarr or Fionubharr, Abbot of Into Doimhle, County of Wex-
ford. [Sixth Century.] ... ... ... 52
tst of St. Martin's Ordination ... ... ... 53
ARTICLE IV.— Reputed Feast of St. Siluenieus at Kilreule, in Scotland ... 54
Article V.— Reputed Feast of St Modwenn^ ... ... 54
Article YI. — Translation of the Relics of St. I" ... ... 54
ARTICLE VII.— Reputed Feast of St. Marianus, Confessor and Abbot, at Rati-'
[Eleventh Century.] ... ... 55
ARTICLE YII I. —Reputed Translation of St. Rumold's Relics ... ... 55
JWtij Bag of 3uht.
A»ti< ' rNAj mod-
vybnna, Virgin. [Probably in the Ninth Century.] ... 55
lania orEtavin, Virgin, ofTuaim " i'mima, in
Moylurg, County of Roscommon ... 63
Article III. — St. Fergus Q'Huamalgh ... ... ... 65
Article IV.— St. Ultan ... ... ... ... 65
Article V.— St. Cillicn
Article VI.— St. Ruraoldus ... ... ... 66
Article VII. — Feast of St. Agatha and of her Companions, Martyr, ... 66
Article VIII- Reputed Feast of St. Alea, or Athca ... ... 66
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr .. ..66
Sixty ©atJ of 3ulu.
Article I.— St. Palladius, Apostle of the Scot.^ and Picts. \Ftflh
( 'cutury.]
Chap. I. — Introduction— Authorities for the Life of St. Palladius
— His disputed Origin — His earliest Mission to Britain
and his Success in stemming the Pelagian Heresy —
Created Archdeacon, and afterwards selected and
consecrated by Pope Celestine I. to preach the
Gospel among the Scots— He arrives in Ireland,
where he builds some Churches ... ... 67
Chap. II.— Opposition experienced by St. Palladius in Ireland
—He is driven away by Nathi— Other Statements —
His reputed Mission in North Britain — His
Death — His Festivals and Commemorations — Con-
clusion ... ... 73
Article II. — St. Darerca, or St. Moninne, Virgin, of Cill Isleibhe, now Kil-
leavy, or Slhbh Cuillin, County "of Armagh. [Fifth or Sixth
Century] ... ... ... ... ■ 79
Chap. I. — Introduction— Writers of the Acts of St. Darerca
or Moninne — Her Family and Birth — Baptized, con-
firmed and veiled by St. Patrick— She is called upon
to form an Association of pious Females — Under the
Direction of St, Ibar— She visits St. Brigid— - Her Con-
gregration at Ardconais — This Place she leaves, and
visits St. Brigid a second Time ... ... 79
Chapter II. — St. Darerca goes to the Northern Parts of Ireland, and
founds a House at Fochard — This Place she leaves to
seek a new Settlement at Slieve Gullion— Her Estab-
lishment at Killevy— Her- personal Virtues and
Miracles — She is to be distinguished from another
St. Modwenna, venerated chiefly in England and
Scotland — Moninia assists at the Synod of Easdra —
Account of her Death — Her Commemorations— Con-
clusion ... ... ••• 85
Article III.— St. Mac Earc, Bishop of Donoghmore. [Fifth Century] ... 93
Article IV.— The Three Daughters of Maine. St. Dermor or Dermoria, St. Etne
or Ethnea, and St. Cumana, of Airiudh Bainne ... ••• 95
Article V.— Reputed Feast of St. Dermor, Daughter of Maine ... ... 96
Article VI. — Three Daughters of Erni or Enuch Dirmaigh ... ... 96
Article VII.— St. Fedchonniad, or Fedhchu, or Uamadh Fubi ... ... 96
Article VIII.— Reputed Festival of a St. Fuidbech ... ••• 97
Article IX.— St. Flann Mac Cellach, Bishop of Rechrann. [Eighth Century.] ... 97
Article X. — Reputed Feast of a St. Golinia, or Golina, Virgin ... ... 97
Article XL— Reputed Festival of St. Silvester, Companion of St. Palladius, in
Marr, Scotland ... ... ... ••• 97
Sebentlj Bag of Sulg-
Article I.— St. Maolruain or Maelruain, Abbot op Tallaqh, County of
Dublin. [Eighth Century.}
Chap. I.— Introduction— Parentage and Birth of St. Madman—
He founds a Religious Institute at Tallagh— Pescrip-
lion of the Place — He forms a Society of Culdees
there— Anecdotes — Period of Foundation ... 98
Chap. II— The Literary Compositions of St. Maelruain — Death
of Ccallach, and his Burial at Tamlacht — St. /Engus
the Culdce joins his Community — The Culdees — The
Rule of St. Maelruain. ... ... 102
CHAP, III. — Eulogies and Sayings. of St. Maelruain — Only Abbot
at Tallagh — Historic Notices of the Place — Death
and Burial of the holy Abbot there — Local Associa-
tions—Conclusion... ... ... 106
Article II. -St. Willibald, First Bishop and Patron of Aichstadt, Germany. {Eighth
Century.] ... ... ... ... 110
Article III. — St. Cronia, Cronae or Croine Beg, Virgin, of Tempull-Crone,
County of Donegal ... ... ... 118
Article IV.— St. Comgell or Coimgell, Virgin, and Daughter to Diarmaid ... 118
Article V. — St. Fiadabair, or Fiadhabhair, of Uachtar-achadh, now Ballinamore,
County Leitiim ... ... ... 119
Article VI. — St. Tingmaich or Trighmeach, Bishop ... ... 119
Article VII.— Reputed Festival for St. Median and St. Odhrain .. ... 119
Article VIII.— Reputed Festival of St. Boisilus ... ... ... 121
Article IX. — Reputed Festival of a Translation of St. Kentigern, Bishop, Scotlan 1 121
Article X.— Reputed Feast of St. Colman ... .. ... 121
Article XI. — Reputed Festival for a Translation of the Eleven Thousand Virgins
and Martyrs ... ... ... ... 121
Article XII.— Reputed Festival for Saints Wilchibaldns, Disibodus, Kalian,
Bibianus, Totnanus ... ... ... 121
Article XIII.— Reputed Festival of a St. Bice ... ... ... 122
1£u$!)uj Bajj of 3ulg.
Article I.— The Acts of St. Kii.ian, Apostle of Franconia, Martyr and
Bishop, as also of his Companions, St. Colman, Priest, and St.
Totnan, Deacon, Martyrs. [Seventh Century.}
Chap. I. — Introduction — Manuscript and published Acts of those
Holy Martyrs— The Country of their Birth— St.
Kilian's Family and his early Education — He em-
braces the Ecclesiastical State — His Preaching and
Labours in Ireland— With eleven other Companions
he leaves for France and Germany — He travels to
Wurtzbnrg — Paganism there prevailing ... 122
I hap. II. — The Holy Missionaries preach with great Effect at
YYuitzUirgh — Duke (iosbert's Conversion — Saints
Kilian, Colman and Totnan journey to Rome —
Favourably received by Pope Conan — Commissioned
to preach the Gospel in Franconia — Geilane, the
■f Gosbert, plans their Death — Martyrdom of
the Saints— Remarkable Visitations of God on all
those who were instrumental in it — Honours after*
wards paid to their Memory— Their Relics— Memo-
rials of the Martyrs in Germany and in Ireland, and
in other Countries — Their Festivals — Conclusion ... 128
[J — St. Disibod, Bishop and Confessor. [Seventh and Eighth Cm-
lit lies.]
Chap. I. — Introduction— State of Gcimany in pagan and early
( hristian Times— Biographies of St. Disen or St.
Dysibod — His Irish Birth—His youthful Dispi
UoBI and Education — Advanced to the Priesthood —
Elected as Bishop — Trials and Difficulties in his new
Position — He resolves to leave Ireland for a distant
Country ... ... 143
Chat. II.— Travels of St. Dysibod, with his Companions
Giswald, Salust and Clement— A Divine Revels!
by which he is brought to select a Site for his future
Residence — His monastic and missionary Life at
. Disenberg — lie becomes popular among the Chiefs
and People of the District surrounding it ... 150
Chap. III. — Prophecies of St. Disibod — His declining Years and
Approach of Dea,th — Dates aligned for it — .Miracles
which afterwards took Place Festivals and Memo-
rials— Subsequent History of Dissenbodenburg — Con-
clusion ... ... ..154
Article III. — St. Diarmaid, Bishop of Gleann-Uissean, now Killeshin, Queen's
County ... ... ... ... 163
Article IV. — St. Summiva, Sunnifa, Sumniva, or Sunneva. an Irish Virgin,
Patroness of Bergen, in Norway, and her Companions. Martyrs ... 166
Article V. — St. Trega, Virgin and Patroness of Ardtrea Parish, County of London-
derry. [Fifth Century. .] ... ... ... 168
Article VI.— St. Brogan, of Maethail-Bhrogain, now Mothil, County of Waterford,
or Secretary to St. Patrick ... ... ... 170
Article VII. — St. Condmacor Connmach, of Ath-Blair, or Atha Silairj ... 171
Article VIII. — Festival of Saints Totnanns and Colmanus, Martyrs ... 171
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Adelinus, Martyr ... ... 171
Article X. — Reputed Festival of St. Erwaldus, Arnwal, or Arnualis, Disciple of
St. Kilian ... ... ... ... 171
Article XL— Reputed Feast of St. Giswald ... ... ... 172
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of St. Alganus, Archbishop and Martyr ... 172
Article XIII.— Reputed Feast of St. Kilian, Dux, and Uncle to St. Ursula ... 172
Article XIV.— St. Ribianus, Bishop ... ... ... 172
Article XV.— St. Burchardus, First Bishop of Wurtzburg ... ... 173
Article XVI.— Reputed Festival of St. Aidus, Abbot and Martyr. [Ninth
Century. 1 ... ... ... ... 173
Article XVII. — St. Colman Imramha or Iomhramha, of Fahan Beg, County of
Donegal ... ... ... ... 174
Article XVIII. — Reputed Festival of St. Boisil, Prior of Melrose, Scotland ... 174
llitttfj Stag of 3ulg,
Article I.— St. Broccaidh, of Imleach-Broccadha, now Emlagh, County
of Roscommon. [Fifth Century.] ... ... 175
Article II. — St. Onchon or Onchu, of Clonmore, County of Carlow, or of Rath-
Blathmac, now Rath, County of Clare ... ... 177
Article III.— St. Garbhan, of Kinsealy, County of Dublin, or of Kinsale, County
ofCork ... ... ... ... 178
Article IV.— Reputed Feast of a St. Molruan ... ... ... 180
Article V.— St. Condmac or Connmach, of Ath-Blair, or Atha-Silain ... 180
Article VI.— Reputed Feast of St. Germanus, Bishop, and of others ... 181
tCentlj ©ag of 3ulg*
Article I— St. Etto, Hetto, or Etiion, Bishop and Confessor. [Seventh
Century.] ... ... ... ... 181
Article II— St. Cuain or Cuan, of Airbhre, in Hy-Kinsellagh ... ... 187
Article III. — Deacon Aedh, of Cuil-Maine, now Clonmanv, County of
Donegal ... ... — ... 187
Article IV.— St. Senan ... .. ... ... 188
Article V.— St. Ultan ... ... ... ... 189
Article VI.— Festival of St. Felicitas and of her Seven Sons, Martyr?, in
Rome ... ... ... ... 189
Article VII.— Reputed Feast of Twelve Thousand Martyrs ... ... 189
Article VIII.— Reputed Feast of St. Mark ... ... ••• 190
Article IX.— Reputed Feast of St. Rumold .. ... 190
Article X. — Reputed Feast of St. Kunegunde, Virgin ... ... 190
Article XL— Reputed Feast of St. Gildas, Confe?sor ... ... 190
Article XII.— Reputed Feast of Donatus, Martyr and Patron of Franconia ... 190
(fHlebenti) ©ay of 3uly,
Article I.— St. Hidulph, IIidltlfor Hildulph, Archbishop oe Treves, and
Abbot of Moyenmoutier, Diocese of Saint-Die, Lower
Germany. {Seventh Century.]
Chap. I.— Introduction— Authorities for the Life of St. Hil-
dulph— Country of his Birth contested — Said to have
been Irish — His early Dispositions — Ordination- -
Divinely inspired to leave his native Country — He
seeks the City of Treves and becomes a Monk in its
Monastery ... ... ... 1.91
CHAP. II— St. Hildulph is withdrawn from the Monastery by
St. Numerian — He is elected Bishop of Treves on
Decease of the latter— His Acts while Bishop— He
resigns the See and retires to the Vosges Mountains —
He founds the Monastery of Moyenmoutier — His
Sanctity and Miracles— Friendly Intimacy with St.
Deodatus — On his Death Hildulph rules over the
Abbey of Jointures with his own — His happy Death
— Respect manifested towards his Relics— Com-
memoration of his Festivals — Conclusion ... 195
ARTICLE II.— St. Drostan, Confessor, in Scotland. [Sixth and Seventh Centuries.] 201
Article HI.— St. Sigisbert, Confessor, and St. Placidus, Martyr, Dissentis, Switzer-
land. [Sixth and Seventh Centuries.] ... ... 204
AfcTICLK IV. St. Lonan, of Ard-Cruinn ... ... ... 207
Article V.— St. Falbi, or Failbhe, Son of Culocha, of Disert Mic-Conlocha, in
Cuircne, County of Westnieath ... .. ... 207
Article \ I. — St. Colman, Son of Cron or Cronan ... ... 208
Article VIL— St. Berran ... ... ... ... 209
Article VIII. — St. Gabtina or Gaibhthene, Virgin ... ... 209
Article IX.— Reputed Feast of St. Etiamis, or Etlo, Disciple of St. Fursey ... 209
Article X. — Translation of St. Benedict's Relics ... ... ... 209
ARTICLE XL— Festival of St. Fuphemia, Virgin and Martyr, with her Com-
panions ... ... ... ... 210
Ar 1 RLE XII.— Festival of St. Maclovius ... ... ... 210
©foriftfj ©ay of Sub-
Article L— St. Mf.nulphus or St. Mknou, Bishop of Qcjimper-Corentin,
France. [Probably in the Seventh Century. \ ... ..! 210
Article IT.— St. Nazarus, Nazair, or Nasan, Bishop of Liethmore, County of
Tippcrary ... ... ... 2I-
Articli ill. St.Colman,] Cruain Bruchaia 216
. — St. Ultan, of Cork, County of Cork ... .'.'.' 217
-Reputed Festival of St. Luanus, Monk "17
: B VI.— Reputed Feast of St Levanus n17
II.— Reputed Festival of Divus or Dius 2I7
Article VIII.— St. Mochull.neus ... ... ... \\\ 218
Article IX.— Reputed Feast of St. Mono, Martyr .. 218
Article X.— St. Felix and his Companions, Martyrs ,.] ,.] 218
®f)irtffntij ©ay of Julg.
Articli i ru and Maura, Sisters, Virgins and Mart,
[Fifth or Sixth Century.}
Article II. — St. Cairill or Carell, of'l'amnach, County of Sligo ... ... 222
Article III. — St. Ernin, or Arney, of Inis-caoin, now Inniskeen, Counties of Meath
and Cavan ... ... ... ... 222
Article IV. — St. Greallog Obelech, of Tamlacht Charna, in Vi Breasail-airthit "... 223
Article V. — St. Mosiloc or Mothiolog, of Cloonatten, Parish Hi KilmichaeH >ge,
County of Wexford ... ... ... 224
ARTICLE VI, — Cruimther Fionntain, of Cill-aithir ... ... 225
Article VII.— St. Finnu, Finnus, or Finnius, Son of Arath, or A radius ... 225
Article VIII. — St. Ultan, Son of Araidi ... ... ... 225
Article IX.— St. Taodhog, of Tigh Taedhog ... ... ... 225
Article X.— St. Ere, Priest ... ... ... ... 226
Article XI. — Feast for the Translation of the Relics of St. Maguil or Madel-
gisilus ... ... ... ... 226
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of St. Turian, or Turiav, Bishop of Dol, and Con-
fessor, Lesser Britain, France ... ... ... 226
Article XIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Winnianus, a Scottish Bishop ••• 226
Article XIV.— Reputed Festival of St. Menulf or Menu ... ... 227
Article XV.— Festival of St. Evangelus ... ,.. ... 227
jrourtenttf) Sag of 3ulg.
Article I.— St. Maelceadar, the Victorious, or Maldegarius, surnamed
Vincent, First Earl of the Hannoina, or Hainault.
[Seventh Century.'] ... ... ... 227
Article II. — St. Id, Bishop of Ath-Fhadbat, now Ahade or Aghade, County of
Carlow. [Said to have lived in the Fifth Century.'] ... 234
Article III. — St. Onchu, or Onchuo, Priest, of Kildare, County of Kildare ... 236
Article IV. — St. Colman, Son of Aingen ... ... ... 237
Article V. — Feast of the Dominion or Rest of St. Cormac, of Ath-Truim, or Trim,
County ot Meath ... ... ... 237
Article VI.— Translation of two Heads of the Ursuline Virgins and Martyrs ... 237
Article VII. — St. Faghna ... ... ... . 237
Article VIII.— Feast of the Bishop Jacob ... * ... ... 237
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Dentelinus, Patron of Rees, Duchy of Clevcs.
[Seventh Century.] ... ... ... 238
Article X.— Reputed Festival of St. Turrinus, Bishop and Confessor, in Lesser
Britain ... ... ... ... 239
Article XL — Feast of St. Fursey, Abbot of Lagny, France ... ... 239
Article XII.— Reputed Feast of Harruch, Bishop" of Veiden, Saxony ... 239
JFtftcmtfj Dag of 3ulg.
Article L— St. Plechelmus, Bishop of Oldensal and Rurimond, Belgium,
and Apostolic Missionary. [Seventh and Eighth Centuries.] 239
Article II. — St. Comman, Son of Dromma, or Dinunai ... ... 244
Article III.— The Sons of Earcan, o<" Brugh-laogh ... .. 245
Article IV. — St. Ronan, Son of Magh ... ... ... 245
Article V.— Festival of the Twelve Apostles ... ... ... 245
Article VI. — St. Harruch, Bishop of Verden, in *-axony ... ... 245
Article VIL— Reputed Feast of St. Vincentius Madelgarius ... ... 246
Sixteenth ©ag of Snip*
Article L— St. Breccan or Brecan, of Cluain-Catha, Abbot of Moville,
County ofDonkgal, and Bishop of, County
of Meath. [Sixth and Seventh Centuries.] ... 246
Article IL— St. Scoth, Virgin, of Cluain-mor-Moescna, probably Clonmaskill,
County of Westmeath .,. »,• ... 251
Article III.— St. Torpiba, or forbach Mac Gorman, Archbishop of Armagh.
\Eigh hand Ninth Centuries.] ... ... ... 251
A&TICLB IV.— St. Mael tdhar, of Bri-molt, now Primult, King's County ... 252
ARTICLE V. — Transla ion of the Body of St. Benin, Abbot ... ... 252
Article VI.- St. Cobban, Beg ... ... ... ... 252
ARTICLE VII.— St Tenenan, or Tenan, Bishop of Leon, Britany ... ... 252
Article VIII. — Visit of St. Livinus to the Monastery of Chent, Belgium ... 253
ARTICLE IX.— Feast of St Sinach Mac Dara, Patron of Moyras Parish, County of
Galway ... ... ... ... 253
Article X.— Festival of the Child-Martyr Matnmes ... ... 253
Article XI. — Reputed Feast of St. Hulannus ... ... ••• 254
Scbcntcentij ©ag of July,
Article I.— St. FrEdigand or Fridegandus, Abbot at Deuren, near
Antwerp, Belgium. [About the Seventh Century.] ... 254
Article II— St. Flann, Bishop of Recrann ... ... ... 259
Article III. — St. Sistan or Siostan, Priest, of Loch Melge, now Lough Melvin,
Counties of Fermanagh and Leitrim ... ••• 259
Article IV.— St. Craebhnat, Virgin ... ... ... 260
Article V.- Reputed Feast of a St. Plechmus ... ... ... 260
Article VI.— Festival of the Scillitani Martyrs, at Carthage, Africa ... 260
Article VII.— Reputed Festival of the Translation of St. Odilia Virgin ... 261
Article VIII.— Reputed Feast of St. Golgus, Abbot .. ... 261
3£ijjfjtcentij Dag of 3ulg.
Article L— St. Tiienna, Theno-g, Thenew, or Tiianayv, at Glasgow, Scot-
land, [/'i ft A and Sixth Centuries.]
Article II. — Minnborinus, Abbot of St. Martin's Monastery, Cologne. [Tenth
Article III. — St. Cronan Mac Ualach, or mac h. Lugada, Abbot of Clonmacnoise,
King's County ...
Article IV. — St. Cellach, or Ceallach, Son ofDuncliad or Dunchada
Article V. — St. Dubh or Dobogan, Son of Comarde, or Comairda
Article VI.— St. Failbe or Faifbhe Maccraic Dibhigh
Article VII.— Reputed Feast of a St. Henair
Article VIII.— St. Fionntainn, Priest of Fochuiliich
ARTICLE IX.— St. Cobhthach, Abbot of Kildare. Ninth Century.]
Artk 1.1: X.— Reputed Feast of St. Bertin
Article XL— St. Mianach, Son of Failbhe
LE XI I.— Feast of St. Christina and her Seven Brothers, Martyrs
ARTICLE XIII.— Reputed Feast for the Translation of the Relics of St. Othilia, or
Odilia, Virgin and Martyr, at Hoye in Belgium ...
flmctecntl) ©au of 3ulg.
Article I.— Si. Ossin or OlSSBINE, and I'm tv Monks, of TENGAIDH
Article II.— St. Aedhan. Abbot ofl&more, County of Waterford
Article III.— St. Ciaran, of.Tighna-Gortgh ...
Article IV. Si. Cobnm, ofCluain
Aim leu V.— St. -Mocolmoc or Colman Mac h. Amla
: 1. VI.— St. Ferghus
Article VII. — St. Dimanus or Dimaus
Article VIII.— Reputed Feast of St. Blaan or Blanus, Bishop of Dunblane, Scot-
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Cathan, Bishop in the Island of Bute, Scot-
land ... ... ... ... 275
Article X. — Festival of St. SisioUius, Martyr
fttoentictij IDag of 3ulu.
Article I.— St. Moloca of Slieve Bloom ... ... ... 276
Article II. — St. Curifin or Cuirbin, the Pious, in Hy-Fidhgeinte, County of
Limerick .. ... ... ... 278
Article III.— St. Caramnan or Carmnan ... ... ... 279
Article IV. — St. Faelchon or Faelchu ... ... ... 279
Article V.— St. Failbe or Failbhe ... ... ••• 279
Article VI. — Festival of Sabina and Romula ... ... ... 279
Article VII. — Festival of St. Gerebern, Martyr ... ... .. 279
Article VIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Onan, Deacon of Ro.-s ... ... 280
Article IX.— Reputed Feast for the Translation of St. Rupert's Relics at Saltz-
burgh ... ... ... ... 280
&tocntj)=fir8t ©ag of 3ulg.
Article I.— St. Argobastus or Arbogastus, Bishop of Strasbourg, Ger-
many. [Seventh Century}.
Chap. I. — Introduction — Biographies of St. Arbogast — Country
of his Nativity — He leads a solitary Life there — He
becomes a Hermit in the Vosges Mountains — His
Elevation to be Bishop of Strasburg — Favours con-
ferred by King Dagobert II. ... ... 280
Chap. II. — The holy Life of St. Arbogast — He restores Prince
Sigebert to his Parents — Gratitude manifested by
King Dagobert II. — Miracle at the River 111 —
Works attributed to St. Arbogast — His pastoral
Labours — His Departure from this Life — Honours
paid to his Memory — Festivals and Commemorations
— Conclusion ... ... ... 284
Article II. — The Seven Bishops of Tamhnach Buadha ... ... 289
Article III. — Reputed Feast of St. Tenna, of Tamhnach Buadha ... ... 290
Article IV. — St. Sillan or Siollan, of Glinn muniie, or of Dunmore, in Ui Briuin-
Cualann ... ... ... ... 290
Article V. — St. Curcach, Virgin of Kilcorker, County of Roscommon ... 291
Article VI. — St. Lughan, Priest ... ... ... 291
Article VII. — St. Tondach, Bishop ... ... ... 292
Article VIII. — St. Bradge ... ... ... ... 292
Article IX. — Feast of the Martyr Helius ... ... ... 292
Article X. — Feast of St. Praxedes ... ... ... 292
Article XL— Reputed Feast of St. Claudia ... ... ... 292
&tottt2=seconti litf|j of 3ulg.
Article I.— St. Biteus or Mobiu, called also Dobi, or David, Abbot of
Injs-Cooscry, County of Down ... ... 293
Article II.— St. Caemhog, or Caemoca ... ... ... 297
Article III. — St. Moroeclia Mac Naeb, or Morecha, a Boy-Saint... ... 298
Article IV. — St. Dobeodoc or Dabhaetog, of Cluain-da-Bhaetog, or Clor.dawad-
doge, in Fanid, County of Donegal ... ... 299
Article V.— St. Moronoc or Moronog, of Druim Samhraidh ... ... 299
Article VI.— St. Lugid or Luighbe ... ... ... 299
Article VII.— St. Oisen or Ossen, Bishop ... ... •• 3°°
Article VIII.— St. Colman ... ... ... ... 300
Article IX.— St. Colum .. ... ... ... 300
Article X. — St. Erentrudis ... ... ... ... 300
Article XI. — Festival of St. Mary Magdalen ... ... ... 300
Article XII.— Festival of St. Appollonius . ... ... 301
Article XIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Rapertus, Monk of St. Gall, Switzerland ... 301
Article XIV.— Reputed Feast of St. Verena, Virgin and Martyr ... ... 301
«uKntu4ijtrti Dau of 3ulg,
Article I.— St. Cain ComrAC OR Caencomhrac, Bishop and Abbot of
Louth, and Solitary on Inis Endaimh, now Inchenagh or
Inishenagh, Lough Ree. [Ninth Century.] ... ... 302
Article II. — St. Runach, of Inis-mor ... ... ... 303
Article III. — St. Fullenn, Foilan, or Fuillen, of Atha Innich, or Ath-an-eich ... 304
Article IV. — St. Fethconor Fetlichu, Bishop. [Probably in the Sixth Century.] ... 304
Article V. — St. Lassar, or Lasre, of Killasseragh, Parish of Kilmeen, County of
Cork ... ... ... ... 304
Article VI. — Reputed Feast of St. Alfred, King of Northumbria .. ... 305
Article VII. — St. Banbhnat, or Banbnatan ... ... 306
Article VIII. — St. Cronseg, or Croinseach ... ... ... 306
Article IX.— St. Vincentius, Martyr ... ... ... 306
Srfocntijsfotutj) ©as of 3ulu.
County of Waterford. [Fifth and Sixth Centuries.]
Chap. I — Introduction — Materials for the Acts of St. Declan —
His Period — His Family and Descent — His Birth— -
Miraculous Manifestations — His Fosterage and early
Education— His Reputation for Sanctity at an early
Age ... ... .. 307
Chat. II. — Early Christianity in Ireland — St. Declan, with some
of his Disciples, proceeds to Rome — Consecrated
Bishop there by the Pope— He receives a Commission
to preach the Gospel in Ireland — His first Meeting
with St. Patrick— St. Declan arrives in Ireland and
commences his Mission in the South — His Zeal and
Labours — He visits Cashel, to preach the Gospel to
\-us, Son of Naofraoich, King of Minister— Friend-
ship of St. Patrick for St. Declan— The latter fails to
convert Lebanus, Chief of the Desii— He is deposed,
and Fearghal is inaugurated as their Chief— Ecclesi-
astical Arrangements regarding Jurisdiction ... 320
CliAr. III.— A Pestilence breaks out in Munster— St. Declan's
Miracle at Cashel— He founds monastic Establish-
ments at Dcrcan and at Tara — He returns through
ory to the Southern Decies— His miraculous
Powers— Foundations at and subsequent Condition of
Aidmorc— St. Declan is visited by St. Ailbhe — St.
Declan miraculously extinguishes a Fire — A Fleet
of pagan Pirates destroyed .. ... 334
CHAP. IV.— Bishop Declan's Relations with St. Patrick — The
building and Consecration of a Levitiana or an
Oratory by St. Declan— His numerous Miracles— He
builds a Hermitage near the Sea-shore, and he
retires to it— His Preparation for Death— His holy
Departure— Festivals and Commemorations— Anti-
quities at Ardmore— Memorials of St. Declan— Con-
clusion ... ... .,, $44
ARTICLE II.— St. Beoc, Mobheoc, Mobheog, Beog, Beanos, Dabeoc, Dabheoc, or
Dabheog, Abbot of Termonn, Lough Derg, County of Donegal.
[Fifth or Sixth Century.] ... ... ... 354
Article III. — St. Luighbe, of Drumbo, County of Down ... ... 360
Article IV. — St. Comghall, ofCluain Diamhair ... ... ... 360
Article V. — St. Oilleoc, of Cluana Etchen ... ... ... 361
Article VI. — St. Cronan ... ... ... ... 361
Article VII. — St. Blathmac, Son of Flann ... ... 362
Article VIII. — St. Corodnus or Crodhne ... ... ... 363
Article IX. — St. Lateeran of Cullin, County of Cork ... ... 363
Article X. — St. Fergusa ... ... ... ... 363
Article XI.— St. Fagna, Bishop... ... ... ... 363
Article XII. — St. Satanal, Martyr ... ... ... 363
Article XIII.— Reputed Feast for St. Erthad, Bishop ... ... 363
Article XIV.— Reputed Feast of St. Rumold, Archbishop of Mechlin ... 364
ffifoent^fiftfj ©ag of 3ulg;
Article I.— St. Ninnio, or Ninian, the Senior, or the Old, Apostle of
the Southern Picts. [Fourth and Fifth Centuries.]
Chap. I. —Introduction — Different Forms of St. Ninian 's Name
— Lives of St. Ninian — Christians among the
Southern Picts — Family and Birth of St. Ninian —
His early Years and Education — He visits Rome —
His Consecration as Bishop ... ... 364
Chap. II. — On his Return from Rome, St. Ninian visits St. Martin
of Tours— Taking Leave of him, St. Ninian returns to
Britain — Disturbed State of Scotland at that Period
— St. Ninian's Reception there on his Return — His
missionary Zeal and Labours — He founds Candia
Case or Whithorn — Miracles ... ... 369
CHAP. III. — Conversion of the Southern Picts by St. Ninian— His
School established at Candida Casa — His Mission
beyond the Grampian Hills — Disturbed State of
Britain when the Romans withdrew — Closing Years
of St. Ninian — His Death — Festivals and Commemo-
rations— Conclusion ... ... 375
Article II.— St. Nessan, of Mungret, County of Limerick. [Fifth and Sixth
Centuries.] ... ... ... ... 382
ARTICLE III. — St. Moshiloc or Moshiolog, Pupil of Moling Luachra. [Probably in
the Seventh Century.] ... ... ... 386
Article IV. — Feast of St. Colman O'Liathain, Bishop or Abbot of Lismore.
Seventh and Eighth Centuries.] ... ... ... 380
Article V. — Festival of St. James the Greater, Apostle ... ... 350
Article VI.— Reputed Feast of St. Donard, Patron of Slieve Donard, County of
Down. [Fifth and Sixth Centuries.] ... ... 391
Article VII.— St. Colman, or Caolan ... ... ... 391
Article VIII. — St. Fiachra Cael, ofCluain Caichtne, or Cluana Cain ... 392
Article IX. — St. Fiachra, or Fiahrach ... ... ... 392
Article X. — St. Findbairr, or Foinnbharr, Priest ... ... 393
Article XL — St. Criotan or Crestain Oteni ... ... ... 393
Article X1L— Reputed Feast of St. Declan, Bishop and Patron of the Decies,"
County of Waterford ... ... ... 394
Article XIII.— St. Cadten ... ... ... ... 394
Article XIV. — Reputed Feast of St. Abranus or Abramus ... ... 394
Article XV. — Reputed Feast of the Translation of St. Livinus' Relics . . . 394
ftfoentgsStxtij ©ag of 3ulg.
Article L— St. Furadhran, Bishop. ... ... 395
Article II.— St. Thoman, or Toman, of Mungret, County of Limerick ... 395
Article III. — St. Nessan of Mungret, County of Limerick ... ... 395
Article IV. — Festival of Christ's Transfiguration on Mount Tabor ... 395
Article V. — Festival of St. Jovian, and of his Companions, Martyrs ... 396
Article VI.— Festival of St. Eoban. Bishop and Martyr, Assistant Bishop of
Utrecht, Holland. {Eighth Century], ... .-396
Article VII.— Festival of St. riechelmus, at Rurimonde, Belgium ... 396
Article VIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Colmoicus, or Colmocus, Confessor and
Bishop, in Scotland ... ... ... 396
Article IX.— Reputed Feast of St. Malimbeus, Hermit and Martyr, Scotland ... 397
ARTICLE X. — Reputed Feast of St. Chamnecus ... ... ... 397
5Dtoentg--scbnttij Sag of 3ulg*
Article I. — St. Beoghain, Abbot of Moville, County of Down ... 397
Article II. — St. Lutt, Virgin, of Tigh Luta, in Fothartha Mora ... ... 399
Article III. — St. Lasrain or Lassar, of Tipra Roisrain ... ... 400
Article IV. — Reputed Feast of St. Luican, Parish of Kill-Lucaiu ... 400
Article V. — St. Brenainn, of Fore, County of Westmeath ... ... 400
Article VI.— Reputed Feast of St. Dhaidh ... ... ... 400
Article VII. — St. Guarian ... .., .. ... 402
Article- VIII.— Reputed Feast of St. Congall, Abbot of Jabhnallivin ... 402
Article IX. — Reputed Festival of St. Maelrubius, at Maine or Mearns.
Scotland ... ... ... ... 402
Article X. — Reputed Feast for the Translation of St. Pantaleon's Relics,
Cologne ... ... ... 402
Article XI. — Festival of St. Simeon, the Monk ... ... ... 403
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of Blessed Marianus, a Recluse at Ratisbon,
Bavaria ... ... ... ... 403
^bjentjj^iciijii) ©ag of 3nty.
Chap. II.
Article I.— St. Samson or Sampson, Bishop of Dol, or Dola, in Armorica,
France. [Fifth a nd Sixth Centuries]
Chap. I.— Introduction — Sources for St. Samson's Biography —
II- Parentage and Birth— His early Training— He
studies at the School of St. Iltut — His Life while
there — He is ordained Deacon and afterwards he is
raised to the Priesthood — His miraculous Preserva-
tion from a malicious Attempt on his Life — His Fasts
and Austerities
-St. Samson leaves the Monastery of St. Iltutus, and
places himself under the Direction of St. Piro — His
Visit to Amon and Conversion of his Family— They
embrace a religious Life— Samson appointed Abbot
over Piro's Community — He leaves for Ireland — He
returns to Britain— His eremitical Life— His Conse-
cration as Bishop ...
CHAr. III.— A Demoniac healed by St. Samson— Through a
Vision, Samson is admonished to leave the Greater
for the Lesser Brittany— For a Time he resides in
Cornwall, where many Miracles are wrought— He
arrives in France— His Religious Habitation at Dol
—His Interference on behalf of distressed Persons —
His Reception at Court by King Childebert— The See
of Dol. ... ...
CHAP. V.— Incorrect Tradition about St. Samson having been
Archbishop of York— His Zeal and missionary Work
in Armorica— II is Disciples— Friendship between St.
Samson and St. Germain, Bishop of Paris— Presence of
St. Samson at the Third Council of Paris— He returns
to Dol Monastery — His Death — Welsh Traditions —
His Interment at Dol — His Relics — Memorials of St.
Samson in Ireland, Wales, England and France —
Festival and Commemorations — Conclusion ... 424
Article II.— St. Colman, or Comhghall, of Gabla liuin, or Gobhalliuin, in Dar-
traighe Coininnsi ... ••• ... 433
Article III.— St. Lenican or Liuicar., said to be of Killucan, County of West*
meath ... ... ••• ••• 434
Article IV. — St. Furudrain. or Fura<lhrann ... ... ... 434
Article V. — St. Uisseoit, of Druim Uisseoit ... ... ... 434
Article VI.— St. Celsus ... ... ■•• ... 434
Article VII.— Festival of St. Theophilus ... ... ... 434
Article VIII.— Festival of St. Pantaleon, Martyr ... ... 435
Article IX.— Reputed Feast of St. Tessan or Tressan ... ... 435
ARTICLE X. — Reputed Feast for a Translation of St. Livinus' Relics, Ghent,
Belgium ... ... ... ••• 435
Sttocntssiuntij ©au of 3uto,
Article I.— St. Olave, or St. Olaf, King of Norway and Martyr. [Tenth
and Eleventh Centuries.]
Chap. I. — Introduction — Authorities for the Acts of St. Olave —
Other distinguished Kings, named Olave or Olaf, his
Contemporaries — His Descent — His Birth — Early
Dispositions and Desires for Adventure ... 436
Chap. II. — Early warlike Propensities of Olaf — His first mari-
time Adventures against Denmark and Sweden,
Friesland and Holland — Northman Invasions of
England and Wars with the Saxons — King Olaf
arrives in Normandy, where probably he was baptized
— He returns to aid Ethelred in England — His Vic-
tories— He recovers Norway from the Swedes and
Danes — He is then proclaimed King of that Country 445
Chap. III. — The Independence of Norway achieved by Olaf — He
is acknowledged as sole King — He brings Missiona-
ries there — His Zeal to spread Religion — His royal
Progresses — Peace proclaimed between himself and
the King of Sweden — Attempts to assassinate Olaf,
King of Norway — He marries Astrida — His regal
and missionary Tours — The Birth of his Son Magnus
— He introduces Christianity among the People of
Greenland, of Iceland, and of the Faeroe Islands ... 456
Chap. IV. — Canute, King of England and of Denmark, asserts
his Claim to the Crown of Norway — He prepares to
invade that Country — Preparations of Olaf, King of
Norway and of Anund II., King of Sweden, to
oppose him — Canute expels Olaf from Norway, and
obliges him to take Refuge in Sweden — Olaf retires
into Russia — He is again impelled to return to Nor-
way on Hearing of Hacon's Death — He visits Sweden
— An Expedition organized there for the Invasion of
Norway ... ... ... 470
Chap. V. — Return of King Olaf to Norway, at the Head of an
Army — The fatal Battle at Stiklestad — Incidents of
the Engagement — Interment of the King and subse-
quent Translation of his Relics— The building of
Drontheim Cathedral and the Shrine of St. Olaf —
Veneration for St. Olaf's Remains and Miracles
wrought through his Intercession — Memorials of the
Saint — His Festivals — Conclusion... ... 478
Article II. — St. Kilian, Chelian or Coelan, Monk of Inishkeltra, Lough Derg,
County Clare. [Eighth Century] ... ... 496
Article III.— St. Justan, of Lene, Manach ., ... 503
Article IV. — Festival of St. Bitus, or Bite, of Inis Cumscraigh, now Inch, or Innis
cumhscray, Strangford Lough, County of Down...
Article V. — St. Cummine or Cuimmein, Son of Aride
Article VI.— St. Ethelwin, Bishop and Confessor
Article VII. — Festival of St. Lupus and of St. Simplicius, Bishops
Article VIII. — Festival of St. Prosper, and Ins Companions
&Ijtrttetfj ©atr of 3ulg.
Article I.— St. Sechnasach, Abbot of Ceann-Locha, or Kinlough.
Article II. — St. Coharchair, or Cobuir, Son of Goll, of Gulban-gort
Article III.— St. Maeltuile, of Disert-Maeltuile, now Dysart, County of West-
Article IV. — St. Cobthach, Disciple of Columkiile
Article V.— St. Saran
A&TICLB VI. — St. German, Son of Goll, or of Mac Guill
ARTICLE VII.— Festival of St. Aodh mac Brice, of Sleibh Liage, County of
Article VIII.— St. Febrithae, or Febrithe
Article IX.— St. Colman, Bishop
Article X.— Festival of Saints Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs, at Rome
Article XI.— Reputed Feast of St. Erentrudis ...
STIjirt^first ©ag of 3ulg.
Article I.— Festival for the SonsofNadfraecii, viz., Colman, Follaman,
PAPAN, Iernoc AND Natalis. {Fifth ami Sixth Centuries.] ...
ARTICLE II.— St Natalis or Naal, Abbot of Kilmanagh, County of Kilkenny.
[Fifth and Sixth Centuries.]
Article III.— St. Colman, Son of Dairine, Bishop of Derrymore, King's County.
[SixtA Century.]
ARTICLE IV.— St Papan of Santry, County of Dublin. [Supposed to be of the Fifth
and Sixth Centuries]
Article V.— St. Follomon, or Fallamain, Bishop. [Supposed to be of the Fifth and
Sixth Centuries.] ...
Article VI.— St. Jarnoc Ailithir, or Jarnog, the Sickly
Article VII.— Feast for the Translation of the Relics of St. Brieuc, first Bishop
and Patron of Brieux
V I II.— Reputed Feast of St. Ann Erentrudis
i IX.— Reputed Feast of Mac Tail, of Cell Mannch, in the west of
Article X.— Cromdabh Sunday, or the last Sunday of July
5 '4
Rev. Abraham, D.D.,
y of Ossory, Episcopal Residence,
Power, Very Rev. Patrick, P.istor of St.
Laurence O'Toole's Church, Cobar, New
South Wales, Australia.
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Compiled from Manuscript and other Sources,
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Boston, 1851, i8mo,
Price 25 Cents.
3. THE LIFE 01 ST. Laurence O Toole. John Mullany, 1 Parliament-street,
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Prict One Shilling and Sixfence.
1 THE LIFE OF St. MalACHY O'Morgair. John O'Daly, 9 Anglesea-street, Dublin,
1859, 8\o.
Price Six Shi! lings.
5. The Life of St. Dympna, Virgin, Martyr, and Patroness of Gheel,
fames Duffy, 7 Wellington-quay, Dublin, 1863, 181110.
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6. Catechism of Irish History, from the Earliest Events to the Death of
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Price Two Shillings.
7. Catechism of Greek Grammar. John Mullany, Dublin, 1865, 181110.
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8. Devotions for Confession and Holy Communion. Thomas Richardson & Son,
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9. The Life and Works of St. Aengussius Hagiographus, or St. ^Engus the
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10, The Life of St. David. John Mullany, 1 Parliament-street, Dublin, 1869. 121110.
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;end Lays of Ipeland, by Lageniensis. John Mullany, 1 Parliament-street,
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jfirsft I3ap of 3ulj>.
CELEBRATED personages and heroes, most honoured in the esteem of
men for success and fame acquired on the theatre of this world, are
covered with the glare of renown in laboured chronicles, sublime song, or
elegant panegyric. But, how seldom do right and justice direct their aims,
or how does it so frequently happen, that disinterestedness and self-denial are
found wanting in a career of ambition, while men are aspiring to human
grandeur ! In describing the life and virtues of every great saint, when
reliable materials are furnished for the purpose ; we are not obliged to borrow-
false rhetorical colouring, when seeking the production of a truthful por-
traiture. The more simple and exact a biographer's narrative becomes in
such case, the more his reader feels charmed and edified ; because fidelity to
the etching of a noble subject brings the thought and heart of man into gene-
rous relations with all that is morally sublime and illustrious. Patient and
unobtrusive perseverance, in the pursuit of God's work from early youth to
manhood's prime, deserves our admiration and praise, since the Almighty
usually deigns to reward it with an unfading crown. In difficult missionary
enterprise, the sweat and labour of a true Christian toiler serve to refresh the
soul. Scanty fare and poor raiment adequately supply the saint's temporal
wants. Privation may attend upon his course, although Providence guide his
steps and watch over his sleeping and waking moments. For the truly heroic,
martyrdom frequently looms in prospect, and waits at the close of his suffering
yet glorious life. Whatever may be the despair and fear of a criminal, at the
approach of a violent death j it has no terrors, but it has even peculiar con-
solations, for the holy martyr. He loves to tread in the footsteps of his Divine
Master. The great ones of earth feel solicitous to attain temporal honours
Vol. VII.— No. i. a
and rewards, which they hope to preserve to life's closing scene ; but, God's
true servants rather court neglect, practise poverty of spirit, endure reproach,
persecutions and even death itself, when duty demands the sacrifice. All the
wealth and fame this world can bestow are poor as compared with their
rewards. Animated by such generous sentiments, great saints have embraced
the Cross, and have formed noble resolutions, in quitting friends and native
country, cherished associations and material comforts, rather than prove
recreant to the inspirations of Divine Grace.
Some unpublished Acts of this holyprelate are yet remaining in Manuscript.1
A short Life of St. Rumold had been written by Theodoric, Abbot of the
monastery of St. Trudo or St. Tron.2 He belonged to the Order of St. Bene-
dict, and to the Congregation of Cluny, and he was living in the year 1 100.3
This sketch is comprised in Ten Chapters,4 and it has been published by
O'Sheerin. s Another and a more important Life of our saint has been written
by John Domoyns. This was dedicated by him to the senate and people of
Mechlin. It is comprised in Twenty-nine Chapters ; having eight additional
chapters, regarding the Relics and Feasts, instituted in honour of our saint,
after his death. The Mass and Office of St. Rumold are also appended to
it.6 There are several valuable notes succeeding, which purport to have been
written by Fathers Ward and O'Sheerin. 7 These Acts of St. Rumold have been
published by FatherThomasO'Sheerin,oras his namehas been Latinized Sirinus,
with emendations and addition's, from the posthumous papers of Father Hugh
Ward. He belonged to the Congregation of the Brothers Minors, and he had
formerly been professor in Louvain University.8 This work he dedicated to
the Archbishop of Mechlin, Andrew Creusen. Sirin likewise prefixes some
introductory remarks for the general reader.9 A summary of our saint's Life
precedes the two principal Acts of St. Rumold, which follow in the publica-
tion of O'Sheerin, with certain eulogies regarding him, taken from different
Martyrologies and from other sources.10 The remainder of this valuable work
is made up of a historical dissertation on St. Rumold's country.11 This is
Article i. — Chapter i. — ' Among rum, Institorum et Navigantium, Acta
these are, MS. Bibl. Keg. 13 A x. Ff. 55 b, Martyrium, Liturgia Antiqua, et Patiia, &c.
61 b, vel. 4to. xii. cent. MSS. C.C.C. Cant. Per R. P. F. Hugonem Vardaeum Hibernum,
9. PP- 53-58, vel. fol. xi. cent. MS. Arundel, &c. Opus Posthvmvm nunc recens a
Brit. Mus. 91, Ff. 194 b. 197, vel. fol. xii. V. A. P. F. Thoma Sirino ejusdem Ordinis
cent. et Collegii Lectore Jubilato recognitum et in
3 This is a mere panegyrical discourse, nonnullis suppletum," &c, &c. This work
which had been pronounced on the festival is chiefly quoted in the subsequent pages*
of our saint. under the abridged title, or as referring to
Rev. Dr. Lanigan's " Ecclesiastical Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theodorico, as
History of Ireland," vol. hi., cap. xix., sect. also to the Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
xv., n. 169, p. 199. sio.
4 It omits many circumstances relative to » Concerning Father Ward, Colgan and
the history of St. Rumold, such, for instance, others, who had laboured at the task of pub-
ai his having been a bishop, although this lishing Acts of Irish Saints, have interesting
is universally allowed. notices.
s See '"Sancti Rymoldi Martyris inclyti 10 It would appear, that this work was not
Archiepiscopi Duhliniends, Mechliniensium accessible to Dr. Lanigan, who relates, that
Apostoli," «C Vita S. Rumoldi, authore he had not been able to meet with the Acts
Theodorico, pp. 1 to 11. of St. Rumold, written by Hugh Ward, a
See ibid. Vita S. Rumoldi, authore learned Irish Franciscan of Louvain, and
Domynsio, pp. 12 to 53. which were published after his death, by his
7 See ihd., pp. 53 to 87. confrere Sirin, in 1662.
This work is intituled: "Sancti Rv- " Regarding his nativity in Ireland,
moldi Martyris inclyti, Archiepiscopi Dvb- Theodoric is very explicit ; although he calls
hniensis Mechliniensium Apostoli, Advocati the saint's country Scotia, still we are told,
sterihum Conjugum, Agricolarum, Piscato- that it was the Island Scotia, separated by-
July i.]
demonstratively proved to have been Ireland, in opposition to the assertions
of some persons, who had called him a native of Scotland. Evidence is
furnished from various Marty rologies, and from ancient records to establish the
claim of Ireland for the honour of his birth. This learned Disquisition shows
a wonderful amount of research by the industrious compiler.12 There are
likewise some metrical fragments and inscriptions written by Father Hugh
Ward, and arranged by his editor Sirinus.1* It shall be our endeavour, to
condense the more important matters contained in this work, so far as they
bear on St. Rumold's history. We shall refer particularly to portions of the
work, on which our statements are chiefly grounded.
Notices of this illustrious saint may be found in Lippeloo,1* Molanus,xs
Miraeus,16 Baillet,1? and Surius.18 The tract called the " Life of St. Rumold,"
and published in the enlarged edition of Surius,1? at the ist of July — so far as
it goes — is apparently rather exact. The Bollandists 2° have likewise given
his Acts. These have reference to his Feast, which is placed at the ist of
July. One of the Jesuit Fathers, John Baptist Soller, published a fine large
folio volume of Acts relating to our saint, in over 200 pages, double columns,
and adorned with various engravings.21 It appeared at Antwerp, a.d. 17 18.
The Jesuit Father Stephen White commemorates him at this date, and classes
him among the martyrs.22 In the Bre\iary of St. John Lateran are Lessons
for an office of St. Rumold, at the 3rd of July; and these have been incor-
porated with the offices of the Irish clergy, as found in the supplement to
most of their Breviaries printed in Ireland. 23 Other Lessons 2* of St. Rumold's
office, at the ist of July, have been compiled by Bishop De Burgo, jn his
" Officia Propria Sanctorum Hiberniae."2* To these are added a prayer, proper
the sea from Britain, and the Island in which
there are no serpents. To make the matter yet
plainer, he refers to the well-known words
of Solinus' description of Ireland. " Hsec
ilia est Scotia, teste Solino, olim inhumana,
incolaruin ritu aspero, alias ita pabulosa, ut
pecua interdum, nisi a pascuis arceantur, in
periculum agat saties. Illic nullus anguis,
avis rara." — Vita S. Rumoldi, cap. 2,
p. 2.
12 See ibid. Dissertatio Ilistorica de Sancti
Rumoldi Patria, quam Hiberniam esse
Scriptorum consensu demonstratur, in
twelve sections, and some of these are
subdivided into several additional Articles,
pp. 88 to 387.
13 See ibid. Metricoe Inscriptiones aliquot
Imaginum personas Sanctas, aut Beatas Ec-
clesiie vel Historicis, aut alias illustres repre-
sentantium, aliaqu6 Fragmenta Poetica, ex
pluribus qu?e olim florente setate lusit
R. P. Fr. Hugo Vardseus, parergi loco et ne
excidant hie adjecta, pp. 388 to 398. The
last page of this work has an ingenious
arrangement of words in six columns, and it
is headed : Ad Reverendiss. Patrem Fr.
Benignum a Genua Seraphicae Ordinis S. P.
N. Francisci Ministrum Generalem Serio-
14 See " Vitse Sanctorum," tomus hi., pp.
13 to 27.
15 See "Natales Sanctorum Belgii," pp.
136, 137.
16 See " Fasti Belgici et Burgundici," pp.
x? See " Les Vies des Saints," tome ii.,
pp. 25, 26.
18 See "De Probatis Sanctorum Vitis,"
tomus iv., i. Julii, pp. 24 to 27.
*9 Issued at Cologne, A.D. 1618.
20 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., I
Julii. De Sancto Rumoldo Episcopo . et
MartyreMechlinisein Belgio, pp. 169 to 266.
21 It is intituled : " Acta S. Rumoldi
Episcopi etMartyris Mechliniensium," Col-
legit, digessit, illustravit, Joannes Baptista
Sollerius Societatis Jesu Theologus. Many
valuable historic documents are contained in
this volume.
22 To this he refers with some degree of
triumph, in refuting the statements of Giral-
dus Cambrensis, that Ireland furnished the
Church with no martyrs. See " Apologia
pro Hibernia," cap. ii., p. 15. See also
cap. iv., p-37.
23 See ex. gr. Richard Coyne's Dublin
edition, printed 1844, of " Breviarum Ro-
manum," Supplementum ad Partem ^Esti-
vam, pp. cexx., cexxi.
24 These consist in great part of silly fables,
according to Dr. Lanigan. Some of these
may be seen in Harris' account of St.
Rumold at " Bishops of Dublin." See Rev.
Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical History of
Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xix., sect, xv., n.
169, p. 199.
*5 See Die Prima Julii. In Festo S.
Rumoldi, pp. 63 to 68.
26 See vol. i., " Archbishops of Dublin,"
P- 305.
for this saint. The Lessons of Bishop De Burgo are much less correct, how-
ever, than those of the office, which is now read in Ireland.
Some particulars regarding St. Rumold are to be found in Harris' Ware,36
as also in the works of Bishop Challoner,27 Rev. Alban Butler,28 Rev. Dr.
Lanigan,7? John D'Alton,3° and Bishop Forbes.31
The constant tradition of the church of Mechlin,3* and the testimony of
every older writer, who has treated regarding this saint, make St. Rumold an
Irishman.33 Rumold is said to have been the son of David, 3* a king amongst
the Scots.3s Again, it has been asserted, that this David had been King of
Dublin. However, the name of David which has been given to St. Rumold's
father by the foreign biographer — even as resolved by Irish writers into Davi,
Dathi or Nathi — cannot be found in the list of Irish monarchs, so as to corre-
spond with the generation previous to our saint's birth. Nor can it even be
found, in a list of the Kings in Leinster — to which province Rumold's father
is thought to have belonged — so as to agree with St. Rumold's chrono-
logy.36 A conjectural statement has been advanced,3? which if accepted
might be assigned probably as the paternal genealogy for our saint. Thus,
perchance, Rumold was son to David, son of Cormac, son to Falbei, son of
Eochod Clithfir, son to Columb, son of Cormac Camshron, son to David, son
ofCrimthann, King of Leinster, &c. It is stated, in a Life of St. Rumold,
that his father David, being a man of virtue and of exalted birth, was
anxious to procure a partner, possessed of like advantages. He had heard
much regarding the fame and virtues of Cecilia, a daughter to the King of
Sicily. This lady he espoused, with her father's consent, and their nuptials
were celebrated with great pomp. The people of his own nation testified
extraordinary joy, on the happy occasion.38 Another writer3? states, that his
queen was Csecilia, daughter to a King of Cashel. However, Theodoric and
the Lateran Breviary omit altogether the names of St. Rumold's parents.
These authorities merely state, that he was of the royal house of Ireland, and
by right of succession heir to a throne/0 An ancient writer of his Acts ^
declares, that as he had no knowledge regarding the parents and ancestors of
St. Rumold, so should he not refer further to them, while it must be unneces-
2* See M Britannia Sancta," part ii., pp. Dr. Lanigan to be meant for Dathy. By
2, 3* persons writing in Latin, this Irish name has
28 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and been sometimes changed into David,
other principal Saints," vol. vii., July i. 35 According to the Life of St. Rumold,
29 See "Ecclesiastical History of Ire- by Domyns.
land," vol. hi., chap, arix., sect, xv., pp. 197 36 The most probable conjecture, which
to 201. Ward or O'Sheerin can form is, that per-
3° See «• Memoirs of the Archbishops of haps, David or Nathy, the father of Senach,
Dublin," pp. ,21 to 23. was also the father of St. Rumold. To
31 See "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," escape a difficulty which occurs in the Life of
P- 442- our saint, that his father had been without
33 The Martyrology of Mechlin states, children, this is supposed referable to St.
that St. Rumold had been Archbishop of Rumold's mother alone. By her, or by any
Dublin ; and hence, as well as from other other woman, it is thought he had nolegiti-
documents, Molanus justly argued against mate offspring, excepting our saint,
some persons, who— taking advantage of 37 See Annotationes, p. 78.
the name Scotia as being the country of his 3« See vita S. Rumoldi, cap. i., auctore
birth — strove to make him a native of the Domynsio, p. 15.
present Scotland. 39 See De Burgo's " Officia propria Sanc-
» See Rev. Dr. Lanigan'i " Ecclesiastical torum Hibernix," Noct. ii., Lect. iv,, p. 65.
ry of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xix., <° See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
sect, xv., n. 169, p. 200. History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xix.,
3* Molanus says, that old documents of the sect, xv., n. 171, p. 201.
church of Mechlin make him son of a King ♦« See Theodoric's Vita S. Rumoldi, cap.
David, which name is supposed, by Rev. 2, p. 2.
sary to seek additional fruit from the parent trunk, when one of its branches
produced more than sufficient to spread fertility around. It is related, that the
saint's father ruled over a principality, called Gueruiana. This prince was a
man of remarkable prudence, as also exceedingly wealthy and powerful.'*2 In
the comments of Fathers Ward and O'Sheerin, some attempts are made to
investigate the exact personality of this king, and the location of his princi-
pality.^ Having stated, that no place, called Gueria, Gueriana, Guaria, or
Guaruiana can be found in Scotland ; it is thought, there are several places
in Ireland, which bear an affinity to such names. Among others, in the
ancient territory of Breffny O'Reilly, there is a mountain well known as Sliabh
Guere ; there is another castle, in the county of Galvvay, called Durlas
Guere ;44 there is another place, called Gort-insi-Guere, near the former, an
inheritance of the O'Shaughnessys ;4* and another village is known, lying
between Dublin and Wexford — distant from one place twenty-three miles and
thirty-seven miles from the other — this was called Guere an Ri. This latter
place is supposed to have been the city belonging to our saint's father, and
which was named Gueruiana. Some conjectures have been hazarded,46 to
show, that St. Rumold was an Anglo-Saxon, who had embraced the monastic
state at Mayo, and that having heard of St. Willibrord's progress in Belgium,
he went to that country, and thence to be qualified for the mission to Rome,
where he was consecrated bishop.4? Then it was thought, that he returned
to Belgium, and thus had been advanced to the See of Mechlin. But he was
an Irishman 48 by birth, and a Scot of the original Scotia. The Martyrology
of Mechlin brings St. Rumold from that part of Scotia, which is now called
We may take it for granted, that much of the story which follows is purely
imaginary, but it is to be found in the legend of St. Rumold's Acts. Being
without children, David his father felt desirous of having a son, who might
inherit his principality ; however, his marriage did not appear to accomplish
the king's wishes, for a long time. The pious couple had frequently offered
prayers in the churches, and had exercised other works of piety, so that the
Almighty would be pleased to grant an heir, for their large possessions. It
is said, they entreated the holy Gualafer4? — then Archbishop of Dublin s°
according to St. Rumold's Life — that he too would implore the Most Holy
Trinity, in their behalf. The prelate prostrated himself in prayer with the
king and queen. An angel then appeared to them, saying these words :
42 See Vita S. Rumoldi, cap. i., auctore propagated the Catholic faith in foreign coun-
Domynsio, pp. 14, 15. tries, or who illustrated it by their blood.
43 See Animadversiones in utramque prse- See De Burgo's " Officia Propria Sanctorum
cedentem historiam Vita? S. Rumoldi, De Hibernise," pp. 65, 66. Also, the same
auctoribus, pp. 74 to 78. writer's " Hibernia Dominicana," cap. i.,
44 This was formerly a residence of Guaire num. xiv., p. 22.
the Hospitable, King of Connaught. 49 This mode of spelling is supposed by
45 This clan claims descent from Guaire Rev. Dr. Lani»an to be identical with the
the Hospitable. name Gallagher.
46 By Soller. s° it must be remarked, according to the
47 The hypothesis of Soller is mentioned, best authorities on Irish history, that at this
but it has not been adopted, in the " Gallia period there was no archbishop, or even a
Christiana," tomus v., at Ecclesia Mech- diocesan bishop, at Dublin ; but, it is sup-
liniensis. posed, the foreign writer had been led into
48 The opinion of Rumold having been a the error of assigning Gaulafer to this See,
native of Ireland was so universally admitted, through ignorance regarding the Ecclesiasti-
that the learned Pope, Benedict XIV., in a cal History of our Island. See Rev. Dr.
letter written to the Catholic Bishops of Ire- Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
land, and dated August 15th, 1741, reckons land," vol. iii., chap, xix., sect, xv., p. 198,
him among the great Irish saints, who either and n. 170, p. 201.
* Abandon your grieving, for the queen shall bear a son, most fair in body
and pleasing to God, and he shall bring many to Christ, from the errors of
heathenism. "s1 After this announcement, the queen conceived a son, who
was born in due course of time. Her infant was exceedingly beautiful, and
Rumold's birth afforded his parents great joy. Gualafer was selected to
administer the rite of baptism. sa Yet, when his parents were called upon, to
name their child, they felt at a loss to agree upon that matter. Whereupon, the
prelate said : " This child has been asked of God and given by him. I there-
fore entreat you, prostrate in prayer with me, to offer your prayers devoutly to
the Almighty, that as he bestowed upon us this infant, so he may also indi-
cate for us a suitable name." After prayer, an angel stood before the bishop,
and commanded him to give the name, Rumold, to the boy. This order was
instantly obeyed.53 Whilst even yet an infant, it seemed as if Rumold were
destined by heaven, for the exalted mission and sanctity of his after life. It
is related, that by Divine inspiration, he fasted thrice on each week — on the
second, fourth, and sixth days ; using only suck, once on the return of these
days, without taking any other nourishment. The same days were afterwards
observed by him, in a course of rigid fasting, at a more advanced period of
his life.
At the age of five, his parents resigned him to the charge of Guala-
fer, to be instructed in learning and virtue ;5^ and, under care of this prelate,
he remained until his fifteenth year. Then, he was withdrawn by his father
to the palace, where he was to be instructed in all princely accomplishments.
But, regal pomp and honours seemed to have little attractions for the mind of
this holy youth, who endeavoured always to acquire a spirit of most profound
humility, and who spent day and night in prayer, while under the paternal
roof. All the temporal possessions he acquired were given to the poor ; he
attended to the wants of infirm persons, and of those in prison ; while he
showed the greatest affability and submission to all belonging to his father's
household. Thus, he fulfilled in a most perfect manner, the various precepts
of God. 55 Whilst engaged in prayer, at a late hour of night, the Angel of our
Lord once appeared to him, and said : " O Rumold, child of good disposi-
tions, the Most High hath elected and loved thee, because for his name thou
hast rejected worldly honours and delights. He is about to bestow on
thee a heavenly crown, in place of the temporal one, which is thy due.
Wherefore, thou shalt persevere in what thou hast undertaken, and thou shalt
not fail to follow, in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rejecting pomp
and worldly applause, preserve as a flower thy chastity unsullied. Be humble
towards all, in the name of Christ, bestow alms on the poor and destitute.
Religiously instruct the people given or to be given to thy charge ; treat the
Church of God and its ministers with honour and love. In fine, always pre-
serve yourself free from bad actions, and from impure thoughts ; for, beyond
doubt, the Most High will direct your acts, by enlightening your mind and
in guiding your steps." Having spoken these words, the angel disappeared.
Immediately Rumold resolved upon leaving all earthly possessions for the sake
of Christ and the Gospel.s6 He said : " I give thee thanks, O Almighty God,
5' See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyns- 53 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
sio, cap. n.,p. 15. sio, cap. iii., p. 16.
■■ ''Gualafer is mentioned as Bishop of 54 See Harris' Ware, vol. i., " Bishops and
Dublin l,y Molnnus, but no particulars are Archbishops of Dublin," p. 305.
related 01 him, except that he baptized bis 55 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
Rumold."— John D'Alton's sio, cap. iv., pp. 16, 17.
Memoii»oftheAi (Dublin/' ■ Bishop Chalknor'a "Britannia
Sancta," part ii., July I, p. 2.
who hath thus deigned to instruct me. I pray thee then, through the great-
ness of that bounty and love, with which thou hast favoured the human race,
when from the highest heaven and from the right hand of thy Father, thou
hast descended to this vale of tears. Here, as true man, O most loving Jesus,
thou hast wished to endure penury, hunger, thirst and heat ; likewise con-
tumely, injury, derision, and, in fine, a most ignominious death, according
to the prediction of the Prophets. I pray, that thy bitter passion may not be
inefficacious as regards me, thy servant. As thou hast promised, I entreat
thee, always to have a care over me, and lead me into the way of thy com-
mandments ; that, at length, after this life is over, I may deserve a heavenly
crown, for which I have left an earthly kingdom." In these pious sentiments,
our saint persevered as he grew up, and he was loved by all on account of
his extraordinary virtue.57
Some time after this occurred, Rumold's parents took counsel with the
magnates of their principality, as we are informed, to devise a suitable
matrimonial alliance for their son. When a long time had been spent in these
consultations, his parents desired Rumold to be summoned to their presence.
During this interval, he had been engaged at prayer, within his oratory. When
he attended the summons of his parents and their counsellors, they told him
the purpose for which they were assembled, viz., that they might be able to
obtain for him the hand of some lady, distinguished by her illustrious birth.
Thus they entertained a hope, that legitimate offspring might succeed to the
inheritance, on the death of Rumold's father. To these remarks the saint
replied : " My honoured parents and magnates, I entreat you, do not allude to
this subject. I have renounced for ever this world's vain honours, and woman's
companionship ; for, I have entirely devoted myself to God, my Creator, and
I have resolved to preserve chastity in this body. For the Lord Jesus, who
rejected an earthly kingdom, hath commanded me to follow him in poverty,
in humility, and in austerity. Forsooth, you may consider, in what manner
an earthly kingdom and the blandishments of woman should profit me ;
when, in a short time, I must leave them, having nothing to give, in gratitude
for numberless benefits I have received. Wherefore, I beseech you, abandon
those designs j for I have determined, while breath remains in this body, to
lead a pious, chaste and holy life." Our saint's mother endeavoured to
change his resolution, by saying, that she felt surprised her son set such little
value on his principality ; and, the more so, as in his station of life, he could
apply himself to every practice of devotion. Rumold replied : although
such might be the case, this opinion admitted of some doubt ; for, if a man
engaged in much worldly business should lead a blameless life, yet, as a con-
sequence, the soul's pious aspirations must necessarily be weakened. Where-
fore, he was resolved to adopt a more secure course, by avoiding altogether
the allurements of this world.*8 On hearing these remarks, his father remem-
bered Gualafer's predictions before Rumold's conception. Moved by them,
he felt more inclined to consult for his son's wishes than did his mother.
Wherefore, his father left Rumold free to adopt whatever state of life he had
resolved on ; notwithstanding his own and his counsellors' previous deter-
mination. 59
57 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn- Lect. iv., p. 65.
sio, cap. v., pp. 17, 18. S3 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
58 << Regales Nuptias, et Regnum sibi a sio, cap. vi., pp. 18, 19.
Parentibus oblatum, constantissime recusa- *> See De Burgo's " Officia Propria Sanc-
ret." — De Burgo's "Officia Propria Sane- torum Hibernise," Die Prima Julii, Noct. ii.f
torum HiberniEe." Die prima Julii, Noct. ii., Lect. iv., p. 65.
It appears, however, that Archbishop Gualafer, as he is called, died shortly
afterwards ; and, the canons of his cathedral church, according to their cus-
tom, assembled together, to elect a successor. But, at this meeting, they
were by no means unanimously agreed, as to the object of their choice.
Adopting the advice of a religious and wise man, they prayed to ascertain the
will of heaven regarding that person, who should be called to discharge the
office of bishop. Their prayers were heard, for an Angel sent from Heaven
announced these words : " The Almighty hath heard your prayers, and also
hath commanded me to indicate the nomination of Rumold. He is an only
son to the Scottish King, and he should be the Archbishop of your unanimous
choice. The Eternal God hath designed him for this office, as being humble
in spirit, abstemious in his habits, a lover of chastity and of charity, as like-
wise one who advances each day in perfection." These words directed the
regards of all towards Rumold; but, he as little desired ecclesiastical as civic
dignities or emoluments.60 It is said, that having confirmed his election, they
called upon the Archbishop of Canterbury, and two other Bishops,61 to assist
at his consecration.62 These prelates assented to the requirementsof the canons,
and they were received with great honour.6* These bishops also confirmed
Rumold's election, and, in company with the canons, and a great number of
clergy, they approached his father's court, bearing sacred banners. The king
was not a little surprised at their approach. He received them, however, with
great respect, and he enquired, at the same time, their reason for approaching a
worldly prince, with such unwonted demonstrations. The Archbishop of Can-
terbury 6* hereupon explained to the king, that his only son had been elected
Archbishop of Dublin,6* by the unanimous vote of the canons, and having his
own confirmation of their choice.66 However circumstantially these particu-
lars have been narrated, yet there do not appear to have been bishops in
Dublin, prior to the eleventh century.
61 These two bishops, according to John
Gilmans, author or compiler of " Hagiolo-
gium Rubne Vallis," belonged to London
and to Lincoln. The Codex Tungrensium
Canonicorum Regularium has a similar
statement. The Irish commentators on the
Acta S. Rumoldi are doubtful, however, as
to whether such assertion be a mere conjec-
ture, or as resting on some certain autho-
rity. See Annotations, &c, nota 6, p. 82.
62 The Fathers of the Council of Nice de-
creed, that it should be desirable and that all
the Bishops of the province ought to assist at
the consecration of a newly-elected Bishop ;
r, if this were found to be a great in-
convenience, owing to the length of the
journey, or because of instant necessity, at
least three should assist at such consecration.
Such is the statement as found in the Fourth
Canon of that Council, quoted by Most Rev.
Francis Patrick Kenrick, Bishop of Phila-
delphia, and afterwards Archbishop of Bal-
timore, in his "Theologia Moralis." He
adds : "Ad episcopatum conferendum ex
lege Ecclcsiae ties requiruntur episcopi :
. . . Sufficere tamen unum episcopum
at valent consecratio, plurimis probatur dis-
pensationibus pontificiis vetustis et recentio-
ribus, aliUque vctcrum exempli*." — Vol. iii.,
Tract xxi. De Ordine, cap. i., sect, ii.,
num. 12, p. 273.
63 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
sio, cap. vii., pp. 19, 20.
64 Bishop Burke has a statement concern-
ing St. Rumold having been consecrated in
the cathedral of Dublin, by Cuthbert, Arch-
bishop of Canterbury. See " Officia Propria
Sanctorum Hibernia-," Die prima Julii. In
Festo S. Rumoldi. II. Nocturno Lect. iv.,
p. 65.
65 The Rev. Dr. Lanigan will not allow,
that there were bishops even in Dublin, in
these times when St. Livinus, St. Disibod,
or St. Rumold flourished. He remarks :
" Ware has judiciously omitted these pre-
tended Bishops of Dublin, prior to the
eleventh century ; but Harris has foisted
them into his additions. I must here ob-
serve, that some modern writers are not
sufficiently cautious in distinguishing Ware's
original work from Harris' interpositions."
— " Ecclesiastical History of Ireland,"
vol. iii., chap, xix., sect, xv., n. 170, p. 200.
66 The words of the Martyrology of Mech-
lin have been copied into the Office of the
Lateran Breviary, with this sole difference,
that instead of archbishop, it makes him
The Archbishop and clergy asked the monarch's consent, as we are told, so
that he would allow his only son, and the heir of his kingdom, to be conse-
crated Bishop, according to the heavenly choice made of him. Already
aware of his son's destination, the king assented to the Archbishop's and
canons' wishes. He thanked them, also, for the honour to be conferred upon
himself and upon his son. At the same time, he told them, that Rumold was then
engaged at prayer. He brought the prelates with their attendants to that part
of the palace, where our saint had secluded himself. The Archbishop thus
addressed him : " O Rumold, inflamed with the love of God, before thou wert con-
ceived in thy mother's womb, the Almighty hath called thee to be Archbishop
over Dublin, and shepherd of his flock; that you may feed Christ's sheep with
the sweet pasturage of the Divine word, that you may teach them to worship
and reverence God himself, and, moreover, that you may illustrate Christ's
Church with your blood. Wherefore, come, joyfully prepare thyself for that
state to which the Lord Jesus calls thee, whom thou shalt follow and rever-
ence with love and willingness. For, behold, we have decided, on making
you Archbishop of Dublin ; and the whole body of canons, by angelic moni-
tion, hath elected thee, as their chief prelate." On hearing such words,
Rumold felt greatly alarmed, saying, he was unworthy of such a dignity. He
endeavoured by every possible argument, to exempt himself from undertaking
those arduous duties, to which he was called. At last, not wishing to dis-
obey the call of Heaven, Rumold humbly submitted to the Archbishop. He
was then conducted to the cathedral church. There, according to the Roman
ceremonial, he was inaugurated Archbishop, with great pomp and rejoicing.
This being accomplished, the consecrating prelates retired to their respective
dioceses ; taking leave of the newly-appointed Archbishop and of his royal
parents. These latter even gave thanks to God, for the dignity to which their
son had been called ; and they exhorted him to persevere in a work, he had
so happily commenced. They entreated him, likewise, to offer up his con-
stant prayers for the prosperity of themselves and of their subjects. Taking
leave of his parents, Rumold commended them to the care of the Most Holy
Trinity.1 Having now received a commission for preaching the Divine word,
his first sermon was delivered on the Holy Trinity, and commenced with
those, words, taken from St. John's Gospel : " In the beginning was the word."
He dilated on the mystery of the Incarnation, and he explained the whole
Gospel of that beloved disciple to his people. Rumold preached many
sermons in addition, and he drew several to a profession of Christianity, from
the errors of unbelief. These were probably strangers, who had frequented
Dublin City, at the time, for the sake of commercial or other pursuits ;2 while
besides these, he gained an abundant harvest of souls, by his teaching and
Chapter ii. — * See Vita S. Rumoldi, cnfhedral church of Dublin had been for-
auctore Domynsio, cap. viii., pp. 20, 21. It nierly dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity.
is a coinciding circumstance, also, that the 2See ibid., Annotationes, &c, n. 7, p. 83.
miracles. 3 Many who professed the Christian religion, but who lived in a
state unworthy of their profession, were moved to penance for their sins.
If we are to credit some of the later writers of St. Patrick's Acts, the Irish
Apostle had built a church in Dublin— then a small village— when he is said
to have arrived there, on his way to Munster.* This was called after him, and
it is stated, also, that he built a mansion, near the present site of Christ's
Church.5 However, such account seems only to rest on unreliable twelfth
century traditions. On the old Maps of Ireland by Ptolomy, Eblana is set
down as the ancient name for Dublin.6 When it had an ecclesiastical origin
may be questioned ; but, it is doubtful if there were any bishop there, until
the Scandinavians, who built walls around it, became converted to Christianity.
This must have been long after the time, when St. Rumold is said to have
flourished. The site on
which the present Cathe-
dral of Christ Church —
formerly the church of
the Most Holy Trinity —
stands is supposed to have
been given by Sigtryg,
Kingofthe Dublin North-
men, to Donough, Bishop
of the Irish and Danes of
that city, about the year
1038.7 This prelate con-
structed the nave and
wings of the cathedral,
and at subsequent periods,
succeeding Bishops and
Archbishops of the See
added other construc-
tions. It was also liberally
endowed with lands and
revenues. The history of
this cathedral has never
been fully written ; yet, it
should furnish materials
for a large volume. At
different times, it fell into
decay, when it underwent
many unsightly repairs.
In our own day, a large
amount of money has been
expended on a complete
restoration,8 but for pur-
poses of Protestant worship.* The architectural features of this cathedral
before10 and since have been very fully described. Its historic reminiscences
must be gleaned from various sources.11 It seems more than probable, if St.
Rumold had been consecrated as bishop when in Ireland, it must have been
for some other See than that of Dublin, and in some other place. It is use-
less to enquire further into this matter, as no means have been left for us to
form any tangible supposition.
Christ Church Cathedral, West Front, Dublin.
» According to some accounts, St. Rumold
was only a missionary or a regionary bishop,
without any fixed See.
Seasons," p. 183.
-"The Circle of the
The saint furnished a living example of holiness to all by his piety and
charity, as likewise by his extraordinary abstinence, constant labours and
vigils. His humility and lowliness of spirit reconciled him to the privation
of many things, which were necessary for his station ; and, whatever he
possessed or was entitled to, he distributed among the poor, in Christ's name."
After he had ruled over his diocese for some time, being engaged at prayer
about the middle of the night, and as formerly to St. Joseph/3 so an angel
appeared to Rumold, saying : " Depart from thy paternal kingdom and arch-
bishopric, into foreign countries." It appears, from his Life, that the chiefs
of his father's principality had resolved on electing our saint to the throne, in
anticipation of the reigning king's death. To him, Rumold was the only
lawful heir. Revolving what had been declared by the angel, and considering
that our Lord Jesus himself left his heavenly kingdom to descend upon earth,
where he suffered much on account of the love he bore our race ; Rumold
resolved in like manner to obey the Divine will, by leaving his native country.
He thus took up his cross, in a voluntary spirit, and not being compelled
thereto, like Simeon the Cyrenean, as the author of his Life remarks. The
better to accomplish his object, our saint left his native country, in a private
manner, and without his designs being made known to the people, lest they
might seek to detain him, against his will.14 The saint embarked,
it is stated, on board a vessel formed of branches woven together,
and covered with hides, the interstices of which were coated with pitches
He first sailed for England. He afterwards went to France. There,
he found a man who was blind from his birth, and who asked for
alms. Rumold replied: "I have neither silver nor gold, nor anything
else, which I can give thee ; but, I entreat our Lord Jesus Christ, who of his
Divine will opened the eyes of a man born blind, that he also would give
thee sight, who hast been deprived of it from thy earliest years. In his name,
I say to thee, arise and see, that thou mayest obtain by thy labour food for
thy sustenance." The man was immediately restored to the use of his sight,
giving thanks to God and to his servant Rumold ; and, at the same time, he
made a vow in presence of the Almighty, and in the name of his Blessed
Virgin Mother, that from this time forward, he would serve them, with entire
self-abandonment. This miracle induced many pagans, to profess the faith of
Christ and to receive baptism. Several were moved, also, to a detestation of
sin, and to observe practices of penance.16 Having remained for some days
* See the account already given, in the Architecture in Ireland."
Third Volume of this work, at the 17th of " Much may be found in the " Book of
March, Art. i., in the Life of St. Patrick, Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral
chap. xvii. Church of the Holy Trinity, commonly
5 See Colgan's " Trias Thaumaturga," called Christ Church, Dublin," edited by
SextaVitaS. Patricii, cap. Ixxi., p. 91, and John Clarke Crosthwaite, A.M., with an
nn. 70, 71, 72, p. 112. Introduction, by James Henthorn Todd,
6 See Sir James Ware, " De Hibernia, et D.D. Published by the Irish Archaeological
Antiquitatibus ejus," cap. x., pp. 43, 44. Society, Dublin, 1844, 4to.
7 See John T. Gilbert's " History of the I2 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
City of Dublin," vol. i., pp. 98, 99. sio, cap. ix., pp. 2l; 22.
8 An extensive distiller and citizen of I3 See Miss Rosa Mulholland's " Prince
Dublin, Mr. Roe, expended more than and Saviour : The Story of Jesus simply told
^100,000 on this undertaking. The architect for the Young," p. 29.
was Mr. Street. I4 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
9 The accompanying illustration represents sio, cap. x., p. 22.
the great western entrance on Winetavern- IS These were the coiraghs regarding
street as lately renovated. From a photo- which Sir James Ware treats, in his work,
graph of William Laurence, William F. " De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus,"
Wakeman has drawn this subject on the cap. xviii., pp. 84 to 86.
wood, engraved by Mrs. Millard. 6 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Damyn
10 See Thomas Bell's " Essay on Gothic sio, cap. xi., p. 23.
in France, Rumold entered Upper Germany, where he announced the Gospel
truths. Whilst there, he was accosted by a pagan, who was a leper. He thus
addressed Rumold: u If thou art a holy man, as they say thou art, give me
some alms." Rumold said : " I have no temporal alms to bestow on thee,
but I will give thee spiritual favours. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
who cured ten lepers, arise from this place in which thou art ; then, trusting
in God, believe in him, and presently thou shalt be healed from thy leprosy.''
The leper arose immediately, and his whole body was relieved from his
loathsome disease. Believing in Christ, he was baptized by our saint, who
then admonished him to avoid sin for the future. This miracle also furnished
occasion for the conversion of many persons.'? Having preached to the
people, Rumold journeyed among the mountains and valleys,18 which lay be-
tween Germany and Italy. He announced the Gospel to the inhabitants, as
he proceeded. On his way, he came to that place, where Hannibal, by fire
and vinegar, is said to have opened a passage for his soldiers through the
Alps, when marching upon Rome. To this latter city, our saint also directed
his course. His mind was filled with pious desires, while his body suffered
much fatigue, during his tiresome progress. x9
According to the Life of our saint,20 St. Rumold arrived in this city,
during the pontificate of Pope Stephen II., who succeeded Zacharias, whose
death took place a.d. 752." The commentators on our saint's Life are of
opinion, as this Pope Stephen died a few days after his consecration, it must
have been during his successor's pontificate — also called Stephen II. by many
writers — that our saint arrived in Rome ; and that he had an interview with
this latter Pontiff, who presided over Christ's Church, for the term of five
years. In the opinion of Ward and Sirin, our saint must then have had this
interview, with Pope Stephen III., during the year of his accession, 752, or
during the following year, before he went into France. What they consider
more probable is, that after this Pope's return from France,22 and about the
year 755, Stephen accorded him an audience. On being introduced to him,
Rumold threw himself at the Pontiff's feet and kissed them with reverence.
He then besought the Pope to take the ring of consecration, which he had
received, when he had been consecrated Archbishop of Dublin. Full of
admiration, the Pope thus addressed him : " Who art thou, son, what is thy
name, and where is that Archiepiscopal See, thou hast mentioned ?" The saint
replied: "Rumold is my name; I am a native of Scotia ; and the Archbishopric
of which I spoke is Dublin." The Pontiff, who had heard of our saint's fame
long before, then said : " O son, thou art born legitimate heir to the Scottish
kingdom ; of thee, I had long ago heard a most favourable report ; and I was
told, thou wert divinely collated to that Archbishopric. On this account,
beloved son, seek thy kingdom, and subdue the intractable people of that
country to Christ's sweet yoke ; lest wandering into error they may go astray.
Like an nctive shepherd, bring this people to the flock of Christ, that is, to
eternal lite." Hearing these words, the saint replied : i( O holy father, this
is by no means allowable; for Christ himself, the chief shepherd of souls,
1 See ibid., cap. xii., p. 24. of Devotion, July 1st. This work, pub-
" Allusion must here be made to Switzer- Iished in London, 1869, 4to, is not parcel,
land, to which before his time the light of " This happened in 754. See l'Abbe
the Gospel had been brought by St. Colum- Fleury's "Histoire Ecclesiastique," tome ix.,
ban and St. Gall. liv. xliii., sect, xv., p. 348.
'» See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo- a3 This account is irreconcilable with the
dorico, cap. 2, p. 2. known history of Dublin City, as given in
ao By Domyns. Charles Haliday's "Scandinavian History
ai " He visited Rome about th(! year 750.'' of Dublin," book i., chap. i. to x., pp. 1
— *' Lives of the Saints," from ancient Books to 81.
hath announced in the Gospel, unless a man renounce his parents and all
things in the world, he cannot enjoy the kingdom of heaven. Wherefore, holy
father, since I have been taught by the angel, to adjust my life according to
Gospel rules, I have proposed to take leave of those things, which belong to
the world. For this reason, I ask your holiness for spiritual blessings, and I
give what is worldly to earthly princes. Thus deprived of all things, I have
determined, so long as I live, to imitate Jesus Christ, who bore poverty for
us." Having discovered the bent of our saint's disposition, the Pope con-
sented to gratify his desires, by receiving his resignation of Dublin See.2* To
this another Bishop was appointed.2* These matters being thus arranged, our
saint, filled with joy, visited those monuments of the saints,25 and especially
those sacred spots where St. Peter was crucified, where St. Paul was beheaded,
and where other saints suffered martyrdom. With most earnest desires and
profuse tears, Rumold prayed the Almighty, that he too might merit the
martyr's crown. Having visited all those places, the angel of the Lord again
appeared to him while at prayer. This heavenly messenger said : " Thou
shalt not endure martyrdom in this place. But return, by the same way thou
earnest hither, until thou shalt come to where the River Scaldis 26 empties
itself into the sea, and where it flows along, following the moon's course. 2?
For thou shalt sanctify that country, by thy holy example, and there shalt
thou possess the kingdom of heaven, being crowned with laurels of martyr-
dom." Rumold gave thanks to God, who had thus deigned to indicate the
place of his triumph.28
On the following morning, our saint reverently went to the Sovereign
Pontiff, and asked his permission to seek the district for his future suffering.
He also besought the Pope to bestow various indulgences on that place pointed
out by the angel. The Pontiff said : " Since thou desirest no rewards, but
such as are eternal, I will not detain thee longer. But go, and proceed
where the Lord Jesus hath called, through his angel ; there, being perfect
in every virtue, give encouragement to the weak, by thy holy doctrine and
piety. Bring back to religion, likewise, through thy fervent prayers, those who
have been estranged from Christ. Moreover, by authority of the omnipotent
God, whose viceregent I am upon earth, and of his holy Apostles, Saints Peter
and Paul, I bless the place of thy habitation ; that whoever may seek the
Divine favour in it, shall obtain all lawful requests, through thy merits. In
that spot, be happiness, holiness, benediction and every good \ that those who
dwell there may prosper, even in worldly and material things, which you so
much despise, whenever in the same place, they implore God through your
merits. May they also rejoice and be delighted with Divine and everlasting
benefits, to which you alone aspire." Bidding farewell to the Pontiff, and
being thus divinely admonished to go into Belgic Gaul,29 Rumold left Rome,
desirous to take possession of that place, indicated by the angel.3°
While Rumold journeyed through Lombardy,31 he found many persons in
lamentation, at a particular station, where they demanded his assistance. He
24 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn- 28 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo-
sio, cap. xiii., pp. 24, 25. dorico, cap. 2, pp. 2, 3. Also Vita S.
25 See Bishop Challenor's " Britannia Rumoldi, authore Domynsio, cap. xiv.,
Sancta," part ii., July 1st, p. 2. pp. 25, 26.
26 The River Demer is now the name of 39 See Bishop Challenor's " Britannia
that rivulet, near which Mechlin is located, Sancta," part ii., p. 2.
and it falls into the Dyle. See the " Gazet- 3° See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
teer of the World," vol. ii., p. 862. sio, cap. xv., p. 26.
27 The river alluded to runs from east to 3' Before the Roman Conquest, Lombardy
west, in its general direction. It is a branch had been occupied by a powerful colony of
"of the Scaldis or Scheld. the Gauls. About the middle of the fifth
was told, that a certain person there was possessed by a demon, from whom
he could not be exorcised. Our Bishop said to the person possessed : " May
our Lord Jesus Christ, who expelled a mute devil, through his benign mercy
and great power, restore thee to health." He then commanded the impure
spirit to leave that man. Immediately, the demon departed; while the
wretched victim seemed more like a dead than a living person, on account
of those tortures he had previously suffered. This man's friends asked our
saint to restore him to bodily health, as he had thus been delivered from his
mental infirmity. Then, St. Rumold raised the man from earth, with his
hand, saying : " Depart, restored creature, nor defile yourself any longer with
crime. But, take care, that you recollect this hereafter, and that you com-
mend me, also a sinner, to Divine protection." The man was thus restored
to health ; so that many, by this miracle, were powerfully drawn to Christ. 32
Setting out from this place, Rumold entered Germany. He passed on
towards the Scheld, until he came to Brabant, 33 where he stopped at the pre-
sent site of Mechlin, that place designed by the angel for his future habita-
tion. This district was then a waste uncultivated desert, abounding in thorns,
thickets, trees, and wild beasts. In this region, Rumold found a great number
of people, dancing to the sound of harps, pipes, and other musical instru-
ments; and this occurred, about the time when the Church celebrated our
Lord's Passion. Seeing this, he interrupted their amusements, and began to
preach truths of the Christian religion. He announced to the rude people
what sufferings our Lord Jesus Christ endured, for our salvation. This he
accomplished, with such effect and holy energy, that the people were wonder-
fully animated with Divine love, and to some extent, they were imbued with
intelligent ideas regarding the Most Holy Trinity. When he had concluded
his sermon, our saint retired to a quiet part of the wood. There, he devoted
himself to exercises of Heavenly contemplation. 34
At this time, Count Ado 35 Was governor over the country around Mech-
lin* He is said to have been a kinsman to King Pepin of France.36 He had
married an illustrious and a virtuous lady, named Elysa,37 with whom 3s he
lived for sixty-six years, without their having had offspring. However, the
probable meaning is, that Ado was sixty-six years of age, at the time of St.
Rumold's arrival at Mechlin. 35 The pious couple, having heard concerning
century, it was overrun by Attila. Later 3S He is styled " Pipini Fiancorum Regis
still, Alboin, King of the Lombards, sub- cognato," in De Burro's " Ofiicia Propria
jected it to his sway ; hence the name it now Sanctorum I Iibernise," Die prima J ulii. In
bears. Kiny lVpin of France invaded Lorn- Festo S. Rumoldi, Noct. ii., Lect. v.,
hardy in 754, and subdued its ruler Aistol- p. 66.
phus. He undertook another expedition, 36 For an account of the Acts of this
A-u- 755» when he compelled Aistulphus to heroic monarch, the reader is referred to le
restore the possessions, and to respect the P. G. Daniel's " Histoire de France,"
rights of the Church of Rome. See Rev. tome i., Seconde Race, pp. 507 to 551.
John Alzog's "Manual of Universal Church 37 Also called Adeliza, the dau-hter of
History," translated by Rev. F. J. Pabisch Lambert, a chief of llasbania. See John
and Rev. Thomas S. Byrne, vol. ii., Second P>aptist Soller's "Acta S. Rumoldi Fpiscopi
, Epoch i., part i., chap. 2, sect. 165, et Martyris Apostoli et Patroni Mceh-
p. 105. liniensium," p. 92, n. (e), Antverpiie,
.e Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn- 1718, fol.
sio, cap. xvi., pp. 26, 27. 38 According to the Life of St. Rumold. '
31 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the 39 Such is the commentator's opinion, in
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints, ' case it should not be supposed that the noble
vol. vii., July 1. Count had attained his hundredth year, at
34 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo- the time of our saint's death. See Annota-
dorico, cap. 3, p. 3. Also, VitaS. Rumoldi, tiones, &c, n. 13, p. 85.
authore Domynsio, cap. xvii., p. 27. 40 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo-
the commencement of our saint's missionary labours in their province, sent
him word, that they desired the honour of a visit from him to their palace.
Having accepted this invitation, the .prelate was most honourably received on
his approach, and treated with the greatest hospitality. In return for this
kindness, Rumold refreshed the minds of his guests with Gospel precepts.
Among other duties, he exhorted them to bestow alms on poor persons, as
being a work most acceptable to God. The Count ordered an apartment to
be fitted up in his palace, for the special accommodation of our saint. In
this chamber, also, Rumold would have an opportunity of offering up prayers
to Heaven, for their salvation.40
One day, while our saint was in their palace, the Count and his lady com-
plained, that they had long lived in the holy state of matrimony, without
having children to inherit their principality, after death. Wherefore, they
entreated Rumold to offer rdevout prayers, for them. Raising his eyes
towards Heaven, he thus prayed : " I give thee thanks, O Almighty Father,
for all the favours conferred upon me, and especially, because thou hast never
heard thy servant, without lending a gracious ear. And now, most merciful
Father and bounteous Lord, confiding in thy great clemency, I suppliantly
beseech thee, that thou reject not my humble prayers. I entreat thee, that
thou hear me, as thou hast heard Abraham, who had a son, named Isaac,
born to him of his wife Sara, who was old and sterile. Thou, likewise hast
heard the. prayer of Manue,41 when his wife, who was a long time barren, gave
birth to Sampson, a most robust man, she having received comfort from an
Angel. Also, thou hast deigned to hear the prayer of thy servant Anna, a
long time childless and who brought forth the prophet Samuel to Helcan ;43
and thou hast given John the Baptist, to his unfruitful mother, Elizabeth.4^
Thou hast wished, also, O Lord Jesus, to be born of thy most pure Virgin
Mother, in a miraculous manner. Wherefore, I entreat thee, on behalf of
these thy servants, to exert thy omnipotence for thy honour and glory, that
those may obtain legitimate offspring, through thy immense clemency. Deign,,
also, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, to send them offspring." Having
thus prayed, and gifted with the spirit of prophecy, our saint declared, that
the Count's lady should shortly conceive, and bring forth a son, remarkable
for his beauty, talents and virtue. Rumold declared, likewise, that this child-
should afterwards, be .baptized by himself, be adopted as a god-child/*4 and
be named Libertus. So much faith was given to these promises, by the
religious Count Ado and his wife, that they trusted a child should be born to
them, although contrary to all natural appearances.4^ . In accordance with
their expectations, the Countess conceived, and in due course, she gave birth
to a son. This circumstance caused great joy to her husband, and to all his
people. The pious couple presented their newly-born babe to the Most High,
accepting their son as a gift from Heaven. Being baptized by Rumold, this'
infant was called Libertus. Finding all things predicted by Rumold now
accomplished, the Count turned to him and said : "Most holy Bishop, thy
wonderful power and inimitable virtue have been fully manifested, in thy
son Libertus ; and, I acknowledge myself indebted to thee, for many reasons..
Wherefore, choose a place for thyself, where thou mayest dwell permanently ;
and, be it my privilege, to reverence thee as a father, and as a most faithtul
dorico, cap. 3, p. 3. Also, Vita S. 44 " Suscipiendum velut lustrico parente."
Rumoldi, authore Domynsio, cap. xviii., ■ — Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domynsio,
p. 28. cap. xix., p. 29. «
41 Judges, xiii. 4S See De Burgo's " Officia Propria Sanc-
42 See i. Kings, i: torum Hiberniae," Die prima Julii. In
« See Luke, ii. Festo S. Rumoldi, No.ct. ii., Lect. v., p. 66.
friend." Accordingly, Rumold complied with the Count's wishes ; while the
boy Libertus grew up, the darling of his parents and of their people. This child
appeared to progress in virtue, each day. He was known frequently to dis-
tribute bread among the poor. He always offered up a prayer for the salva-
tion of those whom he met. He well applied every lesson of piety given to
him, and he avoided whatever might displease God. He was so much loved
by his parents, that they hardly suffered him to be out of their sight, for a
moment, even when engaged in those sports peculiar to youth/6
Notwithstanding this great care bestowed upon him, whilst one day play-
ing with his young companions beside some water, and pursuing small
birds with childish delight, Libertus approached too near the edge of a bank,
when he was precipitated into the river and drowned.*? This account was
immediately conveyed to his father, who, in an agony of grief, wrung his hands.
With eyes elevated to Heaven, Ado cried out : " O Father Almighty, what
have I done, that thou shouldest afflict me with this grief? When that day,
on which in thy goodness thou hast made me joyful by giving me a son,
occurs to my mind ; I am agonized with sudden grief, because death has
snatched him from a wretched father. Alas ! what consolation can be afforded,
for the loss of my own and my wife's dear child, so suddenly taken away from
us? You, that ardently loved me, why have you called me fortunate ? rather
should you call me wretched ; for now 1 am afflicted with a grief, far greater
than the joy I first received. Let my older friends mourn with me, and let
my younger omit their sports, for sake of my departed child. It has profited
me little, to have had Libertus as a son ; since misfortune shall prey upon
me, and I must pine away with grief, for the rest of my life. My joy and
comfort have at once vanished, as a dream. O, my dear son, my flower, my
support, the most beautiful of children, hereafter, I shall no more embrace
thee as my child, nor shalt thou inherit thy father's wealth and possessions.
If thou hadst been taken away by any kind of natural death, this at least might
afford some solace to thy parents." While he indulged in this paroxysm of
grief, running towards him, the Countess enquired the cause for his lamenta-
tions ; and, on being told, she fell senseless to the ground, when her atten-
dants bore her way. All the people living within their province deeply
sympathised, in the affliction of these bereaved parents. Young and old
hastened to the river, to find the noble youth's body. In boats, and by
swimming or by diving, some persons endeavoured to find the object of their
search. Standing on the bank, some held consultation as to how their object
might best be effected. Some drew nets along the bed of the river ; others
used hooks and drags, for a like purpose. The divers employed could find
no trace of the body. After all their efforts had been unavailing, it occurred
to them, that Rumold, by whose prayers that youth had obtained the first
breath of life, should be sent for, that through him also, the boy might be
brought again into the land of the living. Messengers were despatched for
God's servant, then absent from Mechlin/8
About this time, a holy man named Gummar49 was born, and he was edu-
cated in the village of Embleem, in the province of Renensis.s° He was one of
46 Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theodorico, 31, 32.
cftP- 3» P- 3- Als0 Vita S. Rumoldi, authore 4y This saint— also called Gundemar— had
Domynsio, cap. xix., xx., pp. 28 to 30. his festival at the nth of October.
« See Les Petits Bollandistes, "Vies del s« Other writers— such as Molanus, Gram-
Saints," tome vii., ic Jour de Juillet, p. 582. may and Miiceus— have the name Riensis,
48 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo- and it is stated to have been that part of
dorico, cap. 3, p. 4. Also Vita S. Ru- Brabant, in which Antwerp, Lira and other
moldi, authore Domynsio, cap. xxi., pp. towns were included.
King Pepin's military companions, and he often contended against heathens,
who made inroads upon the French and Belgium territories. This man em-
braced a religious course of life, from his youth, and he had formed a friend-
ship with our saint. Both these illustrious servants of God had a place
appointed, where they met at stated times, to discourse on religious subjects.
That place was known as " the Oak,"*1 and probably from the circumstance,
that a tree of this kind grew at the spot. We are informed, that this place —
anciently called Stanteyck*2 — was an intermediary station, between their
respective places of residence ; and, each year they met at this spot, many of
the people and clergy being also present. It is said, that both these saints
were accustomed to fasten their staves in the ground, near the oak. Their
staffs produced leaves, in the presence of people there assembled. The
memory of such a miracle, as also that place becoming a favourite rendez-
vous for the saints, afterwards occasioned an annual festival to be held; while
great numbers of the people and clergy assembled there, to engage in religious
After an interval of three days, Rumold was informed about the melancholy
occurrence of the death of his alumnus, Libertus. Then, coming to the place
where he had been drowned, the holy Bishop shed tears, in common with
others who were around him. While those tears flowed, Rumold raised his
eyes towards Heaven, and prayed the Almighty with earnestness, that Liber-
tus might be restored to his parents and to life. As he prayed, a great crowd
of persons stood around, awaiting the event. Before the Bishop had con-
cluded his prayer, Libertus appeared standing before him, and as if after
awaking from sleep, for his hair, face and garments seemed dry and unsoiled.
The boy's parents, their friends, and all the people rejoiced greatly, when
they saw this much-loved youth restored to life.54 In the exuberance of his
joy and gratitude, Count Ado offered the saint a great quantity of gold and
silver, as a reward. But the man of God rejected these gifts, saying : " O
illustrious Count, I am not able to obtain these favours, through my own
power, but relying on Divine assistance. For which reason, you should refer
what you have obtained, to the all powerful God ; through the aid of whom
alone, these things were done by me, his servant. I have long since rejected
temporal things, which thou hast offered me, as being earthly and evanesent.
They might become to me an occasion of sin. But, near this place lies an
uncultivated marshy spot, abounding in trees; a spot producing alders, thorns,
yews and brambles. In the name of God, I ask this tract of land to be given
by thee for no other purpose, than that it may be permitted me there to cele-
brate the Divine praises, with God's ministers." The Count was much
pleased with this suggestion ; and, the more so, as the place selected was not
far from his own residence. At once, he gave his sanction to the saint's pro-
ject. Rumold obtained a remote part of the wood, which was frequented
much by wolves and by other wild animals. There he built a cell for him-
self," and which he used as a place of residence.*6 It was surrounded by a
trench, filled with water. Rumold laboured at this work of construction, with
s1 The Codex Tungrensis calls this place S4 See John Baptist Soller's " Acta S.
Stadeley ; while Haraeus in his Vita S. Rumoldi, Episcopi et Martyris Apostoli et
Gummari writes it Stadeki. Patroni Mechliniensium," cap. v., sect. 32,
sa This name was afterwards corrupted 33, p. 93.
into Seaedeneyck. See Grammay's work, ss At a later period, a college of Regular
"De Antverpia," lib. ivM cap. 8. Canons occupied its site. See Les Petits
S3 See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn- Bollandistes, "Vies des Saints," tome vii.,
sio, cap. xxii., pp. 32, 33. ieJour de Juillet p. 582,
his own hands. He selected some companions, who were renowned for
sanctity, to celebrate with him the Divine mysteries, in this place. By a
solemn testament, the Count confirmed his donation, and gave special privi-
leges, for the future protection of this foundation. There, Rumold built a
church in honour of the proto-martyr, St. Stephen -p and frequently interrupt-
ing his exterior functions to renew his spirit before God, he lived many years,
in that place, together with his protege, Libertus.s8 However, these state-
ments have been questioned by Father John Baptist Soller,5? who critically
examines the circumstances, as found in history. That chapel, which the
saint is said to have built, existed in the time of Domyns, the author of his
Life,60 as we are informed by this writer.
Under the guidance and precepts of St. Rumold, his young disciple Libertas
grew up in the practice of every virtue ; while moved by his master's example
and instruction, he learned to shun all dangerous occasions of sin, and to
detest every semblance of vice. In true humility, Libertas laboured to
become perfect ; and, he was destined at last to attain heaven, through the
crown of martyrdom.1 It so happened — probably about the beginning of
the ninth century2 — that the Huns or Danes, who were fierce barbarians and
gentiles, made an irruption into that part of the country where he dwelt, and
they devastated the cities, towns, churches and religious houses, with fire and
sword, not only in the Low Countries, but even so far as Cologne. The holy
man Libertas went into Hasbania to visit his relatives, and also, as it seems,
to avoid the fury of those pagans. However, their ravages extended, like-
wise, to that place, and the people were obliged to flee for their lives. There,
too, the sacred edifices fell before their ravages. Libertas entered a church
dedicated to St. Trudo,3 where he was surprised by the barbarians. He then
fled towards the high altar, which he embraced, but he was massacred by the
impious intruders. Having demolished several Christian houses and shrines,
56 In the Vita S. Rumoldi of Theoderic, sium,'" Commentarius Proevius, sect, xii.,
cap. 3, p. 5, is added: " Nomen loco num. 130 to 141, pp. 301033.
Ulmus ab ulmorum illic luxuriantium co- 6o The commentator, however, adds :
piam." In a comment on this passage, the "sed postmodum anno 1580 a Gensiis dim-
editor supposes this to be the place, not of turn." — Annotationes, &c, n. 20, p. 86.
our saint's cell, but of the desert in which it Chapter III. — ■ See Vita S. Rumoldi,
was built. See Annotationes, &c, note 12, auctore Theodorico, cap. 3, p. 5. His
pp. (recte) 63, 64, 65. martyrdom, however, happened long after
57 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the that of St. Rumold.
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints," a In the Annales Eginhardi, the invasion
vol. vii., July i. of the Low Countries by the Normans we
s* See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn- find chronicled in the years 810 and 811
sio, cap. xxiii., pp. 33 to 35. 3 The festival of this Belgian saint is held
59 See "Acta S. Rumoldi Episcopi et on the 23rd of November.
Martyris Apostoli et Patroni Mechlinien- * See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
the Huns carried off their preys ; and, then, after causing sad scenes of deso-
lation, they returned to the places whence they had come.4
Our saint was mindful of the Apostolic words : " He who labours not, let
him not eat," and also : " We labour with our hands, that we be not a burthen
to anyone."5 Exercising himself frequently in manual labour, he still con-
tinued his pious prayers. Thus, it was his practice, to sow seeds and plant
trees of various kinds ; and, it was remarked, that whatever he sowed or
planted produced abundantly — a heavenly blessing being bestowed on his
labours. He had planted a certain bush, which grew much fruit of an excellent
kind ; and, he often delighted to sit under the shade of that tree, while sing-
ing hymns and reciting the Psalter of David.6 Hence, our saint was looked
upon, as the tutelar or patron of earth's fruits and of mechanic arts. It was
customary for the country people, in after time, to invoke his patronage, with
these expressions : " May God and St. Rumold assist our labours." About
this time, he led an eremitical life. 7 Many were accustomed, in course of
time, to pay tithes of their corn and fruit to this saint.8
Our saint engaged at the building of a chapel, in an elegant style. He
was in the habit each evening of inspecting this work, as it progressed, that
thus he might punctually pay his labourers the amount of wages they merited.
He was mindful regarding these words of Sacred Scripture : " Thou shalt not
delay the wages of thy workmen until the morning."0 He often took occasion to
admonish them about the necessity for leading better lives. Among other
vices, he frequently inveighed against the crime of adultery. It appears, that
one of the workmen addicted to this crime was inflamed with hatred towards
the holy prelate, on account of his frequent reproofs. This man opened his
designs to another companion, whom he imposed upon with representations,
that Rumold must have a great sum of money concealed, as he was not
deterred from executing any work on account of its cost. A proof of this
assertion was sought to be furnished, likewise, from that regularity with which
his labourers were paid each evening.10 This workman told his companion,
moreover, that they should endeavour to better their condition, and in an easier
way, than by daily labour, which was not so remunerative. He recommended,
for this purpose, that they ought to murder Rumold in a private manner, and
thus escape that punishmentdue to their crime. They arranged, also, to plunge
his body in the river after death. The tempted man's avarice being thus excited,
he consented to become participator in that proposed crime of the adulterer.
Wherefore, arming themselves with axes and mattocks, they endeavoured to
find a suitable opportuninty, for putting their wicked project into execution."
Such occasion was afforded to them one evening, when, according to his usual
custom, the holy Bishop was about to inspect the progress of that work on
sio, cap. xxiv., pp. 35, 36. 8 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
s ii. Thess. iii., 8, 10. sio, cap. xxv., p. 36.
6 A rather different version of this cir- 9 Leviticus xix., 13.
cumstance is given, in the Vita S. Rumoldi, I0 " Theodoric states, that their motive
by Theodoric, as follows : " Fagineam hoc was to get the money, which they thought
negotio nutriverat sylvulam, sub quarum the saint possessed of, and adds that they
plerumque recubans tegmine meditabatur had been attendants of his. Probably, they
harmonium Davidicee melodise. Ad nostra supposed that he must have had some money
usque tempora una harum perdurat arborum, about him towards forwarding the object of
dulci digna religione, et grata plantatoris his mission."— Dr. Lanigan's ' Ecclesiasti-
sui recordatione excresit ad materiam lau- cal History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xix.,
dis."— Cap. 8, p. 8. sect.xv., n. 172, p. 201.
i This is stated, by an ancient writer, as " See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore J~>omvn-
we learn from Mirwus' " Fasti Belgiciet Bur- sio, cap. xxvi., pp. 36,37-. Also> Vlta S'
gundici," p. 360. Rumoldi, authore Theodonco, cap. 4, p. 5.
which they were engaged, and in order to pay his labourers at the close of
day. The cruel murderers selected a lonely place, where they attacked the
holy man. One of the wretches, with a stroke, inflicted a deadly wound on
the prelate's head. He fell on the spot, and almost instantly breathed his
last. When his purse was examined, however, it was found to contain only
three pieces of silver. This confirmed a common report, that the saint only
kept about him, what was sufficient to pay his men. The avaricious mur-
derer, hereupon, began to upbraid his adulterous companion, who had urged
him by deception, to the perpetration of a most grievous crime. To consult
for their mutual safety, however, they agreed to submerge St. Rumold's body
in water. Afterwards, drawing the branches of trees over it, they hoped that
it might not be discovered by the people. Thus, because like John the
Baptist,12 St. Rumold had reprehended an adulterer, our holy prelate merited
his crown of martyrdom. The assassination of St. Rombaut is said to have
taken place on the 24th of June, or on the viii. day of the July Kalends. x3
He passed gloriously to his reward, during the seventh year of Charlemagne's
reign over the Franks, and in the year of our Lord, 775. J* The English
Martyrology I5 has placed his martyrdom, at this date, and various other
authorities correspond. This is the year also assigned for the martyrdom of
St. Rumold, by Molanus, Usher, Pagi, and by various other writers.16
Having gone abroad, about the middle of the night, certain fishermen saw
a brilliant light shining over the water, into which St. Rumold's body had
been thrown. On what side soever they turned, this unusual spectacle met
their eyes. Ignorant concerning the cause, these fishermen felt terrified, and
they feared to approach that place. However, they went to Count Ado, with
a relation of such an occurrence. He was much astonished. However, he
resolved to witness the prodigy with his own eyes.1? Accordingly, Ado set
out in the middle of night, and accompanied by those fishermen. He found
all things to happen in accordance with the account he had before received.
Suspecting that the body of blessed Rumold must have lain under such a
preternatural light, he ordered the fishermen to bring their fishing drags to
that place. Those having obeyed his directions, the corpse of this glorious
martyr was at once discovered. Immediately when drawn from the water,
Ado recognised the countenance of his lamented friend. Seeing the grievous
wound inflicted on St. Rumold's head, the Count burst forth into a passionate
exclamation : " Who hath murdered thee so cruelly, O holy prelate, and most
renowned priest ?" His tears and groans choked further utterance. After
some time, the Count ordered those who were present, to bear the saint's
body away, that it might be buried in that chapel, which he had built while
living. There, Count Ado erected a beautiful mausoleum, to the memory of
his beloved friend. Moreover, he bestowed many gifts and ornaments on
that chapel, in which Rumold's remains were placed. The saint's body was
covered with rich vestments. A great crowd of clergy and of laity afterwards
" See St. Matthew, xiv. " hIC C*s Vs Ce CIdIt fLUVIo la Ct Vs
13 According to the Carthusian Martyr- ne Ce Capta."— Ibid., Vita S. Rumoldi,
ology or Usuardus Auctus, printed at authore Theodorico, cap. 4, p. 5.
Cologne, and also according to the English 15 Printed a.d. 1608.
Martyrology, printed a.d. 1608. Thus: ,6 See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's " Ecclesiastical
" MechlinME in Hrabantia passio S. Rumoldi History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xix.,
Episcopi et Martyris, filii cujusdam Regis sect, xv., n. 173, p. 201.
Hibemise." -7 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
" M See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn- sio, cap. xxviii., pp. 38, 39. Also, Vita S. Ru-
sio, cap. xxvii., p. 38. " Annus antem necatt moldi, authore Theodorico, cap. 4, p. 5.
tanti Martyris, hocce versiculo continetur : x8 See Vita Rumoldi, authore Domynsio,
resorted to his tomb, through pious motives, and to offer up their prayers for
spiritual and temporal wants. Those attacked by maladies were restored to
health, by invoking the prayers of St. Rumold. The Almighty was pleased
to work various miracles, at his tomb, as a testimony to the sanctity of his
Rumold was regarded as the Apostle of all that region. x9 After giving us
the particulars of our saint's life, Domyns subjoins a remark to the pre-
face afterwards introduced, that he has omitted the relation of many miracles
recorded in works, from which his biography had been drawn, in order to give
various facts regarding the elevation, translation, and other particulars, con-
nected with St. Rumold's relics. Theodoric relates some miracles, connected
with our saint's memory, and which have been omitted by Domyns. Their
record will be found, in the concluding chapters of that short Life, which
Theodoric gives ; and to these, the reader is referred, for a more extended
relation of events, connected with the name and memory of this great servant
When several years had elapsed after the holy martyr's death, Belgium was
overrun, by the Danes and Northmen. Yet, notwithstanding these incursions,
the church of our saint and his shrine remained intact.21 During these incur-
sions, which prevailed in the ninth century, the inhabitants of Mechlin were
obliged to seek a place of greater security. The citizens and canons, as we
are told, judged it advisable, to remove St. Rumold's shrine to the fortified
town of Steynockesel.22 This, however, is deemed to be improbable.2* It is said
likewise, that the saint's silver reliquary was buried there in the ground, for better
concealment. 2« Even then, as before, many miracles were wrought, through
Rumold's intercession. When the dangers of war were over, the body was
exhumed, it is stated, and brought back to its former place, in solemn pomp,
and with sacred banners unfurled. At this time, there lived at Steynockesel
a Count, who suffered from a certain disease, and who felt unwilling, that the
saint's relics should be removed from his principality, until he had first been
restored to health. The clergy advised this man to offer up his prayers to
the Almighty, through the holy martyr, so that his request might be effectually
obtained. When the Count asked them in what manner he should pray, he
was told, that he should abandon his crimes, and produce acts of sincere con-
trition for them, so that he might propitiate the Divine assistance. Where-
upon, the whole body of canons went upon their knees, and fervently offered
up prayers to the Most High, for that Count's restoration. Their request was
favourably heard. The canons of St. Rumold obtained the right of present-
ment, in Steynockesel village, as a reward for the efficacy of their prayers.
cap. xxix., pp. 39, 40. Also, Vita S. Ru- to Father John Baptist Soller's statement,
moldi, authore Theodorico, cap. 4, pp. 5, 6. that in the time of Theodoric, about a.d.
19 See Bishop Challenor's "Britannia 1 100, there appears to have been no disturb-
Sancta," part ii., p. 3. ance of the saint's remains from the church
20 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo- cal]ed after him in Mechlin, as he remarks
dorico, cap. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, pp. 6 to 1 1. regarding the first burial of Rumold, that
21 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Theo- his body had been brought " quo nunc re-
dorico, cap. 5, p. 6. quiescit loco." See the Bollandists' "Acta
22 Otherwise written Steenockerseel, and Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii i. De Sancto
it has been Latinized Okersalia Petrea, an Rumoldo Episcopo et Martyre Mechliniae in
old village between Louvain and Wilvord. Belgio. Commentarius praevius, sect, xii.,
It is a parish specially dedicated to St. num. 130 to 141, pp. 19810201.
Rumold, and therefore supposed to have 24 This is supposed, by Father Ward, to
possessed at one time his relics. have occurred during the ninth century. See
23 For fuller proofs, the reader is referred Notae in Vitam ex Domynsio, n. 23, p. 87.
In memory of this privilege, a pendant lamp was kept constantly burning
day and night, in the midst of the choir of St. Rumold's canons.25
It is not wonderful, that the fame of St. Rumold had been mainly con-
fined to the people of Mechlin and its neighbourhood for nearly two centuries
after his death, owing to the Norman incursions. In the time of Notger or
Notker, bishop of Liege,26 and temporal ruler of Mechlin, the fame of St.
Rumold began to spread, when that illustrious prelate restored the churches
of his city, and also founded a college of Twelve Canons, with a Dean as their
head. These appear to have been attached to that church built by our saint,
and endowed by Count Ado and St. Libertas.2? In honour of our saint, the
celebrated cathedral of Mechlin was built, in the twelfth century.28 Its chief
external feature is the fine but unfinished Moresco western tower,29 which
rises to the height of 348 feet, and which is surmounted by a high parapet on
the top, whence a delightful view of the city beneath, and of the level country
surrounding it, may be seen to a vast distance. In a separate illustrated work,3°
relating to our saint's Acts, we are presented also with imposing views ; one
of these representing the present magnificent but unfinished tower,*1 which
so proudly dominates, not alone over the cathedral, but likewise over the
whole city of Mechlin. The other view presents a completed design which
appears, however, to have been abandoned, or at least, it was greatly modified
in details, before the present structure had been erected. The general effect
of the fine Mechlin cathedral is much heightened by the picturesque enclosed
yet open square, in which it stands. The general appearance of the whole
building is gloomy and majestic. The plan of the building is cruciform, with
a bold apse. The whole interior — large, lofty and elegant — is groined. The
clerestory is formed of very large windows, with tracery of meagre but
tolerably good design. The triforia in the choir are panelled, while in the
nave, they are a series of open panelling.*2 Beyond the north aisle, a row
of chapels extends. None of the choir chapels, however, except the Lady's
chapel, have altars. Externally the roof has no crest. 33
We are told, that after the lapse of many years, and the performance of many
miracles, the holy martyr's body was disentombed, about the beginning of the
25 Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domynsio, tails, and appearing as if the tower were
cap. II, pp. 41, 42. completed in tall and tapering proportions
26 From A.n. 972 to A.D. 1007, when he to the summit, which bears a cross over a
died. See notices of him in Le Dr. Hoefer's ball.
" Nouvelle Biographie Generale," tome 3° This, however, is only a reprint of
xxxviii., cols. 300, 301. what is included in the "Acta Sancto-
*7 See the Bollandists' " Acta Sancto- rum."
rum," tomus L, Julii i. De Sancto Rumoldo 3I See John Baptist Soller's "Acta S.
Episcopo et Martyre Mechlini^e in Belgio. Rumoldi Episcopi et Martyris, Apostoli
Commentarius proevius, by Father John et Patroni Mechliniensium," sect, xx.,
Baptist Soller, sect, viii., num. 83, 84, p. 54.
p. 187. 3* The piers are not well moulded ; they
28 A very searching and full enquiry re- are cylindrical, with flowered caps, under
garding the erection and progress of Mechlin octagonal abaci. Statues of the Apostles, of
cathedral has been instituted by Father John a late date, and of bad design, are set against
Baptist Soller, in the " Acta" Sanctorum," each pillar in the nave. Some fragments of
of the Bollandists, tomus i., Julii i. De late Flemish glass yet remain in the win-
Sancto Rumoldo Episcopo Martyre Mech- dows.
liniae in Belgio. Commentarius Praevius, 33 See Rev. Benjamin Webb's Sketches
sect, xix., xx., pp. 219 to 225. of Continental Ecclesiology," pp. 10, II.
29 In the work just quoted, there is a 3* According to conjecture about the year
copper-plate engraving of this grand tower, 803. Annotationes, &c, nota 22, pp. 86,
as it appears at the present day, as also a 87.
design beside it, differing very much in de- M See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn-
ninth century,34 and that it was found to have been buried with spices, having an
aromatic smell. Then, it was replaced in a wooden coffin covered with a silkgar-
ment, inwrought with threads of gold. The whole was placed in a shrine of silver,
and it was erected over the Blessed Virgin's altar, in the hall of the principal
choir.35 Unless the foregoing statement refers to a much later period, there
seem to be no grounds which warrant it, other than vague and uncertain popu-
lar traditions. 36 Three brothers, sons ofUrso, with another accomplice, who
had murdered the illustrious Thomas a Becket,37 Archbishop of Canterbury,38
by a Divine judgment were deprived of their senses of taste and smelling.39
Touched with remorse for their crime, those guilty men left England for
Rome, to obtain absolution from Alexander III. ,4° who then filled St. Peter's
chair. After he had heard their confession, that Pontiff enjoined it as a pen-
ance, that they should make a pilgrimage around the world, until they
recovered the use of those senses, of which they had been deprived. In pur-
suance of such a mandate, they came to Cologne, on the Rhine. There, for
the first time, on some wine being presented, they found the usual flavour
and aroma of that juice pressed from the vine. Thus, they found their sense of
taste fully restored. Afterwards, on coming to Mechlin, when they approached
its city gate, they experienced their sense of smell returning, and were made
sensible of bread being prepared, through action of their olfactory nerves.
Wherefore, full of joy and gratitude, they exclaimed in a transport : u O sacred
Cologne ! O happy Mechlin I" Afterwards, they returned to Rome, with an
account of what had occurred. Whereupon, Pope Alexander bestowed many
special privileges, on both those cities. The three brothers then came to
Mechlin, that there they might live, for the remainder of their days. They
built some houses behind St. Rumold's church, where the miracle had
occurred in their favour. These houses afterwards obtained the name, Onder
hoot berghen, in the Flemish language. These brothers died at Mechlin.*1
About the year 1301,*2 according to Grammay,*3 the city of Mechlin was
beset by a host of enemies. Its citizens placed themselves under the leadership
of a certain English knight, named Peter Dondelier.** This leader demanded
sio, cap. i., p. 41. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in
36 The earliest known writer of St. Ru- Icelandic, with English Translation, Notes
mold's Acts was Theoderic, who died in the and Glossary. Edited by Eirikr Magnusson,
fourth century after the subject of his bio- Sub-Librarian of University Library,
graphy lived,- or about AD. 1 107. He is Cambridge, vols, i., ii. London, 1875, et seq.
silent regarding those particulars stated in the 8vo.
text, and the whole of this matter is critically 39 This incident is related by Domyns, as
examined by Father John Baptist Soller, in occurring in 11 74.
the Bollandists' " Acta Sanctorum," tomus 4° After the death of Pope Adrian IV., in
i., Julii i. De Sancto Rumoldo Episcopo et 1 159, Alexander III. ruled until August
Martyre Mechlinise in Belgio. Commenta- 30th, A.D. 1 181, when he died. The events
rius Pnevius, sect, ii., pp. 171 to 173. Also, of his pontificate are chronicled by Abbe
sect, xii., xiii., pp. 198 to 204. Fleury, in his " Histoire Ecclesiastique,"
37 He is venerated as a saint and martyr, liv. lxx., lxxi., lxxii., lxxiii., pp. 66 to
at the 29th of December. A very complete 437.
account of him maybe found, in "Ma- 4I The following epitaph was inscribed on
terials for the History of Thomas Becket, their tomb : " Kichardus Brito, necnon
Archbishop of Canterbury (Canonized by Norwilius Hugo, Gullelmus Frachi, Regi-
Pope Alexander III., a.d. 1173). Edited by naldus filius Ursi, Thomam martyrium fecere
James Craigie Robertson, M.A., Canon of subire beatum."— Vita S. Rumoldi, authore
Canterbury, vols, i., ii., iii., iv., v. London, Domynsio, cap. viii., pp. 45, 46.
1875, et seq., 8vo. 42 The " Chronicum Mechliniense " places
38 His Life in Icelandic with an English this event at A.D. I3°3-.
translation has been published under the fob 43 In his work, lib. iii., sect. 5.
lowing title : Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. ** Probably from the name an Anglo-
a relic, when one of the martyr's ribs was presented to him. This he fastened
to his shield, relying on the protection of God and of St. Rumold. The
townsmen offered up public prayers to obtain the Divine assistance ; and they
brought our saint's shrine in solemn procession, through their city. When
they came towards the gates, this shrine was deposed within the walls, and
their whole army went forth to fight Their enemies were then conquered.
As a token of gratitude for their victory thus obtained, and at his own cost,
their leader had St. Rumold's relics covered with gold and silver. The other
citizens of Mechlin offered such treasures in token of public gratitude, that
the saint's silver shrine was replaced by a golden one. They made a vow,
likewise, that on each returning year, St. Rumold's body should be brought
in solemn procession through their city with lighted tapers. This ceremony
was annually performed, on the recurrence of every Easter Tuesday. But,
their miraculous victory appears to have taken place, on the feast of Holy
Thursday. 45 A beautiful silver shrine was prepared for the saint's remains,
and on April 3rd, a.d. 1369,46 these were solemnly placed therein.
In the year 1479, on tne ^east °f tne Blessed Virgin's Annunciation, while
John of Burgundy, brother to Phillip, Duke of Brabant, presided over the See
of Cambray, St. Rumold's relics were exhibited to the people, by Godofrid, a
monk of the Carmelite Institute. He was afterwards elected to the See of Cam-
bray. In the shrine was found a wooden case, in which the sacred bones of
Rumold lay, being wrapped in a silk covering, inwoven with golden threads.
The skull was also to be seen, marked by a fracture. A number of physicians
were present, who examined the saint's body. This was found to be entire,
even to the most minute joint. Seven Abbots were present, at this exposi-
tion. Their names were — Francis Villariensis, Livinus Boulous, Martin of
St. Bernard, John of St. Michael, Bartholomew Aveibod, Guernerus of Ton-
gerloo, Marcus Grimberganus. The relics were publicly exhibited for the
whole Octave, morning and evening, and this exposition took place before the
Pascal days. The old garment was then removed from our saint's body, and
a new one of a green colour was substituted. In this, our saint's remains
were wrapped. The former garment continued to be shown. The relics of
this holy martyr were reposed within a shrine, on which a seal and a suitable
inscription were placed.*? The great church of Mechlin was much frequented
by pious pilgrims, who came to pray at the tomb of our saint. The Sovereign
Pontiff, Paul IV., who ruled from a.d. 1555 to 1559,48 raised Mechlin to the
metropolitical dignity.**
That beautiful shrine, which had been prepared for St. Rumold's relics, in
1 369,5° was destroyed two centuries later^1 during the troubles that agitated
the Low Countries in 1578. Through all the province of Mechlin, the Feast
of St. Rumold had been celebrated as a Double Festival, with an Office of
Nine Lessons.52 In 1631, a rich and a new silver shrine 53 had been pre-
Norman. so It is said, this had been prepared at an
45 See Vita S. Rumoldi, authore Domyn- expense of 66,000 florins. See John D'Alton's
sio, cap. iii., pp. 42, 43. " Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin,"
46 This is represented, in "Acta S. Ru- p. 23.
moldi Episcopi et Martyris, Apostoli et * See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des
Patroni Mechliniensium," by John Baptist Saints," tome vii. Premiere Jour de Juillet,
Solier, sect, xv., p. 42. p. 583.
47 See Vita S. Rumoldi, cap.iv., pp.43, 44. ^ See Harris' Ware, vol. i., " Bishops of
48 See Sir Harris Nicolas' "Chronology of Dublin," p. 305.
History," p. 211. 53 a representation of this fine object of
49 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of art and devotion may be seen, in John Bap-
the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal tist Seller's " Acta S. Rumoldi Episcopi et
Saints," vol. vii., July i. Martyris, Apostoli et Patroni Mechlinien-
pared for the relics of St. Rumold, and it was placed over the high altar in
the cathedral. Once more, during the French Revolution, and when Belgium
had been invaded by the Republican army, a.d. 1794, the valuable shrine
which had been placed in the cathedral of Malines,54 was carried off to the
treasury of Bruxelles, and it was broken up to satisfy the exactions of the
invaders.55 At this period, the French soldiers were badly provided for, by
the administration in Paris, and the assignats or paper money, in which they
had been paid, were greatly depreciated in value, so that they requisitioned
eighty millions of francs from Belgium alone, and this sum was levied from
the clergy, the churches, the abbeys, nobles and corporations.56 In the year
1825, there was a great semi-seculaire jubilee of St. Rumold celebrated at
Malines, when the diocese voluntarily contributed funds to prepare a new
silver shrine,5? which is to be seen at the present day,58 and it is placed over
the high altar.
In order that our saint's festival should not interfere with that of St. John
the Baptist,5? the anniversary of St. Rumold's death was commemorated, on the
istday of July.60 This date falls on the Octave of St. John's feast. The Trans-
lation ofSt. Rumold's Relics is kept, moreover, on the 27th of October, although
it took place, within the festival of St. Luke, the Evangelist.61 However, the
chief feast of St. Rumold has been set down, at the 1st of July, in the ancient
Martyrology of the Carthusians at Cologne,62 and in Hermann Greven's tran-
script of it,63 in the old^Cologne Martyrology known as Usuardus Auctus,64 in
John Molanus,65 as also, in the ancient Martyrology written in German,66 and
edited by Rev. P. Petrus Canisius. According to the Martyrology of Done-
gal,6? a festival was celebrated at the 1st of July, in honour of Rumoldus,
Bishop of Duibhlinn, which was called Ath-cliath. He is likewise called
Rumoel, in a table appended to that Martyrology.68 In the anonymous
Calendar of Irish Saints, published by O'Sullevan Beare, the name Rumoldus
occurs at this date, as also in the list of Henry Fitzsimon, Rumoldus, Bishop
and Martyr, is found.60 Throughout the province of Dublin before the Refor-
mation, as we are informed, St. Rumold's was a Double Festival, with an
sium," sect, xvii., p. 47. Saints," tome vii., ie Jour de Juillet, p.
54 A.D. 1631. 583.
55 See Les Petits Bollandistes, Vies des s9 Held on the 24th of June.
Saints," tome vii., ie Jour de Juillet, p. 6o This transference was by a Decree of
583. Pope Alexander IV. See Harris' Ware,
56 See Thiers' " Histoire de la Revolu- vol. i., Bishops of Dublin, p. 305.
tion Francaise," tome vii., chap, xxvi., 6t See Vita S. Rumoldi, auctore Domyn-
p. 2. sio, cap. v., p. 44.
S70nit, St.Rumold is represented as having 6* Thus: " Sancti Rumoldi Episcopi et
a crown on his head, assuming him to be son Martyris, filii Regis Hibernise, et Archiepis-
of a Scottish or Irish king ; as raising to life copi Dubliniensis.
the young son of the Duke of Malines ; as 63 Noticed thus : " Mechlinise S. Rumoldi
preaching in a wood ; as healing a blind Episcopi Hiberniensis et Martyris."
man ; as giving up the episcopal insignia to 6* Thus : " In Brabantia S. Rumoldi Epis-
become a monk; as healing a possessed copi Hibemiseet Martyris, qui passusquidem
person ; as engaged building a monastery ; et 8 Kal. Julii ; sed ejus celebritas hie festi-
as protecting by his prayers a religieuse cap- vius recolitur."
hired by pirates ; as striking the earth with 65 Both in his " Indiculus Sanctorum
his staff, and causing a fountain of water to Belgii," and in " Natal es Sanctorum
spring up; as being struck with a spade, Belgii."
pick, axe and club by the criminal workmen 66 In this, St. Rumold is regarded as
he had employed ; as being found in the Bishop of Dublin, and of royal race,
water, owing to the miraculous light shining 67 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
over his corpse; and as standing glorious 184, 185.
and treading the assassins beneath his feet. 68 See ibid., pp. 462, 463.
58 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des C9 The latter quotes Johannes Donnius—
Office of Nine Lessons. 7° By a decree of the Congregation of Rites, 8th of
July, 1 741, it was decided, that the office of St. Rumold should be celebrated
as a Duplex Majus, on the 1st of July, with Nine Lessons.7l
Heroically many martyrs of God were linked together in a common Faith,
a common danger, and a common suffering. In the majority of cases, the
struggle between the natural and supernatural element must have been a
terrible one, even when Christian fortitude and Faith sustained them in the
victory of martyrdom. The present holy man was destined to pass through
that ordeal, because he felt it to be a great pastoral duty to reprove vice, and
to promote virtue. Envy and avarice, both base and odious crimes, prompted
to revenge and murder ; but, a holy life had been well spent, when the
martyr's crown became the reward of this glorious and apostolic prelate, in a
country, where he had zealously laboured.
Article II.— St. Servan, Serb, Serf, or Seran, Apostolic Mis-
sionary in Scotland. [Fifth or Sixth Century.'] One of the most cele-
brated saints, connected with the early missions of Scotland, was the holy
man, who is called Serb, by Irish writers, and about whom so many
inconsistent accounts have received circulation. According to one account,
his original name was Malachias, which at the time of his baptism was
changed into Servanus. Serf is another form of this name. He is also called
Servan,1 or Seran. In some parts of Scotland, the people have corrupted his
name to Sair or Sare.2 The Festival of St. Servanus or St. Serf 3 has been
assigned to the 20th day of April, where we have already given the legendary
Acts and the conjectures of several writers regarding him, as also the specu-
lations referring to his period and locality.* Again, there is a notice of him,
at the 13th of May.5 It must be unnecessary to repeat what has been already
stated, but as this holy man has another festival assigned at the 1st of July,
we can only briefly subjoin what serves to amplify, yet hardly illustrate, his
proceedings. On this day, the Bollandists have several unsatisfactory notices
regarding him,6 in a previous commentary 7 to his Life, as found in the Breviary
of Aberdeen. The early history of St. Servan seems to be involved in con-
siderable obscurity. Already has allusion been made to the Manuscript
Life of St. Servanus,8 as found in the so-called Codex Kilkenniensis,? and to
which Archbishop Ussher refers, where he styles it a compound of foolish
portents and of lying fables.10 Indeed, for all historical purposes, it is not
only utterly worthless, but it is flagrantly in opposition to well-established
facts of church history." The Aberdeen Breviary seems to contain the prinii-
probably Joannes Domyns is meant. See * See at that date, in the Fourth Volume
O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic Catholicse of this work, Art. iv.
Ibernia? Compendium," tomus i., lib. iv., s See the Fifth Volume of this work, at
cap. xi., xii., pp. 50, 56. that date, Art. vi.
See Harris' Ware, vol. i., " Bishops of 6 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii i.
Dublin," J). 305. De S. Servano Epis. et Conf. Orcadum In-
f See De Burgo's " Officia Propria Sane- sularum Apostolo, pp. 55 to 58.
torum Hibernise," Die prima Julii. In 7 in thirteen paragraphs, written by Father
Festo S. Rumoldi, pp 63 to 68. John Baptist Soller.
Article ii.— ' This is usually written 8 In the Fourth Volume of this work, at
Servanus, by the Latin compilers of accounts, the 20th of April, Art. iv.
relating to him. 9 in Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin,
a See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of and classed vol. 3, 4, 16.
Scottish Saints," p. 447. «o gee << Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Anti-
3 See an account of him in Rev. Dr. J. F. quitates," cap. xv., p. 353.
S. Gordon's " Scotichronicon," pp. 42, 43. " The reader may find the full version of
tive legends, regarding the origin and career of this holy Bishop and Con-
fessor,13 who is said to have drawn his descent from the nation of the Scots —
a matter which is altogether likely, although a different parentage has been
assigned to him. It has been stated, also, that he was a Pict on the mother's
side ; her name being Alma, a daughter to the King of the Cruithne. Again,
other accounts have it that his father was Pore, King of Canaan, in Egypt.
If we are to trust the Martyrology of Aberdeen,13 he was of royal origin ; his
father being Obeth,14 while his mother is said to have been Alixa/s the
daughter of a King in Arabia.16 Servan himself is said to have been King of the
Cananii,1? but leaving his kindred through a supernatural motive, he resolved
to seek more distant countries. With an illustrious company of holy men, he
travelled far away from the territory of the Cananii to Jerusalem, thence to
Rome, thence to France, and finally he arrived in Scotland.18 Were we to
credit Thomas Dempster's account, he flourished in the year 293, having
been elected bishop from the flock of the Culdees;1^ but, most assuredly, he
did not live at this early period, for heathenism then wholly prevailed over
Scotland. St. Servan has been classed among the disciples of St. Patrick.20
However, we cannot find him enrolled as such, in the list furnished by
Colgan.21 We are told,22 that he lived under the rite and form of the primitive
church, until the arrival of Palladius.23 St. Servan sailed for Scotland, to
preach the faith among the people. There, he is said to have erected a
monastery, on the winding shores of the Forth.2* According to some accounts,
St. Servan founded a monastery, near the town of Culenros, the modern Cul-
ross, in Fifeshire ; while others have it, that before Palladius visited Scotland,
there had been a religious school established at that place, in which the pre-
sent holy man received his education. 25 He took care to chastise his body
and bring it under subjection, while he lived there in solitude. The fame of
some miracles he had wrought created for him a great veneration in the minds
of the multitude.36 There, too, he lived, with a religious society of disciples.2?
One of the most renowned among these was St. Kentigern,28 who was
this Life of St. Servanus, in William F. so See Right Rev. Patrick F. Moran's
Skene's " Chroncles of the Picts, Chronicles "Irish Saints in Great Britain," chap, v.,
of the Scots, and other early Memorials of p. 155.
Scottish History," Appendix, sect, vi., pp. 2I See " Trias Thaumaturga, " Quinta Ap-
412 to 420. pendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii., pp.
12 See Right Rev. Patrick F. Moran's 265 to 269.
" Irish Saints in Great Britain," chap, v., 22 In the Aberdeen Breviary.
pp. 155, 156. 23 See his Life, in the present Volume, at
13 At the Kalends of July we find the fore- the 6th of July, Art. i.
going notice, as contained in the text. 24 See Right Rev. Patrick F. Moran's
See " Proceedings of the Society of Antiqua- "Irish Saints in Great Britain," chap, v.,
ries of Scotland," vol. ii., pp. 265, 266. p. 155*
l* The son of Eliud, according to the 2S Such is the account, as given by Came-
Dublin MS. Life. rarius, who tells us furthermore, that Saints
15 Called "Alpia filia regis Arabie," in Kentigern and Ternan taught humanities and
the Dublin MS. Life. sacred lessons, in that place.
16 It is said, they were without children for a6 The Martyrology of Aberdeen says,
twenty years, before the miraculous birth of " preclara sua miracula posterum stupenda
their twin sons Malachias, otherwise called merito Seruanum summe extollendum laudi-
Servanus, and Generatius. bus efferunt et sine fine in celesiibus regna-
x* Otherwise called Cananeans. turum insinuant."
18 See the particulars of these migrations 2? See Rev. Thomas Innes' "Civil and
set forth, in the Fourth Volume of this work, Ecclesiastical History of Scotland," book ii.,
at the 20th of April, Art. iv. sect, vii., p. 125.
19 See " Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Sco- 28 He has a double festival : one for the
torum," tomus ii., lib. xvii., num. 1032, 13th of January, andthe other for the 13th
p. 574. 01 November.
educated under his care. He and his mother Thenoga9 were baptized by
this holy man ; the former having been born, after the latter had been cast
ashore in a boat, at Culenros,3° and on the coast of Fife. When St. Kentigern
resolved on leaving Culross, St. Servan who tenderly loved him showed the
greatest sensibility of soul. He cried out : " Alas ! my dearest son ! light of
mine eyes ! staff of my old age! wherefore dost thou desert me? Call to
mind the days that are past, and remember the years that are gone by ; how
I took thee up when thou earnest forth from thy mother's womb, nourished
thee, taught thee, trained thee, even unto this hour. Do not despise me, nor
neglect my grey hairs, but return, that in no long time thou mayest close
mine eyes."*1 And when St. Kentigern nevertheless continued his course,
Servan again cried aloud, asking to be permitted to accompany him, and to
be reckoned among his disciples; but Kentigern replied : " I go whither God
calls me, but do thou return, I pray thee, my father, to thine own disciples,
that in thy holy presence they may be trained in sacred doctrine, guided by
thy example, and restrained by thy discipline.32 When Pope St. Celestine 1.33
had destined Palladius 34 for the conversion of the Irish-Scots, 35 — then having
some knowledge of the Christian religion — his mission there failed. His course
was afterwards directed to Scotland. Among his disciples was St. Servan.
But whether the latter accompanied him from Rome, or whether he had been
a native of Ireland or of Scotland, appears to be uncertain. Equally so is the
conjecture, that he had been found in either of these Islands, and that he had
been instructed in the Faith by Palladius. However this may be, both were
associated in the work of preaching and of administering the sacraments
among the people of Scotland. As he was gifted with singular goodness and
humility, St. Palladius consecrated St. Servan a bishop, according to received
accounts. 3<5 The latter became a coadjutor to his apostolic master^ while
spreading the light of the Gospel in those northern parts he had chosen for
the exercise of his zeal. Another account has it, that when St. Palladius failed
in preaching the Gospel among the Orkneyans, St. Servan became eminently
successful in that effort. 38 While St. Palladius destined St. Tervan to become
Archbishop of the Picts, he directed St. Servan to become the great missionary
and Apostle of the Orkneys. 39 Again, it has been supposed, by some writers,
that St. Tervan had been the first missionary sent to those Islands, while St.
Servan succeeded him in that post/0 As T and S are frequently commu table
in the Celtic dialects, it may be a subject for fair investigation, to discover if
Tervan and Servan be not one and the same person ; while, if such be the
case, we have another disturbing historic element introduced into the present
■» Her feast is kept on the 1 8th of July. 3<s Such is the statement of Polydore
3° See " Lives of St. Ninian and St. Ken- Virgil.
tigern," compiled in the twelfth century. 3? See Fordun's " Scotichronicon, lib. iii.
Edited from the best MSS. by Alexander cap.ix.
Penrose Forbes, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin, 38 See Ussher's "De Primordiis Britanni-
Life of St. Kentigern, chap, iv., p. 40. carum Ecclesiarum," p. 671.
Edinburgh, 1874, 8 vo. 39 See Lesley, " De Origine, Moribus, et
31 Vita S. Kentigerni, cap. viii. Rebus Gestis Scotorum," lib. iv., Rex xli.,
31 See Right Rev. Patrick F. Moran's p. 137.
"Irish Saints in Great Britain," chap, v., 4Q To these statements has been added the
PP- x55' l$6- report, that both had a charge to extirpate
33 About the year 431. the Pelagian heresy among the people of
34 See his Acts in the present volume, at those northern parts. The contradiction is
July 6th, Art. i. obvious, if we only suppose, that those people
35 According to the Chronicle of St. had yet to receive Christianity through the
Prosper of Aquetaine. ministry of Saints Tervan and Servan,
July i.]
perplexing memoir. However, this may be, we are inclined to believe, that
the success of St. Servan's missionary career among the Orkneyans — if con-
siderable in his time— could not have been of a very permanent character.
St. Servan was sent into the Orkney Islands by St. Palladius, and his mis-
sionary career was so successful there, that he has since been regarded as the
Apostle of that group. Some writers state, that St. Palladius and St. Sylves-
ter 4I shared that Apostleship with him. At this period, the people of Orkney
were in a rude state ;42 yet, we have few accounts left us by writers, to throw
much light on their pagan condition. *3 Picts or Britons appear to have been
the earliest inhabitants. 44 The Fir-galeoin 4S — a tribe of the Firbolgs — are
said also to have inhabited them. In the time of St. Columkille,*6 they seem
to have relapsed into paganism ; if indeed, Christianity had previously made
any progress among them. Towards the end of the sixth century, some of
St. Columba's disciples47 appear to have gained a foothold there ; and Irish
Papae or Fathers were found in those Islands, when they had been invaded
by the Norwegians in the ninth century.48 Gradually a great number of
churches and monasteries were established in those Islands, after the Norwe-
gian colonists had conformed to Christianity. Under the Jarls, Kirkwall
grew up to be the chief seat of power, and there too was established the epis-
copal See of the Orkneys. After the remains of St. Magnus 49 the Martyr
had been removed to Christ Church, Bersa,s° his nephew Ronald resolved on
41 He is said to have had a feast on the
5th of February, in the Orkney Islands.
42 See Bellenden's Hector Boece's " Scoto-
rum Historian, "tomus i., lib. vii., cap. 1 8, p. 286.
43 For a fuller account, the reader is re-
ferred to the Second Volume of this work,
at the 14th of February, Art. iii.
44 See Chalmers' "Caledonia," vol. i.,
book ii., chap. iv.
45 See "The Irish Version of Nennius."
Note of Rev. Dr. Todd, p. 146.
46 See his Life, in the Sixth Volume of this
work, at the 9ih of June, Art. i.
4? Among these, St. Cormac Ua Liathan
appears to have been distinguished, as ap-
pears from his Life, at the 21st of June. See
ibid., Art i.
48 See Rev. George Barry's "History of
the Orkney Islands,'' &c, p. 115.
49 See his Life, in the Fourth Volume of
this work, at April 16th, Art. ii.
5° See Robert William Billing's " Baronial
and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, "
vol. iii., p. 2.
5' The See of the Church Bay (Kirk Vaag)
in the Orkneys was founded a.d. i 102, and
the fine cathedral— of which there is a
ground plan — was begun A.D. 1 138. See
Rev. Mackenzie E. C. Walcott's " Scoti
Monasticon," p. 173.
52 The accompanying illustration was
drawn on the wood by William F. Wake-
man, from an approved drawing ; and it
has been engraved on the wood by Mrs.
53 In the year 1468, the Orkneys were
transferred from the kingdom of Denmark
and annexed to the Scottish crown. See an
account of this transaction, in John Pinker-
ton's " History of Scotland from the Acces-
sion of the house of Stuart to that of Mary,"
with Appendices of Original Papers, vol. i. ,
book vii., pp. 262 to 266.
54 See a further account of this most in-
teresting structure, in Rev. Mackenzie E. C.
Walcott's " Scoti Monasticon," pp. 173
to 178.
55 According to the Martyrology of Aber-
56 See an account of him, in Bishop
Forbes' "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," pp.
445 to 447.
57 According to the Bollandists' "Acta
Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii i.
58 See Bishop Forbes' "Kalendars of
Scottish Saints," p. 42.
59 Thus : " Sancti Servani Episcopi,
xii., 1., ii. m." '—Ibid., p. 59.
60 Thus : " Servani Episcopi, Conf. ix., 1."
—Ibid., p. 118.
61 See ibid., p. 132.
62 Thus : "S. Serffe bischop of Orknay and
confesor vnder King Eugenius 2." — Ibid.,
p. 156.
63 Thus: "In Insulis Serfi primi illius
populi Apostoli." — Ibid., p. 204.
<>4 See "Old Statistical Account of Scot-
land," vol. x., p. 131, and vol. xviii., Ap-
pendix, p. 649.
63 See " New Statistical Account of Scot-
land," Perth, p. 600.
66 See " Lives of S. Ninian and S. Ken-
tigern," compiled in the Twelfth Century.
Edited from the best MSS., by Alexander
Penrose Forbes, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin.
Notes P, pp. 324 to 326.
[July i.
the erection of a magnificent cathedral at Kirkwall in the twelfth century,51
When completed, he had the remains of St. Magnus removed thither, and
afterwards this holy martyr gave name to that church, of which he was regarded
as the patron. The interior
presents much of the original
plan and style, in the massive
columns and rounded arches
within the nave and aisles.53
The five eastern bays of the
nave were built with pillars,
fifteen feet in circumference,
by Bishop William I. in 1160;
while, owing to the disturbed
state of affairs in the Orkneys,
the cathedral remained un-
finished." The remaining bays,
with the western front and
three western bays in the same
style, were built by Bishop
Reid in 1540.54 St. Servan
lived to a venerable old age.
He departed this life at Cul-
ross. There his relics were
afterwards preserved.55 Be-
sides the commemorations of
this holy man already entered
at the 20th of April, and at
13th of May, there is a festival
set down, at the 1st of July,56
which is supposed to have been
the date for his death. In his
Universal Martyrology, Castellan has the feast of Servanus, a Scot, at the
latter date, but the place assigned for him is Wales. 5? Otherwise, we know
not of any recorded connexion the present St. Servan had with the latter
principality. In the Kalendar of Hyrdmainstown, at the 1st of July, there is
an entry of Servanus Episcopus, with a notice that he had an Office of Nine
Lessons;58 also, in the Kalendar of Culenros ;59 likewise, in the Kalendar,
attached to the Breviary of Aberdeen;60 also, in the Martyrology of Aber-
deen ;61 in Adam King's Kalendar;62 and, in Thomas Dempster's Menolo-
gium Scoticum.63 Until a late period, an annual procession attended with
public festivity was held in his honour, on the first of each recurring July.
Early on the morning of that day, all the inhabitants, young and old, men
women and children assembled, and carried green branches through the town.
They also decked the public places with flowers, and spent the rest of the day
in recreation and public rejoicing.6* In 1839, this custom had not altogether
disappeared,65 but the day had been altered to the 24th of June — the birth-
day of King George III. — in consequence of the neighbouring lairds and
Cathedral Church of St. Mngnus, Kirkwall,
Orkney Island, Interior View.
Article hi.— 1 Edited by Rev. Dr.
Kelly, p. xxviii.
a It is in the parish of St. Peter's, barony
of Athlone, and it is shown on the '"Ord-
nance Survey Townland Maps for the
County of Roscommon," sheets 52, 55.
3 See John O'Donovan's "Tribes and
Customs of Hy-Many," n. (j), pp. 79, 80.
* Allusion is also made to this place, in a
note to Colgan's M Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
niae," xv. Februarii. Vita S. Farannani, n.
28, p. 339-
magistrates being strong Hanoverians,66 and their desiring to wean the
affections and celebration of the people from an old Scottish saint to the
regal representative of the Guelph family.
Article III. — St. Ailill of Cloonown, County of Roscommon,
Armagh. In the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at the 1st of July, we find the
entry Ailella, Bishop of Cluana Emain. The name Cluana Kmain — where
seven bishops were venerated — has been identified with Cloonowen, or
Cloonown,2 an old church situated on the River Shannon, and not far
removed from Athlone. It lies to the south-east of this town, 3 and it is within
the county of Roscommon.4 There seems to have been an error admitted,
in deeming him to have been an Archbishop of Armagh, and the second of this
same name. However, the Martyrology of Tamhlacht calls him bishopof Cluain
Emain, but without any mention of Armagh, as elsewhere found. Marianus
O'Gorman simply names him; but, the gloss adds, Epscop Arda Macha. He is
not mentioned in the Feilire of /Engus, nor in the Dublin copy of the Scholia.
The present saint is said to have succeeded his namesake Ailill or Ailild I.,
in the See of Armagh.s He died in the year 526, on the 13th day of January,
and this holy man, the second of his name in that primatical See, is thought
to have been elected, soon after the chair had been vacated. Ailill II. sprung
from the same family as his namesake and predecessor.6 While the Bollan-
dists 7 enter the name of Alellus or Alildus II., Archbishop of Armagh, at this
date, on the authority of Colgan ; they declare, likewise, that they know not
from what authority he has been entered on the Catalogue of Saints, and they
defer to a supplement, at the 13th day of January, any further notices regard-
ing him. We read, that Ailill II. ruled for ten years over the Irish Church,
and he died on the 1st of July,8 according to Marianus O'Gorman, and other
Martyrologists, a.d. 535, but according to other chronologists, in the year
536.9 At this same date, the Martyrology of Donegal IO records him as
Ailill, Bishop, of Ard Macha. Some words within brackets are added in a
more recent hand, [i.e. Elias, according to the corresponding synonyme, at
Rathbuanae."] Where this place was situated, we have no means for deter-
Article IV. — St. Cuimmein, Bishop of Nendrum, or Mahee Island,
County of Down. [Seventh Century ■.] On the 1st of July, in the Martyr-
ologies of Tallagh,1 of Marianus O'Gorman and of Charles Maguire,2 it is men-
tioned, that veneration was given to Cuimmein, Bishop of Aendruim. This
place is now known as Mahee Island, inStrangford Lough, and in the county
s A considerable nmount of ecclesiastical ' See Harris' Ware, vol. i., "Archbishops
information regarding this Archdiocese may of Armagh," p. 39.
be found, in Sir Charles Coote's " Statistical I0 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
Survey of the County of Armagh," part i., 184, 185.
chap, i., sect. 4, pp. 9 to 21, and Appendix, " They signify, that Elias is the usual
No. xxi., pp. 28 to 33. Latinized form of the Celtic name Ailill,
6 See James Stuart's "Historical Memoirs and that this Ailill died or was honoured as
of the City of Armagh," chap, i., p. 92. a saint, at Rathbuanae.
7 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Article iv. — x Edited by Rev. Dr.
Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts, Kelly, p. xxviii.
p. 2. 2 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
8 See Ussher's " Britannicavum Ecclesia- niae," xii. Januarii. De S. Cumiano Epis-
rum Antiquitates," Index Chronologicus. copo, n. 6, p. 59.
of Down. 3 The Bollandists,4 who have a notice of this holy man, at the ist
of July, refer to Hugh Ward's work s for the entry; but, they defer to treat
about his veneration and Acts, until they had more certain evidences. It has
been stated, in Rev. Dr. O'Conor's text of the Annals of the Four Masters,
that he died a.d. 658 ;6 but, this is faulty, for according to Tighernach, he
departed a.d. 659.7 He is said to have rested — about the year 661 — by Duald
Mac Firbis,8 in his text, De Quibusdam Episcopis.9 This tract was found
among the Bodleian Manuscripts, at Oxford.10 This holy Bishop's name is
entered, in the Martyrology of Donegal,11 at the present date.
Article V. — St. Cathbadh or Cathbath. We find in the Martyr-
ology of Tallagh,1 Cathbadh's name, at the istof July. It is to be regretted,
that ecclesiastical and religious persons, whose opportunities or position
enabled them to record passing events, wanted either the taste or inclination,
to preserve reminiscences and edifying accounts of those, with whom they
had been intimately associated. Owing to such omissions, no doubt, posterity
has lost a knowledge of this holy man's place and age, as in many similar
cases. There is a notice of St. Cathladius,2 in Jocelyn's Life of St. Patrick. 3
He is said to have been a pilgrim and of British race. He was the third
Bishop of Ath-Truim or Trim, in succession to St. Loman or Luman,*
appointed by St. Patrick himself, and to St. Fortchern.s Now, Colgan thinks,
that Cathladius was probably the same person as Cathfadius, whose Natalis
has been placed in the Irish Martyrologies, at the ist of July, or at the 16th
of September. The Bollandists,6 who record Cathfadius at the ist of July,'
do not forget to state, that Sirinus has suggested Cathbadius for Cathfadius.
At this date, the Martyrology of Donegal8 has only the simple record
Article VI. — St. Lugid or Lughaidh, Son of Lugeus or Lughaidh.
As these, who ascend the heights of the Himalaya Mountains, avoid the con-
tagious diseases and oppressive atmosphere of the plains below ; so do the
saints escape, by their ascent towards exalted perfection, the noisome moral
3 See what has been already stated, at the I0 Classed Rawlinson, No. 480. See
31st January, the festival of St. Mochumma " Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy,"
or Documma, Bishop of InisMahee ; as also, vol. ix., 1856, p. 184.
at the 23rd of June, the feast of St. Mochaoi ,x Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
or Mochay, Abbot and Patron of Nendrum. 184, 185.
4 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Article v. — • Edited by Rev. Dr.
Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 4. Kelly, p. xxviii.
s See "Sancti Rumoldi Martyris Inclyii, 2 Under this form, his name is not found
Archiepiscopi Dubliniensis, Mechliniensium in our Irish Martyrologies.
Apostoli," Dissertatio Historica, &c, sect. 3 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumalurga,"
9, num. 9, p. 159. Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. lii., p. 76, and n.
6 See " Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores," 59, pp. no, in.
tomus iii., p. 215. * See an account of him, at the 17th of
7 See Rev. William Reeves' " Ecclesias- February, in the Second Volume of this
tical Antiquities of Down, Connor and Dro- work, Art. iii.
more," Appendix A, p. 149. Also, Appendix s See ibid., Art. iv.
LL, p. 379. b See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i.,
8 See " Proceedings of the Royal Irish Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 5.
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., 7 They add, that should further lights be
part i., nn. 20, 21, p. 85. vouchsafed, on the matter of identity, it
' Translated into English, by D. H. might be possible to say more, at the 1 6th
Kelly, M.R.I.A., and annotated by W. M. of September.
Hennessy, M.R.I. A. 8 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
contagion of the worlding's low position. The Martyrology of Tallagh x
enters the name of Lugidius, son of Lugeus, as having veneration paid him,
at the 1st of July. Thus was he distinguished, at an early period of our
ecclesiastical history, among his contemporaries. Marianus O'Gorman has a
similar notice in his Martyrology, at this day. Cathal Maguire agrees in the
paternity, and he adds, that the present holy man was Bishop of Cluain-
camaint. It is now difficult to identify this ancient place. The Bollandists,2
who notice Lugidius films Lugei at the 1st of July, state, that Cluain-camaint
was unknown to them, but they suggest, that a Cluaid-camhain is mentioned
in the Annals of Donegal, at the year 1089. Where they obtained such infor-
mation is not apparent to us. 3 Lughaidh, son of Lughaidh, is the entry of
the O'Clerys, in the Martyrology of Donegal/ at this date.
Article VII. — St. UltaN. Veneration was given at the 1st of July to
Ultan, as we read in the Martyrology of Tallagh.1 In this Calendar, there
is a double entry of the name ; but, it is hardly probable, two saints, thus deno-
minated, were intended. This duplication, in all likelihood, arose from some
error on the part of a copyist. The Bollandists,2 at this date, notice, that
there are two Ultans recorded by Sirinus,3 and numbered among the Irish
Saints. No less than eighteen, bearing the same name, are to be found in
the Martyrology of Donegal/ There are some prophetical Poems 5 extant,
and ascribed to Ultan, of Leitrim. Whether he was identical with this or
any other saint bearing the name — for many Ultans are in our Calendars —
cannot be determined. In the Martyrology of Donegal,6 at this date, we
only find Ultan's name simply entered.
Article VIII. — St. Sineall, or Sillin. We find the simple entry
Sillin recorded in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at this date. The Bollandists2
have Sillinus or Sinellus, and the Martyrology of Donegal,3 Sineall, at the 1st
of July. In the Table appended to this latter record, his festival is incor-
rectly placed, at the 1 st of the preceding month; however, it is probably
only an error in the printing or transcription/
Article IX. — St. Barrinu or Bairrfhinn. It is inserted, in the
Martyrology of Tallagh,1 that St. Barrinu's feast was held on this day. Also,
184, 185. 4 See Table, pp. 476 to 479.
Article vl— l Edited by Rev. Dr. s These are among the Messrs. Hodges'
Kelly, p. xxviii. and Smith's Irish Manuscripts (No. 27, a
2_ See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., small paper 4to), in the Royal Irish Aca-
Julii i. Among the pretermitted saints, demy's Collection. There are here similar
p. 3» Poems, ascribed to Maeltamhleachta. These
3 It is not to be found in Rev. Dr. Poems have special reference to the Anglo-
O'Conor's version, nor in Dr. O'Donovan's Norman Conquest.
Four Masters, at the foregoing date. 6 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
4 Edited by Rev. Drs. Todd and Reeves, 184, 185.
pp. 184, 185. Article viii.— r Edited by Rev. Dr.
Article vii.— * Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii.
Kelly, p. xxviii. 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i.,
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii i. Among the pretermitted saints,
Julii i. Among the pretermitted saints, p. 3.
P- 3- 3 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, .pp.
3 In " Sancti Rumoldi Martyris Inclyti, 184, 185.
Archiepiscopi Dubliniensis, Mechliniensium 4 See ibid., pp.470, 471.
Apostoli," &c. Index Sanctorum. Article ix.— l Edited by Rev. Dr.
at the i st of July, and on the authority of Sirinus, the Bollandists2 place
Barninus or Barindus. In the Martyrology of Donegal,* a festival in honour
of Bairrfhinn, at the ist of July, is commemorated.
Article X. — St. Connan. A festival in honour of Connan, is inserted
in the Martyrology of Donegal,1 at the ist of July. The Bollandists2 enter
Connanus, at the same date, on the authority of Sirinus.3 This is probably
the saint, whose festival has been entered for the same date, in the Martyr-
ology of Tallagh.4 There, however, he is called Commai, bishop.
Article XI. — St. Ernin. The name Ernin appears in the Martyrology
of Donegal,1 at the ist of July. On the authority of Sirinus, the Bollandists2
have inserted the simple denomination of Erninus.
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of St. Tarnanus, Bishop of Lis-
more, Scotland. In the Martyrology of Dempster,1 and in the Calendar
of Ferrarius,2 at the ist of July, there is a festival for St. Tarnanus, Bishop of
Lismore. Whether there is warrant for such a statement does not seem to
be very clear.' The Bollandists 3 refer to the T2th of June, for their notices
of him. At the same date, in the Sixth Volume of this work/* an account of
St. Ternan, Apostle of the Picts, may be found.
Article XIII. — St. Emant, of Cluain. According to the Martyrology
of Donegal,1 Emant,2 of Cluain, was venerated on this day, and Marianus
O'Gorman is cited as authority for the statement. When and where he
flourished does not seem to be known.
Article XIV. — Festival of Aaron, First Priest of the Mosaic
Law. In the Feilire 1 of St. ^Engus, at the ist of July, we find a festival in
Kelly, p. xxviii. ■ See " Catalogus Generalis."
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i.,
Julii i. Among the pretermitted saints, Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts,
p. 3- p. 2.
3 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. « See Art. ii.
184, 185. Article xiii.— ' Edited by Drs. Todd
Article x.— x Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 184, 185.
and Reeves, pp. 184, 185. 2 In a note 2, the Rev. Dr. Todd says at
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Emant: " This name is added by the more
Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts, recent hand from Mar. O'Gorman, who
p. 3* styles him 'bishop.'"
3 See " Sancti Rumoldi Martyris Inclyti, Article xiv.— x In the " Leabhar
Archiepiscopi Dubliniensis, Mechliniensium Breac" copy, the following rann is found,
Apostoli," &c. and its English translation has been fur-
* Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii. nished by Whitley Stokes, LL.D. :—
Article XI.— * Edited by Rev. Drs.
Todd and Reeves, pp. 184, 185. hunt ikl. rmnbuil
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., tTHnne mor^r- nuch^
Julii i. Among the pretermitted feasts, bar -Anom r <*b rrunche
p. 3« Simon A^ur" CacVia.
Article xii.— x See " Menologium
Scoticum,"— Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars "On July's marvellous Kalend is Mary
of Scottish Saints," p. 204. whom Matthew magnifies : the death of
honour of Aaron. To this entry, the scholiast has added Latin notes, stating
that he was the first priest, and brother of Moyses, while it is added, that he
died on Mount Oir.3
Article XV. — Feast of Mary. The Feilire x of St. ^Engus has a
festival on this day for Mary, whom Matthew magnifies ; and therefore, the
commentator has it, that she was the Mother of our Lord, and Blessed Virgin
Article XVI. — Festival of Saints Simon and Thaddaeus. In the
Feilire1 of St. ^Engus, at the 1st of July, a Festival for Saints Simon2 and
Thaddaeus 3 is noted.
£>erontr JBap of Sfttljn
ONLY a supposition can be raised, that the present holy man lived in
the early period of the Irish Church. In the Martyrology of Tallagh,1
we find a festival entered, at the 2nd of July, in honour of Ternoc, of Cluana-
moir. In the Martyrology of Marianus O'Gorman, at the 2nd of July, this
saint is eulogized, as being innocent and virgin-like.2 Whether this was the
St. Mernocus, or Ternocus, who is mentioned, as having lived a solitary life in
that delightful Island, near the Mountain of Stone, and who flourished before
that time when St. Brendan the Navigator 3 sailed on his adventurous voyage
beyond the Atlantic, cannot well be determined.* We have seen already,
that St. Columkille s had a disciple named Ternoc, who interrogated him re-
Aaron a mighty man of wisdom: Simon and Leabhar Breac adds to his name "Canna-
Thaddaeus." — "Transactions of the Royal neus." See ibid., p. cxv.
Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, 3 The following Latin note is added by the
vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of Oengus. commentator : " tatha .i. tatheus qui dicitur
By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p. cix. et iudas et frater iacopi .i. filii alfei." See
2 Also added : " I Uil i kl. mirbuil 71I." ibid., p. cxv. At this date, the scholiast has
See ibid., p. cxv. an entry of his own as follows : "hiuil .i.
Article xv. — ' See "Transactions of proprium sancti in albain nescio ubi est."
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manu- This is translated " Julius, i.e., the proper
script series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar name of a saint in Scotland. I know not
of Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., where he is.
p. cix. Article i. — ' Edited by Rev. Dr.
2 Thus annotated : "jkiuire .i. mater do- Kelly, p. xxviii.
mini. Matha .i. oirdned matha." The latter 2 The Latin words are " candidus et vir-
wrords are translated "Matthew's ordina- gineus."
tion. " See ibid., p. cxv. 3 See his Acts in the Fifth Volume of this
Article xvi. — * See "Transactions of work, at the 16th of May, Art. i.
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript 4 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar niae," xxii. Martii. Egressio S. Brendani,
of Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p. 721, and n. 3, p. 725.
p. cix. 5 See his Life, in the Sixth Volume of this
2 The commentator on the Feilire in the work, at June 9th, Art. i.
garding futurity f yet, we should be far from intimating, that he was identical
with the present saint. The St. Ternog under consideration appears to have been
venerated at a place, called Cluain-mor ; but, where it was situated, we are not
informed. It must be observed, that Mr. John M'Call places it, in the county
of Carlow ; and, if such be the case, it seems most likely, that the present
holy man was that Abbot or Bishop of Ferns, mentioned in the note of
Colgan to St. Brigid's Acts,? and who died a.d. 662. 8 The name, however,
is there printed Tuenocus, or Tuenoc, yet elsewhere Ternoc.9 There is a
parish of Clonmore,10 in the county of Wexford, and in connexion with it,
we find allusion made to the present St. Temoc,11 whose feast has been set
down, by Colgan, in one instance at the 2nd of June,12 and in another place,
at the 2nd of July '3 — which latter is the correct date. Nevertheless, we are not
to assume, that the present Cluain-mor is to be confounded with Cluain-mor-
Moedhoc, which was in the county of Carlow. However, of the many Clon-
mores in Ireland, we cannot know with certainty to which of these the pre-
sent holy man belonged. The Martyrology of Donegal,1* at the 2nd of July,
enters a feast for Tern6g, of Cluain-mor. In the Manuscript Calendar of
Professor Eugene O' Curry, the feast of St. Ternog is entered, at the 2nd of
July. At the present date, citing the authority of Sirinus, the Bollandists 1S
have a misprinted entry of Fernacus de Cluain-mor ; but, they desire to have
clearer evidences regarding him.
Article II. — The Daughter or Daughters of Cathbath, or Cath-
badh, of Airedh Fotha. A festival to honour the Daughters of Cathbadh,
of Airiud, is entered in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at the 2nd of July.
Marianus O'Gorman has a notice concerning the chaste Daughters of
Cathbad of Airida Foda, on the same day. In the Acts of St. Patrick,3 there
is a Fothadh3 — probably identical — mentioned as having been a rflll in
Tyrconnell. We find this place also written Airedh fotha, in the published
Martyrology of Donegal,4 at this same date, when there is only mention made
of the Daughter of Cathbath, without giving her proper name ; while the
Bollandists,s quoting the same authority, have the Daughters of Cathbad in
Airiudh, yet they want a fuller and more distinct account in reference to the
foregoing insertions.
6 See Colgan 's " Trias Thaumaturga," batis, n. 17, p. 597.
Prince O'Donnell's or Quinta Vita S. I3 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta
Columbee, lib. i., cap. ciii., p. 406. VitaS. Columbse, lib. i., cap. ciii., n. 84,
1 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quarta p. 451.
Vita S. Brigidse, lib. ii., Cap. ii., n. 2, ,4 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
p. 564. 184, 185.
8 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the lS See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus i.,
Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 272, 273. Julii ii. Among the pretermitted saints,
9 In the Tertius Index Historicus, to p. 293.
Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," p. 695. ARTICLE II.— 1 Edited by Rev. Dr.
10 It is situated, chiefly in the barony of Kelly, p. xxviii. Thus entered " Inghena
Bantry, 4,821a. 3r. 3op., and partly in the Cathbadh in Airiigrl."
barony of Shelmaliere West, 1,945a. or. 35p. • See his Life, in the Third Volume of
It is described, on the " Ordnance Survey this work, at the 17th of March, Art. i.
Townland Maps for the Cownty of Wexford/' 3 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
sheets 25, 26, 31, 32. Septima Vita S. Patricii, lib. ii., cap. cxii.,
" See "Letters containing Information rela- p. 144.
live to the Antiquities Of theCounty ofWex- 4 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
ford, collected during the Progress of the 184, 185.
Ordnance Survey in 1840," vol. ii., p. 35, s See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i.,
■ See "Acta Sanctorum Hibernia," Julii ii. Among the pretermitted saints,
xii. Martii. Vila S. Mochoemoci Ab- p. 293.
Article III. — Reputed Festival of St. Canicus, among the
Hebrideans, Scotland. [Sixth Cetitury.~\ Among the Scottish Entries in the
Kalendar of David Camerarius, as found in Bishop Forbes' work,1 there is a
festival set down for St. Cahinnicus, Abbot, at the and of June. The Bollan-
dists 2 copy this notice, likewise, but they remark, that his Acts more properly
refer to the nth of October, at which date they were destined for further
Article IV. — Festival of St. Euticius, Martyr, at Rome. The
Martyr Euticius was honoured with a festival, in the ancient Church of Ireland,
on the 2nd of July. This we know from the " Feilire " of St. ^Engus,1 where
he is called a Bishop. This notice seems to have been extracted from the
old Martyrology of St. Jerome, and the Bollandists 2 appear to have gleaned
little in addition, at this date, to elucidate his period and sufferings.
Article V. — Feast of Saints Processus and Martinianus, Martyrs
at Rome. There was a festival, for the holy Martyrs Processus and
Martinianus at Rome, held in the old Irish Church at the 2nd of July, and as
stated in the "Feilire" of St. ^Engus.1 To this, the commentator has added
an explanatory note.2 The Acts of their martyrdom are given by the Bollan-
dists, 3 from Surius, with a previous commentary, in three sections and in
seventeen paragraphs, at this same date.
CftfrU 2Bap of SWp*
NOTWITHSTANDING historic doubts— justifiable within a certain
limit — that the present holy man should be regarded as having an
early veneration, and that he should be considered as the first missionary
Article hi.— * Thus : "2 Die. Sanctus tinianus."— " Transactions of the Royal
Cahinnicus Abbas miraculis et vitae puritate Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript Series,
apud Hebridianos et Orcadienses Scotos vol.i., part i. On the Calendar of Oengus,
Celebris." — " Kalendars of Scottish Saints," p. cix.
p. 238. 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus 1.,
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii ii. De S. Euticio Martyre Romano,
Julii ii. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 306. Edited by Father John Baptist
p. 294. Soller, S.J.
Article iv.— * The following stanza, Article v.— x See Leabhar Breac copy,
and its translation from the Irish, are from Royal Irish Academy, and Transactions of
the Leabhar Br-eac copy, in the Royal Irish the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript
Academy :— Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of
Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p.cix.
CAimuHiOucAicefpoc 2 Thus : " Marciani vel martiani .i. pro
■OAtnAfi conani marticiani per concisionem mediae sjjlabs in
pAif p|\ocefp f^S^ utroque nomine vel martiniani." — Ibid.,
HiAr mon tTUnciAui. p. cxv.
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus 1.,
"The death-bed of bishop Euticius of Julii ii. De Sanctis Processo et Martiniano
Damasus with splendour : the passion of Martyribus Romre, pp. 300 to 305. Edited
kingly Processus : the great torture of Mar- by Father John Baptist Soller, S.J.
Bishop in the Isle of Man, a constant tradition has there prevailed, that his
mission was delegated to him from Ireland, in its first century of Christianity,
and that he had then been classed among the disciples of St. Patrick.1 He
is also called Jarmanus.2 The Bollandists have published some brief notices
of this saint,3 in three paragraphs. Notices of him occur in Bishop
Challenor's * work. We know few particulars of an authentic character
regarding him ; and, we are left in a state of uncertainty, respecting the
country and parentage of the present holy man, who appears to have been a
native of France or of Great Britain. But, whether he had been baptized in
the Christian Faith at an early age, or whether he had received first instruc-
tion from the Irish Apostle, must be a matter left for further historic investi-
In the fifth century, lie lived, according to a general supposition ; while some
writers maintain, that the present German 5 was not a distinct person from
St. Germanus of Auxerre,6 to whom the cathedral of Man was dedicated.?
one opinion 8 has it,9 that the German of Man had been consecrated Bishop
by Pope Celestine I., after his appointment as a Canon of St. John Lateran's
church, in Rome. It is stated, also, that the dignity of Bishop was conferred
on him, when the Irish Apostle had been elevated to that distinguished office.10
This is improbable, for it does not rest on any well sustained evidence. We
are informed,11 however, that St. German became a disciple of St. Patrick.12
By the illustrious Irish Apostle, he was called to the ministry; but, whether
in Ireland or in Great Britain has not transpired.
Finding in Ireland, that the harvest was great, but the labourers few,T3 St.
Patrick passed over into Britain, about the year 447, I4 according to a gene-
rally received opinion. The Irish Apostle proposed to procure a number of
learned and religious men, to be his assistants in the work of the Gospel.
We are informed, also, that he desired to remove the Arian and Pelagian
heresy from Britain, at this time. After a short stay in Britain, he returned
to Ireland, accompanied by a great many notable labourers. No fewer than
thirty of these were afterwards made Bishops. T5
Long before the time of this great Apostle, the Isle of Man — inhabited
by an ancient Celtic race — seems to have been under the influence of druid-
ism,10 and it is supposed that several of their monuments yet remain. Its
remote history is not very well known. At an early period, it was subject to
the King of North Wales. In the fourtr century,1? the Scots are said to have
Article i.— * See Colgan's " Trias 8 That of Colgan, who refers to the Office
Thaumaturga," Quinta Appendix ad Acta f the Canons Regular of Lateran.
S. Patricii, cap. xxiii., p. 266. 9 See " Trias Thaumaturga," Sexta Vita
a By Castellan. S. Patricii, cap. xcii., n. 103, p. 113.
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., I0 See ibid., Appendix Prima ad Acta S.
Julii iii. I)e S. Germano Episcopo, in Patricii, Lect. v., p. 196.
Mantua sive Mona, Maris Hibernici Insula, ll By Jocelyn, the monk of Furness.
pp.667. " See Colgan's " Trias Thaumaturga,"
* See "Britannia Sancta," part ii., July Quinta Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap.
3rd, pp. 8, 9. xxiii., p. 266.
sit may be observed, a St. Germanus, a I3 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
Martyr at Tarsus., in Cilicia, was venerated, Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xcii., p. 86.
likewise, on this day, July 3rd. m See Ussher's "Britannicarum Ecclesia-
6 This holy Bishop is venerated, on the rum Antiquitates," Index Chronologicus,
31st of July. p. 518.
7 See what has been written already in the Js See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
life of Maguil, or Machaldus, Patron and Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xcii., p. 86.
Bishop, in the Isle of Man, in the Fourth ,6 See " Gazetteer of the World," vol. ix.,
Volume of this work, at the 25th of April, p. 85.
Art. i. "7 According to Paulus Orosius, in his
inhabited Monaor Mevania18 — ajncient names for Man1? — as also Hibernia.
To reclaim its inhabitants from their superstitions,30 as also from their mystic
and druidic rites, the Irish Apostle turned his attention to this Isle, when he
had laboured with success in Ireland. He thereupon sailed over to Man.
St. Patrick, who lived for some time on an Island or Peninsula — which
afterwards bore his name — wrought miracles while he was there, and he
laboured to gain the people 2I over to the truths of religion.22 He then ap-
pointed one of his disciples, named Germanus, a wise and holy man, to be direc-
tor over this new church. He is said to have been consecrated as first Bishop of
the Isle of Man.33- His mission was consolidated, by the erection of a church,
which was the first known to exist in the Isle ; and this formed the nucleus
of a See, Sodor and Man,2* the origin of which is rather obscure, but it is
said to have been so constituted by Pope Gregory IV., 25 at Sodor. While
some are of opinion, that Sodor had been situated in the celebrated Isle of
Iona, others state, that it was in Man itself. Again, it has been asserted, that
after the Danes and Norwegians held sway over this Island in the eleventh
century, as also over Dublin and Fingal, together with the Hebrides of Scot-
land \ these western clusters were divided into Norder, meaning " northern,"
and Sudor, meaning " southern," in the Norwegian language, Man being
included in the Sudor, and Sodor thus became the title for its See.20
The church of St. Germanus was built on an Island promontory, called
after St. Patrick. 27 It has also been called Kirck-Jarmans, and it is situated
near Peel Castle, being nearly surrounded by the sea, and isolated in posi-
tion,28 on the western side of the Isle, near the margin of a spacious bay
The channel which divides it from the mainland at high water is very deep ;
but, when the tide is out, the water is scarcely mid-leg deep, being only
separated by a little rivulet, which flows from Kirk-Jarmyn Mountains. The
present ruinous cathedral 20 is thought to have stood on the site of a more
ancient church. It was constructed, about the year 1245,3° and it is built in
work, " Ad versus Paganos Historiarum 22 According to the " Chronicon Manniae,"
Libri VII.," lib. i., cap. 2. This work only St. Patrick was the first to preach the Catho-
comes down to a.d. 316. Leyden, 1738 or lie Faith to the Maux. See Ussher's "Bri-
1767, 4to. This writer flourished about the tannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates," cap.
beginning of the fifth century. See Michaud's xv., p. 335.
" Biographie Universelle Ancienne et Mo- 23 See "The Beauties of England and
derne," tome xxxi., p. 409. Wales ; or Delineations, Topographical,
18 " The ancients were acquainted with it Historical and Descriptive," vol. iii. The
under various names. Caesar distinguishes it Isle of Man, p. 269.
by that of Mona ; Ptolemy calls it Monczda, 24 According to Gough's Camden's "Bri-
or the more remote Mona, to distinguish it tannia," vol. iii., p. 701.
from Anglesea, the Mona of Tacitus. Pliny 25 He ruled over the See of St. Peter,
styles it Monabia; Orosius, Mevania; and from A.D. 828 to 844. See Sir Harris
Nennius, Eubonia and Manaw. The appel- Nicolas' " Chronology of History," p. 209.
lation given to it by the Britons was Menaw ; 26 See " Gazetteer of the World," vol. ix.,
the natives call it Manning." —" The Beau- p. 85.
ties of England and Wales ; or Delineations, 27 Train's " History of the Isle of Man " is
Topographical, Historical and Descriptive." a work of great research, in reference to the
By John Britton and Edward Wedlake ecclesiastical antiquities of this Island.
Brayley, vol. iii. The Isle of Man, p. 248. 28 The accompanying view is copied from
19 See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia- an approved illustration, by William F.
rum Antiquitates," cap. xv., p. 335. Wakeman, and drawn on the wood, en-
20 Some of these are pleasingly introduced graved by Mrs. Millard.
by the great master of historic romance, Sir 29 A south-east view of it with various
Walter Scott, in his " Peveril of the Peak," other illustrations in detail, may be found,
chap, xvi., with historic notes appended. in the "Archaeological Journal," vol, iii. See
21 According to Jocelyn, the former name J. L. Petit's Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the
of Man was Eubonia. Isle of Man, pp. 49 to 58.
[July 3.
the form of a cross, with a coarse grey stone j*1 however, the angles, window-
cases and arches are coigned, formed with a stone found in the neighbour-
hood, and almost as red as brick. 32 A little to the west are the ruins of St.
Patrick's church. This is of ancient style with round-arched windows. A small
round tower — like the Irish or Brechin round towers — lies near it westwards.
A flight of steps ascends to the door, and within it are stairs for ascending to
the top of that building.33 Beside it are the ruins of a quadrangular church,
having features in common with many of our old Irish churches. 34
St. German's Cathedral, Isle of Man.
St. Germanus is said to have laboured in the work of his ministry, until
the time of his death, in the Isle of Man.35 On St. Patrick's return from
Britain, he visited the islands, in order to gain them over to Christ. In par-
ticular, he preached the Christian faith with great success in the Isle of Man. 36
Nevertheless, it is thought, that he left mainly to Germanus the task of com-
pleting his mission. The date for St. German's death has been assigned to
a.d. 474.37 In the ancient Martyrologies, however, we are at a loss to dis-
cover the name of this Germanus. On this day, July 3rd, his festivity is
usually recorded. 38 St. Patrick consecrated two others of his disciples, St.
30 See Grose's "Antiquities of England,"
toI. vi.
dimensions are minutely given, in
J. L. Petit's paper, already mentioned.
32 A ground plan of the cathedral church
of St. German in Peel Castle in the Isle of
Man, as also an effective copperplate engrav-
ing of that ruined fane, taken in 1775, may
be found in " The Beauties of England and
Wales ; or Delineations, Topographical,
Historical and Descriptive," vol. ii., The
Isle of Man, pp. 288, 289.
33 See Gough's Camden's " Britannia,"
vol. iii., p. 703.
34 A well-executed wood engraving of this
ancient church and the round tower may be
seen prefixed to the article, written by J. L.
Petit for the " Archaeological Journal," enti-
tled Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Isle of
Man, vol. iii., p. 49.
35 Several beautiful illustrations of this
Island may be found, in the Abbotsford edi-
tion of Sir Walter Scott's Waverly Novels.
See vol. vii., " Peveril of the Peak."
36 This account is confirmed, by a Manu-
script Chronicle of that Island.
37 See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia-
rum Antiquitates," Index Chronologicus,
A.D. CCCCLXIV., p. 522.
38 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Les Vies
des Saints," tome viii., iiic Jour de Juillet,
p. 2.
Conindrius 39 and St. Romulus 4° to be Bishops of Man, when our saint
passed away to bliss. After their death these were succeeded by St.
Maguil,*1 Macaldus.42 After conversion, this latter prelate was eminent for
his sanctity and for his miracles. These were the first fathers and founders
of the church, which was established in the Isle of Man, by our great Apostle.
In later times, and after the Reformation, while the Protestant Bishops of
Sodor and Man «3 became suffragans to the Archbishop of York, the
Catholics on the Island were subjects of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin;
in the present century, however, they have been annexed to the See of Liver-
pool, England.
Article II. — St. Guthagon, Confessor, in Belgium. [Probably in
the Eighth Ctntury.'] Incidentally we are informed, that the Belgian
Flemings were formerly accustomed to bestow the name of Scots on strangers
to their own country, and who differed from the Belgians in manners and
customs ; much after the habit of the Romans, who called all other extern
people — except those living in Italy or Greece — by the depreciating title of
barbari or "barbarians." Wherefore, an insinuation is conveyed,1 that
several of the Belgian saints called Scoti may have been strangers only, and
not necessarily natives either of Ireland or Scotland. However, in the pre-
sent case, no argument is sought to be drawn against the generally received
statement, that Guthagon had been a native of Scotia ; whether of the greater
or lesser Scotia has been controverted, but it is left to the decision of the
investigator. The most ancient authority for St. Guthagon's Acts — briefly as
they are recorded — seems to have been an old office, belonging to the church
at Oostkerke, near Bruges, in Belgium. From it, Jean Ver-Meulen,2 better
known by the Latinized form of Molanus, probably copied that relation of
the present saint in his Indiculus of the holy persons connected with the
Netherlands. Notices of St. Guthagon are to be found, likewise, in the
" Natales Sanctorum Belgii et eorum Chronologica Recapitulatio," at the 3rd
of July.3 Jean Cousin, also denominated Canonicus Joannes Cognatus, has
copied from him/ what had been related about the present holy man. The
Bollandists s have some particulars regarding this saint, and prefixed in a
commentary 6 of ten paragraphs, to an office read in the church at Oostkerk.
There are notices of him, at the 3rd of July, by Bishop Challenor.? At this
date, also, he is commemorated as a recluse, by the Rev. Alban Butler.8 He
39 According to Colgan, he is more cor- 2 He was born at Lille, A.D. 1553, and
rectly to be named Condirius, who is vene- being distinguished as a learned theologian
rated in our Irish Calendars, at the 17th of and ecclesiastical historian in the University
November. See "Trias Thaumaturga," of Louvain, he died prematurely, on the 1 8th
Quarta Vita S. Patricii, nn. 63, 64, p. 50. of September, 1585. See an account ofhim
40 Colgan states, that he had another name, and of his works in Michaud's " Biographie
Romanus, and that his feast is to be found, Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne," tome
at the 1 8th of November. See ibid. xxviii., pp. 516, 517.
41 His feast has been assigned to April 3 In two paragraphs, pp. 139, 140.
25th. At that date, his Acts are to be found 4 See " Historia Tornacensis, tomus iii.,
in the fourth Volume of this work, Art. i. p. 272.
42 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 5 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii
Jocelyn's " Sexta Vita S. Patricii," cap. cli., iii. De S. Guthagono Confessore Oostkerae
clii., pp. 98, 99. apud Brugas in Flandria, pp. 668 to 670.
43 The Protestant bishop of Sodor and 6 Written by Father John Baptist
Man is the sole baron of the Island. See Soller, S.J.
" The Popular Encyclopedia ; or Conversa- 7 See " Britannia Sancta," part ii., p. 8.
tions Lexicon," vol. iv., p. 655. 8 In his "Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs,
Article II. — I By Father John Baptist and other principal Saints," vol. vii.,
Soller, S.J, July iii.
is noticed, likewise, in Les Petits Bollandistes,? at the 3rd of July. This
saint, according to the Belgian traditions, was either a king,10 or son to a King
of Scotia. As usual, the Scottish writers contend, that he was their country-
man;11 but, the Irish seem to have stronger claims for the honour of his
nativity in their country. He is thought to have flourished during the eighth
century. Some will have it, that he journeyed to Rome ; yet, although such
pilgrimages to the shrines of the Apostles and martyrs there were undertaken
by the Irish, Scots and Angles, soon after their conversion to Christianity,
there does not appear to have been sufficient warrant for that statement in
reference to St. Guthagon. Through religious motives, however, he entered
on a pilgrimage, and with a companion, named Gillon. They arrived in Bel-
gium, but at what period is not with certainty known. They rested at a place
known as Knocken or Cnokem, which was situated on the maritime shore of
Flanders. Nor was it far removed from Oostkerke. This village lay near
Burges, on the sea side, between it and Slusa." There the virtuous life of St.
Guthegon gave very great edification to the people of that country. Another
companion, Gildulfus, is commemorated with the foregoing, and he spent an
eremitical life with them, in Belgium.^ Here, St. Guthagon led a solitary life, «4
until the time of his death. It is not known for certain, whether he died at
Cnokem or at Oostkerke. However, the clergy and people of that district
reverently interred his body, according to tradition in the western part of the
cemetery of Oostkerke. Those holy men, Saints Guthagon and Gillon, rest at
Oist-Kerke, in Flanders. After St. Guthagon's death, miracles were wrought
at his grave. Gerald, Bishop of Tournay, in the year n 59, exhumed St.
Guthagon's body and placed it in a feretrum. The Abbots of Aldenburg,
Dunens and of Quercetan were present.15 It would seem, that at a subsequent
period, towards the end of a.d. 1444, there was another translation of St.
Guthagon's remains. In the succeeding century, Jean Ver-Meulen relates,
that he saw these relics kept within iron gratings in the wall of the church.
It has been remarked in our saint's office, that the shrine was hardly kept in
a becoming manner. The Calvinists profaned the relics of St. Guthagon
after the Reformation,16 and they seem to have utterly destroyed them;
nothing having remained but a tooth of the holy man, which had been trans-
ferred to the collegiate church of St. Saviour, at Bruges. On the case con-
taining it had been inscribed these words : " Dens S. Guthagonis." In the
beginning of the last century, the tooth of St. Guthagon was kept in the
church at Oostkerke, and on the 3rd day of eacli July, it was there exposed
9 See "Vies des Saints," tome viii., Oostkerke stated to Father Soller, that this
iiie Jour de Juillet, p. I. village was situated " in agio Franconatensi
10 In the ancient Office of St. Guthagon, he inter Brugas et Slusam, distans ab Utraque
is called King of Scotia, as also by other sesquimilliari." Before his time it was a
writers. much more important place, while it had two
" Thus, at the 3rd of July, in Adam pastors and llnee assistants, with five thou-
King's "Kalendar," he is placed in the first sand communicants, lie adds, moreover,
century, and in the following words : " S. that he knew three villages bearing the same
Guthagon sone to ye King of Scotland con- name in Belgium, "nempe apud Brugas,
fess. banished for ye catholik faith in flan- apud Furnas, et in Brabantia apud Tu-
ders vnder diocletiane, 99." — Bishop Forbes' bise."
" Kalendars of Scottish Saints," p. 156. I3 See Father Stephen White's " Apologia the same date, in Thomas Dempster's pro Hibernia," cap. iv., p. 42.
" Menologium Scoticum " are these words : '4 See " Circle of the Seasons/' p. 185.
" Oostkerkae Guthagoni confessoris, regis '5 See Mirseus* " Fasti Belgici et Burgun-
filii, qui divino amore tactus, regnum terre- dici," p. 364.
num sprevit, ut cceleste obtineret B.K. ML." l6 See Bishop Challenor's "Britannia
— Ibid., p. 204. Sancta," part ii., p. 8.
" A learned nobleman and toparch of t? Printed a.d. 1509.
for the veneration of the faithful. Formerly, his feast was kept there with
great solemnity, and on it there was an obligation for hearing Mass. This,
however, had been abrogated, yet a proper office for a Confessor not a Pontiff
had been recited, and he was invoked as a minor patron of that place. The
feast of this saint is set down at the 3rd of July, in the enlarged edition of
Usuard's Marty rology; also, in a Manuscript Catalogue of the Saints of Scot-
land; as likewise, in the Breviary of Aberdeen. x? John Wilson, in his
" Martyrologium Anglicanum," sets him down as an Irishman, at this day.
The name of Guthagon occurs, at this date, in the anonymous Catalogue,
published by O'Sullevan Beare, as Guthagonius. Molanus and Henry Fitz-
simon set him down, as Guthagonus, Rex et Confessor, at the 3rd July.18
Again, a feast has been assigned to him, at the 1st of October. This appears
as having reference to the Translation of his Relics.
Article III. — St. Cilline or Cillen, Droicteach, Abbot of Iona,
Scotland. {Eighth Century.'] Among a long line of illustrious abbots who
presided over Iona, the present holy man is classed. In the Martyrology of
Tallagh,1 at the 3rd of July, the simply entry of Cilline, Abb. Iae, occurs. He
is noted in the Martyrology of Marianus O'Gorman, at the 3rd of July.2 At
this date, the Bollandistss have noticed him, also, on the foregoing authority
and on that of Sirinus. Some notices of him occur, in the work of Bishop
Forbes/ This distinguished saint derived his origin from the race of Conall
Cremthainne, son to Niall of the Nine Hostages, of the southern Hy-Neill.
This saint's pedigree is thus given in the Naemhsenchas. His father's name
was Dicolla, son of Cilline, son to Amalgadh, son of Feradhaigh, son to Feic,*
son of Cerbaill, who was son to the aforesaid Conall Cremthainne.6 He was
born in Ireland, probably towards the close of the seventh century. The
epithet, suffixed to his original name Cilline, and which was Droicteach, sig-
nifying "Bridge-maker," has reference apparently to work of that kind on which
he had been engaged, previous to his leaving Ireland for Scotland. It is
likely, that he felt a religious inspiration to join the Columban institute in
Iona, and there, too, it would seem, that he chose to live as an ancho-
rite,? according to the custom of those monks, who desired to observe a very
strict discipline. His virtues were so highly esteemed by that community,
after the death of St. Cilline Fada, or the Tall Abbot of Iona, whick took
place, a.d. 726, Cilline Droicteach was selected as his immediate successor.8
Meanwhile, Feidhlimid or Failbhe seems to have been elected Abbot of Iona
in the year 722, nor do we find that he ceased to enjoy that title, during the
administration of Faelcu,9 of Cillene Fada,10 and of Cilline Droicteach, until
he departed this life at the very advanced age of eighty-seven years, com-
18 See O'Sullevan Beare's "Historia baill, King of Ireland, who reigned 21 years,
Catholica Iberniae Compendium," tomus i., and who died a.d. 565.
lib. iv., cap. xi., xii., pp. 50, 54. 6 According to the Leabhar Lecain, in the
Article hi. — * Edited by Rev. Dr. Royal Irish Academy.
Kelly, p. xxviii. ^ In the Annals of Tighernach and of
2 Thus : " Kellenus cognomento Droich- Ulster, he is only styled ancorita.
theach, virgo, miles egregius." 8 In a gloss on his name, in the Calendar
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., of Marianus O'Gorman, he is expressly
Julii iii. Among the pretermitted saints, styled -Abb 1^e ColAim cible.
p. 631. 9 See an account of him, in the Fourth
4 See " Kalendars of Scottish Saints," Volume of this work, at April 3rd, Art. iv.
p. 301. I0 For a notice of him, see ibid., at April
5 He was brother to Diannait Mac Cer- 14th, Art. iii.
pleted in 759, and during the administratorship of Slebhine. Whether
Feidhlimid or Failbhe " had been the principal or only a coadjutor Abbot
over Iona cannot be gleaned with any degree of distinctness from the Irish
Annals.12 It is thought, that owing to the circumstance of Cilline Droicteach
having chosen the rigid rule of an anchorite's state, the active duties of his
presidency, over the monastic institute of Iona, had been in a great measure
discharged by his coadjutor, Fedhlimid. He continued alive, during the pre-
sidency of Cilline Droicteach. The present hoiy man brought to Erin that
shrine of the many relics,^ which Adamnan had collected, to make peace
and friendship between the Cinel-Conaill and the Cinel-Eoghain. This
appears to have occurred in the year 727. The Relics collected by Adamnan
were returned to Iona in 730. The present saint, called Cilleine Droctigh,
anchorite of la, died on the 3rd of July, a.d. 747. I4 Other accounts have
a.d. 751 Js and 752. l6 He is reputed to have been the fourteenth abbot of
Iona, commencing with the great founder, St. Columkille.1? We have him
recorded, in the Martyrology of Donegal,18 at this same date, as Cillen
Droichtech, Abbot of la Colum Cille.
Article IV. — St. Tirechan, Bishop. {Seventh Century^ It is much
to be regretted, that we know very little relating to the personal history of the
present distinguished bishop, so much regarded in his day, and who was
remarkable, doubtless, for his holiness of life, as for his proficiency in learn-
ing. Being one of St. Patrick's early biographers should alone give him a
special claim on our veneration. Marianus O'Gorman has an entry of Tire-
chan, at the 3rd of July, in his Calendar. It may be supposed, that Tirechan
had been a native of Cashel or of its vicinity, if he is to be confounded with a
Tirechan who had gone to Rome, and who at the entreaty of his mother was
recalled, at a time when St. Fechin, Abbot of Fore, had visited that city, over
which Moenach then ruled.1 Tirechan tells us himself,2 that he was the dis-
ciple of St. Ultan, who wrote the Acts of St. Patrick. He was bishop of Ard-
brecain, and he died a.d. 665.3 In the Book of Armagh are found Latin
annotations on the Life of St. Patrick by Tirechan,4 and which throw some
light on the source whence his narrative had been drawn.5 Like his master
" He seems to have been elected, when l6 According to the Annals of Tiger-
nbout fifty years old, and it may be, that in- nach.
firmity or necessity obliged him to have an '? See Rev. William Reeves' Adamnan's
assistant. " Life of St. Columba," Additional Notes O,
12 See Rev. Dr. Reeves' Adamnan's "Life pp. 382 to 385.
ofSt. Columba," Additional Notes O, pp. l8 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
38210386. 184, 185.
13 This is the beginning of a poem which Article IV. — ' See Colgan's " Acta
Adamnan composed, on placing the bag, Sanctorum Hibernise," xx. Januarii, Vita
containing those reliquaries, on the back of Secunda S. Fechini, cap. xiv., pp. 134,
Cillen : — 135.
2 See Very Rev. James Henthorn Todd's
" O youth, illustrious is " St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," chap, iii.,
The bag which thou takest on thy p. 444.
back," &c. 3 iJis feast occurs, at the 4th of Septem-
M See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 4 See Professor Eugene O'Curry's " Lec-
Quinta Appendix ad Acta S. Columlxe, tines on the Manuscript Materials of
cap. ii., sect, v., p. 502. Ancient Irish History," Lect. xvi., p. 347.
15 The " Annals of Ulster " have dated it, 5Atfol. ga, we find there the following
at this year. passage : " Tirechan Episcopus hec scripsit
July 3.]
Ultan, this saint wrote the Acts of St. Patrick, in two books.6 We are informed
in these, that he was a disciple of that holy Bishop, from whose lips or from
whose book, he had composed his own work. He also tells us in it, that he
was himself a bishop, but he does not state where his See had been. A copy
of this Life of St. Patrick by Tirechan is extant in the Leabhar Arda Macha,
or the Book of Armagh. 7 This is quoted by Dr. Jeoffry Keating.8 It has
lately engaged the attention of an able and a learned editor,9 so that the read-
ing public shall soon have an opportunity of becoming acquainted with its
contents.10 These Acts were in possession of the learned Archbishop Ussher,
who frequently quotes from them, in his valuable historic work, " De Primor-
diis Ecclesiarum Britannicarum."11 Extracts from them have also been
reproduced, by the learned hagiologist, Father John Colgan.12 This interest-
ing ancient memoir by Tirechan throws very considerable light on the early
ecclesiastical history of Ireland, as also on the biography of the Irish Apostle. -3
According to the chronology of Tirechan,1* he places the death of St. Patrick,
at a.d. 436 from the Passion, or a.d. 469 from the Nativity of Christ. He
states, likewise, that King Loiguire reigned two or five years after the Irish
Apostle's decease; while he supposes the total duration of that reign, to have
been thirty-six years.15 A conjecture has been offered,16 that the present holy
man complied with a request made by St. Fechin,J7 Abbot of Fore, to visit
his mother. This seems to come within the range of possibility. The times
agree very well. Thus, Ultan died a.d. 655, and he was contemporary with
St. Fechin, who departed this life, on the 20th of January, a.d. 664.18 The
present saint was a bishop, and he is said to have ruled10 over the church of
Ardbrecain. He is thought to have flourished, about the middle of the
seventh century.20 On the 3rd of July, in the Martyrology of Donegal,21
appears within brackets the name of Tirechan.32
ex ore vel libro Ultani episcopi, cujus ipse
alumpnus vel discipulus fait." — Ibid., Ap-
pendix, No. cvi., pp. 607, 608.
6 See Sir James Ware, " De Scriptoribus
Hibernise," lib. i., cap. iii., p. 23.
7 This is generally believed to be as old as
807 ; but, Eugene O'Curry deems it to be
older than the year 727. See " Lectures on
the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish
History," Lect. xvi., p. 343.
8 In his " General History of Ireland."
9 The Rev. Father Edmund Hogan, S.J.
See " Vita Sancti Patricii Hibernorum
Apostoli, Auctore Muirchu Maccumachteni
et Tirechani Collectanea de S. Patricio."
The portion already published has appeared,
in the " Analecta Bollandiana," tomus i.,
Fasc. iv. Edited by Fathers Carolus de
Smedt, Gulielmus Van Hooff and Josephus
de Backer. Paris and Bruxelles, 1882,
royal 8vo.
10 This is the more to be desired, as Sir
William Betham has very inaccurately
printed the Book of Armagh, in his " Irish
Antiquarian Researches," part ii. Dublin,
1827, 8vo. It is so full of errors as to be
quite useless. See Rev. Dr. Todd's "St.
Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," p. 150, n. I.
Also William F. Skene's " Celtic Scot-
land," vol. ii., p. 14, n. 22.
11 See cap. xvii., pp. 829, 835, 848, 853,
887, 899. Dublin edition, A.D. 1639, 4to.
12 See " Trias Thaumaturga," Appendix
Secundaad Acta S. Patricii, pp. 196, 197.
13 Thus he states : " Inverii quatuor no-
mina in libro scripta Patricio apud Ultanum
episcopum Conchuburnensium, Sanctus Ma-
gonus qui est clarus, succetus qui est [deus
belli], Patricius, Cothirthiacus quia servivit
iiii domibus magorum, et empsit ilium unus
ex eis cui nomen erat Miliuc Maccuboin
14 In the Book of Armagh, fol. 9 a, b.
15 See Very Rev. Dr. James Henthorn
Todd's "St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland,"
chap, ii., p. 395.
16 By Colgan.
17 See his Life in the First Volume of
this work, at January 20th, Art. ii.
18 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the
Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 276, 277.
19 As supposed by Colgan.
20 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
Quarta Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, pars,
iii., pp. 217, 218.
21 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
186, 187.
22 A note by Dr. Todd says* at this inser-
tion of the name, Tirechan : " Added by the
more recent hand."
Article V. — St. Dartinne or Tartinna, of Druimard, or of
Cill-aird, in Ui-Garrchon, County of Wicklow. We read in the
published Martyrology of Tallagh,1 that a festival was celebrated at the 3rd
of July, in honour of Dartinne, Virgin. To her is probably applied the
following comment, which closely follows : " inghen Guaire, *'.<?., Cille aird in
h Ercain." In the M Feilire"2 of St. ^Engus, there is a commemoration of
Dartinne's excellent feast, at the 3rd of July. In a gloss, 3 she is said to have
been a virgin, and to have been of Cill Airnd in Ui-Garrchon in Leinster.
From this we are to infer, that she was the daughter of Guaire — whoever he
was — and that the place she occupied was named Cill Aird, meaning the
* church on the height," in the territory of Ui Ercon, otherwise Ui Garchon.*
This territory was situated along the eastern sea-shore,s in the centre of the
present county of Wicklow, and it seems to have extended over the moun-
tains towards the western boundary. Within it rises Sliabh Gadoe, also called
Church Mountain, owing to the fact that the ruined walls of an oblong church,
on the northern and widest part of the area, are there to be found. The
greatest length of this building was thirty-six feet. This appears to have been
surrounded by a rude stone enclosure, approaching to an oval form, the
extreme length being 117 feet, and the width 101.6 In the most elevated
part, the breast-work was twelve feet in height, and within it is a holy well,
still frequented by pilgrims.? The foregoing conclusion as to locality is fairly
warranted from the statement, that St. Patrick when he left Naas went into
Hy-Garchon, and soon afterwards he passed from it to the plain of the Liffey.8
Here too has been placed 9 one of the Palladian churches at Donard, variously
called Domnach Arda, Domnach Ardec, and Domnach Airte, or " the Church
of the High Place," as also Domnach Ardacha, " the Church of the High
Field."10 This is now the village of Donard,11 in the barony of Lower Talbots-
town." On this site and in the immediate neighbourhood, there are several
vestiges'pf pagan and of Christian habitations. Here, it is probable, the church
known as Cill-Aird was located, and it may be regarded as identical with that
very ancient and curious old ruin, which has so remarkable an elevation on
the top of Sliebh Gadoe,x3 otherwise called Church Mountain, near Donard.
Article v. — * Edited by Rev. Dr. 6 A view and plan of this ancient work
Kelly, p. xxviii. may be found in Gough's Camden's ** Bri-
a In the "Leabhar Breac" copy the fol- tannia," vol. iii.
lowing stanza, translated by Dr. Whitley 7 See J. N. Brewer's "Beauties of Ire-
Stokes, occurs : — land," vol. i., County of Wicklow, p. 339.
8 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
rrUpcpA Cirtiomf Septima Vita S. Patricii, lib. iii., cap. xvii.,
Crvifc rnhAc&ch mbitbe xviii., p. 152.
Camnbpech Comaif Ailbe ' By Rev. John Francis Shearman. See
£eil T)i5|\Aif "Oarvcinrie. " Loca Patriciana," No. iii., p. 28.
10 See Very Rev. James Henthorn Todd's
" Cyrion's martyrdom, no paltry prayer to "St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," chap, i.,
Christ : Thomas' translation hear thou : p. 295, n. 3.
Dairtinne's excellent feast." — "Transactions " This town and townland, in the parish
of the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manu- so named, are described on the "Ordnance
script Series, vol. i., parti. On the Calen- Survey Townland Maps for the County of
dar of Oengus, p. cix. Wicklow," sheets 15, 21.
3 See ibid., p. cxv. " See an account of this place in the
4 This name it seems to have taken from "Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland, "vol. ii.,
Garchon, who was father to its ruler Nathi, pp. 32, 33.
who lived in the time of St. Palladius and I3 For an account of this place, the reader
of St. Patrick. is referred to Leitch RitcluVs " Ireland, Pic-
s See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," turesque and Romantic," chap, xiv., pp.
Secunda Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., xxv„ 259, 260.
p, 13, and nn. 33, 34, 35, p. 18. ** See the account of Mr. Beauford, in
A curious local tradition prevailed,1* that the pile of stones collected on Slieve
Gadoe in the twelfth century had been designed to build a church, and also
to pave a way over this mountain from old Kilcullen in the county of Kil-
dare, to Glendalough in the county of Wicklow; part of this road, having been
executed from Glendalough to Glendassan for some miles along the valley,
still remains perfect ; however, for some reason, the work was discontinued,
while to this day, the materials for the church remain in their pristine state.
The district of Hy Garchon is said to have been in the territory of Forthuatha,
which it is supposed was another name for Ui Mail, in the barony of Upper
Talbotstown, and county of Wicklow.1* In the Martyrology of Donegal,16
at this same date, her name is entered, Tartinna, of Cill aird, in Ui Garrchon,
in Leinster.1?
Article VI. — St. Maelmuire or Marianus Ua Gormain, better
known as Marianus O'Gorman, the Irish Martyrologist, Abbot of
Knock, near Lughmhagh, now Louth, County of Louth. [Twelfth
Century.'] It is greatly to be regretted, while the present learned and
holy man has conferred lasting and deserved fame on those who preceded
him, that posterity should have known so little regarding his own personal
history. In the Irish language, the name conferred upon him was Maelmuire,
which in English may be rendered " the servant of Mary." By Sir James
Ware,1 he is called Murrius O'Gorman. Where he was born or where he had
been educated is involved in mystery ; yet, it seems probable enough, that
he had become a religious in the monastic establishment, which had flourished
at Lughmagh, from the times of St. Patrick 2 and St. Mochta.3 The latter is
regarded as the special patron of Louth. Marianus O'Gorman was doubtless
greatly distinguished among his contemporaries, and he is said to have been
Abbot of Knock, or Cnoc-na-Sengan,* near Louth. It is now called Knock
Abbey, and the old Irish-speaking people termed it Teampull a Cnuic ; while
unbaptized children had been buried on this hill, even when under cultiva-
tion. This place — formerly called Lughmadh and Lughbadh — is now known
as Louth, in the county of Louth. Knock na Seangan is said to have been
endowed and founded for Augustinian Canons,* by Donough O'Carroll,
Prince of Oriel, and by Edan O'Kelly or O'Killedy, Bishop of Clogher.6 A
small fragment of the walls remained in 1836.7 Louth still exhibits various
ancient remains \ and among these are curiously fortified mounds, which are
so frequently met with, especially in that part of Ireland. The Fairy Mount 8
and the Mount of Castle Ring are specimens of this class. They were conical in
shape, and had concentric circumvallations, evidently intended for defensive
Gough's Camden's " Britannia," vol. iii. 4 It is said to bear the English signification
'5 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Leabhar na g "Pismires' Hill," and even it has been so
Ceart, or Book of Rights," n. (d), p. 207. called by the neighbouring people.
16 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 5 See Sir James Ware, "De Hibernia et
186, 187. Antiquitatibus ejus," cap. xxvi.
J7 See, also, Colgan's " Acta Sanctorum 6 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
Hibernke," xxviii. Februarii. Vita S. Aidi p. 305.
Epis. et Confessoris, n. 15, p. 422. 7 See "Letters containing Information re-
Article vi. — " See " De Scriptoribus lative to the Antiquities of County of Louth,
Hibernke," lib. i., cap. viii., p. 56. collected during the Progress of the Ord-
a See the Life of St. Patrick, in the Third nance Survey in 1835, 1836." Letter of
Volume of this work, at the 17th of March, Patrick O'Keefe, dated Louth, February
Art. i. 7th, 1836, pp. 232, 233.
3 His festival occurs, on the 19th of 8 The accompanying illustration, drawn
August. on the wood by William F. Wakeman, has
[July 3.
purposes.9 According to our native records, here stood a religious establish-
ment, from a remote period, and its superiors are sometimes known as
comorbans of St. Patrick or of St. Mochta.10 About the year 1167, we are
informed, that Marianus O'Gorman wrote a Martyrology, in most elegant
Irish verse, during the time of Gelasius, Archbishop of Armagh. Sir James
Ware" states, that the Martyrology of O'Gorman was published in 1171.
However, it must have appeared later, since we find in it the name of St.
The Fairy Mount, at Louth.
Gilda-Machaibeo, who died a.d. i i 74." Marianus speaks of him as a tower
of piety and of meekness, an ark of wisdom and of science,1^ with similar
eulogistic epithets. He extracted a great part of his own Calendar from the
Martyrology of Tallagh, usually called that of ^Engus;1^ however, his own is not
to be regarded, as a mere supplement to that Calendar.^ Marianus O'Gorman
does not confine himself to the principal saints of Ireland alone ; but, he takes
in promiscuously those of other countries. This Martyrology existed in the
time of Colgan, and it was held in universal esteem, owing to the great
beauty of its style and the fidelity of its performance.16 The text of this
Martyrology is yet preserved, at Bruxelles ;x? but, it is to be regretted, that
been engraved by Mrs. Millard.
» In Thomas Wright's u Louthiana,"
book i., plates xii., xiii., the elevations and
ground-plan of those objects mentioned in
the text may be seen, as they existed in 1758.
10 In our Irish Annals.
" See "De Scriptoribus Hibernise,"
lib. i., cap. viii., p. 56.
12 See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's " Ecclesiastics i
History of Ireland," vol. iv., chap, xxx.,
sect, ii., p. 251, n. 12, p. 252, ibid.
13 See ibid., chap, xxix., sect, vi., p. 220,
and n. 48, p. 222.
14 This is to be collected from the state-
ment of an old scholiast, in a preface to the
Martyrology itself. See Colgan's "Acta
Sanctorum Hibernicc," i. Januarii, Vita S.
Fanchete, sect, iv., p. 5.
15 See Harris' Ware, vol. ii., " Writers of
Ireland," booki., chap, ix., p. 71.
16 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
nise," i. Januarii. Vita S. Fanchea?, sect, iv.,
P- 5-
17 In the Burgundian Library. Formerly
this copy belonged to the Franciscans.
18 See " Recherches sur les Calend tiers
Ecclesiastiques," par le R. P. Victor de
Buck, S.J., sect, viii., p. 19. This posthu-
mous publication appeared at Bruxelles,
1877, 8>o.
as yet, this valuable national and ecclesiastic;)] record has not been pub-
lished.18 Our annalists trace a long line of bishops, abbots or priors, in
connexion with Louth, down to the sixteenth century, when its possessions
were sequestrated. T9 In the year of Christ, 1181, the death of Mulmurry
O'Dunan, Abbot of Cnoc-na-Seangan (Louth) died.20 This Abbot is thought
to have been identical with the celebrated Marianus O'Gorman ; because, as
Colgan states, it should appear from a prologue prefixed to his Martyrology,
that Marianus was superior over this establishment in the year 1172.21
Although it seems not an easy matter to reconcile the apparent difference of
names ; yet, Dr. Lanigan deems Colgan's conjecture most probable. Accord-
ing to the Martyrology of Donegal,22 veneration was given, on the 3rd of
July, to Maelmuire 33 Ua Gormain, Abbot of Lughmhagh.
Article VII. — St. Ultan. We meet with the simple entry Ultan, in
the Martyrologies of Tallagh ' and of. Donegal,2 at the 3rd of July. The
Bollandists, 3 on the authority of Sirinus, notice Ultanus, on this day.
Article VIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Kenuinus, Abbot, in Ireland.
On the authority of Ferrarius,1 who cites the Martyrology of Petrus Canisius
at this date, the Bollandists 2 enter " Kenuinus abbas in Hibernia," but they
point out, that Ferrarius has incorrectly entered both at the 3rd of June and
at the 3rd of July the feast of a saint, who was no other than Kewinus or
Keivinus, otherwise Coemginus, Abbot of Glendalough. His festival belongs
only to the 3rd of June. 3
Article IX. — St. Colman. A St. Colman receives insertion, at the 3rd
of July, in the published Martyrology of Tallagh.1
Article X. — Reputed Festival of St. Rumold, Martyr, and
Patron of Mechlin, Belgium. The Bollandists1 remark, that some
Kalendars — of little authority however — place a festival for St. Rumold,
Bishop and Martyr, at the 3rd of July. Yet, in Ireland, it is the date fixed
for his Office, as a Duplex Majus. His Life will be found in the present
volume, at the 1st of July, the chief festival for this saint.
Article XL — St. Breacnat, Virgin. It is mentioned in the Martyrology
of Donegal,1 that veneration was given at the 3rd of July to Breacnat, a
** See Archdall's " Monasticon Hiberni- 186, 187.
cum," pp. 469 to 479. 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii
20 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the iii. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 629.
Four Masters," vol. iii., pp. 56, 57. Article viii. — * In his " Catalogus
31 See " Acta Sanctorum Hibernise," xxiv. Generalis Sanctorum,"
Martii, Appendix ad Vitam S. Mochtei, 2 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii
cap. v., p. 737. iii. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 629.
21 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 3 His Life will be found, in the Sixth Vo-
l86, 187. lume of this work, at that date, Art. i.
23 In a note, Dr. Todd says at Maelmuire : Article ix. — ' Edked by the Rev. Dr.
" This is the author of the Martyrology, Kelly, p. xxviii.
commonly called Marianus, which is the Article x. — * See "Acta Sanctorum,"
Latinized form of his name." tomus i., Julii iii. Among the preter-
Article vii.— x Edited by Rev. Dr. mitted feasts, p. 630.
Kelly, p. xxviii. Article xi. — J Edited by Drs. Todd
* Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. and Reeves, pp. 186, 187.
virgin. The Bollandists a note this entry, likewise, but through a typogra-
phical error, they write "Breenada virgine victoriosa," at this same date.
Article XII. — Feast of St. Thomas' Translation. In the early
Irish Church, there was a festival at the 3rd of July, to commemorate the
Translation of St. Thomas' Relics, as we learn from the "Feilire" of St.
-^Engus.1 A note is appended,2 which informs us, that they had been brought
from the east, or from India to Arabia or to Edessa, a town in Syria. This is
the Apostle St. Thomas — whose chief feast occurs on the 21st of December
— but who is commemorated in the Coptic and Chaldaic Kalendars, on the
3id of July, as the Bollandists 3 observe.
Article XIII. — Festival of St. Cyrion, Martyr at Alexandria.
At the 3rd of July, in the early Irish Church, the festival of St. Cyrion was
celebrated, as we find from the " Feilire " of St. ^Engus.1 A note in Latin is
appended, in the " Leabhar Breac " copy.2 He was one of a company of holy
Martyrs at Alexandria, as the Bollandists 3 notice them, at the present date.
jfourti) jaap of 3ulp*
WE cannot speak with much confidence regarding the present holy man's
history, although his place has been identified. The name Bolcan,
of Cill Cuile, is inserted in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 as having been vene-
rated, at the 4th of July. It appears, that his name and festival are to be
found in the Martyrologies of Marianus O'Gorman and of Charles Maguire.2
Indifferently he has been called Olcan, as well as Bolcan, by some writers ;
and Colgan has thus confounded those names. He seems to have been
referred to the times of St. Patrick, whose disciple he is said to have been.
9 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., "Thus: " cirionis .1. circionis .i. per con-
Julii iii. Among the pretermitted saints, cisionem."— Ibid., p. cxv.
p. 631. 3 see "Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii
Article xii. — x See "Transactions of iii. De Sanctis Martyribus Alexandrinis
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript Tryphone, Menelao, Cyrione, Euloyio,
Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar Porphoreo, Aprico, Chusto, Juliano, Eradio,
of Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., item Tryphone, Oreste. Addi possunt
p. cix. Cyrillus, Emerion, alter Cyrion et Julius.
■ See ibid., p. cxv. Notitia ex Martyrologio Hieronymiano, p.
3 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus i., Julii 636.
iii. Among the pretermitted saints, p. 632. Article I.— ■ Edited by Rev. Dr.
Article XIII.— * See "Transactions of Kelly, p. xxviii.
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manu- * The Bollandists quote Father Thomas
script Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calen- O'Sheerin's Manuscripts of the Irish Saints
dar of Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., for this statement in the text. See "Acta
p. cix. Sanctorum," tomus ii. Among the preter-
It was Colgan's intention to have treated about St. Olcan, at the 4th of July.3
This is expressed, also, in his published work.* The Bollandistss have a
notice of him, at this date, but with many of the doubts expressed, and which
intrinsically arise from the difficulty of distinguishing this individual saint.
He is known by the name Olcan of Kilmormoyle, alias Kilmoremoy or Kil-
more, near the Moy. He is said to have been connected with the church of
Kilchule, in the territory of Siolmuiredhuigh.6 This was a parish church, in
the diocese of Elphin.? We are told, the present holy man was a disciple of
St. Patrick, and that he was probably the Oltcanus of Tirechan's list. He was
only a priest.8 But another account is given, about his having been that Olcan
mentioned in the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick.9 The holy Apostle had a
disciple Olcan, about whom he had a vision, while that disciple was walking
along Traighe-eothuile, with Bronius and Macerca,10 the sea-tides and tempest
exposing them to great danger. From the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick we
learn, that the spot, where St. Olcan received his Divine monition to estab-
lish a monastery, was called Killmor uachtair Mhuaidhe. This event
happened, while the Irish Apostle had been engaged making his progress
through the province of Connaught.11 The place, where St. Olcan's founda-
tion had been commenced, is at present called Kilmore-Moy, a parish which
extends into the barony of Tireragh, in the county of Sligo, and into the
barony of Tyrawley, in the county of Mayo. It was also called Lia-na-monach,
from the monks, who dwelt there, while we are told, that it likewise bore the
name Cruimther Monach, or Olcan's church. In Tirechan's list of St.
Patrick's disciples, there is an Olcan, as also an Oltcan. Others think, that this
was apparently the holy man, called Volcan, by Jocelyn,12 and regarding
whom we find the following account. St. Patrick had a disciple, named
Volchanus,^ a man of great virtue, but specially distinguished by most
remarkable obedience. Being desirous that his virtue, known only to God,
should be manifested to the world, the saint, for the edification and example
of others, commanded Volchan to go and build a church, wheresoever God
would vouchsafe to provide him a place. Without delay, taking an axe on
his shoulders, this man went his way. Seeing the alacrity and cheerfulness of
his obedience, St. Patrick said to him : " Do not despair, my most dear Vol-
chan, of finding a place. Wheresoever thy hatchet shall fall, build in that
place; for there thou shalt have increase of a great community." After
Volchan had walked all day long, and had engaged in prayer, towards evening,
the axe slipped from his shoulder. In that place, therefore, the obedient
Volchan built a monastery, wherein himself and many others lived and died in
great perfection.14 The foregoing account of St. Volchanus building his church
is incorrectly supposed, however, to have had reference to that time, when St.
mitted feasts, p. 3. tory of Ireland," vol. i., chap, v., sect, xii.,
3 According to " Catalogus Actuum n. 120, p. 256.
Sanctorum quse MS. habentur, ordine Men- 9 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
sium et Dierum." SeptimaVitaS.Patricii,lib.ii.,cap.xlii.,p. 135.
4 See " Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta Ap- I0 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
pendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii., Septima Vita S. Patricii, lib. ii., cap. xlii.,
p. 267. p. 135.
5 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., " See Miss Mary F. Cusack's "Life of St.
Juliiiv. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 3. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," Irish Tripar-
6 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber- tite Life, translated by William M. Hennessy,
nioe," xx. Februarii, Vita S. Olcani seu M. R.I. A., part ii., p. 426.
Bolcani, cap. ix., p. 377, and n. 24, p. 378. 12 See Colgan's Trias Thaumaturga,"
1 See Archdall's " Monasticon Hiberni- Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. cxli., p. 96.
cum," p. 612. ,3 Thus is he called by Jocelyn.
* See Dr. Lanigan's " Ecclesiastical His- l4 See ibid., Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap.
Patrick travelled through the northern parts of Ireland. Again, Volchanus is
thought I5 to be the same as Olcan, Bishop of Annoy,16 or Bolcan,1? about
whom so many other romantic incidents are related, by Jocelyn,18 and, also,
by the authors of the Tripartite Lives of St. Patrick.1^ After a holy life, St.
Olchan or Bolcan, renowned for his miracles as well as for his virtues, rested
in the Lord, and he was buried at his place, now known as Kihnore, near the
River Moy. His relics remain at Kilmore, that is, " the great cell," where
his monastery stood.20 In the Martyrology of Donegal 2I is entered Bolcan,
of Cill Cuile, at this date. The Circle of the Seasons 2a registers, at the 4th
of July, St. Bolcan, Abbot.
Article II. — St. Finbarr or Fionubharr, Abbot of Inis Doimhle,
County of Wexford. [Sixth Century.] This holy man must have
flourished in the early ages of the Irish Church, and on the father's side he
descended through a very illustrious line, from Feidhlimidh Rechtmar, or the
Law-giver, King of Ireland.1 From the latter, he was twelve generations
in immediate succession.2 This brings him one generation later than his
illustrious relative St. Brigid,3 patroness of Ireland. He was son of Dalian,
son to Liathan, son to Briun, son of Eoghan, son of Brechin, son of Artur
Corb.4 He was brother to the sons of Aedh, of Ath-cliath. In the " Feilire "5
of St. ^Engus, Findbarr of Inis Teimle is commemorated, on the 4th of July.
There is a gloss, likewise, which states, that he belonged to the land of LJi
Cennselaig, and that he lived among the Desi. Another gloss adds, that
Inis Teimle has been derived from darkness, because such was the Isle, until
the two sons of Aed of Ath Cliath, who were Findbarr and Barrfind, went
thither.6 In the Martyrology of Tallagh i at the 4th of July, we find entered
the name of Finbarr, Abbot of Innse Domle. Marianus O'Gorman commemo-
rates him, at this same date. The Rev. Alban Butler8 makes him the founder
cxli., p. 96. naomh Innsi Fail."
J5By Father John Colgan. 3 See her Life, in the Second Volume of
16 See an account of him, in the Second this work, at February 1st, Art. i., chap. i.
Volume of this work, at the 20th of Feb- * See Colgan 's "Trias Thaunr.Uurga,"
ruary, Art. ii. Appendix Quarta ad Acta S. Brigidce, cap.
17 Colgan supplies his Acts, at the 20th of iii., p. 613.
February. See "Acta Sanctorum Hiber- s in the " Leabhar Breac" copy, belong-
nise," xx. Februarii. Vita S. Olcani seu ing to the Royal Irish Academy, the follow-
Bolcani, pp. 375 to 378. ing stanza, translated into English by
18 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," Whitley Stokes, LL.D., may be found : —
Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. lxxxvi., p. 85, and
n. 94, p. 112, and cap. cxxxvii., p. 95. Also DAgon'OAr) mop TttAncAin
nn. 143, 144, 145, pp. 114, 115, and n. 149, triAr\orelUMb r-eimte
p. 115* Va cec mAj\cir\ HAin^A
"'See ibid., Septima Vita S. Patricii, V1,1'°hA|A]\in,or,e Uennle.
lib. ii., cap. cxxviii., p. 146.
30 See Rev. Alban Butler's "Lives of the " Martin's good great ordination, you have
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints," not seen its like: with a hundred wonder-
vol. vii., July iv. ful martyrs, Findbarr of Inis Teimle."—
a' Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. "Transactions of the Royal Irish Aca-
186, 187. demy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i.,
32 See at p. 186. part i. On the Calendar of Oengus, p. cix.
Article ii. — « According to the 6 Then follows a statement, that Aed was
" Genealogic Sanctology," chap, xiv., as son of Dallen, son to Liathain, son of Briun,
quoted by Colgan in " Trias Thaumaturga," son to Eogan, son of Brece, son to Artchorp,
Appendix Quarta ad Acta S. Brigidae, cap. son of Fiacha Suigte. Here, he and Brigit
iii., p. 613. meet. See ibid., p. cxv.
3 He belonged to the same race from 7 Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii.
which St. Brighit is descended according to 8 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and
the poem which begins, " Naoimhshenchus other principal Saints," vol. vii., July iv.
of a famous monastery in the Isle of Crimlen, and remarks, that he is not to
be confounded with St. Finbarr, the first bishop of Cork.? The Bollandists IO
have noticed St. Finnbarr, Abbot of Inis-Doimhle, on the authority of Father
O'Sheerin's Irish Manuscripts ; but, they seem incapable of distinguishing
him from another St. Finnbarr, venerated on the 10th or 20th of September.
He flourished probably some time during the sixth century. He was abbot
in Inis Doimhle, between Ui Ceiunsealaigh and the Deisi. According to a
learned Irish topographer,11 Inis Doimhle would appear to be the place now
called Inch, situated in the barony of Shelmaliere, and county of Wexford.
There is a parish called Inch,12 in the south-western extremity of Shelmalier
West barony, in the county of Wexford.^ In the year 1840, some remains of
the old church walls placed in this parish were visible, but they had been
so entirely covered over with thorns and briars, that the length and breadth
of the former building could not be measured.1* These ruins had an appear-
ance of great antiquity, and the walls had been altogether built with very
large stones. According to tradition, no interment had taken place there,
since the middle of the last century. The present holy man is said to have
founded a monastery, in the Isle of Drumlen, between Hy Kinsellagh and
the Decies of Munster/s according to a Manuscript of John Windale.16 Ac-
cording to another statement, the Irish Damhly of the old Irish Manuscripts
was no other than the Insula Sancta Clara, now called Cape Clear Island.1?
The Martyrology of Donegal,18 at this same date, registers him as Fionn-
bharr, son of Aedh. In the Irish Calendar *9 belonging to the Irish Ordnance
Survey Records, there is an entry of St. Fionabar, at the 4th of July.20 In
Scotland he was venerated, on the same day.21 The feast of this saint is
entered likewise, in the " Circle of the Seasons/'22 at the 4th of July.
Article III. — Feast of St. Martin's Ordination. In the early Irish
Church, as we find in the "Feilire"1 of St. ^Engus, and on the 4U1 of July,
9 Colgan's Manuscripts, at the 4th of July but written in the year 1S40, pp. 356, 357.
are quoted. See ibid. I4 On the eastern bank of Owenduff River,
10 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., in the townland of Kayle, and not far from
Julii iv. Among the pretermitted saints, the old church, is Lady's Well. It was
p . 4. concealed in the middle of a shrubbery, in
Dr. O'Donovan. See his "Annals of
the Four Masters," vol. i., n. (1)), p. 380. r5 Bibl. MSS. Sowensisis, vol. i., p. 158.
12 According to Mr. O'Donovan, the name Irish Records, vol. vi., p. 829.
Inch is an Anglicizing of 1tiif or 1 nfe, which l6 Now preserved in the Library of the
signifies an island, or the holme of a river. Royal Irish Academy.
This same gentleman states, that he takes I7 See Mr. and Mrs. Hall's "Ireland : its
Inch to be the \m\ "Oonfite of the Irish Scenery, Character," &c, vol. i., pp. 137,
Calendars. These remarks of Mr. O'Dono- 138.
van are included within a foregoing letter l8 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
of Mr. O'Keefe, at p. 356. In the Parish 186, 187.
and Barony Name Book for the County of I9 Intituled "Common Place Book F,"
Wexford, Mr. O'Donovan also renders Inch and now preserved in the Royal Irish Aca-
by 1nfe, a holm strath or island, at p. 50. demy.
13 The parish of Inch is bounded on the 20 Thus : tl ponnAbViAn mac AoxAi mAC
east and west, by divided portions of Clon- "DaHaim x>o rhliopeocho ponn -oeanbh-
geen parish ; on the north, by Newbawn ; nacViAn no bnAcViAfv -oo cloitin mac <Vot)h
and on the south-west, by Owenduff parish. <\c!ia cIiacVi. &b Infe "O 01m hie & leich
It is situated about nine miles eastward of imchiol na CinnreAlAch. See p. 60.
New Ross. See " Letters containing Infor- 21 The Kalendarium Drummondiense has :
mation relative to the Antiquities of the " Et apud Iliberniam Natale Sancti Con-
County Wexford, collected during the fessoris Finbarr." — Bishop F«rbes' " Kalen-
Progress of the Ordnance Survey in 1840," dais of Scottish Saints," p. 17.
vol. ii. Mr. O'Keefe's Letter, not dated, 3a See p. 186.
was celebrated the feast of St. Martin's ordination. A comment explains,
that this referred to his reception of the episcopate at Tours, in France.2 The
Bollandists3 refer to his festival, likewise, at this date ; while they style it the
feast for the Translation of his Relics, relying on an entry in the old Epter-
nac Martyrology.4 Also in the old Martyrology of Corbie, there appears to
have been a triple celebration — viz., of his episcopal Ordination, of a corpo-
real Translation of his Relics, and of the Dedication of a church to him — and
all singularly enough coinciding on the 4th of July. s In the Kalendar of
Drummond,6 this triple feast of his Translation, of his Ordination, and of the
Dedication of his church is to be found, at this same date. The Translation
alone is commemorated in the Kalendar of Hyrdmanistoun,? in the Calendar
of Culenros,8 and in the Kalendar of Arbuthnott.9 His feast of Translation
is also entered, in that Kalendar belonging to the Breviary of Aberdeen.10
Article IV. — Reputed Feast of St. Siluenieus at Kilreule, in
Scotland. In the Scottish Menology of Thomas Dempster,1 there is notice
of a Canon Silueneius or Silveneus, at Kilrule, on this day. He is said to
have received St. Regulus,* when he brought the Relics of St. Andre\v,3 the
Apostle. From Dempster, Ferrarius introduced Silveneus to his General
Catalogue of Saints, and, it is stated, that he lived about the year 369. The
Bollandists 4 have notices to this effect, at the 4th of July, but they seem to
attach little importance to the statements of Dempster.
Article V. — Reputed FeastJSt. Modwenna. In the Supplement to
his Univeral Martyrology, as we are informed by the Bollandists,1 Castellan
has placed the feast of St. Modwenna, at the 4th of July. In the approved
Kalendars, her festival has been assigned to the day following.
Article VI. — Translation of the Relics of St. Ursula. In the
Lubeck and Cologne edition — as the Bollandists 1 state — of Greven's addi-
tions to the Martyrology of Usuard may be found the Translation of some
Relics of St. Ursula, virgin and queen,2 from the city of Cologne, to the
monastery Tuiciense, on the banks of the Rhine, and at the 4th of July.
Article hi.— 1 See "Transactions of Article iv.— x See Bishop Forbes'
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript " Kalendars of Scottish Saints," p. 204.
Scries, vol i., part i. On the Calendar of 2 His feast has been referred to the 30th
Oengus, p. cix. of March, and to the 17th of October.
3 See ibid., p. cxv. His festival occurs, on the 30th of No-
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., vember.
Julii iv. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 4. * See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
* It is there entered: " Translatio S. Julii iv. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 4.
Martini in Turnis." Article v. — ' See "Acta Sanctorum,"
5 The Bollandists add, "etiaminhodierno tomus ii., Julii iv. Among the pretermitted
Romano. Dempstero placuit scribere : Co- feasts, p. 4.
Ionise, Martini Scotorum Patroni translatio. Article VI. — ' See " Acta Sanctorum,"
De eadem cgimus in observatione ad Usuar- tomus ii., Julii iv. Among the pretermitted
dum, omnia remittentes ad diem natalem feasts, p. 4.
xi. Novembris." 3 To this is added, another Translation of
6 See Bishop l-'orbes' "Kalendars of Scot- St. Florentina or Floientia, Virgin and
tish Saints,'' p. 17. Martyr, belonging to the company of the
1 See ibid., p. 42. Eleven Thousand Virgins, but whose chief
1 Scr ibid., p. 59. festival is more properly referable to the 2ist
1 See ibid., p. 103. of October.
10 See ibid., p. 118. Article VII.— ' This was an Irish
Article VII.— Reputed Feast of St. Marianus, Confessor and
Abbot, at Ratisbon. {Eleventh Century.'] At this date, July 4th,
Camerarius places the festival of St. Marianus, Confessor and Abbot, in the
celebrated Scottish Monastery x of Ratisbon in Germany.* He is said to
have lived in the Caledonian province of Scotia, the chief city of which is
called Dumcalidonia, or Dunkeld, and there to have presided over a com-
munity of monks, and with a great reputation for sanctity. However, a more
exact criticism has proved him to have been an Irishman from Donegal. 3
There is a memoir of him and of his successors composed by an Irish monk
of Ratisbon. * Dempster has an imperfect account of him at this same date,*
which he notes as the Feast for his Translation.
Article VIII. — Reputed Translation of St. Rumold's Relics. In
the Codex of Usuard at Bruxelles and in the Florarius Sanctorum, the Bollan-
dists * state, that the Translation of St. Rumold is set down, at the 4th of
July. His Life has been pretty fully treated already, at the 1st of this
jfiftft 2Bap of gulp,
THERE can scarcely be a doubt, but that the biography of the present
holy woman has been confused by different writers. It certainly
requires a critical examination and correction, if we are to draw any authentic
particulars, which serve to distinguish her individuality, place, and period.
The form of name has been so varied, that a probability arises of more than
one pious saint having lived; and the incidents related, in such Acts as
remain to us, serve to show a parachronismus in their application to one and
the same person. Again, it seems pretty certain, that her Acts had been
written long after the period when she nourished, and which must account for
much ignorance on the part of their writers, who were even incapable of
separating well known annalistic facts of Irish and English history, or of
Monastery, and founded for Irishmen. s Thus : "B Colonise Martini Scotorum
a In the " Edinburgh Review " of January, patroni translatio. Adelbaud." — Menolo-
1861, there is an interesting article on " The gium Scoticum. Bishop Forbes' " Kalen-
Scottish Religious Houses abroad." dars of Scottish Saints," p. 204.
3 See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of Article viii. — ' See "Acta Sancto-
Scottish Saints," p. 391. rum," tomus ii., Julii iv. Among the pre-
4 This is in the Bollandists' "Acta Sane- termitted saints, p. 2.
torum, "tomus ii.,Februariiix. DeB.Mariano 2 See in the present volume of this work,
Scoto, Abbate Ord. S. Benedicti, et B. Mur- Art. i.
cherato Incluso, Ratisbonse in Bavaria, pp. Article I.— * Nothing more seems to be
365 to 372. known regarding him ; but his name and the
[July 5<
referring these to periods which could not have been contemporaneous
with any one living person. Intrinsically, too, they abound in fables or incre-
dible narratives, calculated not only to puzzle, but likewise to displease and
to disappoint, the studious readers of hagiology.
Several Manuscript Lives of this holy woman are extant, and some of her
Acts have been published. Among the latter, are her Life by Concubran x —
an ancient writer2 — and that by an anonymous writer 3 as found in a Sala-
mancan Manuscript/ Galfridus Edys, otherwise known as Geoffrey, a monk
of Burton,5 prepared a Life of St. Modwenna.6 Among the Clarendon
Manuscripts 7 is contained a Life of St. Modwenna, Virgin. There is
another,8 written by Concubran.9 Among other records, we find extant a
Tract intituled : S. Modvennae Vita, et Tractatus de Miraculis ejus.10 This
Manuscript, written in the thirteenth century, formerly belonged to the Abbey
ofRevesby. An abridgment of Geoffrey of Burton exists.11 In the Bodleian
Library, Oxford, there is a Manuscript Life of this saint.12 It was written in
the fifteenth century.^ In a Lambeth Manuscript,1* there are Acts or
notices of several saints out of the regular order at the end, and among these
is a lengthy Life of St. Modvenna.1* In old French verse, the Life of St.
Modwenna has been written, and at great length.16 This poem :7 contains
about 10,360 lines. Among the Sloane Manuscripts, there is a paper folio
Life of St. Monenna,18 which was written in the seventeenth century. In some
of her Acts, she is called indifferently Monynna and Darerca.1^ John
Capgrave,90 at tertio Nonas Julii, also mentions St. Modwena, Virgin and
Abbess. The English Martyrology and Henry Fitzsimon have Modwenna,
Virgin, for the same feast-day. The anonymous Calendar published by
intrinsic statements in the memoir sufficiently
demonstrate that he was Imh. This Life
n piinted by the Bollandists.
2 He appears to have been the earliest
known compiler of St. Modwenna's Life,
and from it, as the ba^is, many other Lives
were drawn.
3 This has been printed in the " Acta
Sanctorum " of the Bollandists, at the 6th
July. torn, ii., p. 290.
4 It begins with these words: "Virgo
venerabilis nomine Darerca, cognomento
Monynnna," &c.
s Uc was at first prior of Winchester, and
afterwards he was promoted to be abbot of
Burton-upon-Trent, from A.D. 1114 to 1151.
Annales Burton apud Fell, i., pp. 248, 249.
6 There is a copy among the Cottonian
Manuscripts. It is clashed, Cleopat. A ii.,
small vellum, 4to. This Life — Manuscript
of the eleventh century — properly belongs to
Conchubranus, whose name occurs at the
end. There is likewise a S. Modvennoe
Vita, per Galfridum Burtoniensem, described
as MS. Mostyn Gloddaeth, p. 5.
7 This is numbered 76.
8 This is numbered 39, and it was written
in the thirteenth century.
' See "Catalogi Librorum Manuscripto-
rum Anglic et UibernLw"
is classed: MS. Bibl. Reg. 15, B.
iv.. ff. 76, 78, veil. 4to.
" Vita S. Modwenna: MS. Lansdowne,
436, ft. I26,b-I3l b, veil, folio xiv. cent.
12 It is noticed as Vita S. Modwenna;.
13 Classed Tanner, 15, f. 423, veil, folio.
x« Classed 99, 5, f. 187.
13 This collection is intituled : " Catalo-
gus Sanctorum in Anglia pausantium et
oriundorum, quorum Depositionum diescon-
sequenter annotantur, Progreditur juxta or-
dinem Mensium adeoque incipiens ab
Edwardo Confessore, 8 Kal. Januar. desinit
in S. Thoma, Cant. 4to Kal. Januar."
16 It is classed in the Bodleian Library,
Oxford, Digby, 34, ff. 1-76, vell.Svo., dble.
cols. The Manuscript belongs to the twelfth
'7 It thus commences : —
" Oez seignurs pur Deu nus pri,
Cummunt li munz eit peri
A la gloire dunt il chai,
Par Jhesu Crist reverti."
18 It is noted as Vita S. Monennrc, No.
4788, ff. 1-32.
19 Among the Burgundian Library Manu-
scripts, at Bruxelles, there is a Vita S.
Monymnse cogn. Darercae, at fol. 79 of
vol. xxii.
20 See "Nova Legenda Angliae," fol.
cexxxiiii., cexxxv., cexxxvi., cexxxvii.,
cexxxviii., cexxxix., ccxl.
31 However, this is probably a mistake of
orthography by substituting an N for an M
as the initial letters.
22 See " Histories Cntholicac [berniae Com-
O'Sullevan Beare has Nodwenna 21 entered, at the same date.22 The Manu-
script from which John Capgrave's Life of this holy woman 23 had been
printed is extant among the Cottonian collections.2'* Besides, in the collec-
tions of F. Maihew,2* some notices of her are to be met with. It appears
Colgan's posthumous list 26 of Irish Saints notes St. Moduenna's Life as pre-
pared for publication, at the 5th of July. The Acts of St. Modwenna, in two
sections and twenty-six paragraphs, are to be found in the great Bollandist
collection. 27 There Father John Pinius very critically examines the legendary
biographies which had been written, and he shows how impossible it must be
to reconcile them with an individual saint, who at one time is stated to have
received the veil from St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland in the fifth cen-
tury ; also, to have lived in the middle of the seventh century; and, again,
to have flourished and built monasteries in England about the middle of the
ninth century. He inclines to the opinion, that there must have been at least
three Moninnas — if we are to attach any degree of credit to the specifications
set forth in those Acts 28 which have come down to our times. There is a
Vita S. Darercse seu Monynnse Virginis by some anonymous writer, 29 and it is
supposed by Father John Pinius to have been written earlier than one attri-
buted to Conchubran. Its narratives are briefer, written in a better style of
composition, altogether more comformable to credibility, yet does it abound
in anachronisms. Both agree, however, in many statements. The published
Life of St. Modwenna,3° attributed to Conchubran 31 — who is thought to have
written in the eleventh century — has probably been interpolated ;32 for besides
various silly popular legends introduced, it is quite evident, that the names of
many Irish places are misunderstood and falsely spelled, while it is not likely
that any Irish scribe could have fallen into such obvious mistakes. The same
Conchubran is said to have written, moreover, two alphabetical Hymns in
praise of the same Moninna. However, Archbishop Ussher and Sir James
Ware both maintain, that there were two distinct saints bearing this name;
one of these was usually known as Darerca, who flourished in the time of St.
Patrick, and who departed this life at Kilsleve of Kilsleve-Cuilin, in the
county of Armagh, on the 3rd of July, A.D. 516 or 518 ; while the other is
said to have flourished about the year 640. We are told, likewise, that Con-
cubran confounds the actions of both. Some notices of St. Modwena are
given by Bishop Challoner.3^ St. Moduena is called a noble Irish Virgin, by
Rev. Alban Butler, who has an account regarding her, for this day. 3*
pendium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. xi., xii., pp. published in the " Acta Sanctorum," at the
50, 56. 6th of July. It is there divided into four
23 It is intituled : Vita S. Modvennse. chapters, consisting of forty-five para-
24 It is classed Tiber. E. i., ff. 199 b-204 b. graphs.
25 See " Troprueorum Benedictinorum," 30 This has been taken from the Codex in
tomus ii., pp. 909, 910. the Cottonian Library, and the original was
26 See " Catalogus Actuum Sanctorum classed Cleopatra A. 2. It has been pub-
quse MS. habentur, Ordine Mensium et lished the second in order by the Bollan-
Dierum." dists, at the 6th of July, and it has been col-
27 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii lated with a Life of St. Monynna or Darerca.
v. De S. Moduenna seu Monenna, Monynna Besides a Prologue, it is given in eight
Monyma, una an pluribus, pp. 241 to 246. chapters, consisting of seventy-eight para-
2S A transcript of the Manuscript Codex of graphs,
this saint's Life, classed Cleopatra A. 2, and 31 He is supposed to have been a scholas-
belonging to the Cottonian Library, appears tic of Gleanussen, who is related to have
to have been sent by the learned William died there A.D. 1082.
Dugdale in 1678, to Father Daniel Pape- 32 His work, according to Sir James Ware,
broch. was written in Three Books. See "De Scrip-
29 This has been taken from an Irish toribus Hibernke, " lib. i., cap. viii., p. 57.
Manuscript, belonging to the Salamancan 33 See " Britannia Sancta," part ii., at 5th
College of the Jesuits, and it is the one first of July, p. 14.
It seems to us, no better means exist for solving the difficulties here pre-
sented, than to suppose, that certain inventions have found the position of
facts in the biographies accessible to us, unless we are to admit their appli-
cation to three distinct Modwennas ;35 however, only two of these appear to
be traceable, with any great degree of probability ; therefore, our conjec-
ture is, that the Irish Calendars have recognised a St. Modwenna, otherwise
called Darerca, who lived contemporaneously with St. Patrick, the great
Irish Apostle, and whose feast is ascribed to the 6th of July ; while the other is
Modwenna, who went from Ireland to England, who flourished probably
during the ninth century, and whose feast is generally referred to the 5th of
July, by most of the Calendarists. Proceeding on this assumption, we shall next
endeavour to deal conjecturally with her Acts, omitting what we deem to be
only excrescences and fables in them. Her name is variedly written Mod-
wen,36Moninna, Moninne, Maudoena,Moedoena, Monenna, Monynna, Mony-
ma, Moninia, Moduena, Mowena, Modovena, Moduenna, Modvenna, Mod-
wena, Modewine and Modwenna. 37 According to all the received accounts, St.
Modwenna was born in Ireland,58 but, in what particular part of it, we have
no correct means for ascertaining. According to her Acts, as written by
Capgrave, her father was a king.39 She had first embraced a religious life in
her own country. There she was illustrious for sanctity and miracles. She
also trained many pious souls in the fear and love of God. She is said to
have established a nunnery in Ireland at Celistline, and at other places. 4°
She miraculously cured Alfred, the illustrious son of King Ethelwolf, from a
grievous infirmity. He was the fourth son of the king, by his first wife Osburg,
and he was born a.d. 849, the thirteenth of his father's reign. When only
five years old, the young Prince Alfred was sent to Rome, where he was con-
firmed by Pope Leo IV.*1 Afterwards, during the successive reigns of his
three elder brothers, Ethelbald,*9 Ethelbert,*3 and Ethelred,^ Prince Alfred
had acquired such a reputation for wisdom, magnanimity and integrity, that
he acted as viceroy under each of them, until he came to the throne a.d.
872. The virtues, valour and abilities of King Alfred are matters of history 45
so well known, that it is needless to state, his reign which lasted twenty-nine
34 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs names of St. Moninne, of Cill-Sleibhe-
nn 1 other principal Saints," vol. vii., Culaind or Killesoy, in the County of
July v. Armagh, according to William M. llen-
35 The only corresponding names we find nessey, M.R.I.A.
in the Irish Calendars are Mo-Inne, which 38 See Bishop Challenor's "Britannia
may be the name of a female ; but, it has Sancta," part ii., p. 14.
been rendered Moenind, Moeninninius or 39 Hut this author is mistaken, when he
Moenennus, as recorded at the 21st of May, makes her a disciple of St. Patrick. The
in the Fifth Volume of this work, Art. iv. ; Irish Apostle was dead long before her
Moninne, Virgin, barely recorded at the 3rd time.
of June, in the Sixth Volume of this work, 40 This account is to be found in Holing-
Art. viii. ; the Moduena, Moedoena or Mau- shed's Chronicle " Manie monastries she
doena, who seems to be confounded with builded both in England and Scotland, as at
Etaoin, and both of whom are recorded in Sniveling, Edenbrough, and in Ireland at
the Martyrology of Donegal, at this date, Celis'lineand elsewhere."
July 5th; and the .Moninne. Virgin of Sliabh 4' He governed the Church from A.D. 847
Cuillmn, who is placed, at the following 10855. See Sir Harris Nicolas' " Chrono-
day. July 6th, in the same Martyrology. logy of History," p. 210.
;6In Holingshed's Chronicle. «■ He only reigned from A.D. 857, to the
37 There is a note, regarding Moninna, 201 h December, a.d. 860.
carried from column 3 to column 4, on the 4i He reigned from a.d. 860, to A.D.
17th page of the Ten Folia of the " Book of 866.
Leinster," among the Franciscan archives, 4 * 1 1 is reign, beginning A.D. 866, lasted to
Merchants' quay, Dublin. On column 3, p. the 23rd of April, a.d. 872.
17, there is also a short tract, on the various *> His biographer Asser has admirably
years and six months was one of the most glorious in the Annals of England. He
departed this life, on the 26th of October, a.d. 899 or 90 1,*6 in the fifty-fust
year of his age. However, a statement,4? that Prince Alfred went into Ireland
to serve King Conald,48 and that he was there cured by St. Modwenna, is
likely to be false, for our Annals do not give the name of a supreme King of
Ireland so named during the time of Prince Alfred.
Afterwards, it is stated, that she passed into England. St. Athea — said
to have been her kinswoman — accompanied her. A foolish story is told
of Modwenna and several holy virgins passing over to a castle called
Dagann in Britain, in a miraculous manner, and that afterwards they visited
the king there in his villa, called Streneshalen.49 Then, it is said, that the
king was greatly rejoiced, and that besides entrusting his sister to them for
her education, he gave that villa with lands and endowments. In the time of
King Ethel wolf, 5° St. Modwena is said to have gone into England. His
sister s1 — others state his daughter — Edgith or Edith, he committed during
her childhood to the care of this holy Irish virgin, Modewine,*2 who in turn
transferred her to Athea. From her, Edith is said to have learned the
Psaltery, while St. Modwenna dwelt there for three months. 53 Afterwards,
Edith founded the famous nunnery of Polesworth,*4 where she lived, died and
was honourably buried, so that from her the place was subsequently called
St. Edith's of This was near the forest of Arden, in Warwick-
shire. There, too, she collected around her a pious community that con-
formed to her rule.56 From King Ethelwolf, as we are informed, St. Mod-
wenna obtained some land, for the purpose of building a monastery. The
pious Modwena did not confine herself, however, to the erection of this
foundation. She built another religious house at Trentshall,57 also called
Strenshall. Some writers confound this place with the Streanshalch of St.
Hilda ; but, the situation of this latter locality was in the northern part of
England.' At Trenshale for some time Modwenna led a solitary life, which
was passed in prayer, contemplation, and other religious exercises.
pom trayed his character and acts. Ethelwolfe gave leave to build two abbies,
46 See Lingard's "History of England," and also dalivered unto her his sister Edith
vol. i., chap, iv., p. 187. to be a professed nun."
47 In the Life by Conchubran. S3 After this, the Life by Conchubran adds
48 King Congall or Conald II. reigned most unchronologically, that she and her
towards the close of the seventh century, nuns returned with many gifts to Brigid's
while King Congall III. was slain in the family, in Ireland, and that she remained
twelfth year of his reign, a.d. 956, according there in the northern parts, until she and
to our historians. See Thomas D'Arcy her virgins made a pilgrimage to Rome.
McGee's " Popular History of Ireland," 54 In the time of Henry L, Robert Mar-
book ii., chap, iv., p. 79. mion and Milicent, his wife, were founders
49 In Conchubran's Life, this place is said and benefactors of a nunnery here, which
to have been "juxta silvam, quae dicitur was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Edith.
Arderne." It was placed under the Black Nuns, and at
50 His reign over England commenced the time of suppression it was valued at
A.D. 837. He reigned over twenty years, and ^"23 8s. 6d. See John Speed's " History of
died on the 13th of January, a.d. 857. Great Britaine," book ix., chap. xxi. Cata-
st She appears to have been much younger logue of the Religious Houses. Warwick-
than her brother Ethelwolf. shire.
52 The following is Holingshed's account ss See ibid.^ book vii., chap, xxxi., p.
of this saint : "In this season one Modwen, 366.
a virgin in Ireland, was greatly renowned in s6 That regular discipline she there estab-
the world, unto whom King Ethelwolfe sent lished continued even until the days of King
his son Alfred to be cured of a disease that Henry VIII. In this monastery, the royal
was thought incurable ; but by her means virgin Editha was trained. Afterwards, she
he recoverd health, and therefore, when her became its Abbess, and she was regarded as
monastrie was destroyed in Ireland, Modwen a great saint,
came over into England, unto whom King 57 Thus called by Holingshed.
[July 5.
Modwenna went into Scotland, to visit King Conagal her kinsman, s8
and this statement causes Father John Pinius to suspect, that there had been
three distinct virgins bearing the name of Modwenna — one belonging to
Ireland, one to England, and one to Scotland. 5? At least, it seems to us a
very reasonable supposition, that while one holy virgin named Moduenna
remained altogether in Ireland, the present Modwenna extended the benefit of
her religious propaganda to England as also to Scotland. But, it is indeed a
very difficult matter to arrange the order of narrative and of time, in reference to
her stay in either country. We are told, that Ratheri, Cobo,Bollan and Choilli,
with other chiefs, visited her at this time.60 While in Scotland, no less than
three churches did St. Modwenna build in Galloway; one of these is called
Chilnecase,61 another was on the summit of a mountain denominated Dundeue-
Edinburgh Castle from the Grassmarket.
nel,6a while the third was at Dunbreten. She built a church in a castle,
named Strivelin, or Sterling.^ She erected a church at Dunpeleder,6* and
from that place she crossed the Alban Sea to visit St. Andrew's.6* After-
wards, she went to Aleeth, where she built a church, named Lonfortin, near
to Dundee, and near to a clear rivulet. There she dwelt for some time, and she
greatly loved that place.66 She erected another church, in Dunedin or Eden-
burgh,6? as we are informed, and this dedicated to St. Michael was built on
the top of a mountain. There four holy virgins, named Athea, Ede, Osid
and Lazar, lived with her for five years. We are told, these afterwards
5* According to Capgrave's account.
59 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
vi. De S. Darcrca sen Monynna Virg. In
Hihernia, Scotia, vel Anglia, n. (e), p.
60 See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of
Scottish Saints," p. 407.
61 This no doubt should be written Can-
dida Casa, now Whithorn.
61 In Laud on ia.
6' One of the royal cities of Scotland, re-
markable for its castle, placed on a precipi-
tous rock.
61 Also called Dunpelder.
65 These several erections arc mentioned
in the Life by Conchubran. See " Ussher's
" Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates,"
cap. xv., j). 369.
1 Life by Conchubran adds: "in
quo in finem vita suae, ut affirmant, Domino
volente, emisit spiriturn."
67 The beautiful capital of Scotland. The
accompanying illustration was drawn by
William F. Wakeman on the wood, en-
set out with her on a journey to Rome, where they intended to visit the shrines
of Saints Peter, Paul and Andrew. On the way, they came to the River Trent,
which passed by a mountain, called Calvechif, in the Anglo-Saxon language.
There, it is said, they built a church at the foot of a mountain, in Latin
called Mons Calvus. This was dedicated to the Apostles, St. Peter and
St. Paul.68
It has been stated,6? that thrice this holy virgin visited Rome ; but, the
indications for these visits are too vague and undefined to be very readily
trusted. The first of these pilgrimages is said to have taken place after her
return to Arderne — it is to be presumed from Scotland — and where she had
been accompanied by her sisters Athea and Ite. Yet, this account seems to
be strangely enough jumbled into a second visit from Andressea, and with a
still greater number of companions. Again we are informed, that at the age
of one hundred and ten years, Movenna undertook a third journey to Rome,
when she returned to Scotland ; but this latter narrative seems to be a con-
fused version of the two former journeys, which proves beyond doubt, that
the whole of Conchubran's Life of St. Modwenna has been interpolated, and
without judgment or discrimination on the part of the interpolator or interpo-
lators. While making these three penitental pilgrimages to Rome, it is stated,
likewise, that she went all the way barefoot, and clothed with a rough hair
shirt.70 It may be admitted, indeed, that in accordance with the usages of
her age, she had visited Rome, at least on one occasion ; and probably, her
desire to found or extend her various religious enterprises furnished a neces-
sity for seeking an interview with the Sovereign Pontiff, who then presided
in the chair of St. Peter.
Returning into England, Modwenna chose for hei dwelling-place a little
island, situated in the River Trent. At this time it was a desert. There she
built a small oratory in honour of St. Andrew.?1 This gave to that island the
name of Andrcsey. In it, the pious Modwenna lived for seven years as a
hermitess. Lazar and Athea also lived there with her. Afterwards, Mod-
wenna visited Ireland, as we are told, and at this time paganism and crime
were rife throughout all England.72 The fame of St. Modwenna's miracles
drew many to that place, which she had selected as the site for her nunnery.
This undesired concurrence was the occasion, however, for her leaving it.
She seems to have returned again to Lanfortin, where she had a miraculous
intuition regarding her approaching end. Then she sent messengers to her
religious, Athea, Osid and Ede, that they should come to her. They obeyed
this summons, and remained with her for some days. Meanwhile, the anti-
cipation of her death spread among the people, and her increasing infirmities
began to fill them with profound grief. Among others, it is stated, that Congal,
King of Scotia at the time, with certain magnates of his kingdom, visited the
monastery. They are said to have requested her, through a Bishop Ronan,
who was her brother, that she should yet remain among them for one year,
and not leave them as orphans too soon, and they felt assured, that if she
preferred such a petition to heaven, it would be granted. However, she
declared, that her time had now come, and she then imparted her blessing to
her distinguished visitors and to all the people. Already, although her death
took place in Scotland, she had foretold, her body should be interred after her
graved by Mrs. Millard. 71 See Cressy's " Church History of
68 According to the Life of Modwenna, by England, under Saxon and Danish Mo-
Conchubran. narchs," part iv., book xxviii., chap, ii.,
^ See Holingshed's " Chronicle." p. 744.
70 See Bishop Forbes' u Kalendars of 73 This account, we may very well credit,
Scottish Saint," p. 407. since the Danes had succeeded in effecting
death, 73 at Andressy. To those who were present at her death-bed, she is
said to have declared, that had their request been conveyed to her a few days
before, it might possibly be granted; but it so happened, she had a vision of the
two great Apostles of our Lord, who had come to her on that day with a
message, that they were about to convey her soul into Heaven. She declared,
that they had brought her a white shroud, beautifully ornamented with gold ;
and that with such illustrious companions, it was well she should be intro-
duced to the mansions of perpetual bliss. She then bequeathed certain relics,
such as her girdle, a cloak of sheep-skin, and certain other articles which
belonged to her, and she requested these, with her baculus, to be conveyed
to another place. She stated, furthermore, that should those people who
possessed them not engage in hostile incursions on the lands of others ; her
relics should prove to be a shield of defence against any enemies, who might
seek to invade or to devastate their territory. She was thus favoured in her last
infirmity, with this consoling vision of the holy Apostles, St. Peter and St.
Paul, before she parsed away to bliss, having declared, also, that her protection
should be as generously afforded to all her devout clients after death, as during
her lifetime. Those promises, and words spoken by the Bishop, assuaged
the grief of the people present ; so that when he bestowed a benediction
on them, and when they had assisted at Modwenna's holy obsequies, all pre-
pared to start for their respective hoines.74 She is said to have attained the
extraordinary age of one hundred and thirty years;" but, as the account of
such great longevity likewise applies in a still greater degree to St. Monenna
or Darerca, venerated at Slieve Cullin on the day following, it seems a matter
of great difficulty to decide any point, even regarding its qualified credibility.
She is said to have died on the 5th of July,?6 and towards the close of the
ninth century. It is related, that soon after her death, St. Modwenna appeared
to one of her sisters, named Taunat or Tannat, and urged her to admonish
the nuns, regarding the infraction of silence without doors, and which silence
their rule enjoined. This message was conveyed to them, and after a pre-
paration for eternity lasting for seven days, Tannat passed away to bliss with
her revered mother and former superioress. Again, it is said, that after St.
Modwenna's death, numbers of Hibernians, Scots and Angles came to the
place where her remains lay ; they were about to engage in combat for
possession of the holy virgin's body, until Columchille appeared to them, and
proposed an expedient, whereby the tumult was appeased. But, indeed, this
whole fable is so evidently concocted and so poorly invented, that intrinsic evi-
dences of its legendary character are easily detected. Some time after her death,
the blessedremains were translated from Andresey,to the church of that Abbey,
where they were finally deposed. When the Abbey of Burton-upon-Trent
was founded, a.d. 1004, the remains of St. Modwenna were solemnly removed
thither. Matthew of Westminster 77 informs us, that in his day, St. Mod-
wena's tomb was illustrated by frequent miracles.
The feast of St. Moduenna was very religiously observed, and it is to be
found noted, at the 5th of July, among the Scottish Entries in the Kalen-
dar of David Camerarius.78 There is still extant a Hymn to St. Modwenna
or Moinnea, among the Clarendon Manuscripts. 79 In England, this holy
conquests throughout its various provinces. 77 See "Flores Historiarum," at a.d.
73 See Bishop Challoner's " Britannia 1201.
Sancta," part ii , pp. 14, 15. 78 Thus: "Sancta Moduenna Virgo in
W Such is the narrative given in her Life Laudonia et Galouida Scotiseprouincijs cele-
by Conchrubran. bris. " — Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of Scot-
75 According to Holingshed's " Chro- tish Saints," p. 238.
nicle." 79 It is numbered 39. See " Catalogus
76 See her Acts, by John Capgrave. Manuscriptorum Anglise et Hiberniae.
woman was specially venerated. At Burton-on-Trent, the Protestant church
is still named after her, while the site of her chapel is yet called St. Mod-
wen's Orchard. According to English traditions, the virgin's religious estab-
lishment in Ireland was a renowned one, towards the close of the ninth cen-
tury. It is said to have been destroyed, and probably this was one of
Ireland's holy fanes, that suffered desecration during the Danish reign of
terror. The foundation of a Catholic school, which long served for Catholic
religious worship, at Burton, has been, in our time, followed up, by the erec-
tion of a handsome new church, dedicated to our St. Medwenna, and to the
Blessed Virgin Mary.80
Some metrical Latin lines remain,81 and which are intended to epitomize the
chief incidents relating to this holy virgin. It should be desirable, indeed, that
we had a more reliable biography of St. Modwenna, than any which has come
within our cognizance. There can be no reasonable doubt, that she was
greatly distinguished for her virtue and miracles, during that period in which
she lived. The more then do we regret, that so many obscurities and con-
fused traditions conceal from us her real Acts, which should give satisfaction
and edification to the pious reader could they have been authoritatively
Article II. — St. Etain, Edania or Etavin, Virgin, of Tuaim Noa,
now Tumna, in Moylurg, County of Roscommon. We find only a few
indications of this holy woman, and these throw little light on her period.
A festival in honour of Etain, virgin, of Tuama noadh, appears in the Martyr-
ology of Tallagh,1 at the 5th of July. Her name is Eidin or HeMdin,2 accord-
ing to John 0'Donovan,3 and she is regarded as the patron saint of Tumna
parish, 4 in the barony of Boyle, and county of Roscommon. However, the
present holy virgin appears to have been more popularly known, under the
designation of Etavin. In the Martyrology of Marianus O'Gorman, she is
commemorated as the fair Edaina, of full and immaculate virginity, and
belonging to Tuaim-Noa, in the territory of Magh-Luire, on the banks of the
River Buill, now the Boyle. She is noted, likewise, as Edania or Edoena,
Virgin, of Tuaim-Noadh, and her festival is entered by the Bollandists,s at
this date. Her place is called Tuaim mnd6 in the Annals of the Four
Masters, at the year 1249,7 and this means " the tomb of the woman ;" while,
according to Mr. O'Donovan, it seems to have been the name of that place
80 This has been effected through the zeal- 3 See " Letters containing Information re-
ous labours of Rev. Charles M'Cabe, an lative to the Antiquities of the County of
Irish priest in charge of this mission. Roscommon, collected during the Progress
81 These are as follows : — of the " Ordnance Survey in 1837," vol. i.
Letter of John O'Donovan, dated Elphin,
" Ortum Modvennse dat Hibernia, Sco- July 28th, 1837.
tia finem, 4 It is described on the " Ordnance Sur-
Anglia dat tumulum, dat Deus vey Townland Maps for the County of Ros-
alta poli. common," sheets 4, 6, 7, 10, 1 1.
Prima dedit vitam, sed mortem terra s See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
secunda, v. Among the pretermitted saints, p. 216.
Et terram terrse tertia terra dedit. 6 In that part of the country, it is believed,
Aufert Lamfortim, quam terra that the meaning of Toomnaa is UuAim An
Conallea profert. iic, "thenoise of the ford," because it lies
Felix Burtonia Virginis ossa tenet." near the Lower River Boyle.
7 At this date, the death of a noble priest,
Article 11.— * Edited by Rev. Dr. called Mulkieran O'Lenaghan of Tuaim mna,
Kelly, p. xxviii. is recorded.
a In Irish ex>AOin. 8 He wishes to signify, that Etavin who is
[July 5.
before a church had ever been there. This virgin descended from the race
of Brian, son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin, according to the O'Clerys'
Calendar. She is thought by some, to have been thesame as Moduena, or
Moedoena or Mandoena, whose Acts have been " recapitulated in the
preceding article. This opinion is expressed by a writer,8 who has inserted
his observation within brackets, in some additions to the Martyrology
of Donegal. However, it is probable, he has here inserted a mistaken entry .9
This virgin is still vividly remembered at her church of Tumna, in the parish
The Old Church of ffumna, County of Roscommon
of that name, in the county of Roscommon. It is delightfully and romanti-
cally situated on the southern margin of the Lower Lake on the Boyle River,
and near where it enters the River Shannon, a little to the north of the pre-
sent town of Carrick-on-Shannon. The church ruins 10 at this place, and also
the grave of St. Eidin, are to be seen. Not far removed from that place,
there are very beautiful ruins " of the former Cistercian Abbey, at Boyle. In
the small Island of Ennismacreeny or Ennismacreey, in Lough Key, County
Roscommon, are the ruins of an old church. A drawing made by Bigari, in
the last century, has been elegantly engraved ; but, Dr. Ledwich's vagaries,
in the letterpress description, are ridiculous in the extreme.12 A holy well,
called after St. Etain, was near the church called Kill-oscoban. To it, many
were accustomed to resort, through motives of devotion, and to obtain spiritual
also called Moduena, Moedoena and Man-
doena— by prefixing the devotional mo or
"my," to her name — is identical, as Rev.
Dr. Todd states, in a note.
9 "The mem. in the more recent hand
should probably belong to the Moninne under
the 6th of July," adds William M. Hennessy,
in a manuscript note to his copy of the
Donegal Martyrology.
10 The accompanying illustration, taken
by William F. Wakeman on the spot, has
been transferred by him to the wood, en-
graved by Mrs. Millard.
11 Three views of these are engraved, and
they were respectively drawn by Bigari, T.
Cocking, and Lieutenant Daniel Grose. An
additional engraving, representing a ground-
plan and details, occupies another plate. See
Grose's "Antiquities of Ireland," vol. i.,
pp.81, 82.
12 See Grose's " Antiquities of Ireland,"
vol. i„ pp. 85, 86.
favours, as also to be cured from bodily diseases.^ The grave of this pious
woman is shown in the churchyard, not far from the River Shannon.1* A
tradition exists, in the neighbourhood of Carrick-on-Shannon, that the chapel
of Toomna had been built by the family of Lenaghan. The name is still extant
in this parish.1* The name of this virgin also occurs in the Martyrology of
Donegal,'6 at the same date, as Etavin, of Tuaim Noa, in Magh Luirg, on
the banks of the Bui 11. In the table added to this Martyrology, at the entry
of this saint's name, the notification is given, that she was identical with the
virgin Mdduena.1' This, however, seems to be very doubtful. At the 5th
•of July, St. Edana or Edaena, in Ireland, and a virgin, is recorded by Rev.
Alban Butler.18 At this date, too, in the Circle of the Seasons, x9 this holy
woman is entered, as St. Edana, Virgin, in Ireland. She is also recorded, by
Bishop Forbes.20
Article III.— St. Fergus O'Huamaigh. In the Martyrology of
Tallagh,1 a festival is entered at the 5th of July, in honour of Fergusa ohua-
maigh. The Bollandists,2 at this same date, enter a Huamayus aliquis Fer-
gussius, from the Manuscripts of Father Thomas O'Sheerin. They acknow-
ledge, however, that such a name was not found on their own lists. The
Martyrology of Donegal, 3 at the same date, records him as Ho Huimmigh,*
i.e., Fergus or Ferghass, as found in a distinct line, but evidently referring to
one and the same person. The foregoing words, within brackets, had been
entered,5 by the more recent hand.6 _
Article IV.— St. Ultan. The name of Ultan occurs, in the Martyr-
ology of Donegal,1 as having been venerated, at the 5th of July. His age or
place does not seem to be known.
Article V. — St. Cillen. On the 5th of July, in the Martyrology of
Donegal,1 appears the name of Cillen.2 Marianus O'Gorman is cited, as
authority for the introduction of his name, at this date. The Bollandists 3
also record Kilian, on this day, but they do not pretend to know who he was,
if not identical with the Kilian of Wurtzburgh, who is venerated on the 8th
of this month.
13 This is stated on the authority of Father 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Thomas O'Sheerin, who seems to think the Julii v. Among the pretermitted feasts,
present holy virgin was not a different per- pp. 215, 216.
son from St. Modwenna, whose feast also 3 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
occurs on this day. 186, 187.
14 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the 4 A note by Dr. Todd says, "The Mart.
Four Masters," vol. iii., n. (g), pp. 323, Taml." calls him correctly " Fergus O'Hua-
324. maigh."
»5 Ibid., n. (n), p. 332. 5 This the Rev. Dr. Todd tells us.
16 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 6 William M. Hennessy remarks, that the
186, 187. writer did not possibly notice the Ver^i^rf
17 See ibid. , pp. 406, 407, and pp. 450, immediately succeeding, in a note tolas copy
45 l- of the Donegal Martyrology.
18 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Article iv. — s Edited by Drs. Todd and
other principal Saints," vol. vii., July v. Reeves, pp. 186, 187.
x9 See p. 187. Article v.— 1 Edited by Drs. Todd
10 See " Kalendars of Scottish Saints," and Reeve*, pp. 186, 187.
P- 333- 3 A note by Dr. Todd says at Cillien's
Article hi. — * Edited by Rev. Dr. name, that it has been added, by the more
Kelly, p. xxviii. recent hand, from Marianus O'Gorman.
Vol. VII.— No. 2. e
Article VI. — St. Rumoldus. In Convseus' list, at the 5 tli of July, we
have a festival-day assigned to St. Rumoldus, prince Archbishop of Dublin,
and afterwards Apostle of Mechlin.1 Already we have treated at some length,
about this distinguished saint, at the 1st day of this month, and in the present
Article VII. — Feast of St. Agatha and of her Companions,
Martyrs. In the early Irish Church, at the 5th of July, the martyrdom of
the holy virgin St. Agatha and of her companions was commemorated, as we
learn from the "Feilire"1 of St. ^Engus. An Irish commentary appended
states that she was in Lombardy and which — strange to say — is supposed by
the writer of the gloss to have been in Gaul.2 However, it seems more pro-
bable, that she was one of those holy Martyrs, who suffered together at
Rhegium, in Calabria, and whose Acts 3 are set down by the Bollandists,* at
his date, in a commentary containing eighteen paragraphs.
Article VIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Alea, or Athea. At the
present date, the Bollandists x enter the name of a holy nun, Alea, remitted
from the 23rd of May. Bucelin commemorates her as a saint. The Bollan-
dists think she was Atea, who is mentioned in the Life of St. Modwenna,
and regarding whom no special Acts have been written.
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr.
In a Calendar, not more particularly described by Bollandus, there was found
an entry of Boniface, Bishop and Martyr, at the 5th of July. However, he
is thought, to be the same as St. Boniface ■ of Mayence,2 and Apostle of
Germany. It was probably an error of placement — July having been sub-
stituted for June. At the 5th of this month, the Acts of this illustrious
Apostle of Germany have been already set forth, as it is the date usually
given for his chief Festival.
3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of
Julii v. Among the pretermitted saints, Oengus, p. cix.
p. 216. 2 hee ibid., p. cxv. A Latin comment
Article vi. — r See O'Sul'.evan Beare's is subjoined :" Agatus nomen ciuitatis in ilia
" Historic Catholics Ibernise Compen- plebe et ab ilia nominata est."
dium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. x, p. 48. * These pre written in Greek, with a Latin
■ >ee Art. i. Translation, in three paragraphs.
Article vii. — x In the "Leabhar * See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Bre.ic" copy, is the following stanza, trans- Jul i v. I)e SS. Stephano, Primo Episcopo
lated into English by Dr. Whitley Stokes : — Rhegiensi et sociis, Snera Episcopo,
Agnete, Felicitate et Perpetua, pp. 217 to
■Oonm4j\cir\ •AgAcliA 220.
CotiAcleip CA111 comuL Article viii. — l See "Acta Sancto-
Uo ip Crur-c [rro] rlemun rum," tomus ii., Julii v. Among the preter-
mit! opr-ei^cc La oitkmi. mitted feasts, p. 215.
Article ix. — ■ See his Life, in the
"To the martyr Agatha, with her followers, a Sixth Volume of this work, at the 5th of
fair assembly, Christ granted perfect peace, June, Art. i.
great love of him with awe." — "Transactions 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
of the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript Julii v. Among the pretermitted saints, p. 214.
£>tjrtl) 2Bap of 3ul2*
BOTH the Irish and the Scotch have regarded with especial veneration
this early Apostle, charged by the Sovereign Pontiff at Rome with the
duty of announcing to them the message of Gospel truth. His mission less
successful preceded that of St. Patrick to our Island ; but, even for several
years before their appearance, other servants of Christ had heralded their
approach. It is recorded, that at the period of- St. Patrick's arrival, as
apostolic missionary in Ireland, four holy men specially mentioned had been
engaged in this part of the Lord's vineyard. These missionaries were called
Saints Declain,1 Ibar,2 Ailbe3 and Kieran.4 All were natives of Ireland, while
they were engaged in spreading the Gospel light, and in opening its great
truths to the minds of their countrymen. St. Kieran has been styled the
"first born of Ireland's Saints." Thus he was considered the proto-Saint of
the Island, so far remote from the centre of Christendom, although the others
are regarded as having been his contemporaries. An innumerable host of
sanctified men and women our country afterwards gave to the Church. The
fame and virtues of these holy persons are written in the pages of almost all
Christian histories and records. Their memories are recorded, in writing,
as well as remembered, in the grateful recollection of civilized Europe.
Their names, moreover, are inscribed in the Book of Life; and, therefore,
unfading they shall remain, within the heavenly Jerusalem.
After all, we know very few authentic particulars, regarding the Acts of this
illustrious missionary. His name is generally Latinized as Palladius, but by
the Scots, he is often called Padie.s We find accounts of this glorious saint,
bv St. Prosper of Aquitaine,6 Venerable Bede,? Sigebert, Marianus Scotus,
Matthew of Westminster,8 Ado, Hermannus Contractus, Florence of Worces-
ter, Matthaeus Florilegus, Freculphus Lexoviensis,9 Polydore Virgil,10 Nen-
nius the Briton, Probus Hibernus, Jocelyn, John of Teignmouth, and by many
other early chroniclers. Furthermore, those who have treated the Acts of
Article i.— Chapter 1.— * His feast s See Bishop Challenor's "Memorial of
occurs at the 24th of July. British Piety," p. IOI.
8 See an account of him, in the Fourth 6 In his Chronicle.
Volume of this work, at April 23rd— the 7 See " Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis An-
supposed date for his festival, Art. ii. glorum," lib. i. , cap. xiii.
3 His festival is held, on the 1 2th of Sep- 8 In "Flores Historiarum," at A.D.
tember. 433.
4 See his Acts, at the 5th of March, in 9 In lib. v., cap. xxiii.
the Third Volume of this work, Art. i. ,0 In "Historia Anglicana," lib. iii., p. 59.
Pope St. Celestine I., such as Platina," Ciaconius,'2 and other writers, inci-
dentally relate the period and mission of St. Palladius. Since the time of the
Reformation, various authors, as well Protestants as Catholics, allude to him,
in connexion with the ecclesiastical history of these Islands. Among those
may be enumerated Archbishop Ussher,1^ Baronius,1* and many others.
Father John Colgan xs has written a very learned disquisition on the mission
of Palladius in Ireland, before the arrival ol St. Patrick, as a Christian mis-
sionary.16 The Life of St. Palladius has been treated by the Bollandist
Father John Baptist Soller, S.J., in a historic sylloge, consisting of two sections
and nineteen paragraphs.1? Again, among the Scottish writers, John Major,18
Hector Boetius,1* John Lesley,20 Thomas Dempster,21 and Archbishop Spottis-
woode,22 have various notices of St. Palladius. Besides the foregoing, Dean
S. Cressy,23 Bishop Challenor,2* Rev. Alban Butler,2^ Eev. Father Thomas
Innes,26 Rev. Dr. John Lanigan,27 M'Lauchlan,28 and Rev. Dr. J. F. S.
Gordon, 29 record the few known particulars about Palladius, and that have
come down to our time.
Historians have not decided on the native country of. this illustrious mis-
sionary and apostle ; but, there is a very concurrent agreement among writers,
that he was a Grecian^0 There are other authors, who think, that Palladius
was probably a Gaul by birth, although perhaps of Hellenic extraction ; for,
some of the southern Gallic cities had been peopled by Greek immigrants^'
and he might have some relationship to their race. Moreover, some men of
his name, and perhaps connected with his family, were already of repute and
distinction in the Gallic church. 32 Some writers 33 have asserted, that this
saint was a native of Britain. 34 About the year 360 to 363, one of the chief
officers of Julian the Apostate, and a Christian, had been banished into Britain.
It has been supposed probable, that he had been father of the future Deacon
Palladius. This supposition might warrant a suggestion, that he was of
11 In Gestis Sancti Ccelestini. 24 See "A Memorial of British Piety,"
12 In "Vitse et Res Gestae Pontificum p. 101.
Romanorum et Romanae Ecclesiae Cardina- 2S See "Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs
Hum." and other principal Saints," vol. vii.,
J3 See " Britannicarum Ecclesiarum An- July vi.
tiquitates," cap. xvi., pp. 417, to 425. 26 See his " Civil and Ecclesiastical His-
14 In "Annales Ecclesiastici," at A.D. tory of Scotland."
429, num. iv. 37 See " Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
's In one place, Colgan intimates, he in- land," vol. i., chap, i., sect, iv., pp. 9 to
tended to give the Acts of this saint at the 1 1, sect, xi., xv., xvi., pp.23 to 47. Also
6th of June, but this is clearly a mistake for chap, iv., sect, xviii., pp, 198 to 202.
the 6th of July. 28 In his " Early Scottish Church."
16 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta 29 See his " Scotichronicon," vol. i., pp.
Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xiv., 391041.
pp. 245 to 250. 30 gee the Rev# i)r- Gordon's " Scoti-
'7 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., chronicon," vol. i., p. 39. Trithemius calls
Julii v. De S. Palladio Epis. et Conf. him a Greek.
Scotorum Apostolo Forduni in Scotia, pp. 3L John Bale and other writers adopt this
286 to 290. statement.
18 "De Gestis Scotorum," lib. ii., & Among these were Palladius Arch-
cap, ii. bishop of Bourges, elected to that See in
'9 In " Scotorum Hystoriae," lib. vii. a'.d. 377. Another of the same name filled
20 In his Fourth Book, when treating that same See in a.d. 451. See Rev. Dr.
about Eugenius II. Todd's " St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland,"
91 See " Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis chap, i., pp. 278, 279.
Scotorum," lib. xv., num. 998. 33 See Father Innes, " Civil and Ecclesi-
82 In his History of the Church of Scot- astical History of Scotland," p. 52.
land. 3» jn a Work by William of Malmesbury,
23 See "The Church History of Brit- called "De AntiquitateGlastoniensis Eccle-
tany," book ix., chap, iii., pp. 172 to 174. siae," this is expressly stated.
British birth. Another mistaken account makes him an Egyptian^ proba-
bly originating in an assumption, that our Palladius was author of the Histo-
ria Lausiaca; but, regarding this opinion, there is no sufficient evidence given. 36
The Bollandist Father J. B. Soller maintains, that he was an Italian ; yet,
this opinion is not very clearly sustained. 3? According to one account, Palla-
dius hailed from Rome. Some suppose him to have been identical
with Palladius, Bishop of Helenopolis, and who wrote the Life of St. John
In reality, it is improbable at the present day, that we should be able
to glean any authentic facts regarding his parentage or native country, while
as little seems to be discoverable regarding his early training and education.
Yet, Palladius is called an Archdeacon, in that Life of St. Patrick, contained in
the Book of Armagh. 39 It is generally supposed, this dignity had been con-
ferred on him in Rome. Also, St. Palladius is styled an Archdeacon,*0 or a
High Deacon, in other Lives of St. Patrick. A curious account is given
regarding a certain " Ballerus, a man from Rome," being at the head of a
Welsh college at Cor Tewdws in Gower, when it had been plundered and
sacked by Scotic raiders, and when they carried away Padrig Maenwyn, who
was a teacher there, into captivity, which he endured in Ireland/1 It has
been supposed probable, that Palladius had been in that school for a series
of years, and that his residence there might account for a special mission he
had from Rome, to watch the progress of heresy at its source in Britain,
while he became acquainted with the spiritual needs of the British Church,
and the destitute condition of some scattered -Christian communities in
Ireland/2 This conjecture supposes, however, that Ballerus had been iden-
tical with Palladius ; but, we think it rather more ingeniously conceived than
well-founded on any reliable evidence. St. Prosper^ who seems to have had
a very inaccurate historical and geographical knowledge of the British Islands,
satisfies us, that Christianity had taken root in Britain, and that the peace ot
the Church had been disturbed by a subsequent prevalence of the Pelagian
heresy. In his Chronicle,44 he relates, that Agricola, a Pelagian/s had cor-
rupted about this time the churches of Britain, owing to the insinuation of his
doctrine. Much obscurity prevails, however, in reference to the origin and acts
of its author Pelagius. The holy Pope Celestine I. was greatly concerned in his
endeavours to preserve the Roman province there*6 in the Catholic Faith,
while he was equally desirous to bring the Scots over to the Christian
As Legate to Pope Celestine I., St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre,4?
laboured among the Britons, who had been infected with the heresy of Pela-
33 See the Breviary of Aberdeen. Propria Quarta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxviii., p. 38 ;
Sanctorum, ad vi. Julii, fol. xxiv. b. Quinta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., p. 48;
30 See Fordun's " Scoti-Chronicon," also, Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxv.,
tomusi., lib. iii., cap. viii., p. 112. Edin- p. 70.
burgh Edition, a.d. 1759. 41 gee Ree's "Essay on the Welsh
37 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii Saints," p. 128.
v. De S. Palladio, Epis. et Conf. Scotorum 42 See Rev. John Francis Shearman's
Apostolo Forduni in Scotia, sect, ii., num. 9, " Loca Patriciana," part xiii., pp. 402 to
p. 288. > 405.
38 This is an error, however, and it has 43 See St. Prosper's Book against the
been refuted by Vossius and Ussher. Author of the Conferences, designated Liber
39 In lib. i., cap. 7. See Rev. Father contra Collatorem, cap. xliv.
Edmund Hogan's "Vita Sancti Patricii 44 At A.D. 429.
Hibernorum Apostoli Auctore Muirchu 4S He was son of Severianus, a Pelagian
Maccumachtheni et Tirechani Collectanea bishop.
de S. Patricio, p. 25. 4<5 At this period, the Roman soldiers had
40 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," deserted the southern parts of Great Britain ;
Secunda Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., p, 13 j but, some Roman colonists remained, and
gius. But, previous to his mission, St. Palladius seems to have been deputed
for the same purpose, and to stem the torrent of crime and of false doctrine
that was then spreading. He is said to have written to the Sovereign Pontiff,
and to have warned him, that many souls were there likely to perish. More-
over, the Catholics of Great Britain had sent a deputation to the Bishops ot
Gaul, and asking for missionaries, who should be able to defend the Faith
against the assaults of heresy.-'8 The very distinguished part taken by Palla-
dius, in the effort to eradicate those dangerous errors and vices, proves, that
he had been delegated to assist in a work of great importance to religion/'
although we fail to find the exact place where he laboured, or under whose
particular direction. This holy missionary appears, however, to have been
specially interested in the spiritual condition of the Britons, even before he
had been chosen to preach the Gospel in the countries adjoining. We read,
that St. Palladius was highly instrumental, in procuring the deliverance of the
British churches from being infected with the Pelagian heresy. After his deliver-
ance of the Britons from heresy, we may infer, very reasonably, that he was
selected and ordained Bishop, by Pope Celestine, for the conversion of the
Scottish or Irish nation. As St. Prosper expresses it, he was the first Bishop
among those Scots, to whom he was sent.50 Several of the Scotch writers main-
tain, that he was thus destined for Scotland ; but some, who believed in Christ,
were found among his subject people. This remark could not have generally
applied to the Albanian Scots, at that particular period. However, in refer-
ence to St. Palladius, much misconception and mis-statement have prevailed.
His mission was blessed with such success, in the conversion of unbelievers,
that we are told, Palladius made the Island of the Scots Christian.51 His
virtues and abilities appear to have determined the illustrious Pontiff, St.
Celestine I., to select him for a great missionary enterprise, and to consecrate
him as bishop. This saint is said to have flourished, in the time of Theodo-
sius and Valentinian, when his appointment had been confirmed.52 We have
it on record, that the first missionary delegated by Pope Celestine I.53 for
the conversion of Ireland was Palladius. His selection for that office pre-
ceded the more successful career of the great St. Patrick ;5* but, Palladius was
not destined to be the future Apostle of our Island.55 Pope Celestine
bestowed some relics of St. Peter and St. Paul on him, as also the Books of
the Old and New Testament, before he set out for Ireland. In the second
book of a work,56 published by Bishop Von Carl Johann Greith of St. Gall,
we are favoured with an account of the early vestiges of Christianity in Ireland.
many of these were Christians. 5X Now whether this refers to England,
*7 His festival is kept, on the 31st of Ireland or Scotland, the account must be rc-
July. ccived only in a restricted sense. The Irish
4<s See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des and the Scotch have long disputed the ques-
Saints,"tumeix.,xxxieJourdeJuillet,p. 136. tion,as towhieh nation St. Palladius had been
*y Archbishop Spottisuoode states, that first sent, but doubtless, it was to Ireland.
he was sent to Scotland, chiefly to resist the s-i See in Breviario Cammiconim Regula-
Pelagian heresy, which then began to rium Divi Augustini, when treating about
spread in the Scottish church. See his St. Patrick.
"History of the Church of Scotland." S3 In the Irish Tripartite Life of St.
s° "PraeteieaCcelestinus, quumS. Patricii Patrick, he is called the Airchinnech in
prsedicatione Christianam fidem suscepisset Rome, and the forty-second man from St.
Scotia et Hibernia, quae, ut modo hsereticu- Peter. See Miss Cusack's "Life of St.
rum, fuit ohm Sanctorum insula, dedit Sco- Patrick." The Tripartite, translated by W.
tis primum Episcopum Palladium Diaco- M. Hennessy, p. 377.
num ; quo hortatore S. Germanum miserat 54 The reader is referred to what has been
in Iliberniam." — Berti's " Historia Ec- already stated, in the Life of St. Patrick, in
clesiasticasive Dissertationes Ecclesiasticae," the Third Volume of this work at the 17th
tomus iii., ssec. v., Dissertatio iv., cap. i., day of March. Art. i., chap. vi.
p. 174. Bassani, 1769, folio Ed. ss See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga, "
He dwells particularly on the mission of St. Palladius to our Island. He shows
by sufficient evidence, that Palladius was a deacon of the Roman Church,
and that he was sent by Pope St. Celestine to this country. Although this
mission had not been very successful, yet the bishop admits, that other
Christians had been there scattered and isolated. 57 A learned Protestant
authority =s also sustains this view of the case. A denial of his Roman mission
is opposed to tradition and authoritative documents. Palladius is said to have
been accompanied by twelve men, to instruct the Gaeidhel,50 and in the same
way as Barnabas went from Peter to instruct the Romans. He was then sent to
preach the Gospel to the "Scots, believing in Christ,"60 as narrated by a trust-
worthy historian. From these remarks, we might infer, that there must have
been many professors of the Gospel in Ireland at this early time. The latter
people, according to the Roman style of considering those living without the
limits of their Empire, are styled barbarians; yet, this description seems
greatly exaggerated, so far as it relates to Ireland. The date for the arrival
of Palladius varies, according to the statement of different authors ; but, it is
most generally and correctly assigned to a.d. 431. In the Annals of Multifer-
nan, it is incorrectly stated, that in 423,61 the year in which Augustine died, St.
Palladius was sent to the Scots, or Irish.02 It is noted, by Prosper, that St.
Paliadius was sent over the sea on his mission, while Bassus and Antiochus
were consuls, which was in the year 43 1.63 Marianus Scotus has a notice of
St. Palladius' mission to Ireland. 6+ However, we are informed by Matthew of
Paris,6s that Palladius was ordained by Pope Celestine and sent as their first
bishop, a.d. 433, to the Scots, believing in Christ. This is also the chronology
assigned, for his mission, by Matthew of Westminster.66
The usual course of travel from the Continent of Europe to Ireland in
the fifth century was through England. According to one account, Palladius
and his Roman companions landed in the northern part of Ireland, where
they were fiercely opposed by the pagan inhabitants.6? This statement is con-
tradictory, however, to that of most authorities on the subject; for, it is gene-
rally held, that his vessel touched the eastern shore, in the first instance.
When he landed in Scotia, he came to that part of Leinster, where Nathi, son
of Garchon, was ruler.68 Another account has it, that the holy missionary
landed at Inbher Dea,6° in the territory of Leinster. Palladius had a partial
Tertia Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxvi., p. 23. tos, id est, ad Hibernicos. "—" Annates de
56 Intituled, "Geschichte der altirischen Monte Fernandi," .Edited by Dr. Aquilla
Kircheandihrer verbindungmitRom, Gallien Smith, p. 3. Published by the Irish Archaeo-
und Alemannian (von 430-630)," also Einlei- logical Society in 1842.
tung in die Geschichte des Stifts St. Gallien. ** See Father Papebroke's observations in
s? The inconclusive objections, which Dr. " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Junii xii.
Todd urges against the Roman Mission of De Sancto Ternano, Pictorum in Britannia
Palladius, are fully refuted by Bishop Episcopo. IUorum simul et Scotorum, limi-
Greith. tes, Apostoli, dicecesis, num. 4, p. 534.
s8 Mr. George Grub, in his impartial and 64 According to him Indictione xv.
critical' 'Ecclesiastical History of Scotland," 6= See "Chronica Majora," edited by
declines even to take account of Dr. Todd's Henry Richards Luard, M.A., vol. i., p.
objections. See " The Chronicle," vol. i., 181.
No. 37, p. 879. 66 In "Flores Historiarum," at a.d.
59 '-For to the Comorb of Peter belongs ccccxxxiii., p. 148.
the instruction of Europe," is added in the 67 See Richard Stanihurst's tract, "De
translation of the Tripartite. See Miss Mary Vita S. Patricii, Hibernise Apostoli," lib. i.,
F. Cusack's " Life of St. Patrick," p. 377. p. 40.
60 See St. Prosper, in his Chronicon. 68 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
61 The two latter figures probably are only Secunda Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., p. 13.
a transposition, for what should make the 6' Some consider this to be the mouth of
date 432. the Vartry river ; but, such a supposition is
62 The statement runs : ' l mittitur ad Scol- by no means removed from the pale of con-
success in his first trials, having baptized some in the name of the Most Holy
Trinity. 7° He is said to have founded three adjoining churches, viz. : Cill-
fine, in which he left his books, a casket with the relics of Paul and Peter,*1
and the tablets in which he used to write ;?2 Thech-na-Roman ; as also
Domhnach-Airte, or Domnach Ardec, in which repose theremains of Sylvester"
and Solonius,?4 who are regarded as having been his disciples. Those chuches
are supposed to have been situated within the present county of Wicklow ;
but the exact modern denomination and identification of each church have
given rise to some divergency of opinion. A learned writer,75 and one well
acquainted with the localities named, has advanced good reason for supposing
Teach na Roman to be identical with Tigroney;?6 Domnach Arda he main-
tains to be represented by Donard ;?? while, Cell Fine he considers, to be the
present old church site of Killeen Cormac,?8 about three miles west of Dun-
lavin, in the townland of Colbinstown, and in the parish ot Davidstown,
county of Kildare.^ We are of opinion, however, that Christianity had not
been propagated on the western slopes of the Wicklow Mountains, until after
the arrival of St. Patrick.
According to a local tradition, still held by the people, Palladius is
said to have landed at Ennisboheen,80 in the county of Wicklow, and at the
mouth of that little river, which is about three miles south from Wicklow town.
Some authorities have the shore of the county of Wexford as the spot ; but,
as this landing took place many centuries before either Wexford or Wicklow 8l
became shire-divisions, we may readily conceive, how easy it might be to
confuse popular traditions, as referring to Irish territories, the boundaries of
which are now only known from historic records.82 The country about that
quarter was anciently called Crioch Cualan, and afterwards it was named
Hy-Garchan, after the father of Nathi, who ruled there when Palladius landed.
Here he is said to have built the church of Kilnne8^ or " the Church of
troversy. On this subject, the Very Rev. ?8 See "Journal of the Royal Historical
Richard Galvin, former P.P., Rathdrum, and Archaeological Association of Ireland,"
has written a very forcible and researched vol. ii., Fourth Series, July, 1873, No. 15.
communication, which will be found in See a valuable paper, intituled " Loca Patri-
"The Journal of the Royal Historical and ciana," pp. 486 to 498.
Archaeological Association of Ireland," 79 See a paper, by the Rev. John Francis
vol. i., Fourth Series, No. 8, October, 1S71, Shearman, in the "Irish Ecclesiastical Re-
pp. 576, 577. cord," for June, 1868.
7° See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 8o It is Anglicised into Ennisboyne by the
Secunda Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., p. 13. country people of the neighbourhood. It is
i* Jocelyn states, that he brought these, called after St. Boethan, who lived there in
with the relics of many other Martyrs, from the seventh century, and whose feast was
Rome. commemorated on the 22nd of May.
7a These we are told were held in great 8l Wicklow County was only formed into
veneration by the people, and they werecalled a shire, so late as 1605-1606, according to
in the Scottish language Pall-ere or Palla- the Patent Rolls of 3rd of James I.
dere. L'tinized onus Pailadii, or " the bur- Si The writer is indebted to the Very Rev.
den of Palladius ;" because this seemed to Michael Moloney, P.P., the respected P.P.
be the case or shrine, in which the relics of Kilbride and Barndarrig, for se\eral re-
were kept. marks in the text, and conveyed in a letter,
73 The feast of Sylvester has been placed dated Kilbride, Barndang, 12th March,
by Colgan, at the 10th of March. At that 1886. His excelknt knowledge of Irish
date, likewise, some notices of him may be ecclesiastical antiquities has been the result
found, in theThirdVolumeof this work, Art. i. of a lile-long study, and with nearly all the
7* See Miss M. F. Cusack's Tripartite Life local traditions ol this part of Wicklow
of St. Patrick, part i., pp. 377, 378. County he is most familiar.
75 Rev. John Francis Shearman. 8^ Con of the Hundred Battles having been
7* In the parish of Castlemacadam, county assassinated at Tara, and his own brother
of Wicklow. taking part in that deed, the time for retri-
77 Near Dunlavin, in the west of the bution arrived, when the son of Con having
county of Wicklow. attained his majority banished his uncle and
the Tribes."84 This seems to be affirmed, by the various Lives of St. Patrick
extant ; but, the fourth Life states, that the church Teach na Roman, or the
House of the Romans, had been built by the disciples of St. Palladius, and
that the third church, called Dominica Arda, had been tended by the com-
panions of Palladius, Silvester and Solinus, whose relics had been afterwards
conveyed to Knnisboethen, where they were held in great honour.85 A fair
inference to be drawn from all those incidental statements is, that the three
Palladian churches, as they have been styled, were not severally far removed,
and probably they were within the same territory of Hy-Garchon. However,
at the present day, it seems impracticable clearly to identify these various
sites, especially as the original churches were built of wood,86 according to
Jocelyn's statement.
Notwithstanding his high commission to evangelize the people, St.
Palladius remained not long in Ireland.1 To St. Patrick, and not to him,
had Providence assigned the grand measure of a successful mission. No
sooner had Palladius begun to announce the Godhead and the Gospel of
Christ,2 than the enemy of man cast obstacles -in his way. Nathi, son of
Garchon, a chief in that part of Wicklow, opposed his progress. It is stated,
that he baptized a few persons at Inbher-Dea,3 where he erected a monas-
tery, called in the Irish language Coall-mor — rightly rendered Kill Mor.4
An ancient tradition states, however, that Palladius suffered martyrdom
among the Scots,5 and owing to the various obscurities besetting his Acts,
to many writers this seems to be a supposition sufficiently probable. One
account 6 has it, that he was not allowed to land in Ireland at all, as tempests
and signs from God prevented him. 1 However, the prevailing opinion
appears to be, that the rude and inhospitable people where he landed did
not readily receive his doctrine, and therefore he willed not to remain in a
his followers, who came to Crioch Cualan, " Life of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland,"
of which they took possession. Afterwards Irish Tripartite Life, translated by William
they were called 'tribes or Strangers by the M . Hennessy, M.R.I.A., part i., pp. 377,
natives who lived there. 378, and n. 5.
84 This is called Ecclesia Finte, in the 4 See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia-
Fourth Life. The meaning is the same, rum Antiquitates," cap. xvi., p. 424.
Kill-fine, Kill finte or Kill-fin-tech being s Such is the account given by Tirechan,
rendered in Latin cedes Fine, as we find in Sir William Betham's " Irish
85 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," Antiquarian Researches." In reference to
Quarta Vita S. Patiicii, cap. xxviii., p. 38, him, we read: "qui martyrium passus est
.and nn. 17, 18, 19, 20, p. 49. apud Scotos, ut tradunt sancti antiqui." —
86 See ibid., Sexia Vita S. Patricii, cap. Appendix xxxvi.
xxv., p. 70. 6 That of Mark the Anchorite, who
Chapter ii. — r The Annals of Inisfallen flourished in the ninth century,
state, at A.D. 431, that he remained one 7 In Edward Gunn's edition of the " His-
year. toria Britonum " by Nennius, the following
2 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle places the observation occurs : " sed per quasdam
mission of Palladius — called also Patricks — tempestates et signa ilium Deus prohibuit,
to the Scots, in the year 430. See edition quia nemo potest quicquam accipere in terra
of Benjamin Thorpe, vol. i., p. 19, and nisi fuerit datum desuper, et ille Palladius
vol. ii., p. 11. rediens de Hibernia ad Britanniam ibi de-
3 Held to be the mouth of the present functus est in terra Pictorum."
Vartry River. See Miss Mary F. Cusack's 8 Such is the account, in Muirchu's an-
country strange to him. His resolve was formed, to return with the first tide
which served, and to seek the Pope who had sent him.8
We are informed, that the newly arrived missionary was expelled from the
country .9 Sofar as we can judge, however, twoor more of hiscompanionsappear
to have been left behind him in Hy-G-irchon.10 These were his disciples, who
are named Augustine,11 Benedict," Sylvester,1* and Solonius.1* With them
he left some books, as also the relics of saints. '5 Here we have to admire the
inscrutable ways of Divine Providence, who so willed it, that the mission of
Palladius should prove comparatively barren of results, while within a short
time after his leaving Ireland, St. Patrick was destined to arrive, and to
preach the Gospel among the natives, with most successful and consoling
According to the account of Jocelyn,17 finding the Irish nation obstinately
bent against receiving the doctrines of truth, Palladius departed from Ireland.
Intending to return back to Rome, it is said, that he died on the way,
but in Britain, and on Pictish land. After Palladius had left Ireland, he passed
into Scotland a.d. 431, l8 as is generally credited. An opinion has been
advanced, that he landed there in the north-west, and that he continued his
course by land, until he arrived at Fordun, where he fell sick. '9 He went to
the kingdom of the Picts. There it is stated, that he preached Christ with
considerable success.20 Some of the Scottish historians 2I pretend, that he
had a message from Pope St. Celestine I. to arrive about a.d. 429, at
Fordun,22 and that there he was most hospitably entertained by Eugenius,
King of the Scots, and that during many years he spent among these latter
people in Britain, Palladius ordained archbishops and bishops, as also sent
missionaries to the Orkney Islands.2* Again, it is related, that Dongard,
successor of Eugenius, was a patron of his followers. It is only necessary
to observe, that Fordun was then comprised within the country of the Picts f*
cient Life of St. Patrick. See Sir William p. 49; Quinta Vita S. Patricii, lib. i., cap.
Beiham's " Irish Antiquarian Researches," xxiv., xw., pp. 48, 49, andnn. 26, 27, p. 63;
Appendix i. Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxv., p. 70.
9 Such is the account given of Pledius — Also, Septima Vita S. Patricii, pars, i , cap.
another form of Palladius' name — in "The xxviii., xxix., p. 123, and nn. 20, 21,22,
Irish Version of the Historia Britcnum of p. 171.
Nennius," edited with a Translation and l6 See D. Petrus Lombardus, " De
Notes by Rev. Dr. James Henthorn Todd, Regno Hibernise, Sanctorum Insulae, Com-
and by the Hon. Algernon Herbert, pp. mentarius," cap. xiii., pp. 61 to 63. Very
106, 107. Rev. Dr. Moran's Edition.
10 For several learned and ingenious re- f See Colyan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
marks in reference to this district and to the Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxv., p. 70.
Palladian churches, said to have been l8 See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia-
founded within it, the reader may consult rum Anliquitates," cap. xvi., pp. 418,
the Rev. John Francis Shearman's " Loca 424.
Patriciana," No. iii., pp. 25 to 37. *» See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
11 The name of this missionary is not to History of Ireland/' vol. i., chap, i., sect,
be found in the Irish Calendars. xvi., n. 149, p. 45.
,a There is no mention oi his name, in the 20 See Bishop Challoner's " Britannia
Irish Calendars. Sancta," part ii., July vL
13 At the iodi of March, a St. Sylvester is 8I Among these may be classed John
to be found in the Martyrology of Tallagh. Fordun and Hector Boece.
See some account of him, at that date, in " According to John Fordun, Palladius
the Third Volume of this work, Art. i. arrived with a great companyin the eleventh
'4 A feast has been assigned to Solonius, year of King Eugenius' reign.
inMarr, by Dempster, and also by Ferrarius, a3 See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia-
who follows him. rum Antiquitates," cap. xv., pp. 351 to
's S<.e Colgan's " Trias Thaumaturga," 353.
Secunda Vita S. Patricii, cap. xxiv., p. 13, 3* See on this subject, the remarks of
and nn. 32, 33, 34, p. 18 ; Quarta Vita S. Chalmers, in his learned work " Caledonia,"
Patricii, cap. xxviii., p. 38, andnn. 16 to 21, vol. i., bookii., chap. vi.
nor was there any Scottish kingdom whatever in North Britain, during the
fifth century. 2s It was only, about the year 839, that Kenneth Mac Alpin
established the Scottish denomination over the Picts, and that the whole of
Alban was regarded as the United Kingdom of Scotland.
If Palladius escaped with his life from Ireland, and arrived amongthe Britons
or Picts; it is thought to be most probable, that Galloway was the place
where he landed and died,26 sickness having seized him in the country of the
Cruiihne.2? One account28 has it, that when Palladius was forced to leave
Ireland, he was obliged to go round the coast of Ireland towards the north.
Then, he was driven by a great tempest, until he reached the extreme part of
the Modhjiid, towards the south, where he founded the church of Fordoun
and Pledi,29 called after him. According to the Scottish traditions,3° St.
Palladius arrived in Scotland, during the reign of Eugene^1 and he long
ministered at the church of Fordoun. ^ This is now a midland parish, in
the county of Kincardine, where the kirk is romantically situated upon the
eastern slope of the Hill of Strathfinla, overhanging the mountain stream of
the Luther. ?3 Near the mansion-house of Fordoun are distinct vestiges of a
Roman encampment, with the pretorium.3*
Among other mistakes in reference to this saint, he has been accredited
with literary composition ; but, this is chiefly relying on the statement of John
Bale,35 who is charged by Ussher, not only with giving credence to what
other writers have laid down on such matters, but even with conjecturing
what might probably have been written by those, who are included in his class
of authors.36 Palladius is stated to have been the author of "Vita Sancti
Joannis Chrysostomi," in one book ;37 but this^should make him identical
with a Bishop of Helenopolis similarly named, while the supposition is con-
tradicted by Vossius and Ussher, who expose that error.38
The particulars of St. Palladius' labours in North Britain are but imper-
fectly known. The Scottish historians generally call St. Servanus 39 his dis-
ciple. Him, they say, Palladius made a Bishop, and sent to preach in the
Isles of Orkney. Moreover, it is stated, that St. Ternan 4° had been Bishop
of the Picts. 4r But, these two saints could not have been Bishops, in the
time of St. Palladius.*2 A suspicion seems to have prevailed, that St. Ternan
2s Only in the year 504 did the Scots emi- 33 See Rev. Dr. J. F. S. Gordon's " Sco-
grate from Ireland under Loarn, who was tichronicon," vol. i., pp. 39, 40.
succeeded by his brother Fergus. 34 See " Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland,"
i6 See William F. Skene's "Celtic vol i., p. 665.
Scotland: a History of Ancient Alban," 35 See " Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris
vol. ii., book ii., chap, i., p. 28. Britannia, quam nunc Angliam et Scotiam
=7 See Miss Mary F. Cusack's " Life of St. vocant, Catalogus," Cent, xiv., Num. vi.
Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," Irish Tri par- 3<5 See " Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Anti-
tite Life, translated by William M. Hen- quitates," cap. xvi., p. 423.
nessy, M.R.I.A., part i., p. 378. ' 37 See John of Trittenheim's "Catalogus
28 The Scholion, on the Irish metrical Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum," fol. xxxiii. a.
Life of St. Patrick, by his disciple, St. 38 See Rev. Dr. J. F. S. Gordon's " Sco-
Fiech. See Colgan's "Trias Thauma- tichronicon," vol. i., p. 39.
turga," Prima Vita S. Patricii, n. 13m, 39 The feast of St. Servan or Serf is
p. 5. usually assigned to the 1st day of July, where
29 The local name was Paldy, a contrac- in the present volume, some notices of him
tion of Palladius. are to be found, Art. ii.
30 As stated by John of Fordoun, John 4° See account of him, at the 12th of June
Major, Hector Boece and John Lesley. — the day for his feast — in the Sixth Volume
31 Son to Fergus II. of this work, Art. ii.
32 One of the oldest and most authentic 4I He appears to have been identical
histories of Scotland, and called the " Sco- with the Irish St. Torannon, or Torranan,
tichronicon," was written by John styled of venerated on the same day.
Fordoun, who was incumbent of this parish 42 According to Ussher's chronology,
in 1377. 43 See Venerable Bede's " Historia Eccle-
was the same as St. Torannan, and that the latter had been identical with St.
Palladius, who is said to have been buried in Liconium, probably the old
name of that place afterwards called Banchory-Ternan. The probable solu-
tion is, that Ternan or Terrananus was really a disciple of St. Palladius, and
that he brought the apostolic missionary's relics either from Ireland or from
Galloway to his native district, in the territory of the southern Picts, who had
been converted^ perhaps not long before, by St. Ninian" of Candida
Casa, and, as the founder of the church of Fordun in honour of St. Palladius,
he had become to some extent identified with his patron.45 But, although
Terrenanus might possibly have been a disciple to the reputed Apostle of the
Picts, yet Servanus has no well founded claim to be regarded as possessing
the same character.*6 In a Life of St. Kentigern, it is stated, that he was
received and educated at Culross by Servanus. Besides, in the Life of St.
Servanus which has has been preserved, there is no mention made either of
Palladius or of Kentigern ; moreover, the former was a contemporary with
Adamnan,47 while he founded the church of Culross in the reign of Brude,*8
King of the Picts.
From all we can learn or infer regarding him, the mission of Palladius
does not appear to have been extended or greatly prolonged in Scotland.
One account has it,*9 that Augustine and Benedict had been in Britain with
him, after his departure from Ireland.50 We are not to accept as serious his-
tory those statements made51, that this early Scottish bishop had been sent to
Scotland, chiefly to resist the Pelagian heresy, which began to spread in the
Scottish church. At Fordun in the Mearns — and said to have been situated
In the plain of Girgin 52 — Palladius is thought to have departed this life ;
while some accounts have it, that he was there crowned with martyrdom.
Most writers are agreed, that the Scottish Apostle died at Fordun, where a chapel
dedicated to him is now shown within the graveyard. It is locally believed,
that this chapel had been erected at the time of St. Palladius' death. This is
a building of very inconsiderable dimensions. The original church is said
to have sunk, when another was built on its top. A curious Piscina is to be
seen within the chapel," and it is cut out of a single stone, measuring 2 feet,
by 18 inches, the arch being 18 inches high, by 11 broad. Having assumed,
that the great Irish Apostle had been born at Kilpatrick, in Scotland, Harris
tells us, that Palladius died among St. Patrick's relations.54 This however is
quite a gratuitous supposition. Assuming that St. Patrick had been born of
Christian parents, and in a Roman province in the south of Scotland ; it is not
likely, that he could have had relatives at the more northern Fordun, and in
the land of the pagan Picts.55 The death of Palladius has been recorded at
a.d. 431, by Archbishop Ussher,50 Walter Harris 5? and other writers. Where
it is set down at this last date, a.d. 431, a difficulty must exist in assigning
siastica Gentis Anglorum," lib. i. Quinta Vita S. Patricii, lib. i., cap. xxv., pp.
44 His feast was kept, on the 16th of 48, 49.
September. s' By Archbishop Spottiswoode and
<s See William F. Skene's " Celtic Scot- others,
land : a History of Ancient Alban," vol. ii., $* The Irish form of this name was Magh
book ii., chap, i., p. 30. Gherginn.
46 For want of sufficiently matured reflec- 53 In Rev. Dr. J. F. S. Gordon's " Sco-
tion, however, we have placed him as a dis tichronicon," an engraving of it is intro-
ciple of St. Palladius, at the 1st clay of July, duced. See vol. i., p. 40.
in the present volume. See Art. ii. 54 See Harris' Ware, vol. i., "Archbishops
4? He died, on the 23rd of September, of Armagh," p. II.
A.D. 704. ss See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
48 He reigned, from A.D. 697 to 706. History of Ireland," vol. i., chap, iv., sect.
49 That of Probus. xviii., n. 151, p. 200.
J° See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 5<s See " Britannicarum Ecclesiarum And-
July 6.]
St. Patrick's mission among the Irish to the early part of 432. According to
Rev. Dr. Lanigan,*8 it should be incorrect to assign the death of Palladius to
a.d. 431, which is supposed to have been that in which he left Rome, for his
Irish mission. It would seem, however, to have taken place, not earlier than
a.d. 432 ; and, most probably, according to some,c9 it ought to be placed at
some later year. The mission of Palladius to the Scots believing in Christ
has been deferred to a.d. 433, by Matthew of Westminster,60 and by Matthew
of Paris fl in adopting which date, it may be assumed, his death should be
referred to a later year. About the year 450 is another period, to which it
has been assigned f2 but, it is not probable, that Palladius lived on to the
year last-mentioned. 63
To the 27th of January,64 a.d. 432, some writers have ascribed the death
of Palladius. 6s The English Martyrology and Ferrarius notice a festival for
him, at that date ; and which is the one, said to have found most favour with
Irish Calendarists.66 Yet, his chief feast was held on this day, the 6th of
July, according to the Breviary of Aberdeen and several of the Scottish
Calendars, such as in those of Arbuthnott,6? the Aberdeen Kalendar,68 and
Martyrology,e9 Adam King's Kalendar,7° Thomas Dempster's Menologium
Scoticum,?1 Camerarius,?2 as also in the Scottish Kalendar of 1637.73 At this
date, most writers of saints' Acts, have noticed the chief incidents of his life.
Among these may be quoted, Dean Cressy,74 Bishop Challenor,75 Rev. Alban
Butler, 76 Rev. Dr. LanigatV7 Rev. P. J. Carew,78 Rev. M. J. Brenan, O.S.F.,79
R. Chambers,80 and Les Petits Bollandistes.81 Other festivals have been named
for his death — viz.: December 15th,82 as also the 25th 83 — by the English
quitates," Index Chronologicus, p. 516.
57 This is the year in which he died, ac-
cording to Harris' Ware, vol. i., "Arch-
bishops of Armagh," p. 10.
58 See " Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
land," vol. i., chap, i., sect, xvi., p. 39, and
n. 149, pp. 44, 45 ; also chap, iv., sect,
xviii., p. 198, and nn. 151, 153, pp. 200 to
59 Among these is Tillemont, Le Sieur Le
Nain, who discusses this matter in "Me-
moirs pour servir a l'Histoire Ecclesiastique,"
tome xvi., p. 784.
60 See "Flores Historiarum," p. 148.
61 See " Chronica Majora," edited by
Henry Richards Luard, M.A., vol. i.,
p. 181.
62 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints, "
vol. vii., July vi.
63 Yet, this statement is followed in R.
Chambers' " Book of Days," vol. ii., July 6,
p. 25.
6* At this date, in the First Volume
of this work is a notice of that feast, at
Art. ix.
65 See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
History of Ireland," vol. i., chap, i., sect,
xvi., n. 149, p. 45.
66 See the Bollandists' "Acta Sanctorum,"
tomu'3 ii., Julii vi. De S. Palladio, Epis. et
Conf. Scotorum Apostolo, sect, i., num. 4,
p. 287.
67 Thus, at ii. Non. " S. Paladei Scotorum
Apostoli et Episcopi." — Bishop Forbes'
" Kalendars of Scottish Saints," p. 102.
63 Thus, at Pridie Non. " Palladii Epis-
copi Confessoris Apostoli Scotorum." —
Ibid., p. 118.
69 Thus : « Pridie N. Julii. In Scotia
Sancti Palladii Scotorum Apostoli," &c. —
Ibid., 133.
70 Thus : " S. Padie or Palladius apostile
of Scotland send be Pape ccelestine ye first
vnder Eugenius 2. 423." — Ibid., p. 156.
71 Thus : " In Mernia Palladii Diaconi
S. R. E. Cardinalis Scotorum Apostoli a S.
Ccelestino papa missi, ut Scotos, diu antea
in Christum credentes, a Pelngiana peste in
Anglia grassante, tutaretur. K. B. B. T." —
Ibid., p. 205.
72 Thus : " 6 Die. Sanctus Palladius
Episcopus et Scotorum velut Apostolus mis-
sus a Ccelestino Romano Pontifice in Sco-
tiam." — Ibid., p. 238.
73 Thus : "6 I e I Prid. No. | Palladius."
— Ibid., p. 253.
74 See "Church History of Brittany,"
book ix., chap, iii., pp. 172 to 174.
75 See "A Memorial of British Piety,"
p. 101.
76 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and
other principal Saints," vol. vii., July vi.
77 See "Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
land," vol. i., chap, i., sects, xv., xvi., pp.
33 to 47-
78 See " Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
land," chap, ii., pp. 30 to 35.
" See " Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
land," chap, i., pp. 5 to 7.
80 See "Book of Days," vol. ii., July 6,
p. 25.
Calendars and by some writers. At none of the foregoing days, however, is
the name of Palladius to be found in the Roman Martyrology, and it is
omitted, likewise, from our best known Irish Calendars. Again, we are
informed, that St. Patrick soon heard of the Scottish missionary's death,8*
although then living at Auxerre, in Burgundy. This was through the instru-
mentality of Augustine, Benedict and some others, who had left Ireland with
Palladius.8* This news they brought while St. Patrick was in Euboria. As
to his having got that news at Auxerre, it is not worth controverting, unless
indeed, one could say that Eboria and Auxerre were the same place.86 St.
Patrick could not have got the account confirming the death of Palladius until
about a month after its occurrence; accordingly, his preparations for going to
Rome, the journey thither, and his proceedings there, must all be comprised
within the time which elapsed, between the middle of January and the latter
end of March. 87 Being certified, regarding Palladius' death, the Pope
alluded to appointed St. Patrick to succeed him, in that charge of preaching
the Gospel to the Irish nation.
During the early Christian ages in Scotland, pilgrimages were made to
Fordoun, in order to obtain spiritual and temporal favours, through the inter-
cession of St. Palladius. The feast of the saint, on the 6th of July, appears
to have been held at Fordoun with great solemnity. This probably gave
rise to the Padie88 Fair, which is still commemorated in that neighbourhood,
and on the same day.8? Within the chapel of St. Palladius, the bones of
that saint are said to be deposited,9° and in a niche, towards the east end of
the building. King Kenneth III. of Scotland was killed a.d. 995, 9I in that
neighbourhood^2 while he was passing to or from the shrine of St. Palladius,
to which, among other shrines, he went, in order to perform penance for the
part he had in the assassination of Dufifus,93 which happened at Dnnsinoen.94
We are informed, by Hector Boethius,95 that St. Palladius' relics were kept
at Fordun, in his days. It is stated, moreover, that those remains had been
enshrined by William Schevez, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, a.d. 1494. They
were deposited in a silver shrine, set with diamonds. It is thought, also, that
to this period the oldest part of St. Palladius' chapel at Fordoun belongs.
According to tradition, that rich shrine was afterwards stolen, by the sacrile-
81 See "Vies des Saints," tome viii., pose, that this Tope could not attend to the
vi* Jour de Juillet. business of consulting St. Patrick until near
8i See Harris' Ware, vol. i., " Archbishops to the very day of his death,
of Armagh," p. io. Also, O'Flaherty's 88 This is the Scottish abbreviation for the
" Ogygia Vindicated," chap. xvi. name of Palladius.
8-> Hoh in the year 431, according to Rev. 8' See Bishop Forbes' u Kalendars of
Dr. Lankan, in his " Ecclesiastical History Scottish Saints," p. 429.
of Ireland," vol. i., chap, i., sect, xvi., n. 149, »° According to A. Jervise's interesting
p.45. paper, No. III. Notices of the localities of
84 See Harris' Ware, vol. i., "Arch- the Sculpture 1 Stone Monuments at St.
bishops of Armagh," p. 11. Vigeans, Incbbrayoch, Pitmuies, and Men-
85 See Colgan's "Tiias Thaumaturga," muir in Angus, and of Fordoun in the
Quinta Vita S. Tatricii, lib. i., cap. xxv., M earns.
p. 48. »» See William F. Skene's " Celtic Scot-
86 Independently of a great difference in land : a History of Ancient Alban," vol. i.,
the names, this should be in direct opposition book i., chap, vii., p. 380.
to Probus and to other writers. For these 9* The Fordoun Stone is said to have been
often mention Auxerre, under its own name raised as a memorial of his death. This
of Antissiodorum. See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's occurred through the stratagem of Finella,
" Ecclesiastical History of Ireland," vol. i., wife to the Thane of the Mearns.
chap, iv., sect, xviii., p. 198, and n. 151, »* See "Proceedings of the Society of
p. 200. Antiquaries of Scotland," vol. ii., pp. 464,
8? Pope Celestine I. died, on the 6th of 465.
April, a.d. 432. Now, we are not to sup- »♦ See William F. Skene's " Chronicles of
gious Knight of Pitarron, from which time it is said, that the family fortunes
of the Wisharts began to decline."6 In the year 1886, a colossal statue of St.
Palladius, first Bishop of the Scots, was placed upon a pedestal prepared for
it, fully thirty feet from the ground, outside the south transept of an ornate
new church at Drumtochty, near Fordoun.97 There tradition says the saint
in question lived and died, in the middle of the fifth century.98
The world worships success, and often for no better reason do men become
distinguished in it ; but the true heroes of Christianity love to encounter
adversities, when knowing they engage on the field of duty, and that the
Almighty proves his faithful servants here, only to crown them hereafter. We
should learn, however, to disregard human estimates, which mistake temporal
fortune for a real good, while life eternal is the true reward for the close of a
virtuous career.
To spend a life in vanity and exterior adornment of the person is the
occupation of many young and accomplished ladies. We are told of an
instance,1 when a certain noble woman, who although living near the church
used to put the clergy and humble people out of patience, while they waited
her idleness in dressing. While looking in her glass one such Sunday, she
suddenly saw in the reflection a demon behind her so ugly and staring, that
she was almost frightened out of her wits. Afterwards, she thanked God for
having given her such a lesson, while it corrected her passion for dress, and
made her punctual in attending Divine service.2 The religious habit requires
not such loss of time to arrange, and the religious life is ever active to antici-
pate the hours for praying to God. Far different are the desires and pursuits
the Picts and Scots," pp. 175, 289. ss This figure of Palladius stands nine feet
95 SeeHistoriaeScotorum,' lib. vii.,fol. 128. in height, representing a bearded and some-
96 See Rev. Dr. J. F. S. Gordon's " Scoti- what rugged-looking, low-mitred bishop;
chronicon," vol. i., p. 40. who, with a flowing cope thrown over his
57 This statue was the gift of James S. broad shoulders, grasps his ornamental ham-
Gammell, Esq., of Drumtochty Castle, Kin- mered copper crozier in his left hand, as he
cardineshire. It is sculptured from a block raises his right in the act of giving the apos-
of brown Portland stone, and it is boldly tolic blessing. The statue is the work of
modelled to suit the position it stands in. Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter. See " The
The stone the sacred edifice is built of is Irish Builder" of December 1st, 1886,
raised near Brechin, and this warm-coloured vol. xxviii., No. 647, p. 324.
material harmonizes and yet contrasts ad- Article II. — Chapter i.— l In Le
mirably with the somewhat cold grey tone of Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry, this
the sculptured statue, story is told.
of the votaries of pleasure and fashion, from those pure aspirations and self-
denying practices, which draw pious recluses from worldly vanities and
deceits to the desert; where, with hearts fixed on the delights of heaven, all
was not solitude in their beloved retreats.
As in the case of the present holy woman, such instances of self-sacrifice
are numerous, even from the earliest periods of our national church. Some
confusion seems to have arisen, however, when the present St. Darerca has
been confounded with the religious sister of our great Apostle St. Patrick,
and who was similarly named. Again, as we have seen at the preceding day,
under her alias name of Moninna, she has been confounded with a St. Mod-
wen or Modwenna, who is supposed to have flourished in the ninth century.
Having there made an effort, to discriminate between these latter persons ;
we are obliged to depend much on conjecture, as to those particulars,
occurring in the Acts already mentioned, some of them referring very possibly
to the present saint. As may be seen in the sequel, however, we are obliged to
admit chronological and other difficulties of statement, while endeavouring
to investigate her period and career. The few reflected traditions or lights
we have from independent sources rather serve to dazzle and perplex than to
elucidate her history. We know, however, that a saint called Moninnehad been
venerated on the 6th of July, and that her place was in the northern parts of
Ireland. This is stated, in the Feilire of St. ^Engus.3 Some commentaries
annexed * — although containing traditional information — are hardly to be
regarded as altogether authentic. Colgan intended and also promised s the
publication of Acts, illustrating the biography of St. Darerca, or Moninna,6
at the 6th of July. i The Bollandists have published two different Acts of
St. Darerca or Monynna, virgin, at the 6th of July.8 One of these is taken
from an Irish Manuscript, belonging to the Jesuit College at Salamanca,9
but its author's name has not been discovered. Its date is unknown, yet it
is thought to be of some considerable antiquity. This is followed by a less
reliable Life,10 attributed to Conchubran,11 as already stated, at the preceding
date. There, too, we have endeavoured to deal with both, in trying to dis-
criminate between the Monenna, venerated on the 5th of this month, and
the Monenna, whose feast has been set down, for the present day. Both l*
* See Alexander Vance's Romantic Epis- 6 Where her name occurs on the list,
odes of Chivalrie and Mediaeval France, pp. published by Charles MacDonnell, Esq., as
292, 293. " S. Darercaequae et Moninna, 6 Jul."
3 In the "Leabhar Breac " copy, the 7 See " Catalogus Actuum Sanctorum quae
following stanza occurs at this date, and MS. habentur, ordine Mensium et Dierum."
it has been translated by Whitley Stokes, 8 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
LL. D. : — Julii vi. De S. Darerca seu Monynna Virg. in
Hibernia, Scotia, vel Anglia, pp. 200 to 312.
monnroe m Cflebi 9 The Bollandists have published this, in
Cuibrro bacAin Aige four cnapters, containing forty-five para-
Sabaip buAit> geb gUvme graphs.
Siuur* Tttuine m-Aipe. ,0 Evidently, it has been interpolated from
some original, and by an ignorant scribe.
" Moninne of the mountain of Cuilenn " Taken from a Codex, belonging to the
(Slieve Guliion) was a fair pillar : she gained Cottonian Library, and classed as Cleopatra
a bright victory of purity : (she was) a sister A. 2. This is preceded by a Prologue of the
of great Mary (the virgin)." — "Transactions author, and it has been arranged in eight
of the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manu- chapters, comprising seventy-eight para-
script Series, vol. i., parti. On the Calen- graphs,
dar of Oengus, p. cix. " In the following notes; we shall quote
4 See ibid., p. cxvi. them as the Salamancan or First Life of St.
5 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta Ap- Modwenna, and as Conchubran's or the
pendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii., Second Life of St. Modwenna.
p. 270. ,3 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and
have been edited, by Father John Pinius, S.J., who has added notes, and a
previous commentary in four paragraphs. At this date, the name of St.
Moninna, virgin, appears in Rev. Alban Butler's work. '3 Some notices of
this saint are offered, by Rev. Dr. Lanigan,1* but with the doubts inseparable
from a judicious consideration of those accounts, which have come down to
our times. There is allusion, likewise, to Sainte Darerque, also called
Monynne, virgin, in Les Petits Bollandistes.'S There is a very interesting
account of this pious virgin — who is called Modwenna or Moyenna in the
Scottish Calendars — given in the valuable work of Bishop Forbes ;l6 but, he
is of opinion, that we have only enough of evidence to obtain a very clear
impression regarding a remarkable Irish saint, who becomes as it were a con-
necting link between the three great wonder-workers of Ireland, and the
circumstances of whose life may be harmonized to suit one individual.
This saint is not to be confounded with the sister or supposed sister of
St. Patrick, x7 and whose feast was held on the 22nd of March.18 As both
were named Darerca, and as both are supposed to have flourished in the fifth
century, it is not difficult to account for such confusion, especially as so many
extravagant statements have been made regarding them. However, the cir-
cumstance of the present holy person being regarded as a virgin, and the
other having been a matron, ought to afford grounds sufficient for distinguish-
ing them. About the progeny of St. Darerca, who is called the sister of St.
Patrick, ancient accounts differ, and various controversies have arisen ; for,
some writers assign certain sons to Darerca, while other biographers state,
they were the children of Liemania, another sister. A few of our ancient
genealogists say, that Lupita had been a mother, while other authors con-
sider her to have remained a virgin. Richella — also called Cinne-noem or
holy Cinne — is said to have been of royal parentage, receiving the name
Ricinne or Richinne (royal Cinne), and hence the name lapsed into Richella.
She is related to have had a number of sons, who became bishops, priests or
deacons.^ According to some accounts, Darerca was married twice ; her
first husband being Conis, a Briton, while her second is named Restitutio, a
Lombard. Yet, in some Irish accounts, he is styled Hua-baird, or "son of
a bard f and, hence, it is thought, through some mistake, Lombard must
have been substituted.20 Darerca is said to have died a.d. 517," or 518.23
Yet, it is not easy to believe, that a sister of St. Patrick could have survived
to this period,^ when we recollect, that the Irish Apostle is supposed to have
other principal Saints," vol. vii., July vi. Druimdubhain, in the county of Tyrone.
14 See " Ecclesiastical History of Ireland," Her Acts are given by Colgan, at the 1st of
vol. iii., chap, xvii., sect, ix., pp. 38, 39, February.
and nn. 113 to 119, pp. 40 to 42. 20 But the name Restitutus seems a still
15 See "Vies des Saints," tome viii., more singular one to have been imposed on
vie Tour de Juillet, p. 65. the son ot an Irish bard. See Dr. Lanigan's
I<rSee "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," "Ecclesiastical History of Ireland," vol. i.;
p. 4°4- chap, iii., sect, xviii., p. 126.
** See Archbishop Ussher's " Britannica- 2I The "Annals of the Four Masters"
rum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates," cap. xvii., state, that Darerca of Cill-Sleibhe-Cuilinn
pp. 429, 430. died on the 6th of July, a.d. 517. See Dr.
18 See some notices of her, in the Third O'Donovan's Edition, vol. i., pp. 168, 169.
Volume of this work, at that date, Art. ii. She is said to have lived nine score, or 180
19 Yet, strange to say, among these sons years.
we find persons, who lived at very different " Quies Darercse, quae Moninne nominata
periods, and who were Irish, both on the est." — Ussher's " Bntannicarum Ecclesia-
father's and mother's side ; such as Kieran, rum Antiquitates," cap. xvii., p. 826.
Brendan, Maccarthen, Columb, Loam, a3 TJssher has a suspicion, that Darerca of
Lurach, with others. Cinne is said to have Slieve Cullen may be the same as that one
flourished about a.d. 480, in the nunnery of reported to have been St. Patrick's sister.
passed his prime of life in a.d. 432. Moreover, Darerca 24 is thought to have
been confounded with Liemania, and some effort has been made to account for
her bearing this double name.25 Lupita and Tigrida, her sisters, are said to
have wove and prepared linen cloth for religious uses.26 While manifesting
the high esteem entertained for Ussher's erudition as a historian,"* Colgan
assumes to correct him for confounding Darerca, St. Patrick's relation, with
St. Monenna or Modwenna of Kill-slebhe.
The pedigree of St. Darerca or Moninne is drawn by twelve generations28
from Fiache Araidhe, King of Ulster, who flourished, in the year 236, 29 and
who reigned ten years in Emania. He had a son Cas, father of Fedlimid,
father of Imchadh, father of Ross, father of Lugaidh, father of Crunn Badhraoi,
father of Eochaidh, father of Conall, father of Lughaidh, father of Lilcan, father
of Mochta, who was the father of Darerca or Monynne. She sprung from
the race of Irial, son to Conall Cearnach, according to one authority. Her
father is said to have been a good man, named Motteus 3° or Maugtheus.31
While one32 of her ancient Lives — and that apparently the most reliable —
makes him a person of no particular distinction ; another 33 states, that he
was a prince over that territory surrounding Armagh. The name of her father
is more generally written Mocteus34 or Her mother is called
Coman,36 the noble daughter of a king named Dalbranaith, who ruled over
all the territory from Duvelin to Regunleth.37 This pious couple lived at
the time, when St. Patrick had been sent by Pope St. Celestine I. to preach in
the northern parts of Ireland. 38 Hence, we may infer, that their daughter
Monynna had been born in the earlier part of the filth century. For when
the Irish Apostle visited their part of the country, where he was hospitably
received, several of the inhabitants flocked to hear his preaching, and these
became converts. Among others, who desired baptism at his hands, was the
present saint, then only a child. It seems likely, that her parents became
Christians, also, for we are informed, that they bestowed a religious care on
their daughter. She is said to have been born in the plain of Coba — also known
as Magh Cobha39— and in the reign of Conaille.«° That district surrounding
See ibid., Index Chronologicus, A.D., proper names written, that it is difficult to
Dxvm., p. 526. Colgan has laboured to divine their just interpretation,
distinguish them. See "Acta Sancto- 32 The Salamancan or First Life of St.
rum Hiberniae," xxii. Martii, Vita S. Modwenna, cap. i., num. 1
Darercae, pp. 7 16 to 719, with notes. Colgan 33 That attributed to Conchubran,
assigns the 22nd of March for her festival. He 34 In the scholion, appended to the day for
reserves the6th of July, for the other Darerca. her feast in the " Leabhar Breac" copy of
24 Marianus O'Gorman at the 22nd of the " Feilire" of St. -^ngus, her pedigree is
March calls her a virgin. See Colgan'l thus made out from an Irish source :
"Acta Sanctorum Hibernian," p. 719. Moninne daughter of Mochta, son of Lilach,
25 See ibid., p. 718. son of Lugaid, son of Rossa, son of Imchad,
26 " Sanctae Lupita, Tigrida et Crumtheris son of Fedlimid, son of Cas, son of Fiacha
textrices et sacrorum linteorum erant confec- Araide, son ot Oengus Goibniu. See
trices." — " Trias Thaumaturga," Vita Tri- — " Transactions of tht Royal Irish, Aca-
partita, lib. hi., cap. xcviii., p. 167. demy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i.,
*7 See "Acta Sanctorum Hibernice," xxii. port i. On the Calendar of Oengus. By
Martii, Vita S. Darerca?, n. 7, p. 719. Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p. cxvi.
28 See Bishop Forbes' "Kalendars of Scot- 3S She is made the daughter an Irish
tish Saints," p. 405. King Naugthei — evidently a mistake for
^ See Rev. Dr. O'Conor's " Rerum Hi- Mochthei — by Choman, in Capgrave's Life
bernicarum Scriptores," tomus ii., Tiger- of this saint.
nachi Annales. 3<5 According to the Life by Conchubran,
3° According to the Salamancan Life. cap. i., num. 3.
31 So is he named in the Life by Conchu- 3? To this is added by Conchubran : " Nam
bran, who adds "regentem Oveahhulue et et ilia in finem, optimam vitam duxit per
totamterram in circuitu Hardmachaa Luue quindecim annos."
usque ad Uulester, prosapise cognationis Hi? 38 This is generally supposed to have been
leth," &c. So incorrectly are the foregoing in the year 432.
July 6.]
the Hill of Forhart, in the county of Louth, is alluded to, as having been the
place in which she was born. The present holy woman is said to have been first
known by the name of Darerca,41 if we are to credit the accounts of some old
Irish rhymers. 42 Contrary to the statement contained in the Martyrology of
Tallagh, the Annals of the Four Masters *3 declare, however, that the first name
of this St. Darerca was Moninne. According to an Irish comment on the
Leabhar Breac copy of the Feilire of ^Engus, Sarbile44 was a name this holy
virgin bore, and a legendary story ^ is told to account for the change of her
name to Moninne. Another version of this story likewise prevails.*6
It is stated, in one of her Lives, that by the imposition of hands, the Irish
Apostle administered confirmation on her. He had an interior admonition,
likewise, that his new convert was destined to lead a holy life, and he
bestowed a special benediction. St. Modwenna having thus been converted
through the preaching of St. Patrick, also received the veil*? at his hands.*8
She is thus classed among his disciples. *9 Early in life, she took the vow of
chastity. She was veiled near the pool of Briugis, which is said to mean
abundance. This appears to have become a place of pilgrimage, in after
time. The Irish Apostle admonished his convert, to persevere in her angelic
state of life, and to associate with herself other pious women, who were to learn
the fear and worship of God under her direction, and thus learn to accomplish
his work in the religious state. Then, to the charge of a holy priest, residing near
her parents' residence, was she committed, in order that she might learn the
Psalms. Under his teaching, she remained for some time. Being a person
39 The Ui Ethach Cobha lived in the
southern parts of the county of Down.
40 Known likewise as Conaille Muir-
41 See Rev. Dr. Kelly's "Martyrology of
Tallagh," p. xxviii.
42 Some of their stanzas are to be found as
scholia to the Leabhar Breac copy of the
"Feilire" of St. ^Engus, and they are thus
translated into English, by Dr. Whitley
Stokes, LL.D. :—
" Nine score years together
According to rule without warmth,
Without folly, without crime, without
Was the age of Moninde,
(The name) 'Mo-ninde' was given to
To the holy virgin, pious, with splen-
'Mo-nanna ' (was) her gracious name
Which the maidens used to say.
Or from this the name was said
Of the nun for her appellation
From Nine the poet (the better
Who besought her for her prayer
I will tell it out to you
Her own name usually,
1 Darerca ' for a time adhered to her
Till she got the agnomen,
Nine score."
— " Transactions of the Royal Irish Aca-
demy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., part i.
On the Calendar of Oengus., p. cxvi.
43 See Dr. O'Donovan's Edition, vol. i.,
pp. 168, 169.
44 However, in the Life of St. Moduenna,
attributed to Conchubran, this name is given
to one of her disciples, who is also called
45 This Irish comment is thus translated
into English by Dr. Whitley Stokes : — "Mo-
ninne, etc., i.e., Moninne of Slieve Gullion,
and Sarbile was her name previously. Or
Darerca was her name at first. But a cer-
tain dumb poet fasted with her, and the first
thing he said [after being miraculously cured
of his dumbness] was minnin. Hence the
nun was called Mo-ninde, and the poet him-
self Nine Ecis." — "Transactions of the
Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript
Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of
Oengus, p. cxvi.
46 Thus are we told : " 'Moninne,' i.e.,
1 My-nindach ' the nuns used to call her, and
of Ui Echach of Ulster was she.' " Again,
it is said, " Monine quasi Mo-nanna," was
the name given by her nuns, apparently one
expressing affection.
47 See Matthsei Parisiensis Monachi Sancti
Albani, " Chronica Majora," edited by
Henry Richards Luard, M.A., vol. i.,
p. 181.
48 Colgan classes St. Moninnea or Darerca,
Abbess of Kill-slebhe, among the virgins
veiled by St. Patrick.
49 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta
Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii.,
p. 270.
of sound understanding and of retentive memory, she readily imbibed the
precepts of religion and practised its injunctions. She associated with
herself eight virgins and one widow. The widow had a baby son, named
Luger, who was adopted by Darerca. Afterwards, he became a bishop, and
he was otherwise distinguished.50 It is said, as in her nation, no house
had yet been founded for religious women, that the saint lived for some
time with her parents. However, finding social intercourse with them and
her relatives to be a cause for distraction and a weakening of the religious
spirit, she resolved on leaving them, and on seeking a home, whence the
ways and conversation of worldlings should be rigorously excluded.
About this time, St. Ibar is stated to have lived in the Western Isles of
Ireland, and thither she repaired with her nuns. They remained for a long
time under his discipline. At length, the holy Bishop went to the southern
part of Ireland, where he took up a permanent residence. His religious
daughters again followed him. At the Island of Beg Ere or Little Ireland, in
Wexford Harbour, St. Darerca and her nuns were under the guidance of St.
Ibar. Hearing of her extraordinary virtues, they visited St. Brigid,51 in Lein-
ster. Under her rule, and partaking of her hospitality, they remained for
some time. St. Darerca was appointed portress to the hospital, and while
in this situation, her humility and charity were approved by all. The Almighty
even bestowed on her the gift of healing infirm and possessed persons. She
was regarded as such a benefactress to the poor, that numbers sought relief
from her, and they returned loaded with her bounties. When some of the
sisters complained, that she gave too lavishly, reserving little for their con-
ventual wants, she returned for answer, that if they had firm faith in Christ,
and obtained food and clothing, it should be sufficient for them, and that if
yielding to the temptations of the devil they desired riches, they should not
fail to be devoured by avaricious cares. Besides, she urged, that as the poor
were suffering members of Christ's mystical body, He would be sure to com-
pensate the nuns for any temporal loss, and to reward their labours in the
blessed cause of charity. Having spoken thus, when St. Darerca went to
seek rest, on her bed were found twelve beautiful dresses ; so that believing
they were a gift from Heaven, she went to St. Brigid, and then told her,
that the Almighty had bestowed them to supply her necessities. The latter
holy Abbess replied : " Those garments sent by the Lord to your sisters
divide among them as you will, because they are more in need of such arti-
cles than are our sisters." A certain pauper, having denied that those
garments were a gift from Heaven, fell dead very suddenly, but he was soon
restored to life again, through the prayers of St. Darerca.
Afterwards, it is said, this holy woman and her company of virgins sought
St. Ibar, and placed themselves under his protection. They now settled in
Ard-Conais,*2 where their congregation greatly increased. Several pious
virgins and widows resorted thither, while some of these belonged to regal and
noble families. Both by word and example, Darerca trained them in a good
rule of living. At one time, the wells and cisterns there were dried up, during
an unusually warm summer, and her religious complained about their wanting
water. Moved by their entreaties, the servant of Christ offered her prayers,
when a fountain was miraculously produced. This spring thenceforward
afforded an inexhaustible supply, not only to her nuns, but to all the people
living in their neighbourhood. So great had become the reputation of St.
5° Luger built a church in Ruscach, in the 5t See her Life in the Second Volume of
plain of Cuailgne, now known as Rooskey, this work, at the 1st of February, Art. i.
near Carlingford. & Its location has not been ascertained.
Moninna, that numbers of both sexes came to receive her blessing, and to
ask spiritual favours through her intercession. She was even gifted with the
spirit of prophecy. When, on a certain occasion, St. Ibar recommended a
girl living in her neighbourhood to be consigned to her care, and to be
trained according to her rule ; the holy virgin, having an intuition of what
should happen, said : " This pupil child shall prove to be the cause, why we
must desert our cell, on a future occasion." The event corresponded with
this prediction ; for, when that girl became an adult, she was filled with an
invidious feeling towards Darerca, and this spirit she communicated to her
relations. The meek superioress then called her sisters together and said :
" Lo ! what the Almighty revealed to us regarding this girl is now clearly
manifested. If while I live, you have to endure such opposition, when I am
dead, how shall you be able to live here ? Let us then yield to the envious,
and let us leave to them all we possess, except our habits, and the Lord shall
provide another place for us, and where we can dwell. "A legend is related,
about St. Darerca's leaving that place with fifty of her nuns. On coming to
a river which was usually fordable, a great flood suddenly took place, so that
they were unable to pass. This was owing to the fault of one among the
sisters, who had taken a certain article from Ard Conis, contrary to the order
given by her superioress. This she was ordered to restore, and afterwards
the company of religious were enabled to ford that river.
Again, they visited St. Brigid and remained with her for some days, which
were spent in pious colloquies. They asked her blessing on taking leave,
and Brigid said : " May the Almighty God preserve you along the way on
which you travel, and grant that you reach the desired habitation.,, At their
departure, St. Brigid presented St. Darerca with a silver vessel, called Escra,53
in the Irish language, and one which the chiefs of Ireland were accustomed
to use when drinking. However, Darerca did not wish to receive anything
but a blessing from the venerable Abbess, and on leaving with her sisters,
she deposited the measure in a secret place, where it was afterwards found by
the nuns of St. Brigid. Presenting it to their superioress, she said : u What
we have given for God's sake, we ought not again receive." Then, St.
Brigid ordered that it should be cast into the adjoining River Lyfi, now
known as the Liffey. In a miraculous manner, as the legend relates,5* it was
restored to St. Darerca.
Afterwards, the virgin of Christ went to the northern parts of Ireland, and
there she found her relations, in the plain of Murthenne. The people of that
53 The Irish word Of c]\a means " a water cant Caput littoris, a quodam viro sancto
bucket." Probably, however, it was a Mether, Herbe Pontifice, Darercae fratre, traditur
manufactured in an artistic manner. fuisse repertum. Quod vas ipse sanctae
54 Thus: "Vasitaqueprojectuminflumen, Darercae, cujus monasterium prope praedic-
quod in mare versus orientem influit, contra turn stagnum fuit situm, donare distulit,
consuetum cursum naturae, divina operante sanctae vero Darercse monasterium a monas-
potentia, in ora stagni, quod Hibernici vo- terio sanctae Brigidae quatuor diebus distat.
district — said to have been greatly addicted to magian practices — had been
brought to a knowledge of the true religion, through the ministry of St.
Patrick. Here, she is related to have lived a very retired life. She especially
avoided the society of men, and in order that she might not be seen by them,
often under the shade of night, she set forth to visit infirm persons and to
exercise other works of charity. Always she wore a veil when abroad.
Several extraordinary miracles are attributed to her, but they are mostly of a
legendary character. According to the writers of her Lives,1 St. Darerca and
her companions 2 lived at Fochard, near Dundalk, and in the present county
of Louth. It is intimated, furthermore, that she was the first to establish
there a religious house. One hundred and fifty sisters are said to have lived
with her. Nor does she seem to have continued long in that place; for, find-
ing some of the neighbouring people to be of dissolute morals, and addicted
to the singing of improper songs, she told her sisters, that they should seek
out a less frequented locality. She then asked her brother Roman3 to search
for a more suitable spot, and it is said to have been revealed by the Almighty
Himself. However, before St. Darerca left the mountain of Facartha, now
the Hill of Faughart, she selected one of her nuns, named Orbile, to dwell
there, and to guard her establishment.
For the sake of greater quiet, Darerca sought a desert place, near the Moun-
tain ofCulinn, to which she removed. Here, the nuns found a swineherd
belonging to the King of Orior, and whose name was Macloithe. Nor would
he suffer such a numerous company to settle in that place, without first learn-
ing the pleasure of the king. For seven whole days were they obliged to
wait in great privation for that rustic's return. He obtained permission from his
master, however, that they might remain there, and so fix their abode. Mean-
time, the swine had strayed in different directions during his absence. The holy
virgin Modwenna told him to be of good cheer, and that his charge should be
safely restored to him. Her promise was redeemed that very same hour.
When the swineherd found all the animals together, he selected one of them
to present as an offering to St. Modwenna and her sisters. They told him,
however, that they were accustomed to live on roots and herbs, tasting no
flesh meat. In this remote situation, where a range of desolate mountains is
to be seen at the present day, St. Darerca resolved on founding her church and
monastery/ Itwassituatedatthefootof SliabhCuillinns or SlieveGullion. Her
church of Cill-tsleibhe is now known as Killevy 6 or Killeavy, a very old building,
in a parish bearing the same name. It lies near the present town of Newry.
That magnificent mountain Gullion 7 attains an altitude of 1,893 ^eet over tne
sea-level, and it is composed chiefly of green-stone. There are many natural
obstacles to its rugged sides and summits being reclaimed ; and from base to
summit, the ascent is fully two miles.8 Several antiquities, evidently referring
Chapter ii. — • That taken from the brated Cuchullain had been fostered.
Salamancan Manuscript, as also that attri- 6 This is a very extensive mountain parish,
buted to Conchubran. having 3,583a. ir. 33p. in the barony of
2 Among these are said to have been Lower Orior, and 24,590a. 3r. in the barony
Brigid, Athea and Orbile. of Upper Orior, in the county of Armagh.
3 We do not find, that he has any other re- ' Allusion is thus made to it in a poem in-
cord in history. tituled "Diarmid's Chase :" —
4 According to Archdall, this happened
about the year 630. See "Monasticon Hi- " Slieve Gullien's lofty brow
bernicum," p. 34. Rose proudly o'er the vale below."
s This mount tin took its name from Cui-
lean, an artificer, who lived there in the — Miss Stewart's " Mirror of the Heart ; or
reign of Conchobhar Mac Nessa, King of Lays of Loyalty, Patriotism, Chivalry and
Ulster, and by whom it is stated the cele- Devotion," p. 41.
July 6.]
to a remote period, are to be found in this picturesque and deserted region.
Among these, the artificial and subterranean chamber at Aughnaclough has
often excited the curiosity of visitors. 9 On the summit of Slieve Gullion,
there is a very large cairn, supposed to have been an ancient sepulchral
monument. Near it is a pool, called the Loch, about 60 yards in diameter.
These objects form the subject of an Irish poem IO ascribed to Ossian, and
in which Fionn mac Cumhall and his heroes conspicuously figure."
View of Slieve Gullion, from Aughnaclough.
The church of St. Modwenna was constructed of dressed planks, according
to the fashion of Scottish people,12 as Conchubran remarks.^ Through mis-
take, some Acts of St. Modwenna state, that she erected her nunnery at Cel-
liscline;14 however, this is only a mistake for Kill-sleve-Cuillin, or " the cell
of Mount Cuillin." It would seem, that this nunnery existed so early as the
sixth century. Ts
The following story seems to synchronise our saint with another holy
virgin, who is supposed to have flourished, in the fifth and sixth centuries.
8 See "The Parliamentary Gazetteer of
Ireland," vol. iii., p. 253.
9 The accompanying illustration of the
opening to Aughnaclough chamber, with a
distant view of Slieve Gullion, was drawn by
William F. Wakeman on the wood, en-
graved by Mrs. Millard.
10 Called Iaoi na SeAlzjA or The Chase.
It has been elegantly translated into English
verse, by Miss Brooke, in her " Reliques of
Irish Poetry."
11 See Lewis' " Topographical Dictionary
of Ireland," vol. ii., p. 146.
12 Thus, Columbanus, an Irishman, built
at Bobbio an oratory, " ex lignis ad magi-
tudinem corporis sui." St. Bernard refer-
ring to the church erected by Malachi at
Bangor, says, " oratorium intra paucos dies
consummatum est de lignis quidem levigatis,
sed apte firmiterque contextum opus Scoti-
13 It was constructed as he states, " tabulis
dedolatis, juxta morem Scoticarum gentium,
eo quod macerias Scoti non solent facere, nee
factas habere." Second Life of St. Mod-
wenna, chap, viii., num. 74, p. 311.
14 Dean Cressy falls into a great error when
he states, that St. Modwenna's nunnery was
so called from the multitude of cells in it.
See " Church History of Brittany," book
xxviii., chap, ii., num. 8, p. 744.
'3 See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xvii.,
sect, ix., p. 38, and nn. 116, 1 18, pp. 40
to 42.
16 Her Acts are recorded at the 1st of
In the Arts of St. Fanchea,16 the name of St. Darercha or Moninna is intro-
duced. While St. Fanchea passed over the sea to visit her brother St.
Endeus, the holy virgin Darercha was engaged in prayer beside a church and
before a cross. This happened, while she dwelt in the nunnery, and at a
place denominated Belsleibhe,1? which means " the mountain gorges, '' accord-
ing to Colgan.*8 He says it is more usually called Kill-sleibhe "the moun-
tain cell.1^ While thus engaged at prayer, St. Darerca had a miraculous
vision regarding a brazen vessel, recovered from the sea, into which Fanchea
had cast
In her Acts, it is stated, that St. Darerca exacted from her sisters such a
rigorous course of fasting, that on a certain occasion they were brought
almost to a condition of starvation, when a holy and compassionate man
entreated her to relieve their necessities. This she effected, and in a miracu-
lous manner. She raised also a dead novice to life through her prayers.
Various other miracles are recounted in her Lives, but it is unnecessary to
specify them, as many may be relegated to the class of fables. In the Life
of this holy woman and which is quoted by Colgan,21 three pious virgins, who
seem to have had a special relation with her, are named. These were
Brignata or Brecnata,22 Damnoda,23 and Derlasre.24 The first of these is
said to have been sent from her monastery to that of Rosnat, in the Island of
Britain, where she was commissioned to learn the rules there practised. Like
a true daughter of obedience, she hastened thither, and remained for some
time in the hospice, reading the Psalms and other pious books. Having
accomplished the object of her mission, Brignat returned to Slieve Cullin,
after a prosperous journey. It is stated, in St. Darerca's Acts, that the Angels
of God were accustomed to visit her and to hold frequent conferences with
her. However, on a certain night, when the sisters were going forth to recite
Matins, Darerca missed the accustomed angelic visitation, and she had a
revelation, that some one among her companions must have committed a
grievous sin. She invited all the sisters to examine their consciences. One of
the widows acknowledged, that contrary to her rule, she had not asked per-
mission from the Abbess to retain a pair of shoes, which she wore to protect
her from the cold, and which she had received from a man of bad morals.
Darerca suggested, that these should be thrown into a neighbouring lake,
where they might not more be found, and she charged Brignat with this com-
mission. The angelic messengers afterwards appeared, and the saint gave
thanks to God, that the community devotions were not further interrupted
through any similar cause. The foregoing narrative is followed by another, that
when the sisters returned to their dormitory to have a little rest before daylight,
the virgin Brigid 25 went alone to the chamber, where the Abbess prayed,
and where she held colloquy with the Angels. When she approched that, two swans of a snow-white colour seemed to fly away from it. This
vision terrified the sister, and she fell on the ground. She soon arose, how-
January, in the First Volume of ihis work, illustrate a custom prevalent at a time,
Art. i. whin the original Acts were written, of
x? Probably a mistake in writing for Kill- brazen ves>Hs having been u>e<l in Ireland
Sleibhe. bo:h for drinking and for washing pur-
18 See " Acta Sanctorum Hibernioe," poses.
i. Januarii, Vita S. Fancheaj, cap. ix., p. 2. 2I See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta Ap-
19 He remarks, that it is a parish church pendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii.,
belonging to Armagh diocese, at the passes p. 270.
of Cuillen Mountain, in Ulster. See ibid., " At chapter xiv., xvi.
n. 19, p. 4. 23 At chapter xviii., xix.
30 The story which follows is too improba- "* At chapter xxi.
ble to deserve further notice; but, it serves to 25 Whether she was a different person or
ever, and tremblingly knocking at her superior's door, she revealed what had
occurred. Darerca told her, to sign her eyes with a sign of the cross, lest she
might have had a demoniac vision, as sometimes happened to saints in the
desert. However, on being told the particulars, Darerca said : " Now do I
truly know, that the Almighty, who reveals many things in favour of the
human race, hath enriched thee with his grace, and it is time thou shouldst
profit by it, in seeking thy birth-place. Soon shalt thou want those eyes,
which have seen the Angels, yet better ones shall be given thee, and which
may enable thee mentally to see God. But, until I depart this life, reveal
thy vision to no person. " The servant of Christ observed the instructions of
her holy superioress, and obeying her command, she went to her natal place,
which was one day's journey removed from Darerca's monastery. There she
found a place, suitable for the erection of a nunnery, and so long as she lived,
Brigid was deprived of corporal vision.
An old tradition has it, that Darerca through her custom of mortification
never ate a sufficiency,26 and that she never took a dinner; while this habit of
living is dated from the time . she wore a girdle 2? about her body — a phrase
equivalent to the modern one of taking the veil.28 It is certain, however,
that St. Moninna practised great austerities, and that she was most abstemious
as regarded food.29 We are told, that in the coarseness of her garments, she
might be regarded as a true daughter of Elias and of St. John the Baptist,
while her sisters nobly emulated her example in this species of heavenly war-
fare. As a light placed on its candlestick, so did she dissipate the darkness
of those northern parts. Her vigils and prayers were incessant. She was
never a moment idle, and she laboured with her own hands. She wrought
many miracles, and she was always victorious over the assaults of Satan. Her
chastity was so admirable, that she had applied to her the term "a sister of
Mary," as the highest eulogy; for, that she was a virgin even as Mary is remarked
by a scholiast on the " Feilire" of St. ^Engus.30 Her humility was very great,
while she endeavoured to conceal her good actions and virtues from the know-
ledge of men. The fame of her great merits spread notwithstanding over all
parts of Ireland. Noble matrons were especially anxious to visit her, to
prostrate themselves at her feet, to seek her counsel, and to gain the favour
of her prayers. Besides, the number of virgins in her community increased
day by day, and they came not only from her neighbourhood, but even from
distant places.
As we have already stated, on the preceding day, a St. Modwenna, also
called Monenna,31 went to England, and she founded no less than seven
not from Brignat may be questioned. 29 This is expressed in an old Irish rami,
26 This Cuimin of Connor states, in the thus translated into English by Dr. Whitley
poem which begins, CAyvAr- pAcr\Aic puipc Stokes : —
ITIaca, which is thus translated into English :
" Patrick of Ard Madia's city loved." — Rev. " She took a girdle on her body,
Dr. Kelly's "Calendar of Irish Saints," pp. It is according to knowledge of her
162, 163. This is also quoted, in a note sue- that I hear
ceeding, and taken from the scholia on the She ate not her fill or food.
Feilire of St. ^Engus. Moninne of Slieve Gullion."
27 The monastic girdle is frequently men-
tioned in the Lives of the Irish Saints, as in — "Transactions of the Royal Irish Aca-
those of St. Brigid at February 1st ; in those demy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i.,
of St. Colman, at February 3rd, in those of part i. On the Calendar of Oengus p. cxvi.
St. Mochta, at August 9th, and in those of 3° See " Transactions of the Royal Irish
St. Mobhi, at October 12th. Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i.,
28 See the " Martyrology of Donegal," part i. On the Calendar of Oengus. By
edited by Rev. Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p. cxvi.
186 to 189, and note by Dr. Reeves I, at 3I See the Acts of St. Modwen, Monynna,
p. 188. Moninia, Monenna, Moduenna, Modwenna,
churches in Scotland.*2 One of these was known as Chilnacase, in Galloway ;
another was on the summit of the mountain of Dundevenal, in Laudonia ; a
third stood on the mountain of Dunbreten ; the fourth at the Castle of Stri-
ve.lin; the fifth was at Dun Eden, now Edinburgh; a sixth was on the moun-
tain of Dunpelder; while the seventh was built at Lamfortin, near Dundee.33
We think, however, she must be distinguished from the present saint ;
yet, it must be observed, that all the narratives and legends, in which her
ascertainable Acts abound, appear to have reference only to Moninne of
Sliabh Cuillin. The latter does not appear, however, to have left Ireland for any
more distant country, and she seems to have lived about two centuries earlier.
Wherefore, we deem it quite unnecessary to introduce here, those incidents
which have been recorded in the previous Life, and which have been set
down at the day immediately preceding.
As mentioned in the Acts of St. Farannan,34 this St. Moninnia 3S of Cui-
linn Mountain assisted in the synod held at Easdra, after St. Columba 36 had
built the church of Druim Cliabh,37 in Cairbre. The exact period, when this
took place, has been contested ; some think it had been before the great
Apostle of the Picts and Scots left Ireland for Scotland about a.d. 563, while
others suppose it happened, after the great Convention held at Druim Ceat,
about a.d. 590.38 The latter seems to us more probable ; while, if we allow
the synod of Easdra to have been held late in the sixth century, and if we
admit Moninnia to have been veiled by St. Patrick, she must then have
attained an extreme old age. As we have distinguished the St. Modwenna of
the previous day 39 from the present holy woman, and as it is generally
believed she died in Scotland, and had been finally buried .in England; so
we have every reason to suppose, that St. Modwenna of the present date de-
parted this life, in her establishment, at Slieve Cuillinn. This is very dis-
tinctly laid down, in the most authentic of her biographies, where it is stated,
that when her death approached, King Eugene,40 with his chiefs and a great
multitude, moved through sorrow for her anticipated departure, came to her
place, and he besought a bishop named Herbeus*1 to entreat her for their con-
Monyma, Modovenna, Mowena, Mod- and Apostle of Caledonia, Art. i., chap,
venna, or Nodwenna, Virgin, at the 5th of and chap, xv., at the 9th of June, in the Sixth
July, in the present volume, Art. i. Volume of this work.
3" This Ussher shows from Conchubranus, 39 See at the 5th of July, Art. i., in the
and she is said to have been identical with present volume.
Monenna of Kill-sieve. He writes : " Ea *° He is called Rex Eugenius, Conay, who
Ecclesia in Armachano Comitatu sita Kil- then ruled over the provinces of Marceyne,
sieve nomen adhuc retinet, et mons ille vici- of Cunilgoe and of Coba. It is quite evident
nus Sleu-gullen; a quo morunne o fl-iab there are errors of spelling in those proper
CuilieAn appellationem apud Hibernosnos- names; but, the localities may be conjec-
tros Virgo ipsa est consecuta." — "Britanni- tured as having been at or adjoining Slieve
carum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates," cap. xv., Cuillin. We confess ourselves at a loss to
p. 368. identify Marceyne ; however, Cuailgne, now
33 There she is said to have died. See Cooly, a mountainous district in the north of
ibid., p. 369. Louth County seems to have stood for the
3* See his Life, in the Second Volume of second mis-spelled denomination, while it
this work, at February 15th, Art. ii. may be that Ui-Eathach Cobha, the neigh-
3S Her feast according to Colgan falls on bouring people in the present baronies of
the 6th of July. Iveagh, County Down, represents Coba.
35 See his Life, in the Sixth Volume of this For their descent and ancient history, see
work, at June 9th, Art. i. Rev. Dr. Reeves' "Ecclesiastical Antiqui-
37 See Colgan's " Acta Sanctorum Hiber- ties of Down, Connor and Dromore," Appen-
nise," xv. Februarii, Vita S. Farannani dix, HII, pp. 348 to 352.
Confessoris, cap. vii., p. 337, and n. 18, *« It is easy to see, that as the Modwenna
p. 339. at July 5th had been visited by a Bishop
38 See the account contained in the Life of Ronan, under similar circumstances, and as
St. Columkille or Columba, Abbot of Iona, the narrative of her death-bed scenes very
solation to remain one year more among them. However, she refused that
request, preferring rather with Saints Peter and Paul — who had favoured
her with a vision — to go at once into Heaven.
The day for St. Darerca's or Moninne's death is usually set down as the
6th of July. The Martyrology of Tallagh *2 registers at this day, Moninni
Sleibhi Culennquae et Darerca prius dicta est. She is also mentioned in the
Calendar of Cashel,^3 in the Martyrology of Marianus O'Gorman,44 and in that
ofMuguire.45 The Carthusian Martyrology ,«6 as also Greven's additions to
it, and lather Henry Fitzsimon, record Nonninia, virgin, at the 6th of July, w
In the anonymous Calendar published by O'Sullevan Beare, at the same
date, we find Noninna. In the posthumous Manuscript of Father O'Sheerin,*8
she is setdown,however,as''Moninna de Sliabh-Cuillium.quse et Darerca prius
dicta."49 At the same date, in the Martyrology of Donegal, s° her name
appears as Moninne, virgin, of Sliabh Cuillinn. In his Universal Martyr-
ology, Castellan enters the name of St. Darerca in Ireland. Among the
Scottish Calendars, we find the name of St. Moninne set down at the 6th ot
July, as in the Kalendar of Drummond.51 Like nearly every other matter
regarding her doubtful, we must call into question the extremely long term
of her lite, said to have reached one hundred and eighty years.s2 Nine score
years was her age, according to old Irish traditions ;53 but, it seems most pro-
bable, her life was not extended to that extraordinary period.
This idea of longevity appears to have arisen, from the attempt to syn-
chronise various statements, that have crept into her Acts, or that had been
spread abroad, in reference to her supposed relationship with other saints, or
with persons of historic celebrity, and mentioned in connexion with her. The
time assigned for her departure, by the 0'Clerys,54 is 517, in the fourteenth
year of the monarch Muircheartach's reign. Some seem inclined to believe,
that this was rather the date for the death of Darerca, otherwise called
Monenna, the sister of St. Patrick. ss The Annals of Ulster place her death,
at a.d. 518, the year in which they state St. Coluimcille was born.s6 The
same date has been assigned for her death by other writers. 57 However, if
we are to credit the statements contained in her Acts, and in those of other
closely resembles the incidents briefly alluded p. 17.
to in the text, that it becomes next to im- 52 This is stated, in an old Irish poem,
possible adequately to apportion it among quoted by the scholiast on the " Leabhar
two different saints. Breac " copy of the "Feilire" of St. <Engus,
4* Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii. at the 6th of July. See "Transactions of
43 Thus: " S. Moninna, virgo Sliabh the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript
Culium, quae prius Darerca, et Sarbilia Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of
dicta est." ' Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p.
44 Thus : "Monina, munda sanctimonialis, cxvi.
virgo Sieve, sive montis Cuilium." S3 As in this quatrain has been asserted : —
4= The latter gives Darerca the name of
Sarbilia. " Nine score years together, according
46 In it it, she is noted thus : In Hibernia to rule,
Nonninae Virginis. According to rule without fear,
4? See O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic Without folly, without misdeed, with-
Catholicae Iberniae Compendium," tomus i., out danger,
lib. iv., cap. xi., xii., pp. 50, 56. Was the age of Moninne."
48 These were lent to the Bollandists for
their inspection. — "Martyrology of Donegal," edited by
49 /Engus is cited, for this entry in the Rev. Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 186, 187.
text. S4 See, also, Archdall's " Monasticon Hi-
50 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. bernicum," p. 34.
186 to 189. 55 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the
51 Thus: "Pridie Nonas Apud Hiber- Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 168, 169.
niam Sancte Virginis Moninne." — Bishop 56 See Rev. Dr. O'Conor's "Rerum Hiber-
Forbes' " Kalendars of Scottish Saints," nicarum Scriptores," tomus iv., Annales
[July 6.
saints, we should rather refer her death to the close of the sixth century.
Other accounts place her death at a much later period, but as we have already
seen, these refer to another holy woman, bearing the same name, and who
lived probably in the eighth century.
Long after her death, the name of St. Darerca or Moninne and venera-
tion for her virtues survived, especially in that northern part of Ireland, with
which she was chiefly connected. Some ruins of a church, which was dedi-
cated to this saint, and near which stood a round tower, are still to be seen at
Killevy or Killeavy, in the county of Armagh. A well, sacred to St. Darerca,
was also near her nunnery.s8 Before the death of St. Darerca, she is said to
have appointed Bia 59 as Abbess to succeed her.6° Afterwards followed one
named Diu.61 The third in order is stated to have been Derlasre,62 who pre-
sided over the nunnery forty years. 63 In the year 654, the death of Coinceen
of Cill-Sleibhe is recorded, in our Annals.6'* In subsequent times, Cill-Sleibhe
is likely to have suffered at the hands of the Danish invaders, for we learn, that
a priest of this place, named Duibhlitir, was martyred by the foreigners of
Carlingford Lough, a. d. Q2i.6s During the middle ages, a female community,
presided over by an Abbess of Kilsleve, had possessions, at this place.66
Ultonienses, p. 12.
57 See in the "Circle of the Seasons,"
p. 188.
s8 A miracle relating to it, and referring
to a Bishop of venerable life called Fibartus,
and having the surname of Firnianus, has
been attributed to the intercession of St.
Darerca. This is stated to have occurred,
while Derlasre was superioress, and it is told
in the Salamancan Life, chap, iv., num. 45,
p. 296. This is more fully related in the
Second Life, where the Bishop is named
Fuibar, and having the surname of Vinuia-
mus ; while the miracle is attributed to his
merits and to those of Movenna. See chap,
viii., num. 77, 78, pp. 311, 312.
59 In the Second Life, she is called the
daughter of Ailella, cap. viii., num. 74,
p. 311.
60 According to the First Life, cap. iv.,
num. 41, p. 296.
61 We have it thus entered in the First Life,
" deinde in Diu," but we suspect an error
has been here admitted. In the Second Life,
she is designated as the Third Abbess,
and called " Dognidui, filise Mothai, filii
62 We do not find any saint bearing this
name recorded in our Calendars ; but during
her incumbency, the following miracle is re-
corded, and it is attributed tothemeritsof St.
Darerca. While, according to the custom
of the Hibernian nation, the nuns had been
engaged in erecting with planed planks a
church near the monastery at Ben — not at
Banchor as the Bollandists guess, but at
Slieve Cuillinn, the word Benn being often
used by the Irish for Slieve — they desired
it should be of elegant workmanship. How-
ever, they wanted a suitable kind of beam to
join two of the walls, at the summit of the
building, and which may be regarded as a
wall-plate or a projection near the roof. The
workmen, after a diligent search through the
forest, at last found a tree, which was suita-
ble for their purpose, but it was in a place
very difficult for access or removal. The tree
notwithstanding was cut down, but it could
not be moved. Knowing this state of the
affair, Derlasre betook herself to prayer,
and besought her patroness to obtain their
great desire, which was to erect a church in
the name of Darerca herself. On the day
following, without the aid of man or beast,
the beam required was found where wanted,
and near the nunnery. Then, the carpenters,
impelled through curiosity, went to that
place where the tree grew, but they were not
able to discover there a single trace of broken
branches. This proved, that what could not
be accomplished through human effort, is
easily done through Divine agency ; and it
was believed, that the Angels bore that tree
through the air, from that rough and elevated
ground on which it formerly grew.
63 The Second Life calls her " Diclaisre,
filia Daisrami, filii Buissidi," cap. viii., num.
74. P- 3»-
6* See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the
Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 266, 267.
65 See ibid., vol. ii., pp. 608, 609.
66 At the residence of the Abbess here, on
the iotli of November, a.d. 1477, a case of
disputed right was negotiated between
Edmund Connesburgh, an Englishman
chosen as Archbishop of Armagh, and Octa-
vianus del Palacio, the Pope's Nuncio in
Ireland. See the Very Rev. Dean Reeves'
paper, intituled " Octavianus del Palacio,
Archbishop of Armagh," in "Journal of the
Royal Historical and Archaeological Associa-
tion of Ireland," vol. iii., Fourth Series,
January, 1875, No. 21, pp. 344. 345-
67 See Bishop Forbes' "Kalendars of
Scottish Saints, pp. 396, 406.
68 In 1243, according to " Registrum
In Scotland, the church of Scoonie was dedicated to a St. Memme 67 — who
may have been the same as Modwenna — by David de Bernham, on the fourth
of the June Kalends.68 In the parish of Kilmannan, county of Wexford, there
is a well, and in popular remembrance dedicated to a St. Mannan, whiLe
there a patron was held on the 6th of July.69 Could this name be a corrup-
tion of St. Moninne? The feast of St. Mannan — held on this day — is cer-
tified, also, by a local resident. 7° There is a legend, likewise, which states,
that St. Munnu of Taghmon visited this St. Mannan, and that a bell?1 fell
from Heaven, at the time, on a spot, where a rock — locally called " the bell
stone " — projects over the surface of a field.
The present holy virgin gave the greatest edification during a long life,
which was spent in the service of God, and in the practice of most rigorous
penance. She was exact in the performance of every virtue. Why will the
hardened sinner blush to confess those sins he committed, when a pious and
tender woman can relish mortifications without repining? He refuses to pay
a just penalty for the commission of evil, while he did not blush to stain his
own soul. This saint was pure, and yet she practised penance. She was
always generous in those self-sacrifices, which the Almighty rewards, most
abundantly; and her memory remains, to remind sinners of the many trans-
gressions for which they have not sufficiently atoned, although constantly
warned about the danger of delay.
Article III. — St. Mac Earc, Bishop of Donoughmore. [Fifth
Century.'] This holy man was the son of Bronach,1 and he is said to have been
brother to other celebrated saints. His original name does not seem to be
known ; but, we may probably infer the name of his father, from the patrony-
mic Mac Earc, or " the son of Earc," bestowed on him. In that Tract attri-
buted to St. JEngus, and intituled " De Matribus Sanctorum Hibernise,"2
the present St. Mac Earc is said incorrectly to have been the brother of St.
Mochae,3 of Aendrum ; of Comraire of Uisneach ; of Manchan of Liath-
Prioratus S. Andree," p. 348. eppuic meic ej\cA o TJorrmAch mop mulgi
69 See "Letters containing Information re- Coda. Ocuf "OAirmACAn flebe OecViAo.
lative to the Antiquities of the County Ocur- jTu-pr-A cnaibcec 111 pAnonA in 5aI-
of Wexford, collected during the Progress of Via." The foregoing has been thus trans-
the Ordnance Survey in 1840," vol. ii. John lated into English : — " Bronach, daughter of
O'Donovan's letter, pp. 74 to 77. Milcon, with whom Patrick was in bondage,
7° Mr. Michael Browne, of Bridgetown, was the mother of Mochae of Aendrum, or
county of Wexford, in a letter to the writer, of Aendrum of Loch Cuan ; and of Corn-
dated from that place, December 18th, raire of Uisneach [now Knockusneach, in the
1872. parish of Conrath, County Westmeath], in
71 This bell is said to have been in the Meath ; and of Manchan of Liath Manchan
possession of the Harveys of Mount Plea- [now Lemanaghan], in Dealbhna Beathra
sant, in the earlier part of this century. [the barony of Garrycastle, King's County] ;
Article hi. — x There is a holy virgin of and of Colman Muilinn of Daire Chaechain
this name, venerated at the 2nd of April, and in Dalriada : and of Bishop Mac Ere of
who is noticed, in the Fourth Volume of Domnach-mor of Moy-Coba ; and of Dam-
this work, at that date, Art. i. It seems natan of Slieve Bethad [Slieve Beagh, in
clear, therefore, that she could not have been Tyrone, near its junction with Fermanagh
mother to the present saint. and Monaghan] : and of Fursa, the pious, in
2 The pedigree of our saint, on the Parona [Peronne], in Gaul." See Rev. Dr.
mother'ssideisthusgiven : — "OnonACinjion Reeves' " Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down,
milcon co tn-bAepAcj\Aic 1 n-'OAijvi mACAip Connor and Dromore," Appendix F, pp. 189,
tnochAe n<Ven*oj\omA o ii-<\en'ojvomA tocA 190.
CuAn. Ocuf Com^Aipe o UifneAch mroi. 3 See his Acts at the 23rd of June, in the
Ocuf tttAnc'riAii o LiAuh tYlAncViAm 1 n- Sixth Volume of the present work, Art. i.
"OeAibnA beAc^A. Ocur- ColmAn muilint> * See Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down,
o "OAine ChAechAin 1 tTOAt THaua. Ocup Connor and Dromore, "Appendix LL., p. 379.
Manchan ; of Colman of Muilinn Daire Chaechain ; of Damhnatan of
Slieve Bethad ; and of Fursey in Perrone. The present Mac Earc is likely
to have been born in the beginning of the fifth century. He is called Bishop
of Domnachmor, in old Irish Calendars, and his festival occurs, on the 6th
day of July/ The territory of IVlagh Cobha or " Campus Coba," as it is
Latinized, embraced a considerable portion of Iveagh, extending from the
parish of Donaghmore to that of Dromore. It was cleared of a wood, in a.m.
2756, during the reign of Irial the prophet.5 Saran was chief of this district,
in the time of St. Patrick, and he was the fourth in descent from Eochaidh
Cobha, who gave denomination to that territory.6 Donoughmore of Moy-
Coba 7 was the former name of his place. It is now simply called Donagh-
more parish,8 in the county of Down. As anciently designated, Domnachmore
church of Moy-Coba,9 or Donaghmore according to its modern name, is
stated to have been founded by our saint, about the middle of the fifth cen-
tury. Several lords or chiefs IO formerly ruled over Magh Cobha, according
to our Irish Annals, and the territory is also mentioned in these,11 as the
scene of various exploits. The church over which our saint presided is
situated in the south-east corner of Upper Iveagh barony,12 and within Dro-
more diocese. The site of Donoghmore ancient church was about sixty feet
south, from where the modern Protestant church now stands ; and, an ancient
stone cross,^ about seven feet in height, remains as a memorial of olden
times. During the middle ages, hereditary Herenachs I4 ruled over the manor
of Donaghmore, and their family name appears frequently in old Registers of
the ecclesiastical appointments.15 During the last two centuries, the tempo-
ralities were usurped by different occupants.16 It is said, that beneath a
remarkable old cross in the churchyard, there is an entrance to an artificial
cave, which extends to a considerable distance, the sides being formed of
loose stones, and covered with large flat stones. Near the centre, there is a
5 See Rev. Dr. Jeoffry Keating's "History Rev. William Reeves' " Ecclesiastical Anti-
of Ireland," vol. i., p. 318. quities of Down, Connor and Dromore,"
6 See John O'Donovan's LeAbhArv ha n. (m), p. 112.
5-Cea|\c, or the " Book of Rights," n. (h), I2 See " Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ire-
pp. 165, 166. land," vol. ii., p. 28.
1 This territory was so called from Eoch- '3 It is probable, Tullynacross townland,
aidh Cobha, who was ancestor of the tribe which was the glebe, derived its name from
denominated Ui Eathach Cobha, who were this Cross.
seated in the baronies of Upper and Lower I4 The O'Mac Kerell were herenachs,
Iveagh, in the present county of Down. under the Archbishops of Armagh, in the
See Roderick O'Flaherty's " Ogygia," pars. fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
iii., cap. lxxviii., pp. 371, 372. IS Thus at A.D. 1408, John O'Mccrela was
8 This parish, in Upper Iveagh Barony, presented by the Primate to the parish church
is described, on the "Ordnance Survey of Donnachmore. — Reg. Flem., fol. 19. A.D.
Townland Maps for the County of Down," 1440, John O'McKerrell, rector of Donagh-
sheets 33,40,41,46. more died, and Gelacius O'McKerrell was
9 According to the Irish of Rev. Jeoffry appointed in his stead.— Reg. Swayne, lib.
Keating, this denomination is written, niAJ ii., p. 90. A.D. 1487, John O'MaKrell,
Cobai 1 ii-4oib-e4C4c, " Moy-Coba in rector of Dompnachmor — Reg. Oct., fol.
Iveagh." 288. A.D. 1534, Donald Omakrell, vicar
10 At the years 683, 732, 734, 771, 796, of Donaghmore, died, and Peter Omakrell
879, 965, the " Annals the of Four Masters " succeeded him. — Reg. Crom. p. 755.
have notices of them. See Dr. O'Donovan's ,6 Thus, in 1622, Sir Edward Trevor held the
edition, vols. i. and ii. twelve towns and the rectory, which consti-
" Thus, at the years 1102, 1103, 1104, tutcd the manor of Donaghmore, under the
1 109, 11 13, and 1 128, notices occur. In 1 188, See of Armagh. Until of late, the same had
the English are said to have had a castle been held in the form of nine townlands,
there. In 1252, the castle of Moy Coba was containing 2,045 acres, under the Protestant
erected by the son of Maurice Fitzgerald. In Primate of Armagh. See Rev. William
1253, it was destroyed by Brian O'Neill. See Reeves' "Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down,
cross or transept, forming two distinct chambers.1? As was generally the
case with churches, anciently the seats of bishops, the adjacent lands became
episcopal property.18 Although the living is a vicarage in the diocese of
Dromore, the Primate of Armagh became rector and patron, part of the tithes
being payable to him, and a part to the incumbent.1' For some cause, which
is not known, lands here situated were annexed to the See of Armagh, and
not to that of Dromore.20 The celebrated Dowagh or Danes' Cast passes
through the western extremity of this parish.21
Article IV. — The Three Daughters of Maine, St. Dermor or Der-
moria, St. Etne or Ethnea, and St. Cumana, of Airiudh Bainne. At the
6th of July, in the Martyrologies of Tallagh,1 of Marianus O'Gorman and of
Maguire, a festival is entered in honour of TriingenaMoine, or the three daugh-
ters of Maine in AiriudBoinne. Hewasdynastoveraplacecalled Tullach Maine.
These three daughters are named Dermor, Etne and Cumman.2 The Bollan-
dists^ merely enter their names at this date, and acknowledge their obligations
to Father Thomas O'Sheerin, who extracted his notice from the Martyrology of
Marianus O'Gorman.* It would appear, from the Sanctilogium Genealogicum,
that they — at least two of them — are to be regarded as daughters to Cormac,
son of Ailill, and they were descendants from Cathair Mor, King of Ireland. 5
However this may be, there is much uncertainty, regarding the time when
these holy women flourished, and that exact place with which they had been
connected. It is said, that while the Apostle St. Patrick6 was in the northern
parts of Ireland, he came to a place called Tulach Maine. Over this was a
chief, named Manius, to whom he preached the truths of Christianity. To
the chief and his wife, St. Patrick gave his blessing. She conceived and gave
birth to twin daughters. These were baptized by the Irish Apostle. During
the period of this mission, as we are told, Patrick did not enter the country
about Armagh ; but, he went into the region of the Crimthann,? in which he
Connor and Dromore," n. (m), p. 112. See Rev. William Reeves' "Ecclesiastical
'7 This cave is about 3 feet wide, 5 feet Antiquities of Down, Connor and Dromore,"
high, and 62 feet long. At the cross, it is Appendix, E. E., pp. 316, 318.
nearly 30 feet broad. See Lewis' " Topo- 2I See Lewis' " Topographical Dictionary
graphical Dictionary of Ireland," vol. i., of Ireland," vol. i., p. 468.
p. 468. Article iv. — l Edited by Rev. Dr.
18 This property is described in the Ulster Kelly, p. xxviii.
Visitation of 1622, as the " Mannor of 2 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
Donaghmore, contayning 12 townes and one Septima Vita S. Patricii, lib. iii., cap. ii., p.
Rectorie." The same were lately held, 149, and nn. 8, 9, p. 184.
under the See of Armagh, and are known 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
by these names: — Annaghbane, Ardkeeragh, Julii vi. Among the pretermitted saints,
Aughnacaven, Buskhill,Cargabane, Donagh- p. 250.
more, or Tullynacross, Ringclare, Ringolish, 4 The Latin extract runs thus : " Tres
Ringbane, Tullymurry. See the Rev. filias Manii de Airiodh-boinne, Dermora,
William Reeves' "Ecclesiastical Antiquities Ethnea, et Cumana. Festivitas laudatarum
of Down, Connor and Dromore," Appendix Manii filiarum."
E. E., pp. 306, 307. 5 A note by Dr. Todd says at Cumman's
19 See "Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ire- name: "Ethne and Cumman were both
land," vol. ii., p. 28. virgins, and sisters, daughters of Cormac,
20 Among those tables of procurations, re- son of Ailill, of the race of Cathair Mor,
lating to parishes in the Diocese of Dro- King of Ireland. Sanct. Gen., B. of
moire, and which were payable to the Lecan."
Primate in his Provincial Visitations, as 6 See his Life in the Third Volume of this
found in Primate Dowdall's Registry, Dom- work, at the 17th of March, Art. i., chap,
naghmore church was assessed at 3 marks, xvi.
in the year 1422. At A.D. 1546, we find the 1 This was in the southern part of Orgialla,
Rector of Donnaghmore rated for 5 marks, and it is now known, as the barony of Slane,
and the vicar of the same place for 3 marks. in Meath.
erected many churches.8 The children we speak of — but whose names are
not recorded — afterwards became religious, and they received the veil, like-
wise, at his hands. There is a St. Ethnea, and her six sisters, mentioned in
our Calendars. She had seven holy brothers, and all of these are classed as
bishops. She was the daughter of Muredoc, son to Fortchern, son of Dicull,
son to Crimthann, son of Armedac, son of Senach, son to Aid Loga, son of
Oscuon, son to Mienac, son of Lugad, son to Imchad, son of Fidchur, son
to Eochod, sonofEnnius Monchaoin, son of Ross, surnamed Rig-foda, son
of Fiach Suidghe, the founder of the Decies family.9 With her uncle on the
father's side, St. Colman, the son of Fortchern — as may be traced in the fore-
going genealogy — this virgin St. Ethnea was venerated at a place called Kill-
Iain,10 now probably known as Killeen. The mother of St. Columkille bore
the name of Ethnea, and Colgan hazards a conjecture," that she may have
been one of the three female saints thus called in our Calendars, at the 26th I2
of February, or at the 29th of March, or at the 6th of July. But, as all are
denominated virgins, this is not a probable surmise, independent of their
recorded descent. If we are to credit Colgan's statement, St. Ethnea and St.
Cumania were sisters to St. Dermoria, also venerated on this day. '3 How-
ever, in this case, the latter holy virgin must have been the daughter of
Manius in Airedh-banne. Then, according to the same calculation — as she
is classed among the virgins veiled by St. Patrick — she must have flourished
in the fifth century.
Article V. — Reputed Feast of St. Dermor, Daughter of Maine.
A previous entry in the Martyrology of Donegal * disassociates Dermor,
daughter of Maine, of Airiudh Bainne, from these virgins and sisters last-
named, who are said to have been daughters to Cormac, son of Ailill. But her
name is set down separately, at the same 6th of July, as are also the con-
joined names of Ethne and Cumman.
Article VI. — Three Daughters of Erni or Enuch Dirmaigh.
We find inserted in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at this date, Tri ingena
Erni oc Enuch Dirmaighi. This same entry was communicated to the Bol-
landists, by Father Thomas O'Sheerin, and it is set down by them, at the 6th
of July.2
Article VII.— St. Fedchonniad, or Fedhchu, of Uamadh Fubi.
The simple entry of Fedchonniad is met with in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1
at the 6th of July. The Bollandists * acknowledge their indebtedness to
Father Thomas O'Sheerin, for furnishing the name of Fedchno of Magh or
8 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," '3 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quinta
Septima Vita S. Patricii, pars, iii., cap. ii., Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. xxiii., p.
p. 149, and nn. 8, 9, p. 184. 270. By mistake, however, the feast is
9 The " Menologic Genealogy," cap. xvi., printed the 6th of June, instead of the 6th
and Selbach, cap. xv. of July.
10 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber- Article v. — ' Edited by Drs. Todd and
niae," xv. Januarii, Appendix ad Acta S. Reeves, pp. 188, 189.
Itae, cap. ii., p. 73. Article vi. — ■ Edited by Rev. Dr.
11 See "Trias Thaumaturga," Quarta Ap- Kelly, p. xxviii.
pendix ad Acta S. Columbae, cap. i., 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
p. 477« Julii vi. Among the pretermitted saints,
12 The printer has inserted 23rd— a mis- p. 250.
take. Article vii.— ' Edited by Rev. Dr.
Campus Fuibh — eulogised by Marianus 0'Gorman3 — at this date. At the
same day, in the Martyrology of Donegal,* the name Fedhchu, of Uamadh
Fubi, is mentioned as having been venerated.
Article VIII. — Reputed Festival of a St. Fuidbech. Another
entry of Fuidbech is seen in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 for this day. We
incline to the opinion, that it must have been owing to the oversight or igno-
rance of some copyist, and we can hardly doubt, but that he is the same per-
son as the Saint Fedhchu, whose name occurs, in the more recent Calendar.
Article IX. — St. Flann Mac Cellach, Bishop of Rechrann.
{Eighth Century .] In a Calendar, compiled by the Rev. William Reeves, we find
entered at the 6th of July, St. Flann, the son of Kellech, son to Cronnmael,
Bishop of Rechrann. But, whether this place was in the east of Bregia,
county of Dublin, or in the county of Antrim, as said by Dr. Reeves,1 Dr.
O'Donovan hesitates to decide. In our Annals, the death of St. Flann is set
down, as occurring, in the year 734.2
Article X. — Reputed Feast of a St. Golinia, or Golina, Virgin.
The Bollandists state,1 that the feast of St. Golinia is to be found in the Irish
Calendars, at the 6th of July ; but, they suspect there is some corruption of
the entry, and they desire further enlightenment regarding her. Florarius 2
and Henry Fitzsimon3 enter St. Golina, virgin, at this same date/ The same
name, written Colinia, occurs at the 6th of July, in the anonymous Calendar,
published by O'Sullevan Beare.5
Article XI. — Reputed Festival of St. Silvester, Companion of
St. Palladius, in Marr, Scotland. The Bollandists,1 having found in
Dempster and Ferrarius a festival of St. Sylvester mentioned at the nth of
June,2 referred to this date, when they were about to treat of St. Palladius.
But nothing had been found to warrant any special notice; at least, we are
not furnished with any particulars, which might enable us to understand, if
any such feast should have place in the Calendar, for the introduction seems
to have been on the sole authority of Dempster, who may be regarded in the
double capacity of inventive saint-maker and of unscrupulous saint-stealer.
Kelly, p. xxviii. (z), ibid,
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Article x.— 1 See "Acta Sanctorum,"
Julii vi. Among the pretermitted saints, tomus ii., Julii vi. Among the pretermitted
p. 250. feasts, p. 249.
3 Thus : "heros nostra; gentis de Autro 2 Thus: "In Hibernia, Golinise virginis."
Fube." We suspect the reading should be 3In " Catalogus aliquorum Sanctorum
" Antro Fube." Hibernian"
* Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. * See O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic
188, 189. Cathoiicce Ibernire Compendium," tomus i.,
Article viii. — ' Edited by Rev. Dr. lib. iv., cap. xii., p.54.
Kelly, p. xxviii. 5 See ibid., cap. xi., p. 50.
Article ix.— » See "Ecclesiastical Article xi.— 1 See " Acta Sanctorum,"
Antiquities of Down, Connor and Dromore," tomus ii., Julii vi. Among the pretermitted
Appendix T, p. 249, and Appendix LL, feasts, p. 249.
p. 379. 2 See the Sixth Volume of this work, at
2 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the that date, for a slight reference to him,
Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 336, 337, and n. Art. iv.
^ffaentb 2Bap of 3ulp,
SAINTLY biography, says an eminent trench writer, is one of the most
naif recitals of the middle ages; it inspirited the weak and it terrified
the powerful j it furnished a great bridle to curb society, and to preserve it
from the violence of war. The legends or myths of Christianity were even
in harmony with social usages ; while through them, holy places were held
sacred from the fierce intrusion of armed men. There the peaceful were pro-
tected, and their weakness was respected ; under the vivid impressions of Faith,
morality had been observed, even through the stories of astounding miracles.1
The special contemporary, friend and companion, who knew the character
of St. Maelruan so well, has set forth his fair renown, at this date, in the cele-
brated " Feilire."2 This must have been one of the earliest commemorations
of the present holy man. The Bollandists 3 have only very briefly recorded
the name of Moelruanus Episcopus, at the 7th of July. There are notices
of him, likewise, in the work of Rev. Dr. Lanigan.* From all we can learn
regarding him, Maelruain belonged to the race of Eochaidh, son to Muiread-
hach, who sprung from the seed of Heremon.s The father of St. Maelruan
is called Colman. Broicseach was the name of his mother.6 We are not
informed about the place of his birth. This latter event occurred, most pro-
bably about the beginning of the eighth century. It is greatly to be regretted,
that we have so few personal records of a saint, who was so very remarkable
in his time, and whose life had such a marked influence on the revival of reli-
gion and literature in the early Irish Church. We do not know where he had
Article i. — Chapter i. — ' See Cape- Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i. On the
Ague's "Charlemagne," tome i., chap, ii., Calendar of Oengus. p. cix.
p. 39. 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
2 Thus we find the stanza, taken from the Julii vii. Among the pretermitted feasts,
" Leabliar Breac" copy, with the English p. 452.
translation of Whitley Stokes, LL.D. :— 4 See "Ecclesiastical History of Ireland,"
vol. Hi., chap. xx„ sect, vi., p. 232, and on.
LAmoppluAgA-o tigniAp 46, 47, pp. 233, 234.
pApmern cpom coe-oen S One hundred and eighty-one Irish kings
moelpu<Mii A-opech pichco are said to have reigned from the lime of
5piAn An nvopi ^oe-oel. Ihremon to Roderick. See Ciraldi Cam-
brensis Opera, vol. v. Edited by James F.
"With a great beautiful host, Parmenius' Dimock, M.A., " Topographia Ilibernica,"
heavy troop, Moelruain ran to heaven, Dist. in., cap. xlv., p. iSS.
splendid sun of the isle of the Gael." — • According to a note, in the I.eabhar
"Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy," Brcac copy of the Calendar of St. yEngus.
been educated, although it seems to be a fact well established, that he had
been well grounded in a religious and literary training, before he thought of
establishing his own very celebrated school. He must have resolved on leading
a religious life, when young, and he wns probably advanced to holy orders,
when he was of an age to assume their obligations. Our writers, who allude
to him, call him a bishop ; but, it does not seem likely, that he attained to that
distinction, at least, until he had first been in charge of his celebrated monas-
tic institute, for which he had framed special Rules. However, there seems
to be no very ancient authority or evidence, which might warrant us in sup-
posing, that he had attained to the episcopal rank.
A pious and an illustrious King of Leinster, named Donnchadh or Don-
och, who flourished in the beginning of the eighth century, is said to have
bestowed the site of Tamlacht on St. Maelraan.? But, as he only ruled over
the province for one year, and perished in battle towards the close of a.d.
727, this seems too early a date for the religious foundation. From Dun-
chadh,8 the region around Tamlacht was subsequently called Ui-Dunchada.9
This is known to have comprised that portion of the present county of
Dublin, through which the River Dodder flows.10 It is more generally
believed, however, that Cellach, son of Dunchadh,11 King of Leinster,12 gave
Tamlacht to St. Mae 1 main. Its earliest name was derived from the first
recorded pestilence,13 or Tam/i, which destroyed Parthalon's colony, and which
is referred by the Four Masters to a.m. 2820, according to the long chronology of
the Septuagint. The entry by those annalists is, "Nine Thousand of Parthalon's
people died in one week on Sean-Mhagh-Ealta-Edair T* — namely, five thou-
sand men and four thousand women."** Whence it was named Tamlacht Muin-
tire Parthaloin ; while, after the lapse of ages, this place was called Tallagh,near
Dublin.10 The tumuli of these early colonists, who died from that sudden
7 See Professor Eugene O'Curry's " Lee- for Tallacht or Tamlaght.
tures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient M This destruction of the colony of Par-
Iiish History," Lect. xvii., p. 364. thalon, which is said to have occurred in
8 He had a son Faelan, father of Bran, "the old plain of the valley of the flocks,"
father to Murchadhach, father of Faelan, stretching between Ben Edair, now known as
father to Lorcan, father of Dunchadh, from Howth, and Tallaght, and on which-the city
whom descended the families of Mac Gilla- of Dublin now stands, is thus mentioned in the
mocholmog, of O'Byrne, and of O'Toole, so "Book of Invasions," contained in the
famous in the history of Leinster. " Book of Leinster." " In Sean-Magh-Etair
9 This territory Dunchadh was awarded Parthalon became extinct in a thousand men
to him as an inheritance. and four thousand women, of one week's
10 See "The Topographical Poems of mortality," or " Tamh" This translation is
John O'Dubhagain and Giolla na Naomh by Professor Eugene O'Curry. This is the
O'iluidhrin," edited by John O'Donovan, oldest manuscript account of that pestilence
LL.D., pp. xiii., xiv., and nn. 58, 59, and that we now possess.
p. liv., n. 438. '5 Likewise, in an ancient bardic poem, in
11 He was the son of Murchadh, son to the ''Book of Leinster, it is said : " Partha-
Bran Mut, or the Silent, belonging to the Ui Ion's people, to the number of nine thou-
Dunlaing. sand, died of Tamh in one week."
12 He fell in the battle of Almhaor Allen, ,6 In the "Chronicon Scotorum MSS.,"
in Kildare, by the sword of his brother as translated by Mr. O'Curry, the following
Faelan, ancestor of the Ui Faelan, or the entry occurs : " In one thousand five hun-
O'Byrnes. tired and four (400 according to Eochaidh
13 In a " Report of the Census Commis- O'Flinn) from Parthalon's arrival in Ireland
sioners of Ireland for the year 1 85 1," part v., till the first mortality ( Duiiie-bhadh, i.e.,
vol. i., we find a most valuable annalistic human mortality) that came in Ireland after
reference to diseases and pestilences, in this the Deluge ; that is, the death by pestilence
country, from the earliest times to the pre- (Tamh) of Parthalon's people, which hap-
sent. In this able report, which does so pened on Monday, in the calends of May,
much credit to the learning and research of and continued till the Sunday following. It
Sir William Robert Wilde, we find various was from that mortality ( ' Dnine-bhadh) of
accounts, which serve to furnish a derivation Parthalon's people the name of the (7 aim-
[July 7.
epidemic, can still be seen upon the hills in its vicinity. This is the first
recorded pestilence in Ireland. The Irish word Tamk means an epidemic
pestilence; and the term Tamhleadit — the plague monument1? — which fre-
quently enters into topographical names in Ireland, signifies a place where a
number of persons cut off by pestilence were interred together.18
At present, this is the well-known village "9 and parish, in the barony of
Uppercross, and in the county of Dublin. It lies on the western slope of the
mountains, which form so beautiful an outline, as seen from the metropolis of
igh, County of Dul
Ireland. It lies about five miles from the city. The village is beautifully
situated, in a fine open country.20 This place is said to have been called
Tavellagh or Taulagh-Maelruny, from having been founded and afterwards
dedicated to the present saint.21
Amid the prevailing laxity of monastic discipline, here St. Maelruain
gathered around him a fraternity, for whom he ordained certain rules of
stricter observance. These consisted partly of precepts for conventual and
sacerdotal guidance ; but, they were especially distinguished, by the principles
laid down, and by the regulations prescribed for religious worship and the
exercise of devotion.22 It is very likely, that a very numerous community
was formed, and the members placed themselves under his guidance, as
Abbot and founder of a new order. A list of the u unity-folk of Maelruain
of Tallagh" — viz., the contemporaries with whom he had contracted an inti-
leachta (the death or mortality place) of the
men of Ireland is derived."
17 See the version of Sanar* Cho]\niAic, or
Cormac's " Glossary, '' translated and anno-
tated by the late John O'Donovan, LL.D.
Edited with Notes and Indices, by Whitley
Stokes, LL.D., p. 160.
18 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the
Four Masters, "vol. i., pp. 8, 9, andn. (c), ibid,
19 The accompanying illustration, drawn
on the spot by William F. Wakeman, and
by him transferred to the wood, has been
engraved by Mrs. Millard.
Lewis' " Topographical Dictionary
of Ii eland," vol. ii., pp. 587, 588.
■' See John D' Alton S " History of the
County of Dublin," p. 761.
'• llie Culdees of the British
Islands, as they appear in History : with an
Appendix of Evidences." By William
Reeves, D.D., &c, part ii., sect, ii., p. 7.
Dublin, 1864, 4I0. This remarkably re-
searched and learned Treatise seems to ex-
haust all that can be known regarding the
mate union — is to be found, in the detached ten folia,2* belonging to the
Book of Leinster.24 A stanza 2* on the same page,'6 and enumerating these
men, is attributed to Cormac Mac Cuillanain.
Few personal anecdotes, regarding this holy Abbot Maelruain have been pre-
served. A commentator on the " Feilire " of St. yEngus, at this date, has an
account of a certain thief, who stole the only cow, belonging to the Ostiarius of
Mailruain of Tallaght. The latter 2? was urgent on his patron saint to avenge the
theft ; but, Maelruain advised the door-keeper to bide his time, and that the
devil should inflict on the thief still greater evil, while his punishment in hell
should be the heavier,28 because the transgressor was permitted to commit
more bad actions the longer he continued in this life. There is extant a
romantic Irish poem, entitled u Legendary Story of St. Maelruan, first bishop
of Tallagh."2? From the character of the heading, we may well suppose, it is
not a genuine account of any incident in his career.
It is stated, that St. Maelruan there founded a church, in honour of God
and of St. Michael the Archangel, in the year 769.3° This, likewise, is the
date given for the first erection of Tamlacht-Mailruain, in the u Annals of the
Four Masters."*1 This church of Tamlacht was founded, about twenty-four
years after the institution by Chrodegang of the order of Canons in his church
of Metz, and to whom the title of Fratres Dominici had been given. It was
subsequently changed to that of Canonici. They were an intermediate class,
between monks and secular priests. They adopted to a great extent the dis-
cipline without the vows of monks, while they discharged the office of minis-
ters in various churches.*2 Possibly, St. Maelruain's institution may have
been borrowed from, or may have had some features in common with, the
order of Canons. It seems to be pretty well established, that both the Keledei
of Scotland, as well as the Colidei of Ireland, exhibited the main characteris-
tics of secular canons in their discipline, during the ages that succeeded this
period. 33
ancient Culdees. County of Dublin," p. 761.
33 At the end of column 3. 3° See Professor Eugene O'Curry's " Lec-
24 Now preserved in the Franciscan Con- tures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient
vent, Merchants' Quay, Dublin. Irish History," Lect. xvii., p. 364.
25 At the end of column 5. 3I See Dr. O'Donovan's edition, vol. i.,
26 The same stanza is copied in the lower pp. 272, 273.
margin, apparently in Colgan's handwriting. 32 In 817, a new rule and additional regu-
27 He said : " I me not thankful for the lations had been enacted for the order of
patron that avengeth not my cow on the Canons, at the Council of Aix-la-Chapelle.
thief, for we see him without want of cattle 33 See Rev. Dr. Reeves on " The Cul-
or of children or of health." dees of the British Islands," &c, part ii.,
28 This is represented as having been sect, ii., pp. 9, 10.
expressed in an Irish rami, the composition Chapter ii. — x In that copy of the
of St. Maelruain : — " Martyrology of Tallagh " found in the
" Book of Leinster," as edited by Dr. Robert
SeAnj; hiperiMm 1/m-o jroruiech Atkinson, we read at that date, the follow-
1nichiAH CAingen ocuf bj\ech ing entry: " iiii. Idus Augusti Maelruain
SechmAlL alerTA Ar\cech 16 cum suis reliquiis Sanctorum martyrum et
Sir*ifiur»tt nihimApgo. virginum ad Tamlachtain venit." See
p. 361 c.
It is thus translated into English by Dr. 2 On a 6th of September, as we find it set
Whitley Stokes: "Seng t sessam (?) have down thus : "hi. Non. Sep. Adventus reli-
we for every one, afar offtrial and judgment, quiarum Scethi filiae Mechi ad Tamlach-
oblivion of their advantage on every day, tain." See ibid., p. 362^.
eternal hell (it is) not a falsehood." — 3 A copy of this is given, in a large Parch-
" Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy," ment 4to Manuscript, No. 223, belonging to
Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i. Notes the Messrs. Hodges and Smith collection,
from the Lebar Brecc, pp. 91, 92, p. cxvii. preserved in the Royal Irish Academy.
29 See John D'Alton's " History of the 4 For a fuller account of this valuable his-
io2 LIVES 01 7HE IRISH SAINTS. [July 7.
Already have we alluded to the date for St. Maelruain's establishment at
Tallagh ; and, if we may draw an inference from a Festival set down in its
Calendar, the 10th of August was a day on which the holy founder brought to
or deposited at that place the relics of venerated Martyrs and Virgins,1 with
suitable rites and ceremonies. It is probable, that on the occasion, the
church there and its altar had been consecrated ; for we know, that the con-
tinuous practice, in the case of such ceremonials, is to place relics of the
saints within the altar-stone on which the holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered.
Another supposition may be arrived at, however, that those relics had been
conveyed in procession, and had been placed in shrines, which were placed
probably over the high altar ; for we know, likewise, that at a period sub-
sequent, other sacred relics 2 had arrived at Tallaght, and that the annual
commemoration of both events was regarded as matter for observance there,
both by the monks- and by the people, who annually assembled to pray
before those sacred remains.
Besides his other excellent virtues and accomplishments, St. Maelruain
is traditionally regarded as having indulged in literary work, and he is
credited with having been a poet. Yet of his genuine metrical compositions,
we doubt if many of them have been preserved. An Irish poem is said to
have been composed by St. Maelruan of Tallagh. 3 A much more important
compilation has come down to our times, and it is known as the Martyrolo-
gium Tamlactense, or the " Maityrology of Tallaght."* It has been supposed,
that the conception and authorship of this work were due, in the first instance,
to St. Maelruain ;5 although, it is thought, he received assistance in its pre-
paration, from the celebrated St. /Engus the Culdee,6 who was a subject and
an inmate of his monastery. That we have not the original draft of St. Mael-
ruain's composition is proved from the fact, that his own name has been
entered in the preserved and published copies, at this same day. However,
it seems most probable, that St. ^ngus added to the work, after St. Mael-
ruain's death ; and, even after the death of the former, we find the insertion of
St. /Engtis'* own name, so thatthere must have been interpolations, in nearly all
the later copies. Indeed, it was no unusual custom for unauthorized persons to
tamper with records of this character, by introducing items of information on
their own responsibility, and to complete what they deemed to be defects or
omissions. This was especially the case, with regard to copies of Annals or
of Calendars, preserved in our monasteries. 7
It should seem, that the temporal patron of Tallaght must have preserved
very close personal relations with St. Maelruain and his community. This
torical and ecclesiastical record, the reader 6 On its title lias been found, also.,
is referred to the First Volume of this work. " Martyrologium Aengussii filii Ilua-obhlenii
Introduction, sect. ii. Also to the Third et Moelruaiii."
Volume, at the nth of March, Ait. i., in the 1 1t should be very unwarrantable to charge
Life of St. /Engusius Hagiographus or St. these additions as attempted forgeries— as
./Engus the Culdee, chap. iii. some writers have illogically done — on those
s See Kev. Dr. Lanigan's " Ecclesiastical who inserted such comments, as well as on
History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xx., the monks, who preserved such records, and
sect, vi., n. 47, p. 224. who transmitted them to posterity.
may fairly be inferred, from the simple entry which remains to us of an Irish
dynast's closing career. According to the "Annals of the Four Masters/'8
Cellach died a.d. 771. He is said to have been buried at the church in Tal-
laght ; and, no doubt, for many long succeeding generations, the pious com-
munity there offered up Masses and prayers for their deceased benefactor.
We believe the following story to be apocryphal, as it seems unchronological.
Mainnsena,9 the mother of Brenaiun,10 of Biorr, as we are told,11 came to
Saighir, and she was desirous of going to the Island of Doiinhle. This is held
to have been the present Cape Clear Island, by well-known writers,12 who have
furnished some description and illustrations of that place. As we have seen
already,^ the greater probability is, that it lay between the counties of Wex-
ford and Waterford. " Go not," said Ciaran of Saighir,1* " but, it is in
Tamhlacht thy own resurrection and the resurrection of thy son Brenaiun
shall be." It does not appear, that Tamlacht had a cemetery before the
eighth century. One of the most interesting and instructive incidents of the
period while Maelruain ruled over the monastery at this place, was the admis-
sion of the celebratedSt. ^Engusthe Culdee15 — then little known to fame and
wishing himself to be altogether unnoticed — as an humble postulant. The
celebrity of St. Maelruin's institute, and the congeniality of its discipline to
his peculiar habits, probably induced St. ^Engus to leave Dysart Enos and to
visit Tamlacht. For a long time, he served there as a mere farm labourer,
and only an accident brought him prominently under the observation of the
Abbot St. Maelruan. Afterwards they became bosom friends, while their
tastes in literature and sympathies in holy exercises continued to the close of
St. Maelruan's career. Elsewhere, this narrative has been written, and it is
only necessary to refer the reader to those pages, which serve to illustrate
the biography of both saints.
Those religious, known as the Culdees, were at Tallagh, during the time
of St. Melruan.16 Although from the Lives of St. Patrick and of other very
early Irish saints, we find the designation Culdee applied to holy servants of
God ; yet, it has been thought, this term was not in vogue in their time, but
that it was subsequently applied. x? So far as we can understand, the brothers
8 See Dr. O'Donovan's edition, vol. i., ^Engussius Hagiographus or St. /Engus the
pp. 376, 377. Culdee, in the Third Volume of this work
9 A note by Dr. Todd says, at the fore- at the nth of March, Art. i., chaps, ii.,
going word, Mainnsena. " This paragraph iii., iv.
seems intended as a note on Tamlachta, not l6 See notices of the Cele De or Culdees,
as putting Mainnsena as a saint on this day. in the Leabhar Breac, fol. 5, a, b, Catalogue
Her name does not occur in the other Calen- of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Aca-
dars." demy, p. 597.
10 The death of St. Brendan of Birr oc- t? There is a poem, ascribed to St. Cart-
curred, on the 29th of November, a.d. 571. hach or St. Mochuda of Lismore — who died
11 By the O'Clerys. a.d. 636 — and which gives a metrical Rule
12 In the ancient ecclesiastical books it is of the Celi De, to be found in a Manuscript,
called " Insula Sancta Clara," and in the old belonging to Trinity College, Dublin, and
Irish MS., " Inish Domhly." See Mr. and which is classed II 2, 16, cols. 224, 225. It
Mrs. Hall's " Ireland : its Scenery, Charac- is headed "Do chelm "Oe mpo np, and it is
ter," &c, vol. i., pp. 137, 138. comprised in twelve stanzas. It forms the
13 In the present volume, at the 4th day of seventh division in a metrical composition of
July, in the Acts of St. Fionnbarr, Abbot of 145 stanzas, and it immediately succeedsa di-
Inis Doimhle, county of Wexford, Art. i. vision containing nineteen stanzas, on the
14 This saint flourished in the fifth cen- duties of a monk. It may be doubted, how-
tury, according to the common belief. See ever, that this is a genuine composition of
his Life, at the 5th of March, in the Third St. Carthach. The Irish ranns, with an
Volume of this work, Art. i. English translation, may found in '.' The
15 See these and the following particulars Culdees of the British Islands, as they appear
more fully set forth, in the Life of St. in History," &c, by the Very Rev. William
of this ancient Irish monastic order were chiefly clerical recluses,18 observing
a distinctive habit of living from other monks. Perhaps we should include
among this fraternity some — if not all — of those who are called the folk of the
unity of Maelruain, namely : Maelruain of Tallagh, Maeltuile, son of Noec-
huire, Maelanfaid of Dairinis mor (County Waterford) ; Fland the fair, son
of Fairchellach, in Daire na fland (Derrynavlan, County Tipperary); Fland,
son of Duibthinne, in Daire na fland ; Flannan, son of Tairdelbach, in Cill da
lua (Killaloe) ; Maeldithrub, namely, the anchorite of Tir da glass (Terry-
glass, County Tipperary) j Dimman of Ara (Aran Island) j Dalbach of Cul
callach ; Feidlimid, son of Crimthain (King of Munster) ; Diarmaid of Desert
Diarmada (Castledermot, County Kildare) ; Eochaid, bishop of Tallagh ;
Oengus Ua Oiblein.1? The foregoing list has been versified in the Irish lan-
guage, and the lines are attributed to the celebrated Cormac Mac Cuillenan
of Cashel,20 who flourished near enough to that time, when Maelruain lived, to
have procured authentic details.
One of the eight Ecclesiastical and Religious Rules established in Erinn,
and the sixth in chronological order, was that of St. Maelruain. It is known as
the general Rule of the Celidhe' D£, vulgarly called the Culdees. It contains
a minute series of regulations for their lives, their prayers, their preachings,
their conversations, their confessions, their communions, their ablutions, their
fastings, their abstinences, their relaxations, their sleep, their celebrations of
Mass and their other duties.21 A copy of this is contained in a prose tract
of nine small quarto pages.22 The " Rule for the Celi De" was composed
by St. Maelruan, and it is said, about the year 780. However, we are inclined
to think, that the date must be placed, at an earlier period. The original of
this is not known to exist, and the version of it which remains does not
appear to be older than the twelfth or thirteenth century. 23 It may be
regarded as a modernized, or perhaps amplified, version of a much earlier
document. The length of the Tract admits great variety in the subjects of
which it treats, while its contents are greatly deficient in arrangement, and
in many passages they are obscure.2* It is said, that Moelruain originally
Reeves, D.D., Evidences, G, pp. 82, 83. 20 The Very Rev. Bartholomew Mac
18 At least, such is the description given of Cat thy, D.D., who kindly furnished English
them, in an Irish Poem of twelve quatrains translations of the Irish text from the Book
in Leabhar Breac, fol. 261, beginning with of Leinster for the writer, states, there is no
the heading Do Cell "Oe, no x>i clej\ech reason for calling the authenticity of Cormac
pecterw. Mac Cuillenan's poem in question. At the
*9 And this is verified by the poem com- bottom of that page in which it is, a modern
mencing with " The hillock," of which version is given in the handwriting of
Cormac Mac Culenain sang : " Hillock, Michael O'Cleiy, the chief of the Four
green-topped," etc. See Dr. Robert Atkin- Masters, in whose possession the Manuscript
son's edition of the Book of Leinster, p. 370^. once had been.
Moreover, we are told, that Cormac Mac M See Professor Eugene O'Curry's " Lec-
Culenain sang (in the poem mentioned, inter tures on the Manuscript Materials of
alia) : — Ancient Irish History," Lect. xviii., p. 375.
" Maelruain, Mea'tuile, glorious in deed, ibid.
Maelantiad of Dairinis, 23 This is inferred from its orthography
The three Elands, Maeldithrub zeal- and grammatical structure.
ous, *•» See "The Culdees of the British
Dimman, Dalbach, Feidlimid. Islands, as they appear in History," &c. By
Very Rev. William Reeves, D.D., part ii.,
Diarmuid, Eochaid, sublime the tale, sect, ii., p. 7.
And Oengus Ua Oibleim, as A prose version of this Rule purports to
The folk of that unity all be its translation in the Leabhar Breac, at
(Are) round Maelruain, round Mael- fol. 9. It begins with these words : Incipic
tuile." TI1A541I, na Celco tVOe, o ffloelpUAin
— Ibid., p. 370^. cearuc.
composed his Rule for the Cele De in metre.25 This has been rendered into
Irish prose, and it has been printed, with an English translation, by Dr. John
O'Donovan,26 to which notes are annexed, by Rev. Dr. Reeves. The Rule
of St. Maelruain was remarkably rigorous. Meat was not eaten, nor was ale
drank, by his monks, during their Abbot's own time ;2? although, both appear
to have been allowed — subject to certain conditions — in that copy of the
Rule, which has come down to us. It is interesting to know, what formed
the chief articles of food in the monastic establishment, at this early period.
The dietary of the Tallagh community seems to have consisted of bread,
thick milk, honey, skimmed milk, beer, butter, kale, biestings, curds, fish,
cheese, eggs, apples, leeks, cheese-whey, and gruel, for these are specially
mentioned, as being in daily use. There seems to have been a relaxation at
Easter, when eggs, lard and the flesh of wild deer and wild hogs, with other
flesh-meats, in case of sickness or scarcity of other nutriment, were allowed.
There was a fast every month among the congregation of Maelruan, on half
a meal of bread, and on half a meal of diluted whey. This Rule has precepts
for bishops, pastors, confessors, virgins in religion, and lay people. It con-
tains several regulations, connected with the sacrament of penance. It regards
any divulging of confession, so as to say, " this is what the man did," as a
very heinous crime. It is added, that this " is not penanced in the land of
Erinn."28 On the eve of the chief festivals, all feasting is prohibited, " because
of going under the hand to-morrow."2^ Frequent confession is also incul-
cated."^ Yet, it is not profitable, when the transgressions are frequent.
We are informed again, that it is not necessary to delay in case of minute
confessions thoughts and idle notions, and abuse and anger, until Sunday, but
to confess them immediately as they occur. He who makes his confession
to a soul-friend — if he perform the penance according to his directions — need
not confess them to another soul-friend, but only what has subsequently
occurred. Some instructions are given, also, for guidance of the confessor.31
It is right to refuse the confession of a person, who does not perform penance
according to the soul-friend's direction, unless there happens to be a soul-
friend near, who is considered more learned in rules, in the ways of the
scripture, and in the practices of the saints. Let the penitent heed what he
receives from the learned soul-friend, whom he first met, to whomsover he
may reveal his confession each time, and let penance be enjoined him,
according to the rules of frequent confession. In fine, it is also decreed, that
the bishop, who confers noble orders upon any one, who is not instructed in
religion and reading and rules, as also regarding the proper remedy for all sins
26 Both are to be found in "The Culdees would be too long to wait till the Sunday
of the British Islands, as they appear in following, for the person who habitually goes
History," &c. By Very Rev. William to hand every Sunday, because these two
Reeves, D.D. Evidences, H, pp. 84 to 97. days were always special with them at Mass."
27 See " Proceedings of the Royal Irish 3I After this form : Difficult, indeed, is
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., the duty of the soul-friend, because if he give
part i., pp. 128, 129. the proper remedy, it is oftener violated than
28 AccordingtotheO'Curry'sMSS., sect. 60. observed; but, if the soul-friend does not
29 To these words Dr. Reeves adds the fol- give it, its liability falls upon himself; because
lowing note : " The priest raises his hand in several are satisfied with making the con-
the absolution, whence the modern expres- fession, without doing the penance, but it is
sion, T>ul f a iAim f a^ai^c " going under better to proclaim their welfare to them,
the hand of the priest," denotes going to though they do not respond to the penance
confession." See "The Culdees of the British enjoined by the confessor. Another soul-
Islands," &c, Evidences H., p. 84. friend may be gone to, if necessary, after the
30 This Rule enacts : "When they do not permission of the first soul-friend has been
go to hand (meaning to confession) on Sun^ obtained.
day, they go on the Thursday after ; it 32 See Reeves' work "On the Culdees."
in general, is an enemy to God and to man ; for, that bishop has offered an
insult to Christ and to his Church, and hence he shall do penance for six
years. 32
In the Prologue to the " Feilire" of St. ^ngus, St. Maelruain is styled "the
great Sun of the South Plain of Meath.'''1 In the Book of Leinster,2 there is
an incident of his history related, from which the holy Abbot concludes, that
it is better for a man to give his offering to the Lord than to earthly men.
Into the version of St. Maelruain's Rule, which has been published, is ad-
mitted the following account, that what Moelruain heard from learned men
concerning the desertion of the land was : That Patrick, and the faithful
whom he brought into Erin, will be repulsive in Heaven to any man who
deserts his land, except so far as to remove from the east of it to the west,
and from the north to the south. This seems to have reference to the great
religious migrations from Ireland to the Continent, which prevailed in the
eighth and following centuries.3
That St. Maelruain had only been regarded as abbot,* and not as bishop, s
in Tallagh, seems most probable, from the fact, that his apparently immediate
successor there, Airerain,6 surnamed the Wise,? is only styled an Abbot of that
place. However, it cannot be denied, that even in the time of Maelruain
there was a bishop at Tallagh ; and we know, that at a period, not long sub-
sequent, there had been a St. Eochaidh 8 — successor of Maelruain — who
united in his own person the offices of bishop and abbot. 9 Nay more ; it is
almost certain, that St. Maelruain himself would not assume the functions of
the episcopate through humility, while he enjoined on Eochaidh the duty of
receiving consecration, to serve the purposes of the community, according to
the custom of that time.
The "cumhal " in the Latin documents is it — he is entered as a bishop. This addition
expressed by " ancilla. " Its literal meaning to his name was probably a late interpolation,
is "bondmaid," whose equivalent was 6 See an account of him, in the Second
reckoned at three cows. See Dr. O'Dono- Volume of this work, at the 10th of February
van's LeAbharv ha 5-CeArtf;, or "Book of — the date for his feast, Art. i.
Rights," p. 139, n. (n). 7 Thus we find in that copy of the Tallagh
Chapter hi. — l See "Transactions of Martyrclogy, in the "Book of Leinster,"
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript edited by Robert Atkinson, M.A., LL.D.,
Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calendar of the following entry at iii. Idus Februarii,
^Engus, by Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p. xx. " Airerain Sapientis et Abbatis Tamlactan
2 Edited by Robert Atkinson, M.A., post Maelruain." Seep. 356.
LL.D., fol. 286a. 8 Thus entered, at the 28th of January : " iii.
3 See "The Culdees of the British Islands, Kl. Februarii, Eochaid Eps. et abb. Tamlac."
as they appear in History," &c. By Very — See ibid., p. 356^'.
Rev. William Reeves, D.D. Evidences, H, 9 His feast occurs at the 28th January,
p. 91, and note. where some notices of him occur, in Firsl
4 In the list of the community-folk of Tal- Volume of this work, Art. v. There, how-
lagh, he is not called a bishop, nor in the ever, we did not assign his place — which
Poem of Cormac Mac Cuillenan. undoubtedly was here — whilejhis deatli is re-
5 However, in Rev. Dr. Kelly's version of corded in Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the
the "Martyrology of Tallagh" — which we find Four Masters," at A.D. 807, recle 8 1 2, vol. i.f
to have been drawn from the earliest copy of pp. 418, 419.
July 7.] LIVES 0* 1HE IRISH SAINTS. 107
It has been assumed, that Tallagh had been a rural episcopal See,10 even
from the time of St. Maelruan, and also because in our Annals and Calendars
there are obituary notices of its bishops j" but, the fact does not appear to
be well established. The oldest records extant represent it as a rectory
belonging to the Archbishop of Dublin. In the thirteenth century, Henry de
Loundres I2 annexed it to the Deanery of St. Patrick's, to maintain the
dignity of the Dean, who as head of the Chapter was subject to the greatest
expense.1* The present Protestant church x* is at least the third church,
built on the same site.15 It was parallel to the former one, while the latter
stood on the rude remains of one older still. In mediaeval records, Tallagh
is written Taulagh, and sometimes Tavelach. The church here was also
called Taulaght-Maelruny — a corruption from the patron's name — while the
chapels of Killohan l6 and St. Bride x? were subservient to it. Besides the
tithes, the Dean of St. Patrick's formerly possessed the right of presentation
to the vicarage.18 A large stone font is in the graveyard at Tallagh ; and,
it is said, that pilgrims to the shrine of St. Mollrooney — such was the local
pronunciation — were accustomed to wash their feet in it. Near Tallagh, and
in the same parish, there is a townland still denominated Kilnamanagh x9 or
" the Church of the Monks." It was probably a dependency on the Monas-
tery founded by St. Maelruain. Not far from the site of St. Maelruain's old
foundation was the former palace of the Archbishops of Dublin.*0 This
mediaeval and semi-baronial structure, from the pictures of it which remain,
was a large castellated mansion, having several massive square towers and
thick external walls, pierced with many narrow loop-hole windows.21 It was
even inhabited to a comparatively recent period. However, having become
ruinous, and inconvenient for the usages of modern social life, the Arch-
bishop's palace was unroofed in 1825. Afterwards, this site became the pro-
perty of a lay gentleman, who repaired and converted a portion of its ruins
into a modern mansion. Subsequently, he transferred the title and possession
to the fathers of the Dominican Order. Soon again was a noble building
erected for their religious establishment. At present, a spacious Dominican
Convent occupies the site once covered by the archiepiscopal palace. Of
the latter — in the true architectural taste and spirit of restoration — the former
bell-tower has been preserved, and it still serves its original purpose. In the
garden attached, there is an immense walnut tree, which is said to have been
10 Previous to a.d. 1 152. See John of St. Joseph, Bishop of Tallagh, Art. iv.
D'Alton's " History of the County of Dub- l6 It was situated without the cross-lands
lin," p. 761. of the Archbishop in the townland of Old-
11 This seems to have been in accordance, bawn, but it has been waste since A.D.
with that monastic discipline observed at 1 532.
Iona, and probably in other places through- '7 This chapel nearer the Dodder is now in
out Ireland, where bishops were attached ruins.
only to their respective religious houses, and l8 These privileges were confirmed to him
for the purpose of ordaining the subjects of by a Bull of Pope Gregory IX., in the first
those houses. year of his pontificate, A.D. 1227.
12 He flourished in the thirteenth century, J9 It is described on the " Ordnance Sur-
and presided over the See of Dublin, from vey Townland Maps for the County of
A.D. l2l3to 1228. See Harris' Ware, vol. i., Dublin," sheets 21, 22.
" Archbishops of Dublin," pp. 318 to 320. 2° A picture of this medioeval mansion may
13 See "The History and Antiquities of be seen, in vol. i., p. 201, of new edition of
the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of St. Rev. Mervyn Archdall's "Monasticon Hi-
Patrick, near Dublin," by William Monck bernicum," edited by Right Rev. Patrick F.
Mason, Esq., book i., chap, v., p. 26. Moran, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ossory, &c,
14 It was erected in 1829. at present Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney.
15 An engraving of the Protestant Church Dublin, 1873, et se1-> 4to«
at Tallagh may be seen in the First Volume 2t The accompanying illustration, copied
of this work, at the 5th of January, the feast from a faithful drawing of the original by
[July 7.
planted by the hand of St. Madman himself.22 Not far from it, there is a
promenade, called the Friars' Walk. The enclosed grounds are admirably
secluded from the high road, while they present a true picture of monastic
The course of St. Maelruain having been usefully and religiously run, the
time for his eternal reward began to open before him. We cannot doubt,
but his departure was a sore bereavement to his community, in whose spiritual
welfare he had always taken so deep an interest. In view of his approaching
end, it seems likely, he made provision for their future wants, and on his
Ancient Palace of the Archbishop of Dublin, at Tallaght.
death-bed blessed them and their place. It has been stated, in the "Annals
of the Four Masters,"23 that St. Maelruain, Bishop of Tamhlacht Maelruain,
died, on the 7th of July, a.d. 787. Yet, under the head of Tamlacht, Duald
Mac Firbis enters, Maolruain, bishop of Tamlacht, at a.d. 789,^ and at the
7th of July. According to the Annals of Ulster,2* Maelruain of Tamlacht, a
bishop and soldier of Christ, slept in peace, in the year 791. However, Dr.
O'Donovan states, that the true date for his death is a.d. 792. 26 As already
stated,2? St. Maelruain was interred in his cemetery at Tallagh, and the site
of his grave is yet pointed out by the people of that village. For the spot,
William F. Wakeman, has been transferred
by him also to the wood, engraved by Mrs.
22 An illustration of this tree forms the
Frontispiece, attached to the First Volume of
this work. These larger illustrations have
been designed to commemorate scenes, in
connexion with the compilation of Irish
Hagiology ; and accordingly, as affixed to
the present volume, Trinity College, Dublin,
has a special interest for having a close and
an intimate relation with the learned Arch-
bishop Ussher, Sir James Ware, the Rev.
Drs. Todd and Reeves, who have laboured
so well in the field of Irish Hagiology and
Ecclesiastical History.
23 See Dr. O' Donovan's edition, vol. i.,
pp. 392, 393-
■* See " Proceedings of the Royal Irish
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i.,
part i., pp. 128, 129.
25 See -AniialA Ul<voh. Edited with a
Translation and Notes, by William M.
Ilennessy, M.R.I. A., vol. i., pp. 270, 271.
26 See " Annals of the Four Masters,"
vol. i., pp. 392, 393.
27 See the First Volume of this work, at
the 5th of January, Art. iv.
extraordinary veneration is manifested ; nor will the people suffer any corpse
to be interred too near it. His festival was kept on the 7th of July,28 and it
was long commemorated by the people with processions. This commemora-
tion appears to have come down from remote times. The Martyrology of
Tallagh2? records, that at the 7th of July, veneration was given to Maol-
ruain, Bishop of Tamlachta. This name appears in the Martyrology of
Donegal,30 nlso, at the same date, as Maelruain, Bishop of Tamlacht, in
Leinster. Tamlacht, says the Calendarist, lies between Ath-cliath and Cill-
dara ; but it should have been observed, not in a direct line. Even, St.
Maelruain was venerated in Scotland, as we find him entered at the 7th of
July, in the Kalendar of Drummond ;31 from which we further learn, that his
life was distinguished, not alone by his virtues, but by miracles. After his death,
as we learn from the " Feilire," which was soon composed by his contempo-
rary St. ^ngus, the people began to frequent his tomb,32 and after pious
service there, with purity, was " healed every heart's sigh."33 A pattern was
kept up at Tallagh, on the 7th of July, by the people of the town, and they
were accustomed to call it St. Mollrooney's day.3* They had an incorrect
idea of the patron saint,35 according to the popular tradition.
Many centuries have passed since holy men first lived, prayed, and studied at
Tallagh; and although time has wrought many changes for its records, the present
age witnesses asuccession of religious men, and a learned band of ecclesiastical
scholars there, serving to maintain its former glories. The Catholic prelates
of Dublin formerly made it a place for repose and retreat. Their fine man-
sion has been levelled, and hardly a vestige of it now remains. However, at
the present time, the Dominican fathers36 have their convent and their novi-
ciate, on its site ; and, as of old, it is still a house for monastic seclusion and
discipline, as also a school for imparting instruction to those youthful aspi-
rants, who desire the perfect state, and who have resolved to perpetuate in the
present age the blessings of bye-gone centuries. The very graves 3? there are
28 See Ordnance Survey Volume of festival. To these we have already alluded,
" Extracts " for the County of Dublin, p. in the First Volume of this work, at January
131, now preserved in the Library of the 5th, Art. iv.
Royal Irish Academy. 35 Probably owing to their mode of pro-
29 Edited by Rey. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii. nouncing this saint's name, the people sup-
His feast is also, at this date, in the Martyr- posed St. Maelruan was a female, and they
ology of Christ Church, Dublin, edited by show an object called her griddle and her
John Clarke Crosthwaite, A.M., and Rev. cake, in the churchyard. This information
Dr. James Henthorn Todd, p. 134. the writer has received from W. D. Hand-
30 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. cock, Esq., in a letter, headed 52 Dame-
188, 189. street, Dublin, 26th of November, 1874.
31 Thus at Nonae Julise, "Apud Hiber- ! 36 In connexion with their order, and in a
niam Natale Sancti Confessoris Maelruain work of this nature, it may not be well to
cujus Vita Virtutibus et Miraculis plena re- omit allusion to a distinguished and truly
fulsit." — Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of learned member, who has bequeathed to
Scottish Saints," p. 17. them and to Ireland a record of undoubted
3a The original word in the Leabhar Breac historical value. We mean the " Hibernia
copy is ocAleAchc, " his own tomb," as dis- Dominicana," and its "Supplementum," by
tinguished from the CAmhleAchc or " plague Father Thomas De Burgo, O.P., who was
tomb " — an elegant and imaginative poetic also Bishop of Ossory, towards the middle
antithesis and play upon the word, as the of the last century. Coloniae Agrippinse, a.d.
ingenious and critically learned Irish scholar, 1762, et seq., 4to.
Very Rev. Bartholomew M'Carthy, D.D., 3? Among these is to be seen that of the
has pointed out me. eloquent and admired preacher of the Domi-
33 See "Transactions of the Royal Irish nican Order, whose career is so minutely
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., and elaborately compiled, in the interesting
part i. On the Calendar of Oengus. By " Life of the Very Rev. Thomas N. Burke,
Whitley Stokes, LL.D., p.xx. O.P., by William J. Fitz- Patrick, F.S.A.,
34 Certain religious celebrations were &c. Two volumes. London, 1885, 8vo.
practised, on the yearly recurrence of the Article ii. — * These were a great and
not forgotten, and withareverentcuriosity they are often visited. That fine archi-
tectural group of buildings, which now adorns Tallaght, also forms an admir-
able exemplar of the ecclesiastical renaissance, which has been so energetically
achieved, while secular enterprise has been so restricted and oppressed,
under the peculiar political and social conditions that obstruct the happiness
and prosperity of Ireland.
Article II. — St. Willibald, First Bishop and Patron of Aich-
stadt, Germany. \_Eighth Century.'] Although we have a very genuine
Life — and even written by a contemporary and a relative — of this saint, yet,
it is to be regretted, that no definite statement in it conveys an idea of where
Willibald was born, or concerning his descent and race. This is all the more
remarkable, that his parents are never named in it, although frequent occasions
occur for referring to them. Considerable doubt attaches, therefore, to the
present holy bishop's place of nativity. While some writers consider him to
have belonged to the people called Suevi ;x others make him a Scot or a
Hibernian, and others an Englishman. The most ancient writer of his Acts,2
a nun, as also a relation and a contemporary of his own, does not record the
country of his birth ;3 although from the allusion made to his early education
and family we might be inclined to consider him an Englishman. It is to be
observed, that the nun of Heidenheim, who wrote his Acts, belonged to the
community of his sister St. Walburge, and she had the relation of his travels
and much of his life from the mouth of St. Willibald himself, to whom
personally she was well known. The Bollandist,* Father John Baptist Soller,
who has edited these Acts, too readily adopts this conclusion ;5 for which, it
seems to us, there is no positive proof. An old anonymous writer, whose Acts 6
of this saint had previously appeared in Canisius' collection, sets Willibald
down, however, as derived from the nation of the Angles. 7 Notwithstanding,
that well-known mediaeval German writer, John of Trittenham, tells us, that
Willibald, first bishop of Aichstadt, was a Scot by birth,8 and a brother to St.
Walpurgis, or Walburge,' a virgin and abbess of Heidenheim. Other old
Lives of St. Willibald are said to have been written by Reginald, bishop of
warlike nation of Germany; their territory 5 He writes: " Siquis Suevum, Scotumaut
extending from the Rhine to the Elbe, ac- Ilibernum fingere voluerit Sanctum nostrum,
cording to Strabo's " Geographia," lib. vii. is a me responsum non expect et ; ncc his
A very interesting account of their manners, diutius immoranduin video, cum pridem ex-
customs and power is given by Ciesar, in tra oninen controversial!) posita sint." —
his work, De Bello Gallico, lib. iv., cap. i., Commentarius Prsevius, sect, i., par. 3.
ii., iii. 6 The Bollandi»ts have them as Vita
2 These are given by the Bollandist*, in Altera. Auctore Anonymo per antiquo. Fx
four chapters, with notes, and in forty-five editione Canisii. This is in three chapters,
paragraphs, including three of Praefacio containing nineteen paragraphs, with notes.
Sanctimonialis. It is followed in their work with Miracula,
3 Her biography — one of great interest and in eighteen paragraphs, and written by
value — is intituled : Vna seu Hodceporicon, Bishop Philip.
auctore virgine consanguinea Sanctimoninli 7 He writes thus, " de genere Anglorum
Heidenheimensi, ex editione Canisii correcta .... oriundus," cap. i., sect. I.
ex variis lect. Gretseri. * He was the thirty-ninth in succession,
* See the Acts of this holy bishop, very and he ruled from A.n. 1306 to 132 2.
fully given in the " Acta Sanctorum," tomus 9 See an account of her, in Rev. Albaii
ii., Julii vii. De S. Willibaldo Episcopo Eys- Butler's "Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs,
tadii in Germania, pp. 485 to 519. These and other principal Saints," vol. vii.,
are prefixed by a Previous Commentary, in July vii.
eight sections and sixty-five paragraphs, J0 According to Canisius, he was the eleventh
written by Father John Baptist Soller. bishop in succession. He lived A.D. 1322.
July 7.]
Aichstadt,10 by one Adalbert," and by the bishop Philip,12 of Aichstadt.1'
The latter, although a laboured and an extended treatise, abounds in historic
errors. The Acts of this saint have received illustration from Surius,1* Father
John Mabillon/s Dean Cressy,16 Bishop Challenor,1? Rev. Alban Butler,'8
and Les Petits Bollandistes.1' Were we to adopt the accounts of English
writers, this holy man was born in the kingdom of the West Saxons, near the
place where Southampton now stands, and it is said his father was the holy
king, St. Richard.20 However, it is not at all certain, that his father 2I had
been King of Wessex — as some writers have stated — but on the contrary,22
he belonged apparently to a grade less elevated in society. Moreover, it does
not appear certain, that even the name of his father is known. 23 According to
one account his mother was Bonna — said to have been a sister to St. Boniface;
it is needless to observe, however,- that such a statement rests on no good
authority.24 His birth has been referred to about a.d. 704, 2s by various
writers j however, Father John Baptist Soller — who analyzes the chronology of
this saint's Acts — states, that it ought to be placed about a.d. 700. 26 He had
another holy and an older brother, named Winibald,2? and a sister, St. Wal-
burga.28 Their relative places as to seniority have been stated, by the most
ancient writers of their Acts.20 These are stated to have been cousins of St.
Boniface,30 the illustrious Apostle of Germany ; but, there are good reasons for
doubting such statement. So various have been the entries of this holy man's
name in old records, that it has been questioned if they refer to one and the
same person. Thus, he is styled, Wilibaldus, Wilbaldus, Bilibaldus, Bilbaldus,
Williboldus, and Willeboldus p1 while its probable derivation has engaged
11 He only gives a brief notice, regarding
Saints Willibald, Wunebald and Walburgis,
in reference to the monastery of Heidenheim.
Nor is this always in accord with what had
been stated by the nun of that place.
12 The strictures of those two latter writers
are to be found in Gretser's work, De
Ecclesia Eystettensis Divis Tutelaribus,
printed at Ingoldstadt, A.D. 1617.
13 See John of Tottenham's " Catalogus
Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum," fol. Hi., &c.
14 See "De Probatis Sanctorum Vitis,"
tomus iv. , Julii vii.
15 In "Annates Ordinis S. Benedicti,"
tomus ii., lib. xx., xxi., xxii., xxiii., xxiv., xxv.
16 See " The Church History of Brittany,"
book xxiv., chap, xvii., pp. 642 to 644.
17 See "Britannia Sancta," part ii., pp.
18 to 21.
18 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and
other principal Saints," vol. vii., July vii.
19 See "Vies des Saints," tome viii.,
viie Jour de Juillet, pp. 102, 103, and
n. I.
20 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints,"
vol. vii., July vii.
21 Indeed, it is only the writer of the
Second Life of St. Willibald, and rather
modern writers, that call his father Richard.
See Mabillon's "Annates Ordinis S. Bene-
dicti," tomus ii., lib. xx., sect, xliii.,
p. 61.
22 The first, who appears to consider his
father was a king, seems to have been Adel-
bert, Abbot of Heidenheim, who flourished
in the time of Pope Eugenius III., who
reigned from A.D. 1 145 to a.d. 1153, more
than three hundred and fifty years after the
death of St. Willibald.
23 In that most genuine Life of St. Willi-
bald by his relative the nun, his father is not
noted at all for his rank, while he is only
praised for his virtues. The feast of St.
Richard has been referred to the 7th of Feb-
24 See Dean Cressy's " Church History of
Brittany," book xxiv., chap, xvii., p. 642.
25 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints,"
vol. vii., July vii.
25 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
vii. De S. Willibaldo Episcopo Eystadii in
Germania Commentarius Praevius, sect, iv.,
num. 29, pp. 491, 492.
27 His feast is celebrated, on the 18th of
38 Her festival is set down, at the 25th of
29 This has been shown, by Father John
Baptist Soller, S.J., in his Preliminary ob-
servations to the Acts of St. Willibald. See
sect, iii., num. 28, p. 491.
30 See his Life already given, in the Sixth
Volume of this work, at the 5th of June —
the date for his chief festival, Art. i.
31 On these various denominations, Gret-
ser has some critical observations, in which
he refutes the opinion of Aventinus and
others, regarding this matter, cap. ii.
the attention of etymologists. 3a Perhaps, after all, none of the foregoing had
been the original name of the saint j and this is more likely to have been the
case, it we can consider him of Scottish origin. We know, likewise, that Irish
names have generally been changed into others, by people among whom our emi-
grants to the Continent resided. When only three years old, Willibald had been
attacked with a grievous illness, whereby his limbs became contracted, 33 and
it was feared by his parents that he was about to die. It so happened, accord-
ing to a usage common in those days, that a large cross had been erected in
a public place near their house. Thither the faithful were accustomed to
repair, and to prefer their several requests to Heaven. The parents of Willi-
bald accordingly went to the place, when human remedies seemed to fail,
and there they offered their prayers with great fervour. They vowed, that
should their son be restored to them, that they would dedicate him to God
in the religious state, and that when at age they would allow him to take the
clerical tonsure. The result was, that he was immediately restored to health. 34
As the boy grewin years, he manifested the gifts of grace and of wisdom, so that
when five years old,35 his parents, to secure their pious desires, resolved to
place their son under the guidance of the Abbot Egbald, who then ruled over
the monastery of Waltheim.36 For this purpose, he was entrusted to the care
of a venerable and faithful man, called Theodredus,37 and who is also named
Thealoretus.38 However, as the boy was so young, a chapter meeting of the
monks was called by the Abbot, when all agreed, that he might safely admit
the child to be an inmate of their house. Nor was their confidence in him
misplaced, for soon Willibald began to manifest that spirit of earnestness
and of industry, which soon made him a proficient in the study of sacred letters
in every department of literature, while he began also to learn the psalms of
David. The holy youth progressed each day in piety and wisdom, so that
he was regarded as one of the most exact in the performance of all monastic
exercises. By all of the monks he was held in the greatest esteem. At the
age of seventeen, his father had conceived a great desire to make a pilgrim-
age to the Holy Land, while his two sons, Saints Winibald and Willibald, re-
solved on accompanying him. Accordingly, about the year 720,39 721, or
722,4° all three set out from Hamble-Haven^1 and they landed on the coast
of Normandy, at the banks of a river called Sigona,42 and near a city called
Rotum,43 otherwise Rothomagus.44 After resting there for a time, they pro-
32 Father John Baptist Soller states, that 38 This is the name given to him, in the
while he does not accept Gretser's German shorter Life of our saint, which was written
derivation of it, from wald, "a wood ;" he by Reginald.
thinks that of Philip Bishop of Aichstadt 39 According to the Bollandist computa-
better, viz. , the German word will, having a tion.
like signification in English, and bald, 4° According to some writers, Winibald —
"prompt," rendered in Latin " prompte vo- the elder brother — was then only nineteen
lens," or "prompta voluntas." All this is years of age, and Willibald only seventeen.
very fanciful, however, and if it proves any- See Bishop Challenor's "Britannia Sancta,"
thing it should be, that we have not yet part ii., p. 19.
found out his original name. 41 The River Hamble has its source, about
33 See Dean Cressy's " Church History ol one half mile from the town of Bishop's
Brittany," book xxiv., chap, xvii., p. 643. Waltham, and it passes through the piece
34 See Bishop Challenor's " Britannia of water called Waltham Pond, thence flow-
Sancta," part ii., p. 19. ing into the Southampton Water, north of
35 See Rev. Alban Butler's "Lives of the the Isle of Wight. See S. Lewis' "Topogra-
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints," phical Dictionary of England," vol. iv.,
vol. vii., Julyvii. p. 450.
30 In Hampshire. *' Also known as Sequana, or the Seine.
37 Thus is he called by the nun, who 43 Also called Rotuma and Rotumum. See
wrote St. Willibald's Life, nr, published De Chesne's " Historic Francorum," tomus
by theBollandists. Mabillotl calls him Theo- ii. Chronicon de Gentis Normannorum, pp.
dore. 24 and 525.
July 7/
ceeded on their journey through the vast territory of Gaul, for they had
resolved to visit Rome on their way and the tombs of the Apostles. After-
wards, they entered Italy, and travelled onwards through its provinces to the
city of Lucca. 45 Their father fell sick in that city, and breathed his last ; when
he was buried in the church of St. Frigidian or Frigdian. He is said to have
died there, a.d. 721,4s or about the year 722.47 His two sons afterwards
crossed the Apennines on their way to Rome, where they visited the shrines
of the Apostles, and remained there from the Natalis of St. Martin to the
solemnity of Easter, engaged in various devout pilgrimages to the holy sanc-
tuaries of the martyrs and saints. Here, too, they assumed the monastic
habit/8 During the summer, they were attacked with an intermittent fever,
which greatly prostrated them, but from which they recovered. Having
satisfied their devotion in the Eternal City, they next resolved on a pilgrim-
age to the Holy Land.49 Their adventures on the way, and the various places
visited by them, are among the most interesting and authentic tours of the
middle ages ; while their record throws most curious and considerable light
on the state of religious and of pagan society there, and on the topography
of Palestine.50 At Gaza, Willibald lost his sight, and he continued blind for
about two months ; but, upon his returning to Jerusalem, and there enter-
ing into the church of the Holy Cross, his sight was restored to him.s1 Seven
whole years 52 were spent by them in Palestine ; when they resolved on
returning to Europe. The brothers returned by way of Constantinople, a.d.
727,53 and afterwards they visited Sicily,54 a d. 729. They went also to Syra-
cuse 55 and to Catana,s° and thence to Calabria.s? Then, St. Willibald visited
Capua/8 afterwards Tyana,59 and finally the celebrated Monastery of St.
Benedict on Monte Cassino.60 There, Petronax01 was Abbot, and only a
44 Now the city of Rouen, capital of the
Department of Seine-Inferieure, and situated
on the right bank of the River Seine. For
description, see "Gazetteer of the World,"
vol. xi., pp. 334, 335.
4s Formerly the capital of an independent
Republic, and afterwards of a Duchy ; but
now included in Tuscany. It is surrounded
with a fortified wall, having a circuit of three
miles. Its ramparts are planted with tree*,
which have a pleasing effect from a dis-
46 Such is the Bollandist calculation. In
the " Lives of the English Saints," there is
a Life of St. Richard, by J. H. N. (Cardinal
Newman), and his death is placed in the
autumn of 722. See vol. Hi., p. 11.
47 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of the
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints,"
vol. ii., February vii. — to which day his feast
has been assigned.
48 See Father John Mabillon's " Annales
Ordinis S. Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xx.,
sect, xliii., p. 61.
49 The Bollandist Father Soller states, that
they left Rome for Palestine, a.d. 722.
50 It is rendered still more interesting.
from the notes of Mabillon and those of
Basnage, in his edition of Canisius' " Lec-
tiones Antiquae."
51 See Bishop Challenor's " Britannia
Sancta," part ii., p. 20.
52 The chronotaxis of these years is given
by Father John Baptist Soller, S.J.
53 They were there about the Easter Fes-
54 This large and fertile Island was called
Trinacria by the ancients — owing to its trian-
gular form — and it is only separated from
Italy, by a narrow strait.
55 This city was founded by one Archiar, a
Corinthian, 500 yearsbefore the birth of Christ.
It afterwards became the head of the Grecian
colonies in Italy and Sicily. At a period
long subsequent, it fell under the power of
the Romans, and it was regarded as the
capital of the Sicilian province.
56 A city at the foot of Mount JEtna., and
which was almost ruined by an earthquake
in the year 1693.
57 Also called Magna Gracia, the most
southern part of the former kingdom of
58 A town of Naples, in the Terra di La-
voro, and seated on the left bank of the
River Volturno.
59 Now Teano, in the same district.
60 Originally on the summit of this steep
mountain — one of the spurs of the Apennines
— and within the former kingdom of Naples,
St. Benedict had founded his establishment
on the ruins of an ancient temple of Apollo,
in the year 529. This monastery has had a
varied and an interesting history, from that
date to our own times.
61 This holy man ruled there as Abbot for
thirty-two years, and he departed this life, on
the 30th of April, a.d. 750.
[July 7.
few monks were under his charge, in the year 72Q.62 Our saint is claimed,
as belonging to the Benedictine order, which rule Willibald is said to have
embraced, on the summit of that high mountain, after he had been absent ten
years from his native country, and seven years since he had left Rome.63
There his conversation and example gave instruction and edification to that
community. The first year of his arrival there, he was appointed sacristan of
the church, and the second he became dean in the monastery. Afterwards,
for four years he was porter or guest-master to the great monastery on Monte
Casino;6* and for another four years, he was porter to another monastery in a
Benedictine Monastery of Monte Cassino.
valley at the foot of the mountain, and which stood near the River Raphito.
This latter office required a rooted habit of virtue, which should suffer no
abatement, owing to external occupations and frequent commerce with secu-
lars ; it was also one of great trust and importance.65 Among other visitors
to Monte Casino, a priest — doubtless a Benedictine monk66 — came thither
from Spain, and he asked permission from the Abbot Petronax to visit Rome,
while he urged St. Willibald to accompany him. This permission having
been obtained, they first sought there the church of St. Peter, and St. Willi-
bald had a special interview with the Sovereign Pontiff. Then he related, at
the Pope's request, his various adventures in the Holy Land, while his con-
versation charmed the universal Father of the Faithful, who listened with the
greatest possible interest and edification to the narrative. The illustrious St.
62 That assigned for St. Willibald's arrival
at Monte Cassino, by the Bollandist Father
63 See Mabillon's "Annates Ordinis S.
Benedicti," tomusii., lib. xx., sect, xliv.,
p. 62
64 The writer had a personal experience of
the courteous and hospitable manner, in
which — after a lapse of over iooo years from
St. Willibald's time — his successor there dis-
charged similar offices, on the 25th and 26th
of October, 1886. The accompanying illus-
tration, copied from the large copperplate
engraving in Mabillon's Acts of the Bene-
dictine Order, tomus ii., was drawn by
William F. Wakeman on the wood, en-
graved by Mrs. Millard.
6s See Rev. Alban Butler's "Lives of the
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints,"
vol. vii., July vii.
66 See 'Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S.
Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xx., sect, lxxviii.,
p. 79-
67 He ruled from a.d. 731 to a.d. 741. See
Boniface, bishop of Mayence, happened to visit Pope Gregory III.,67 at Rome,
a.d. 738. He asked, as a special favour, that Willibald might be sent to
assist him in the missionary labours of Germany, and he had a knowledge of
his arrival at Rome.68 This visit, according to the chronology of the
Bollandists, took place towards the close of a.d. 74o.69 To this request, the
Pope readily assented, and sent for Willibald, who said with his Abbot's per-
mission he would willingly obey. However, the Pope told him, that Petronax
might be assumed to give his consent, as he had not even the power to oppose
such an order. Wherefore, Willibald replied, that he was ready to obey,
and to go not alone to Germany, but to any other part of the world where he
might be sent. Having taken leave of Gregory III., Willibald proceeded to
Lucca, where his father had been interred ; thence he went to Ticina and
Brixia, and afterwards he journeyed to a place called Charinta, otherwise
Charta. Then he visited the Duke Odilon, with whom he remained for a
week. Thence he went to Suitgarius, and remained another week. He and
Suitgarius went together to St. Boniface, who was then at Linthrat, or Linth-
ruth.7° St. Boniface sent them to Eichstadt, that they might see, if it should
be a suitable place for a religious foundation. At that time, the whole
country around it was a waste, nor save a church of St. Mary, was a single
house to be found in it. Then, Suitgarius gave that tract of country for his soul's
salvation, and St. Boniface selected St. Willibald to become its future bishop.
The town of Eichstadt, Eichstatt or Aichstadt is the capital of a principality,
to which it gave name, in Bavaria. It is situated in a fine valley on the
Altmuhl River, and in the circle of Upper Pfalz.7f For some little time, St.
Willibald and Suitgarius remained at that place, to find a suitable site for the
erection of a religious house, and afterwards they went to St. Boniface, who
was at Frisinga. They remained, until all three returned to Eystet. Then
and there, St. Willibald was ordained a priest, to which order he had not
hitherto been elevated. This ordination was on the eleventh of the August
Kalends, and on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalen and of St. Apollinaris,72
a.d. 740. After another year had elapsed, St. Boniface directed, that Willi-
bald should come to him in Thuringia. This order he obeyed, in the autumn
season, and he was hospitably entertained in the house of his brother Wune-
bald.73 For eight years and more, they had not seen each other, and now
they felt greatly rejoiced to be in company. While there, and in a place
called Sallpurg,74 during the autumnal season, 75 Archbishop Boniface, with
the bishops Burchard ?6 and Wizo,77 consecrated Willibald as bishop, and
after a week's stay he returned to his own place. This happened in the forty-
first year of his age.78 Soon afterwards, he began the erection of a monastery at
Sir Harris Nicolas' "Chronology of His- 73 While Willibald had been a monk at
tory," p. 209. Monte Casino, Wunebald having proceeded
6i He remained there from the Feast of St. to Rome, became a monk in Rome, whence
Andrew, a.d. 739, to the Easter of the fol- he went to join St. Boniface's mission in
lowing year. See Father John Mabillon's Germany. See ibid.
** Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti," tomus ii., 74 This place is not to be confounded with
lib. xxi., sect, xlviii., p. 108. the city of Salzburgh.
69 See their Commentarius Pnevius to his 75 The nun of Heidenheim's Life adds :
Acts, sect, iii., num. 20, p. 489. "circa illam fere horam tribus hebdomadibus'
70 See Dean Cressy's " Church History of ante Natale Sancti Martini," &c.
Brittany," book xxiv., chap. xvii.,p. 643. 7<5 First bishop of Wurtzburg. His feast
71 See " Gazetteer of the World," vol. v., occurs on the 14th of October.
P- 178. 77 it is thought, his name should rather be
72 See Mabillon's "Annales Ordinis Sancti written Wicho, who was bishop of Augs-
Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xxi., sect, xlviii., burg.
P- io8- ?H Gretser, in Libro Observationum Sua-
Eichstadt,7^ where he introduced the religious rule and discipline of St. Bene-
dict. He spread it, likewise, in many other places. He never ceased to
scatter the seed of the Gospel over that large field of labour entrusted to his
charge, and he failed not to collect an abundant harvest of souls.8° Great
numbers crowded to place themselves under his guidance, and these he
regarded as his adopted children.81 Pastors and churches he provided for
various places in Bavaria. From infancy, many were carefully trained and
elegantly taught in his schools, so that at the age of puberty, his instructions
brought forth their ripened fruits. He joined St. Boniface, likewise, in that re-
monstrance, which he countersigned,82 and which was sent in the shape of an
epistle to Ethelbald, King of the Mercians. He was a holy and a learned man ;
while gifted with intellect and eloquence, he knew how to perpetuate science
and religion among the people and their instructors. His charity was most
tender and compassionate, while he had singular talent for comforting the
afflicted.83 Notwithstanding his long incumbency as bishop, few of his Acts
have been preserved. In the year 765, his subscription is found to a docu-
ment; in 769, he was present at the ordination of Bernwelph of Wurtzburg ;
in the year 777, he had the remains of his brother St. Wunebald8* removed
to a more honourable tomb ; while some years afterwards, he assisted at the
obsequies of his sister St. Walburge.85 At the request of Lullus, Archbishop
of Mayence, it has been stated, St. Willibald wrote for the edification of the
faithful. This was chiefly to place upon record — as has been supposed —
those great acts and events, which had just closed the career of the illustrious
Apostle of Germany.86 That he left behind a Life of St. Boniface,87 Bishop,
in one book, has been often stated. As we have already mentioned, this was
not his composition, but that of another Willibald, a priest, who probably
took his name from the present holy bishop.88 Supposing this biography to have
been written by the present saint, John of Trittenhem knew of no other writing
attributed to him and remaining.8? In the year 785, this holy bishop signed
a deed,9° whereby he gave to the monastery of Fulda certain lands and
possessions. St. Willibald flourished under Pippin,^ father to Charlemagne ;
and, during forty-five years he ruled over his diocese, until he had attained
his eighty-seventh year. His fasts were very austere, nor did he allow the
slightest relaxation of his austerities, until his strength was quite exhausted.
He is known to have been living in the month of October, 785 ; and, it is
generally believed, that he departed this life in the eighty-eighth year of his
rum places this consecration, at A.D. 745. 8s Such is the chronology of his Acts as
See cap. xii., pp. 110, 11 1. However, it is given by Father John Baptist Soller, S.J.
more generally assigned to A. D. 741. 0 Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S.
79 In a record so early as the time of Char- Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xxiii., sect, x.,
lemagne, this place is denominated " cas- p. 172.
trum Rubilocus, quod Eichsteti dicitur." — 8? His martyrdom took place, on the 5th
Goldast's " Alamanicaium Rerum Scrip- of June, 755.
tores," tomus iii., p. 123. & See the Life of St. Boniface, Apostle of
80 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des Germany, in the Sixth Volume of this work,
Saints," tome viii., viie Jour dejuillet, p.102. at June 5th, Art. i, chap, i., and nn. 7, 8,
81 He is noticed, with other holy bishops, 9, ibid.
in that German Synod, held on the eleventh 8» See "Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesias-
of the May Kalends, A. D. 742. ticorum," fol. Hi., <5v;c.
82 See Mabillon's "Annales Ordinis S. *> See Mabillon's "Annales Ordinis S.
Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xxii., sect, xvii., Benedicti," tomus ii., lib. xxv., sect, lv.,
p. 135- P- 275-
83 See Rev. Alban Butler's "Lives of the »« He died, on the 1 8th or the 24th of
Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints," September, A.D. 768. See M. Le Dr.
vol. vii., July vii. Hoefer's " Nouvelle Biographie General,"
8* He died a.d. 761. tome xxxix., col. 541.
age, and about the year 788.92 According to other statements, on the 7 th of
July, a.d. 790, he breathed his last, and in the place where his episcopal See
had been established. He was buried in his own cathedral. 93 In 938, Pope
Leo VII. canonized him, according to some accounts;04 and a translation of
his remains took place in 989.95 Subsequently, Engelhard, the thirty-fourth
bishop in succession of this See, erected a chapel to St. Willibald, and which
has been converted since into the choir of the existing cathedral. 96 There is
now to be seen a beautiful representation of St. Willibald, and seated between
two columns ; on a pediment over it is a large crucifix, with statues of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John of the Cross, resting on the aforesaid columns
and one on either side of the crucifix.97 Several relics of St. Willibald had
been formerly preserved at Aichstadt. Various miracles are recorded, as
having taken place, and soon after his death,98 owing to the merits of this
holy bishop. 99 No less than four different translations of his relics are
recorded.100 The first was to the altar of St. Vitus ; the second was to the
middle of the church ; the third was to the choir of the Blessed Virgin ; and
the fourth to the choir of St. Willibald.101 In the year 1270, the Bishop
Hildebrand built a cathedral church in his honour. To it, his relics were
brought with great solemnity, by his successor Engelhard, and there they
have been preserved with great veneration, to the present day.102 However,
it was feared, that during the war with the Swedes, when many places in
Aichstadt were burned or desecrated, that some of the relics of St. Willibald
had not been spared. io3 At Furnes in Flanders a portion of his relics was
preserved. The tomb of Willibald is now to be seen in the cathedral of
Eichstadt.,04 In this diocese, his festival had been ritually celebrated as a
Double of the First-Class. In Augsburg diocese adjoining, it was celebrated
as a Double. io5 A chapter of canons — called Willibaldin in honour of this
saint — has been attached to his cathedral. An old office of St. Willibald
had been preserved at Aichstadt.106 Both the Roman io7 and the English
Martyrologies venerate his memory, on this day.IoS In the anonymous
92 Such is the statement of J. H.N. (Car- been questioned, by Father John Baptist
dinal Newman), in his elegantly written Life Soller.
of St. Willibald, contained in '• Lives of the 10- See Les Petits Bollandistes' " Vies des
English Saints," vol. iii., p. 71. Saints," tome viii., viie Jour de Juillet, pp
93 See Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S. Be- 102, 103, n. I.
nedicti," tomus ii., lib. xxv., sect, lix., p. 276. It>3 According to the account of the Most
94 Soller takes exception to this statement, Rev. and noble Bishop John Adam (Dio-
as the solemnities for canonization were not clensis), it was not well known, how much
then instituted. of St. Willibald's body remainded in the
95 According to Bishop Philips' state- vaults of the church, as his tomb had not
nient. been opened.
90 In the year 1276, this same bishop had I04 See " Gazetteer of the World," vol. v.,
a cut-stone tomb prepared to receive tbe p. 178.
relics. 105 This seems to be established from an
97 Copperplate illustrations of this artistic Index to the Divine Office of that diocese,
object, and of the altar there, are given by printed a.d. 1685.
the Bollandists, as illustrations for St. Willi- lo6 Extracts from it are given by the Bol-
bald's Acts. landists.
98 This is stated, by an ancient but anony- 10? Thus : " In Saxonia sancti Willebaldi
mous writer, and it is to be found in Gretser's priini Eistetensis Episcopi," Sec. — " Martyr*
"Catalogus Episcoporum Eystettensium," ologium Roraanum Gregorii XIII.," p. 97.
p. 428. Romae, 1878, fol. ed.
99 Bishop Philip relates, in no less than Io8 See Dean Cressy's " Church His-
eighteen paragraphs, the miracles wrought tory of Brittany," book xxiv., chap, xvii.,
through his intercession. p. 644.
100 According to Bishop Philip's account, 109 See '* Historic Catholicae Iberniae
cap. xxxviii. Compendium," tomus i., liv. iv., cap. xi.,
101 The foregoing statement in the text has p. 50,
Calendar of Irish Saints, published by O'Sullevan Beare,10? this great saint's
name is written Wilchibald, where it is entered, at the 7th of July. As a
Scottish saint, Thomas Dempster has likewise entered the feast of this holy
bishop, in his Calendar,110 at the 7th of July.111 In summing up the virtues
of St. Willibald, one of his biographers, Bishop Philip, states, that he was
bountiful in alms-giving, assiduous in vigils, devout in prayer, perfect in
charity, filled with a humane spirit, distinguished for his learning, fluent in
eloquence, and most holy in conversation. The serenity of his looks mani-
fested the candour of his mind, while his gentle words indicated a kindly
heart j and all his exterior appearance conveyed truthfully the reign of sanc-
tity in his soul.
Article III. — St. Cronia, Cronae or Croine Beg, Virgin, of
Tempull-Crone, County of Donegal. The simple entry, Cronae, occurs
in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at the 7th of July. There is nothing more to
indicate her place or period, in that record. The Bollandists 2 received from
Father Thomas O'Sheerin their notice of Crona parva or Crona parva virgo,
for entry, at this date. We are told, she belonged to the race of Conall
Gulban,sonto Niall. This St. Cronia, virgin, was the daughter of Diermit,
son to Garuan, son to Brandub, son to Malge, son to Ennius Bogun, the son
of Conall Gulban. According to the Sanctilogium and Selvacius, this virgin
was venerated, on the 7th of July, in the church of Tempull Crone, within
the district of Tyrconnell.3 Hence then, her church is to be sought for in
the extreme north-western districts of Ireland. It is now identified with
Templecroan,4 a most extensive parish,* in the barony of Boylagh, and county
of Donegal.6 The church of this parish, no doubt, derived its name from this
present saint. Yet, we cannot discover, in what manner she had relation
with it. The greater part of that dreary district, known as " the Rosses,"?
lies within the parish of Templecroan. A wilderness of rugged mountain
wastes and heaths are broken towards the west, into abrupt and rocky heights.
Several islands, separated by inlets of the sea, are scattered along the western
coast of the mainland.8 In the Martyrology of Donegal,0 at this same date,
a festival is entered in honour of Croine Beg, virgin, of Tempull Croine, in
Tir Conaill.
Article IV. — St. Comgell or Coimgell, Virgin, and Daughter
to Diarmaid. In the holiness of woman's life, the poor may discover a
wealth of resources, where good will predominates ; while the rich may find
1,0 The Menologium Scoticum. s It contains 52,921 acres. These include
111 Thus : "In Thuringia Vvillibakli Eis- 4.355a. or. 37p., on Aran Island; 989a. ir.
tetensis episcopi primi, et gentis Apostoli, 27p. of the Gweedore tideway ; and under
VV. F." — Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of Loughs, 2,896a. I r. 9p.
Scottish Saints," p. 205. 6 There is a good Map of this district in
Article hi. — x Edited by Rev. Dr. Black's "Guide to Belfast, the Giants'
Kelly, p. xxviii. Causeway and the North of Ireland." Edin-
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., burgh, 1872, l2mo.
Julii vii. Among the pretermitted saints, 7 It comprises a total area of about thirty
p. 452. square miles, which is well described in
3 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," Eraser's "Handbook for Travellers in Ire*
Quarta Appendix ad Vitam S. Columbse, land." No. 146, pp. 601 10603.
cap. iii., p. 480. 8 See Lewis' " Topographical Dictionary
4 It is described, on the " Ordnance Stir- of Ireland," vol. ii., pp. 603, 604.
veyTownland Maps for the County of Done- 9 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
gal," sheets 32, 40, 41, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58. 188, 189.
by contrast, the sad waste of their wearisome idleness, and the empty results
of a profitless industry. According to the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 on this
day, Comgell ingen Diarmata, or Comgell, daughter to Diarmaid, was com-
memorated. According to the entry for this day, and which the Bollandists3
acknowledge as having been received from Father Thomas O'Sheerin, Com-
gella, the daughter of Diermitu, was sister to the preceding Crona. The name
of this pious lady has been Latinized Candida; and, it has been supposed, as
occurring in our Irish Calendars, that it comes nearest in phonetic pronuncia-
tion to that of a St. Keevil, venerated in Ballybrennan parish, county of
Wexford. St. Keevil's well is there known, and a patron was formerly held
on the 27th of August.3 According to the Martyrology of Donegal,* venera-
tion was paid at the 7th of July to Coimgell, virgin, and daughter of Diar-
Article V. — St. Fiadabair, or Fiadhabhair, of Uachtar-achadh,
now Ballinamore, Count v Leitrim. At the 7th of July, the Martyr-
ology of Tallagh x records a festival to honour Fiadabair, of Uachtair Achaid.
This district comprised the entire of the parish of Oughteragh, or Ballina-
more, in the north of the barony of Carrigallen, and county of Leitrim.2
Father Thomas O'Sheerin furnished the Bollandists 3 with a notice of a
Fiadabaria, for this day. Again, in the Martyrology of Donegal, * at the same
date, the name appears, as Fiadhabhair, of Uachtar-achadh, in Cinel
Article VI. — St. Tingmaich or Trighmeach, Bishop. We find en-
tered, in the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 Tingmaich, at this day. Neither his
place nor his period appears to be known. In the Martyrology of Donegal,2
at the 7 th of July, there is a festival in honour of Trighmeach, a Bishop. Fur-
nished with the entry by Father O'Sheerin, the Bollandists 3 have Trigmechus
Episcopus, at the present date.
Article VII. — Reputed Festival for St. Medran and St. Odhrain.
These holy brothers were illustrious for their sanctity. However, it is not
likely, they should be commemorated at this date ; but, from the meagre
data and unreliable references to them in various records, we follow only in
the wake of other writers. At present, their Acts are not known to be extant.
Hence, it is difficult to give reliable particulars regarding them. Notices of
these two saints, on the 7th of July, are contained l in the Bollandists' great
Article iv.— 1 Edited by Rev. Dr. Four Masters," vol. iv., n. (c), p. 719.
Kelly, p. xxviii. 3 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
2 See', Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii Julii vii. Among the pretermitted feasts,
vii. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 452, p. 452
3 See "Letters containing Information rela- 4 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
tive to the Antiquities of theCounty of Wex- 188, 189.
ford, collected during the Progress of the Article vi.— * Edited by Rev. Dr.
Ordnance Survey in 1840," vol. i. John Kelly, p. xxviii.
O 'Donovan's Letter, p. 280. 2 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp
4 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 188, 189.
188, 189. s See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Article v.— 1 Edited by Rev. Dr. Julii vii. Among the pretermitted saints,
Kelly, p. xxviii. p. 452.
2 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the Article vii. — ' In two sections, by
work f although it is stated, that we look in vain for a record of them, in any
of the Irish Calendars, whether published or in Manuscript. In the Universal
Martyrology of Castellan, there is an entry of St. Medranus alone, at this
date; while, the feast of his brother St. Odranus is referred, to the nth of
October. This arrangement he appears to have adopted, from different
annotations of Colgan, yet which do not seem mutually to accord. Thus, in
one instance, St. Medranus or Medragius, besides being regarded as a monk
under St. Kieran, 3 of Saigir, is also classed among St. Patrick's disciples.*
There, however, he is assigned a feast, for the 6th of June,5 at which date,
we have already noticed a St. Medhran or Medrain, Bishop. Elsewhere, he
is mentioned, as Medhranus or Medhragius, in connexion with a brother,
named Odranus,6 and both of these are stated to have been sons of Mac-
craith, son to Trochall, son of Esomon, son to Daigrse, son of Nuadhat, &c.
However, another pair of brothers, St. Medranus and St. Murchu, are vene-
rated on the 8th day of June,? and these are called sons of Hua Macten.8
Again, both St. Medranus and St. Odranus, the sons of Maccraith, are men-
tioned, as belonging to the race of Cairbre Baschaoin, and thus they become
related to St. Senan of Inis-cathaigh. There, while the feast of the former is
thought to be on the 6th or 8th of June ; the festival of the latter has been
assigned to the 2nd or to the -26th of October.9 According to the account
contained in the Life of St. Kieran of Saighir, proceeding from Muscraige
Thire, and from the village of Lettir, St. Medran and St. Odhrain were
brothers, who came to visit his monastery. The province of Connaught they
specially desired to seek, and there they intended to settle, at a place called
Tulach-ruaidh. But, St. Medran chose to remain at Saigir, to become a dis-
ciple of St. Kiaran the Elder, in his monastery. For this change of purpose,
he was reproached by Odhran, who besought St. Kieran to refuse Medran
admission. St. Kieran replied: "Let the Lord decide between you, if he
should remain here or depart with you. Let him now hold a lamp in his
hand, and if it be kindled into a flame with his breath, he ought to remain
here, but, if otherwise, let him depart with you." Immediately, Median's
breath lighted the lamp, and accordingly, he remained at Saighir, to the end
of his days, and with a reputation for great sanctity. Then, St. Kieran said
to Odhran : " Hear me, brother Odhran, I tell you truly, that even if you
visited the four quarters of the world,10 you shall die notwithstanding, in your
village of Lettir.11 Wherefore, return and remain there, because from thy name,
Father John Baptist Soller, S.J. work, notices will be found of both in
2 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii Ait. v., vi.
vii. De SS. Medrano et Odrano Fiat. 8 See Colgan's " Acta Sanctorum 1 1 iber-
ConfessoribusLethreci in Ilibernia, pp. 477, niae," Martii v. Vita S. Kierani Fpiscopi
478. et Confessoris. cap. xxviii., p. 461, and nn.
3 See his Life, in the Third Volume of 31, 32, p. 465.
this work, at the 5th of March, Art. i. » See //-/>/., Martii viii., Appendix ad Vitam
4 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," S. Senani, cap. iiL, p. 542 rteU 53$.
Quinta Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. 10 The Latin words are: "et si quatuor
xxiii., p. 268. rhundi plagas circumiveris," &c. A curious
s In the Sixth Volume of this work, question arises from this passage in tiie old
Art. vi. Life: Did the writer believe, there were
6 According to the Genealogic Pedigrees lour great Continents then known in Ire-
ofthe Irish Saints, chap, xvii., tiiese are re- land to exist ? It seems most probable, that
spectively called St. Medhragius of Saigir besides the geographical knowledge of
and St. Odhranus the Master. The former Europe, Asia and Africa, then undoubtedly
as we are told is called Medhranus, also, in possessed, that of (beat Ireland, or the pre*
various Irish Calendars, as may be seen by sent American Continent, was equally a fact
referring to the 6th and 8th of June. of which the early Irish had cognizance long
"i At that date, in the Sixth Volume of this before the age of Christopher Columbus.
that village shall henceforward be distinguished/' And so it happened.
According to the word of Kieran, Odhran returned to that place, where he
erected a religious establishment. The latter was Abbot over that monas-
tery in Muscraigia, or Muskerry. It was called from him Leitter Odhrain.
There, he was distinguished for great virtue, and many miracles, as hath been
recorded in his Life.12 There, too, he passed away from this earth, to enjoy
the rewards of eternal bliss.
Article VIII. — Reputed Festival of St. Boisilus. At the Nones
or 7th day1 of July, in the Scottish Kalendar De Nova Farina, there is an
entry of St. Bosilius and of his companions. At this date, likewise, the Bol-
landists,2 quoting a Codex Usuardinus Altempsianus, has a feast — and as
they remark very unintelligibly entered — for Boisilus cum Maria Virgine. To
them, he does not appear different from St. Boisilus, whose festival occurs on
the 23rd of January.
Article IX. — Reputed Festival of a Translation of St. Kenti-
gern, Bishop, Scotland. In Greven, and in the Manuscript Florarius
Sanctorum, there is a Translation of St. Kentigern, Bishop, recorded, at the
7th of July. A well known feast for this holy Scottish prelate is at the 13th of
January,1 as the Bollandists 2 observe. His chief festival, however, is at the
13 th of November.3
Article X. — Reputed Feast of St. Colman. Father Henry Fitzsimon
has a Colmanus, at the 7th of July,1 as he quotes from the Life of St.
Kilian. This festival belongs more properly to the ensuing day.
Article XI. — Reputed Festival for a Translation of the Eleven
Thousand Virgins and Martyrs. In the Florarius Sanctorum, it is stated,
that at Cologne on the 7th of July took place a Translation — we may pre-
sume relating to the Relics- — of the Eleven Thousand Virgin Martyrs con-
nected with that city. The Bollandists,1 at this day, record such an entry;
but they wonder how, if it were true, the notice should have been omitted
from the Cologne Martyrologies. However, they refer to the 21st of Octo-
ber,2 as destined to relate all that need be stated regarding those Ursuline
Virgins and Martyrs.
Article XII. — Reputed Festival for Saints Wilchibaldus, Disi-
bodus, Kalian, Bibianus, Totnanus. A feast for St. Disibodus has been
11 It is also written Lettren, in St. the reader is referred to that date, in the
Kieran's Life. First Volume of this work, Art. ii.
12 This statement, taken from the old 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Acts of St. Kieran, proves, that formerly Julii vii. Among the pretermitted saints,
such a biography had been composed. It is p. 449.
one of the many ancient tracts, which have 3 bee his Acts given at that date.
since been lost. Article x. — * See O'Sullevan Beare's
Article viii. — * Thus: " Bosilii et " Historic Catholicae Iberniae Compen-
Sociorum." — Bishop Forbes' " Kalendarsof dium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. ii., p. 53.
Scottish Saints," p. 73. Article XI.— * See "Acta Sancto-
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., rum," tomus ii., Julii vii. Among the pre-
Julii vii. Among the pretermitted feasts, tcrmitted saints, p. 452.
p. 449. 2 For their Acts, the reader is referred to
Article ix. — l For some notices of him, the same day.
assigned to this day, by Camerarius, as the Bollandists1 remark ; while by
Castellan, it has been relegated to the 8th of September, as having been held
in Disemberg, near Spanheim, in the diocese of Mayence. The Bollandists
refer its celebration to the 8th of July. In the anonymous Calendar of Irish
Saints, published by O'Sullevan Beare,2 these names, Wilchibaldus, Dissibo-
dus, Kalian, Bibianus and Totnanus, occur, at the 7th of July. But, I sus-
pect typographical error and a misplaced festival, at least so far as concerns
most of them.
Article XIII. — Reputed Festival of a St. Bicce. Veneration was
given to Bicce, at this date, according to the Martyrology of Tallagh.1 Else-
where, we find no corresponding entry, in any other Calendar.
®fgl)tb J3ap of Snip*
MANY aspire to heroic fame, but, impelled thereto through motives of
human ambition ; while the present holy martyrs were humble in
their own estimation, yet exalted in the sight of God, and they are revered by
just persons, because they ended virtuous lives, through the treacherous and
evil machinations of those who conspired their death. Many seek for know-
ledge, by relying too much on their own abilities, and without asking for those
Heavenly lights, which can alone effectually dispel the darkness of mental
vision ; but, St. Kilian is regarded as one of the Irish Doctors ■ on account of
his learning, while he turned this learning to forward noble aims, by observing
the Divine Commandments, and by labouring with zeal for the extension of
God's kingdom, among the unenlightened and unbelievers.
The Life of St. Kilian, Apostle of Franconia, has been written, at a period
not long after his death ; while various Manuscript Acts, relating to him and
to his companions, have been preserved to our own times. With his Acts are
Article xii. — x See "Acta Sanctorum," Article xiii. — * Edited by Rev. Dr.
tomus ii., Julii vii. Among the prctcr- Kelly, p. xxviii.
mitted feasts, p. 452. Article i. — Chapter 1.— See Father
2 See " Historioe Catholicce Ibemiae Com- Stephen White's " Apologia pro Hibernia,"
pendium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. xi., p. 50. cap. v., p. 66.
July 8.]
usually associated those of his companions in martyrdom, Saints Colman and
Totnan. There is a Harleian Manuscript 2 Vita S. Kiliani.3 in a large vellum
folio, belonging to the twelfth century. This Life has been interpolated,
however, with subsequent additions.* There is a Tract,* De S. Kiliano cum
Sociis suis, Martyribus,6 and it seems to have been an abridgment of the
former piece. An Admont Manuscript 7 contains a different Vita S. Kiliani,8
and this has been published by the Bollandists,? from a Manuscript in their
possession, collated with other Manuscripts,10 as also with the text of
Canisius " and of Mabillon." There is another Admont Manuscript, con-
taining Passio Chiliani, Martyris, et aliorum Sociorum ejus.^ Among the
Arundel Manuscripts, in the British Museum, there is a thirteenth century
Tract,1* " Legenda in festo S. Kiliani ;"xs but, it is short, and apparently of
no great value.16 There is an account by Sander1? regarding a Vita S.
Kiliani.18 There are various copies of a Manuscript intituled, Vita S. Kiliani
Sociorumque ejus, in the National Library,10 Paris ; in that of the city of
Metz ;2° in that of the Duke of Burgundy,21 Bruxelles ; two copies of his
Acts are at Bamberg ;22 three at Vienna -p two copies at Hamburg ;2* one
copy at Stuttgart,2* one at Windberg,20 one at Wurtzburg,2? one at Rebdorf,28
and one at Lilienfeld.20
8 Numbered 2801, in ff 54l>56.
3 This has a Prologue, commencing
" Sanctorum Martyrum certamina." Then
the Passio commences with the words :
" Beatus Kilianus, Scotorum genere," &c.
Expl. Passio. — " manifeste curabimus, ad
laudem et gloriam Domini nostri Jesu
Christi, qui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto
vivit et regnat Deus per infinita ssecula
sseculorum. Amen." This has been printed
by Canisius, in " Antiquos Lectiones,"
tomus iv., pars ii., p. 625, and also by Sera-
rius, in Opera, p. 329, Ed. Mogunt, a.d.
161 1, fob Surius has issued it, in " De Pro-
batis Sanctorum Vitis," vol. iv., Julii viii.,
pp. 135 to 138.
4 It has been published by the Bollan-
dists, in "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Julii viii.
5 It is printed in Capgtave's " Nova Le-
genda Anglise," but it does not occur in
John of Teignmouth's " Sanctilogium," as
found among the Cottonian MSS. Tiber.
E. i., and among the Bodleian MSS. Tan-
ner, 15.
6 It begins with these words : " Beatus
Kilianus, genere Scotorum, nobilibus ortus
parentibus ;" and it ends with these words :
" corpora Sanctorum revelavit, et visum re-
i Headed : " Passio S. Cholomani, Passio
S. Kyliani episcopi."
8 This begins with these words : " Fuit
vir vitse venerabilis nomine Killena, quern
Scottica tellus de magno edidit genere."
Expl. — regnante Pippino, primo Orientalium
Francorum Rege feliciter."
9 In "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
viii., pp. 612 to 614.
10 Ex MSS. Monasteriorum Windburgen-
sis et Rebdorfensis.
11 In " Antiquce Lectiones," tomus iv.,
parsii., p. 625.
12 In " Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Bene-
dicti," tomus ii., ssec. ii., pp. 991 to 993.
13 It begins with these words : " Fuit in
Britannia insula, provincia Northanumbrana
quidam paterfamilias, genere Saxo, nomine
Uuillgis," &c. Thus described in Charles
Purton Cooper's Appendix A.
14 It is a small vellum folio, classed 198.
'5 At fob 28.
10 It begins : " Sanctus Kilianus, Scotus
*7 In his work, " Bibliotheca Belgica
Manuscripta," p. 262.
18 It begins with : " Fuit vir vitae venera-
bilis in Hibernia, Kilianus." Ex MSS. In-
sulis, apud Claudium Doresmieulx.
19 One is on vellum, and of the thirteenth
or fourteenth century. It is classed 5278,
57. olim Colbert.
20 This is a vellum 8vo.
21 This is of the eighteenth century, and
it is classed 8942.
22 Intituled, Legenta S. Kiliani, and S.
Kiliani Ep. et Sociorum Passio.
23 Intituled, S. Chiliani Vita, S. Kiliani
ejusque Sociorum Passines, and also a Life
of St. Kilian, in German.
24 Intituled, Historia S. Chiliani, as also,
Passio S. Kiliani et Sociorum ejus.
25 Intituled, Brevissima Epitome Vitse S.
Kiliani aliorumque.
26 Intituled, Vitaa Sanctorum Kiliani Epis-
copi Wirzburgensis, Kolomani Presbyten et
Totnani Martyrum.
27 See Thomas Duffus Hardy's "Descrip-
tive Catalogue of Materials relating to the
History of Great Britain and Ireland to the
end of the reign of Henry VII," vol. i.,part i.,
PP. 339 to 341.
[July 8.
The Acts of this Martyrdom of St. Kilian and of his companions are
thought to have been written by P2gilvvald,3° a monk of St. Burchard's, at
Wurtzburg.31 This biography, however, has been interpolated, nor do we
know if an original copy of it can now be found. John of Erford 3a also
wrote the Life of our saint, in Latin verse. 33
St. Kilian and his companions, Martyrs, are commemorated in the
" Hystorie plurimorum Sanctorum," 34 and in Capgrave.W At the 8th of
July, Lippeloo notices them,36 as also Baillet,37 and in the Benedictine collec-
tion 38 they are to be found. The learned Jesuit writer Nicolaus Serarius
has admirably illustrated the Acts of these Martyrs, ^ m some historic and
dogmatic notes, he has added to the Lives of the Saints, as published by
Surius. The Acts of St. Kilian and of his companions are also preserved in
Canisius,40 but the Life as issued here is interpolated. 41 The Acts of those holy
Martyrs have been published by John Bale,42 as also by Laurence Surius, 43 in
eleven paragraph? ; but, according to his method, abbreviating original docu-
ments and polishing their style ;44 by Molanus also, by Mabillon,45 and by
Baronius. Messingham*6 has published the Life of St. Kilian, with notes. The
Bollandists have issued the Acts of those holy Martyrs, at the 8th day of
July.47 Their editor has been Father John Baptist Soller, S.J., who has
given a previous commentary,48 with notes appended to those Acts. The
first in order of these is that found substantially in the Admont Manuscript^
and the second is that, which is met with in the Harleian Manuscript. s° This
has been attributed to the monk Egilvvardus.51 The Bollandists obtained
28 Intituled, Vitse Sanctorum Kiliani Epis-
copi Wirzhurgensis, Kolomani Presbyter i et
Totnani Mariyrum. See Charles Purton
Cooper's Supplement to Appendix A.,
p. 63.
29 Intituled, Vita S. Kyliani.
3° He wrote the Life of St. Burchard.
31 In that Life of our saint, attributed te
him, and published by the Bollandists, at
the close, the writer promises to write a Life
of St. Burchard.
32 He was a monk in the Monastery of St.
Stephen, and he lived in the fourteenth cen-
33 Serrarius saw a copy of it, but he only
furnishes the following short specimen :—
"Sanctorum merita norunt compungere
Cura solicita studiove pio recolen-
34 Published at Louvain, a.d. 1485. See
fol. xciii., xciiii.
3s See " Nova Legenda Anglise," fol.
36 See "Vitze Sanctorum," vol. iii., pp.
101 to 106.
3? See " Les Vies des Saints," tome ii.,
pp. 129 to 132.
38 See Mabillon and D'Achery's "Acta
Sanctorum Ordinis S. Benedicti," tomus ii.,
saec ii., A.D. 600 to 700. The Acts proper
are in 12 paragraphs; there are previous
observations in 3 paragraphs, pp. 99 1 to
39 His notes were issued in 1598.
40 See "Antique Lectiones," tomus iv.,
pars ii., p. 628.
41 According to the learned critic Pagius.
He remarks, also, that in St. Kilian 's
authentic Life the day for his death is not
42 See " Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris
Brytanniai," Posterior Pars, Centuaria De-
cimaquarta, num. xxiii., xxiiii., pp. 196,
43 See "De Probatis Sanctorum Vitis,"
vol. iv., viii. Julii, pp. 135 to 138.
44 Without a consciousness of the fact,
he has thus very considerably lessened the
value of his work.
45 See " Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti,"
tomus i., lib. xvii., num. lxviii., pp. 586,
46 See " Florilegium Insula; Sanctorum,"
pp. 318 to 330.
47 See ** Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii. , Julii
viii. De S. Kiliano Episc. et Martyre,
Colomano seu Colonato et Totnano ejus
Sociis. Herbipoli in Franconia.
48 In six sections, and fifty-nine para-
49 This is contained in nine paragraphs.
Throughout the succeeding part of this bio-
graphy, we shall allude to this as the First
Life of St. Kilian.
s° There is a Prologue of the Author, and
afterwards follow two chapters, comprising
twenty-three paragraphs. To this we shall
allude in succeeding pages, as the Second
Life of St. Kilian.
July 8.]
other Manuscripts^3 which they have used in collation with those of Acts,"
published by Canisius and Mabillon. The Acts of St. Kilian and of his com-
panions are to be found in the works of Dr. Meredith Hanmer,5* Dean
Cressey," of Bishop Challenor,s6 of Rev. Alban Butler, 57 and of Rev.
Hubert M'Laughlin.*8
That St. Kilian — as also inferentially his companions in Martyrdom, St.
Colman nnd St. Totnan — had belonged to the Scottish land by birth 59 and
by race co is stated in the ancient Acts. The latter holy Martyrs, as subor-
dinate to St. Kilian, are often not mentioned in accounts of his mission, or
they are separated from him in veneration. One record left us regarding St.
Kilian's Life, presents the statement, that he was a Scotus from Ireland.61
Some of the Scotch writers have preferred a claim for his birth having
occurred in Scotland, from the account of his being set down as a Scotus.
That he was a native of Ireland is almost universally admitted ; but, we have
no account of the part of it to which he belonged.62 The name of St. Kilian,
or Kilianus as Latinized, has been varied by different writers of his Acts to
Killinus, Killenus, Chillianus, Cilianus, Ccelianus, Chilianus, Quillianus,
Kyllena and Killena. By the Germans he is called Kulhn.63 In like manner,
the names of his companions in suffering have been confused by various
writers : thus, we find Colman and Totnan written Colmann and Totmann ;
51 According to the opinion of Mabillon.
As it comes to us, it appears to abound in
errors, if we are not to deem these attribu-
table to interpolation.
53 One of these was obtained " a nostro
proegrandiValcellensiseu Moretianocodice."
Another is described as "puriora Acta ex
schedis IUustrissimi Episcopi Lindani."
53 The most ancient of our Martyr's Acts
are supposed to have been written after the
time of St. Raban Maur — who lived in the
early part of the ninth century— and for
sufficient reasons adduced by Father Sober.
54 See " Chronicle of Ireland," pp. 155,
55 See "The Church History of Brittany,"
book xxiii., chap, xxv., pp. 613 to 615.
s6 See " Brittannia Sancta," part ii., pp.
24 to 27.
57 See " Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs,
and other principal Saints, vol. vii., July
58 See " Biographical Sketches of Ancient
Irish Saints," sect, xii., pp. 182 to 192.
59 The Bollandists' first Life have it:
"Fuit vir vitse venerabilis, nomine Killinus
quem Scottica tellus de magno ededit
genere," &c.
60 The second Life is still more explicit :
" Beatus Kilianus, Scotorum genere nobili-
bus ortus parentibus, divinae tamen gratias
factus et nobilitate clarissimus."
61 The Second Life afterwards continues
its account of St. Kilian, as being of Scottish
origin : " Scotia, quae et Hibernia dicitur in-
sula est maris Oceani, fcecunda quidem gle-
bis, sed sanctissimis clarior viris ; ex qui bus
Columbano gaudet Italia, Gallo ditatur Ale-
mannia ; Kibano Teutonica nobilitatur
61 A talented native poet, in a composition
entitled, "St. Kilian," or " A Lay of the
early Missionary Days," gives the following
particulars — probably founded on local tra-
dition—concerning his place of birth in
Breffney. However, we are inclined to be-
lieve, that this has reference rather to a St.
Caillin, who was venerated on the 13th of
November. How the infancy of St. Kilian
had been passed is thus described :
" Nursed beneath an Irish mountain, by
an Irish mother's hand,
Where the wild Borora whispers to
the meadows of the land,
Taught the music of the harper and
the anthems of the blest,
Kilian grew as grows the ash-tree by
the ruins of the west.
" Winter stars that light in splendour
Eire's calm and and solemn sky,
Might have borrowed their chaste
brightness from the gleaming of his
The young lily bending lowly when
the dew is in the air,
Was a type of his meek spirit when
his young lips moved in prayer."
— " A Wreath of Shamrocks : Ballads,
Songs and Legends," by John K. Casey
(Leo), pp. 116 to 131.
63 See Bishop Challerior's " Britannia
Sancta," part ii., p. 24.
6* To this list seems to be added in the
Second Life Columbanus and Gallus. Sige-
bert, Reginus, and others quoted by Sera-
rius, add to or take away some of those
names, or vary them into many forms.
Calan and Totmann ; Colonatus and Tothnanus j Colanan and Tornanan ;
Dolomann and Tholraann j Colomann and Tolmann. Again, their names are
written as Colonat and Tothnat. Other persons have been added to these,
as companions of St. Kilian, such as Gallonus, Arnuuales and Donanus.6*
St. Kilian and his companions in martyrdom are also variedly noticed, in
some of the Calendars ; but, it is correct to state, that the three soldiers of
Christ who travelled together, and who alone were put to death at Wurtz-
burg, were Saints Kilian, Colman and Totnan, while such has been the con-
tinued and universally received tradition of the clergy and people, who
regard them as their special patrons.65
St. Kilian was of an illustrious family, and, it is even stated, that this vene-
rable martyr was of royal descent.66 The respectability of his origin is
vouched for, by the ancient writers of his Acts.67 There are no data in his
Acts, notwithstanding, whereby we can even approximately decide on the
period of his birth; but, probably it was a little before — and certainly not
much after — the middle of the seventh century.
Almost from his infancy, St. Kilian had a taste for study, and for the
acquirement of knowledge, especially that tending to inform his mind on sub-
jects of highest interest to every true Christian. His talents for the acquisi-
tion of learning manifested themselves, by progress and perseverance in his
studies ; while the latter were directed in a more especial manner to those
branches of knowledge, which might enable him to gain souls for Christ.
Especially, he applied with untiring endeavours, to the study of Holy Scrip-
ture. On all occasions, he sought the direction of the Holy Ghost, to
enlighten his mind on those matters, that were "hard to be understood, which
the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also other Scriptures, to their
own destruction.68 With diffidence in his own judgment, and in his powers
of understanding, Kilian referred all natural and acquired penetration to that
Almighty Being, from whom he received it ; and hence, he was deemed
worthy those superior gifts of intellect and of disposition, which placed him
in advance of so many students, who applied to sacred erudition. After a
most excellent course of instruction, which it appears his parents took care
to procure for him, it has been asserted, that at an early age, Kilian devoted
himself to the monastic profession.6? Such was the progress he made in
obedience, abstemiousness, prayer and vigil, that it was deemed expedient for
him to take sacred orders, and he was advanced accordingly through the
various grades. Having attained the dignity of the priesthood, he was care-
ful to discharge well its duties. His charities and other good works became
conspicuous ; while his brethren, admiring his great virtues, desired he should
succeed to a higher charge. 7° Having embraced the monastic life, he is said to
have governed some monastery.71 However, it has been doubted if there be
sufficient evidence, to establish such a conclusion ;72 while Father Soller
65 See the Bollandists' " Acta Sancto- name of this writer,
rum," tomusii., Julii viii. DeS. KilianoEpis. 68 ii. Peter, iii., 16.
et Martyre, Colomano seu Colonato et Tot- 69 According to the Second Life,
nano ejus Sociis. Herbipoli in Franconia. 7° This is stated in his Second Life.
66 " In Hiberniaregio sanguine natu?." — »' "Of which, however," adds Rev. Dr.
Molanus. See, also, Lippelo, Surius and I .anigan, " I do not find any particular men-
B.ironius. linn." — "Ecclesiastical History of Ireland,"
67 But according to the depreciatory vol. iii., chap, xviii., sect, x., p. 115.
account, given by Dr. Meredith Hanmer, a 7aTrithemius goes so far as to state, that he
certain writer " saith he was a king's base was both monk and abbot in the monastery
sonne." See " Chronicle of Ireland," p. 155. of Iona. This statement is wholly ground-
We are not further enlightened regarding the less.
thinks it to be just as likely, that neither was St. Kilian an abbot, nor were
his companions monks. St. Kilian's pastoral labours, after his call to the
sacred ministry, were continued for several years ; while many souls were
converted from evil courses, during their exercise. At last, he had a Divine
admonition,7^ and he heard these words : " He that desires to come after
me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."74
Already, St. Kilian had announced the Gospel with much fruit in his own
country. According to some accounts, he was there advanced to the epis-
copal dignity.75 This, too, seems most probable, from all we can learn, in
reference to his career. As an effective and a persuasive preacher, he
acquired great renown. Among the Irish clergy, he was looked upon as the
most erudite scholar, their country could possibly produce ; although the fame
of Irish seminaries for learning was even then diffused over most European
countries. The zeal of Kilian, for the propagation of Divine Faith among
the pagans, induced him to think of leaving his family, friends and native
country. Proposing his design to his companions,76 and pointing out
with earnestness and eloquence the unhappy condition of those, who were
yet asleep in sin and ignorance, and in whose ears the voice of Gospel heralds
had not yet resounded ; our saint created a like desire in the souls of eleven
among them, and these resolved to accompany him.77 The chief one among
them was a priest, named Colman, who afterwards suffered martyrdom
together with St. Kilian. A Deacon, named Totnam, also the companion of
his suffering,78 was one of those companions. The year 686 is that most
correctly set down for their departure from Ireland ; and, it has been con-
jectured, that St. Kilian was mature in years, at that period. A few months
before this, John V.7? had been raised to the Pontificate. On setting out,
their course was directed first to Britain. Thence, they sailed for the shores
of France.80 On landing, they proceeded towards Franconia, which lay
beyond the Rhine. At length, they came to the present site of Wurtzburg,81
then only a small village,82 in which there was a castle. This place is now
the capital of the circle of Lower Franconia, and a handsome city of
Bavaria, very pleasantly situated, chiefly on the right bank of the River Main,
which is there crossed by a fine bridge. This city is surrounded by a lofty
73 This is stated in the First Life. disertimscribit in Martyrologio Beda . . .
74 St. Matt, xvi., 24. Et Paulo post. Lectionarius Moguntinus
75 We read in the First Life of St. Kilian, liber enumerat Colonatum, Gallonem, Ar-
" ut exinde pontificate didicissit regere cut- nuuildem, Presbyteros, Totnatum Diaco-
men," &c. The Bollandist editor, Father num, septemque alios." Serarius, in Vita S.
Soller, thinks, for reasons he assigns, that St. Kiliani, notis.
Kilian had been consecrated as bishop in his 79 He only ruled one year from A.D. 685 to
own country. See "Acta Sanctorum, " tomus 686. See Sir Harris Nicolas' "Chronology
ii., Julii viii. De S. Kiliano Episc. et of History," p. 210.
Martyre, Colomano seu Colonato et Totnano 8o However, Thadaeus, Abbot of the
ejus Sociis. Herbipoli in Franconia, Com- Scots, at Ratisbon writes : " Ad Flandriam
mentarius Prsevius, sect, ii., num.9, IO> IJ> prospero comitatu pervenerunt." — Canisius'
pp. 601, 602. " Antiquce Lectiones," tomus iv., Fragmen-
ts In the First Life, their names are thus turn Chronicum, p. 473.
incorrectly given : "id est Lonato ac Gal- 8l Its first name is said to have been Mus-
lone at Arnuvalle presbyteris et Totnano topolis, and also Praxipolis; afterwards Her-
diacano," &c. bipolis; also Wirtziburgum, Wirziburgum
77 We read "qui quod mente conceperat pro- and Wirceburgum, in the vernacular German
positum, sociis communicans, invenit omnes Wurtzburg.
non tantum consentientes, sed divini spiritus 82 In the Topographia Meriani, an in-
caloresuccensos,ipsumqui hortabaturad opus teresting account of this city may be found,
impellentes." — Baronius' " Annales Ecclesi- 83 See " Gazetteer of the World," vol. xiv.,
astici," tomus xii., A.D. 686, sect, vii., p. 500. p. 562.
78 "De sancti Kiliani sociis, duos fuisse b4 See "The Popular Encyclopedia; or
wall and deep ditches, as also having six gates. On the opposite bank is the
citadel or castle of Marienburg, situated on a rock 400 feet in height.8* The
soil around this city is very fertile, producing much grain, while fine vine-
yards abound in its vicinity, along the hills over the valley of the Maine.**
Wurtzburg was then ruled by a potentate, whose name we do not learn ; but
who was succeeded by a person of distinction named Gozbert *5 or Cospert.86
Regarding his origin or station, little appears to be known.8? Paganism
universally prevailed among the people, in that part of Germany, at the time
of their arrival.88 The Irish evangelists, if not highly successful at first, yet
had good hopes for the future. Thinking his prospects of success sufficiently
flattering, the holy missionary Kilian adopted measures, which seemed to him
best calculated to carry out his designs for the conversion of that nation.
The missionaries directed their course towards Wurtzburg, then ruled over by
Duke Gosbertus. Although a Pagan, he had a mind gifted with superior intel-
ligence. It is stated^ that he had a great veneration for Diana, who was the
goddess he chiefly worshipped. Meantime, the zealous missionaries had
applied themselves to the study of a strange language ; and such were the
graces granted to them by the Almighty, that in a short time, not only did
they learn it very perfectly, but they were able to speak it with fluency. Here
they began to proclaim in a public manner, the great mission on which they
were sent, and to carry out the objects for which they had cheerfully aban-
doned their native country, already subdued to that Faith its first great
Apostle St. Patrick had announced. The gratitude of a people, rescued from
pagan darkness and idolatry, had excited in the minds of those most devoted
servants of God an earnest desire to bestow upon other nations — now sunk
in the same dismal shades — that gift which should profit more than all other
advantages a nation might enjoy. Such were the feelings, and such the pur-
poses, by which their present course had been directed. After these declara-
tions, they began to explain the nature and doctrines of the Christian religion,
contrasting it in the most favourable light with pagan errors, and showing the
debasing influence of these latter over men's minds and passions. The
Conversations Lexicon," vol. vii., p. 128. tern, quern RabanusinMartyrologiojudicem,
*5 Like many of the kings and chiefs of the Sigcbertus principem Wirtziburgensium vo-
micklle ages, but for the Acts of the Saints, cat." — "Annates Ordinis S. Benedict i,"
Gosbert and his wife Geilana should dis- tomus i., lib. xvii., num. lxviii., p. 587.
appear from history. 88 Serrarius has given a very learned I )is-
& So is he called, in the Martyrology of quisition on the idolatrous worship, which
Notker. then prevailed in Franconia, in his notes to
8? Mabillon states " Gosbertum regionis the Life of St. Kilian. Notatio 14.
ducem, Iletani semoris filium, Ruodis nepo- CHAPTER II. — ' This is not stated, in the
novelty of their doctrines, combined with the learning, eloquence and per-
suasiveness of their preachers, attracted immense crowds of persons to hear
them. These listened with great respect, and felt very anxious to have a
repetition of arguments and explanations offered, by their newly arrived
The report of Kilian's eloquence no sooner reached the ears of Prince
Gozbert, than he hastened to increase and personally to influence the number
of auditors. He procured an immediate interview with the holy Bishop.
The latter improved the occasion, by laying before him those arguments
establishing the great truths of Christianity. He dwelt on the nature and
attributes of God ; on the mystery of the Holy Trinity ; and on the general
plan of salvation, in which Christ took upon Himself our human nature, and
suffered on the cross at the hands of Jews. This movement on Gosbert's
part — in the beginning, perhaps, the result of mere curiosity — proved an
occasion for opening the king's eyes to the light of Faith. The first inter-
view led to continued and more prolonged conferences, concerning religious
After receiving all necessary explanations and instructions, this Prince
conceived a most exalted idea of the doctrine taught by the saint. He
admired, too, that spirit of self-sacrifice which could thus impel men to aban-
don friends, home and native country, to encounter in its propagation those
perils of various kinds, to which they had necessarily been exposed. Gosbert
encouraged the missionaries to labour anew in a field, which then afforded
such happy expectations and results. He then made a public profession of
the true Faith. He sought and obtained the sacrament of regeneration, at
the instance of St. Kilian. He is said to have been baptized, with many
others, on the day previous to that of our Lord's Resurrection,1 and which
corresponded with Holy Saturday.
The example given by the Prince induced numbers to seek the baptismal
font. Christianity soon began to spread among the people. In less than
two years after this event, idolatry had altogether disappeared from Wurtz-
burg city, and from its dependent territories, while the Christian religion was
thus proudly established, instead of the former Gentile superstitions. After
making himself acquainted with the wants of the inhabitants, and the neces-
sities of their condition, St. Kilian then undertook a journey to Rome. He
resolved to seek the Pontifical sanction, for opening there his new mission.2
Colman and Totnam were his companions on the way. They arrived at
Rome, a.d. 686, according to the most probable accounts. On their arrival
there, they found the holy See in possession of Pope John V.'s successor,
who was named Conon.3 Kilian was examined by the Pontiff, regarding his
religious profession and doctrine.* However, there appears to be no reason
for supposing, that the Pope had any grounds for suspecting his orthodoxy.s
Those strangers were graciously received by the Pope. St. Kilian revealed
First Life of St. Kilian, and Serrarius ap- Abbatis, Scotorum Ratisbonse, p. 473.
pears to have wasted his researches, in try- 3 « yn eletto Pontefice a '21 Ottobre del
ing to ascertain why this day had been 686." — De Novaes' " Storia de Sommi
chosen. See Art. 15, in his annotations on Pontefici," tomo secondo, An. 686.
our saint's Acts. * Probably, to discover whether or not,
3 The Abbot Thadaeus seems to imply, that he had been infected with any leaven of
this resolve had been formed in Flanders "ubi Pelagian heresy, and which had prevailed to
per Angelicam visionem revelatum fuit bea- some extent among people inhabiting the
tissimo Kiliano, ut per Alemaniam iter British Isles.
dirigeret ^ versus Romam ; et sic pervenit s Such is the opinion of Father Soller, in
Romam." — Canisius, " Antiquae Lectiones," treating about this relation found in his
tomus iv. Fragmentum Chronicon Thadaei Acts.
Vol. VII.— No. 3. 2
his projects and purposes, for approval of the Sovereign Pontiff. Being
satisfied on the score of his orthodoxy, this Pope is said to have created him
a regionary Bishop, but without assigning him to any fixed See. He con-
ferred upon St. Kilian, however, full powers for regulating all religious obser-
vances, and in such a manner, as rendered his authority wholly independent
of any other episcopal jurisdiction, saving only the rights and privileges of
the Roman Church, and that obedience he owed its Chief. The saint like-
wise obtained permission to preach with apostolic authority. It has been
stated,6 that St. Kilian served St. Peter's church for some years, which were
spent in the Eternal City, and that he was then appointed Bishop of Herbi-
polis,7 in Franconia. However this may be, for that country he took his
departure from Rome, resolving to devote himself with apostolic abandon-
ment, to cares and labours, inseparably connected with his new mission.
Colman and Totnan bore St. Kilian company, on his return to Germany. It
is said, that they left Columbanus 8 in Italy, when he had parted from Gallus,9
who was prostrate from the effects of a fever in Germany.10 But, as this
statement presents an anachronism, perhaps the better way to treat it should
be to consider, that for the founder of Bobbio we should substitute his place,
which was among the Apennines, and on the direct route from Rome to their
German destination. In his travels, St. Kilian is believed to have met St.
Fiacre 1X — who is said formerly to have been a servant to his father — but
these holy men were not allowed the opportunity of a very prolonged inter-
view." Hurried time obliged each to hasten in different directions.
A usage, similar to that existing among the Jews, had been commonly prac-
tised by the people of Wurtzburg ; and, it was exemplified in Prince Gosbert's
own condition. He had taken to wife the widow of his own brother. Her name
was Geilana — sometimes called Geilane, and Geila.^ The prince entertained
the strongest sentiments of love and attachment towards his consort; but,
for some time, Kilian thought it imprudent to disturb the conscience of his
convert, who still remained in good faith regarding the lawfulness of his mar-
riage. Its validity, moreover, now came into question.1* It soon was St.
Kilian's duty, to explain the church discipline on this point. Having first
grounded his new convert in the doctrines and faith, he had embraced ;
Kilian then endeavoured to explain to this prince, the false and objectionable
nature of that connection, formed with his female companion. This he did,
but in the most gentle and persuasive manner ; for, he knew, that the most
tender and sensitive natural feelings of Gosbert must be stirred. Yet was it
necessary, to teach him the true Christian doctrine and practice for his correc-
tion. When the matter was first proposed to him, the king felt a great
repugnance to the idea of separation ; but, being assured, it had become a
matter of necessity, if he wished to live in a manner becoming his profession,
all difficulties seemed to remove from his mind, and Gozbert consented to
the divorce. He signified this assent, but with the Christian's spirit of self-
sacrifice. js This determination of the king soon came to the knowledge of
6 By Molanus. St. Kilian, an Irishman and a contemporary.
7 The former name for Wurtzburgh. See Rev. Alban Butler's "Lives of the
8 His festival occurs, at the 2ist of Novem- Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints,"
ber. He died a.d. 615. vol. viii., August xxx.
9 His feast is held, on the 16th of October. ,3 See Mabillon's "Annales Ordinis S.
He died before the middle of the seventh Benedict!," tomus i., lib. xvii., num. lxviii.,
century. p. 587.
10 According to the Second Life. M Serrarius has a long Disquisition on this
" His festival was held on the 30th of marriage in his Life of St. Kilian, Art. 16,
August, and he died about A.D. 670. 17, 18.
ld This account refers, however, to another ,s His words are thus reported : " Audivi
Geilane. She was not disposed to acquiesce in this arrangement, however,
without putting into practice all the artifices of a woman, whose worldly
interests and conscientious scruples were by no means violently opposed. Her
arguments and artifices, notwithstanding, were of little avail, as the Prince's
stern resolutions were not then to be overcome.16 Hereupon, she burned with
an insatiable fury, against the ministers of Jesus Christ, and she resolved upon
seizing the first occasion for effecting a deadly revenge. This opportunity
was soon presented.
The Prince being called away on a military expedition, in the year 689,
his wicked consort found hardened assassins,1? who were hired to execute her
scheme of vengeance. These abandoned wretches acted with too much fide-
lity to her instructions. Although St. Kilian and his companions are said to
havehad a miraculous warning,18 concerning this design against their lives; they
did not think of saving themselves by flight, or even of seeking a protection,
which the ruler and people of Wurtzburg would be willing to afford. St.
Kilian exhorted his companions to constancy, assuring them that the soul at
least would prove invulnerable, to any assaults of their temporal enemies.
The holy missionaries applied themselves to making the best preparations
possible, by prayer and fasting, while anticipating their coming danger. On
the 8th day of July — according to some writers, a.d. 688, j9 according to
others a.d. 689 2° — whilst St. Kilian and his companions, ColmanandTotnan
— some writers adding others to the number — were together in the same
apartment, their assassins entered with drawn swords. Their intentions
were at once apparent, from a stern determination, manifested in the demoni-
acal expression of their countenances. St. Kilian offered himself first to the
executioners' strokes, and he was instantly laid lifeless at their feet. His
companions, who were present, fell in like manner, but only to arise with
greater glory in a world beyond the grave.31 According to the First Life of
St. Kilian, it is said, they were beheaded. To remove all traces manifesting
this deed of butchery, the martyrs' bodies were removed, under cover of the
night, and the corpses were interred in the most private manner. The cross,
the book of the Gospels, with other books and movables, which belonged to
them, were thrown into the same grave.23
However, a religious woman, Burgunda by name,23 had a cell near that
oratory, in which the holy Martyrs were accustomed to pray ; and, during
pater, te docente, quia Dominus Jesus monet, the "carnifices " are put in the plural num-
nihil preferendum suo amori, non patrem, ber.
non matrem, non filios, non uxorem, et l8 This is not mentioned in the First Life,
idcirco quamvis unice diligam junctam mini but it is given in a more detailed manner in
uxorem, propono tamen divinum amorem. the Second Life, than here presented.
Sed non adest mihi otium inquirendi qualiter Father Soller suspects it to be an interpola-
eam dimittam, quia contra hostes nostrse tion.
reipublicse festino, cum autem fuero reversus, '« Thus : " Essi ricevettero la palma del
inventa opportunitate dimittendi, seperabor martino nell' anno 688." — Moroni's Diziona-
ab ilia." — Messingham's ". Florilegium In- rio di Erudizione Storico-Ecclesiastica, vol.
sulae Sanctorum," Vita S. Kiliani, p. 321. xiv., Art. Colomano.
16 It seems rather inexplicable, that St. 20 See Baronius' "Annates Ecclesias-
Kiliandidnot seek a dispensation, in this tici."
peculiar case, from the Sovereign Pontiff, 2I According to local tradition — affirmed
who had power, and most probably the in- also in an epitaph composed for the Martyrs
clination, to exercise it for what seems to — the year of their l'assion was 689. Some
have been very sufficient reason. writers, such as Werner, have placed it
17 In the First Life only one assassin is at A.D. 694, while others, with Sigibert, have
thus mentioned, " accessit lictor ad eos, ense it so late as A.D. 697.
acuto quasi prseparatus ad jugulandos Dei 22 Serrarius, as usual, has a disquisition on
amicos," &c. In most of the other Lives, the books that had been buried, in his edi-
her vigils, she seems to have witnessed the murderers proceeding to engage
in their nefarious project. Her curiosity and suspicions were the more
awakened on their return, so that she went to the spot where the martyrdom
took place. There, she only found their blood, in which she steeped a linen
cloth, and this she buried in that place, where she knew the bodies to have been
covered over with earth.2* Still, Burgunda resolved on keeping it a secret,
lest the wicked Geilane should remove them to any other spot, and for
greater concealment. That holy woman continued to frequent, but by stealth,
that place where the bodies of the holy martyrs had been committed to the
earth, and there she prayed beside their remains. In order to remove all
suspicion calculated to reveal their tragical end, that wicked woman, who was
the principal author of their murder, caused a report to be industriously
circulated throughout the city, that St. Kilian and his companions had left
it secretly, and that it was impossible to discover, whither they had retired, or
for what purpose. Meantime, to remove every trace which might serve to reveal
the spot where their remains had been deposited, Geilane conceived the
idea of forming a frame-work of planks over their grave, and on these she
caused a stable to be built for horses.2* That place of sepulture might have
remained unknown to all persons, had not Burgunda — when death was about
to remove her from this life — revealed it to some faithful companions who
surrounded her.
Shortly after the occurrence of their martyrdom, Gozbert himself returned
to Wurtzburg, and he was told, that no trace of the Christian missionaries was
to be found. Being astonished at their mysterious departure, he caused instant
enquiries, and a search to be made throughout the whole province, to dis-
cover the place of their retreat. The fraudful Geilane at last persuaded her
husband, that he should little concern himself about such migratory, worth-
less and unceremonious visitors, so that he soon became indifferent on the
matter, and as we may well imagine his scruples on the score of his marriage
were soon removed. When those matters as related by degrees faded from
popular recollection, still the crime of that murder though hidden became
revealed, and in a most miraculous manner. Both of those wretches, who
had perpetrated that barbarous deed, were at length discovered, and through
a manifest judgment of Heaven. In a very remarkable way, Divine justice
was soon visited upon them. One of the murderers put an end to his own
existence by the sword, while he cried out : " O Kilian, you bitterly persecute
me, since fire consumes me ; what I have done, I cannot conceal ; I see the
sword, stained with your blood, now about to slay myself." The horrors of
a guilty conscience crowded the mind of his fellow assassin with fearful
images, both by day and night ; and, in fine, these tormented him, in such a
manner, that every glimpse ot reason was extinguished, and he became a
raving maniac. He ran publicly through the streets, confessing the deed he
tion of St. Kilian's Life, Art. 19. ibi stabulala super sepulcra Martyrum, nee
23 The account of this holy woman's inter- stercora nee urinam jacerent honorem
erence differs greatly in the First and Martyribus exhibentia, ut quod de Capite
Second Lives of St. Kilian. 1'ropheta vaticinatus est, hoc in eis membris
2* Nothing of this regarding Burgunda, or reperietur. Cognovit, inquiens, bos posses-
what follows, is to be found in the First Liie, sorum suum, et asinus praesepe Domini sui ;
which makes it be suspected as an interpola- Israel non cognovit."
tion in the Life attributed to Egilward. 26 Some of these particulars are not con-
25 What is not to be found in the First tained in an ancient Life of St. Kilian, pub-
Life has been here introduced into the lished by Surius, Serrarius, Canisius, and
Second, and it was most probably only a Mcssingham, written, it is supposed, by
popular legend. " Ferunt tamen ab his, qui Egilwaid, and found, also, in Mabillon and
fuere, posteris rclatum, quod animalia the Bollandists,
had committed, tearing himself in a shocking manner, and crying out, that
St. Kilian had tortured him with fire. He was instantly arrested, and brought
before the Prince, who began to deliberate whether or not he was a fit subject
for the punishment his crime seemed to deserve. One of Gosbert's courtiers,
however, who was in favour with Geilane, counselled her husband to leave the
chastisement of this wretch to the Christians' God. To this advice the Prince
inclined. That courtier had in view an idea of teaching the Prince to doubt
the miraculous dispensation of Providence, and to incline once more to the
worship of the goddess Diana. To the old practice of paganism the courtier
was secretly inclined, although he had professed Christianity, to gain Goz-
bert's confidence.26 Gozbert unhappily yielded to his worst persuasions.
The unhappy Prince again returned to the superstitions and idolatrous prac-
tices of his pagan ancestors. The vengeance of Heaven was at length vindi-
cated, by the unhappy end of the wicked Geilane. An evil spirit took
possession of her, and continued to torment her so long as life lasted. She
was often heard exclaiming : "lam justly tormented, because I have mur-
dered innocent men; I am rightly tortured, because I prepared tortures for
them. O Kilian, you persecute me fiercely, O Kolman, you add fire, O
Totnan, you supply the flames. It is enough for you to have conquered;
too heavily are your injuries avenged. O Kilian, you are so called from the
chalice,2? but a very bitter cup you pour out for me." Then she raged to that
degree, that her attendants could scarce restrain her. The people of the Eastern
Franks afterwards drove her son Hetnan from the kingdom. In a short time
after St. Kilian's death, Gosbert suffered the punishment of having aban-
doned the true and living God. This prince is said to have been killed by
his own servant.28 However, there seems to be no just warrant for this latter
statement. 29 Nay more ; all Gosbert's kindred were displaced from any
positions of trust or dignity in that province, while his whole race was utterly
As a zealous labourer in the Lord's vineyard in Eastern Franconia,
before or in a.d. 742,3° St. Burchard 31 had been nominated first Bishop of
Wurtzburg,32 which city had been erected into an espiscopal See, by St.
Boniface, Archbishop of Mayence ; and, as has been stated, in consequence
of his learning about the extraordinary miracle already related.33 A story is
told,3* which has been accepted for the narrative relative to finding the
remains of those holy martyrs. When the venerable virgin St. Gertrude, 35
27 This seems belonging to an interpolated Life, given by Canisius, and which Mabillon
passage in the old Life by Egilward ; and appears to have followed.
although the Latin runs, " a calice Kiliane 3° This year was held the German Council,
diceris," it is quite an incorrect derivation in which as Mabillon shows, both Burchard
for St. Kilian's name. Almost equally in- and Willibald presided as bishops.
correct are many of the attempts of commen- 3l His feast is held, on the i4thofOcto-
tators on the Acts of these Martyrs, to give ber.
the true derivation. 3* To this dignity he was appointed by
28 "All the actors in this tragedy," says Pope Zachary, as may be seen in the Epis-
the Protestant historian Milner, " Gosbert ties relative to St. Boniface, Epist. 132,
among the rest, came to an unhappy end ; 133.
and there is no doubt, but that in this case, 3i St. Boniface is said thus to have pro-
as well as many others, the blood of the phesied : "Felix es Wirzpurch, et inter
martyrs became the seed of the church. Germanise non ignobilis urbes ; et quamvis
Numbers of the eastern Franks had em- his temporibus quarumdum civitatum pos-
braced Christianity, and sealed the ministry trema habearis, tamen exornata corporibus
of Kilian." — "History of the Church of Martyrum, inferior non habeberis." — Mabil-
Christ," vol. i., century vii., chap, ii., Ion's "Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Bene-
p. 533. dicti," ssec. iii., pars, i., p. 702
29 Yet it is in the edition of our saint's ** In the Second Life of St. Kilian.
who was daughter to Pepin, King of the Franks, sought to avoid the marriage
designed for her, she is said to have travelled into Franconia, where she
founded a monastery in honour of the Blessed Virgin, at a place called Carle-
bnrg. There, she caused two pious men who accompanied her to receive
Holy Orders. Those were named Atalongus, who became a priest, and
Bernard, who became a deacon. Afterwards, she returned to her own country,
where she became abbess over a nunnery founded at Nivelle, in Brabant.
Now, it so happened, that Atalongus 36 was a man well read in scholastic
learning, and distinguished for his solid virtues. But, he knew scarcely any-
thing about St. Kilian and his companions. However, as he taught young boys
their lessons, while standing before him in the class one day, all those at once
cried out, as if moved by some Divine impulse : " Kilian makes signs, and
he should be taken from that place, where he has been ignominiously buried."
These exclamations astonished the priest, but he threatened the pupils with
stripes for raising such a foolish clamour. However, when night came, and
when he had taken some refreshment, the priest retired to rest, and he had
dreams of an extraordinary character. In the morning when he awoke, a vision
of St. Kilian, surrounded with a dazzling light, was presented to his view.
The holy Martyr then spoke these words : " Unless you believe, you shall
not see ; which observations our Lord Himself prophetically addressed to
the Jews; unless you believe, you cannot understand/' When the sun began
to rise afterwards, no sight of it remained for Atalongus, and when he learned
from a servant, that the day was already advanced, he recollected how he had
presumed to chide his scholars for their ready faith, and he burst into tears.
Whereupon, he began to enquire from the people of that place about St.
Kilian, whose praises had been already proclaimed by his youthful charge.
One of those persons who lived there, and a rustic, informed him, that Kilian
had come from a far distant country, that he had spread the Christian reli-
gion throughout their province, that he was destroyed through the perfidy of
a woman, unknown to the people, and that his memory was even then fading
from their traditions. Wherefore, when the priest heard this account, he
asked to be brought near the reputed place where the Martyrs' bodies lay,
and there he most earnesty prayed, that through their intercession, the Lord
might graciously pardon his want of discretion and the rashness of his words,
so that his sight might be restored. It pleased the Almighty, favourably to
hear his prayers; and with great joy, Atalongus proclaimed the wonderful
miracle wrought in his regard. This announcement soon spread abroad, and
the Martyrs' fame was greatly magnified.
The bodies of St. Kilian and of his companions were suffered to remain
in the place of their first sepulture, until about the year 746.37 Some writers have
a later date, while others bring it down to a.d. 752. However, it is doubtful
if St. Burchard was then living. 38 It has been stated,3? that Pope Zacharyhad
canonized St. Kilian ; but, we must recollect that no form of pontifical
canonization had been instituted, until several subsequent centuries had
35 Her feast occurs, at the 17th of March, of their concealment.
and she has another festival at the 8th of 37 According to Sigibert's Chronicle.
May, in the Belgian Martyrologies. She was 38 See the observation* of Father Soller,
born in 626, and she departed this life a.d. in reference to this chronology, in " Acta
659. Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii viii. De S.
36 This story about Atalongus does not Kiliano Epis. et Martyre, Colomano seu
appear in the First Life, and it seems incon- Colonato et Totnano ejus sociis, Herbipoli in
sistent with the account therein contained, Franconia. Commentarius Praevius, sect, iii.,
that Btirgunda had already discovered the pp. 603 to 605.
relics, and that she made known the place 39 By Luke Castellan.
elapsed. Through the instrumentality of St. Boniface and by order of Pope
Zachary/0 a solemn Translation of the remains to a shrine, at Mount Saint
Mary, near Wurtzburg, took place. This is generally supposed to have
happened, on the 8th day of February. On this date, at least, a festival has
been instituted, in commemoration of those holy martyrs. It is said to have
occurred, likewise, during the reign of Pipping1 the first KingofFranconia.*2
The holy Bishop Burchard suspected, that as the devoted martyrs had been
secretly murdered, and as the hurried concealment of their remains was an
object kept in view by all the parties concerned in the murder, their bodies
could not have been deeply buried in the earth. Accordingly, he ordered a
public fast, which was kept by the clergy and people, so that the Almighty
Discoverer of hidden things might deign to reveal his secrets to the faithful,
who desired to honour him through his saints. 43 He announced a day for
the Elevation, when a great multitude of people flocked into Wurtzburg,
some through a hope of witnessing great miracles, some through a desire to
be healed from corporal diseases, and all through religious motives. The holy
Bishop himself went to the traditional place of sepulture. He brought with
him a spade or mattock, and began to open the earth. Under St. Burchard's
auspices, a search was instituted by numbers of willing labourerers who
were present, for the recovery of those dead bodies. They were at length
found, and in a shallow grave. The martyrs' flesh was reduced to dust.
However, their bones, and those sacred articles buried with them, were dis-
covered, in a good state of preservation. What seemed most wonderful was
a fragrant odour that became diffused around ; and the people assembled in
ecstatic delight sought to touch the sacred relics, or bear them in some way,
while they were being removed from their place of deposition. With great
delight, and as if by unanimous acclaim, they all cried out: "Glory be to
God on high, and on earth peace be to men of good will."
Illustrious miracles were wrought on the occurrence of this elevation, as
likewise, on many subsequent occasions. As it seems, at this time a basilica
dedicated to the holy Mother of God stood in Wurtzburg, and it was on a
very elevated site. Thither, on a day appointed for the purpose, with a great
concourse of the clergy and people, the bishop removed their sacred relics,
and with great religious ceremony. St. Burchard and the clergy kept vigil
over the martyrs, and he resolved on that site to erect his chief monastery.
However, he had a revelation, that owing to the steepness and difficulty of
the ascent to that mount, the structure which he began with wood must be
abandoned. The removal of their relics was only temporary, notwithstanding
this care ; for, St. Burchard immediately set to work, and he commenced the
building of a new cathedral. This afterwards was called Novum Monas-
terium, or the New Monastery. This church had been placed under the
special invocation of St. Kilian, St. Colman and St. Totnan. It was built of
stone and elegantly fashioned. To it, the bodies of the saints were brought,
an elaborate sarcophagus having been prepared, to receive their remains.
*° He presided in the chair of St. Peter, *2 According to the First Acts of St.
from a.d. 741 to 752. See Sir Harris Kilian and his companions.
Nicolas' " Chronology of History," p. 21 1. 43 This account is taken from Egilward's
41 Known as Pepin le Bref, who on the "Vita S. Burchardi," lib. ii., cap. ii.
death of his father, Charles Martel, a.d. 741, *4 Now known as Die Neuminster Kirche.
succeeded to the kingdoms of Neustria and It fronts on one of the principal streets of
Burgundy, afterwards extending his sway Wurtzburg, and it is surrounded on every
over Franconia in 752. His death took side by houses, over which however appear
place, a.d. 768. See M. Le Dr. Hoefer's the facade and dome or cupola, with a sort
"Nouvelle Biographie Generate, " tome of tower crowned by a Byzantine-style of
xxxix., cols. 541 to 544. minaret. It is very faithfully presented in
[July 8.
That church «♦ is said to have been erected over the very spot, where the
relics of those holy Martyrs had been so long entombed. The people of
Wurtzburgh believe, also, that this was the exact site, on which the castle of
Duke Gosbert formerly stood. The tomb of the Martyrs — very artistically
designed and of antique workmanship — is surrounded by strong and wrought
iron railings of very handsome workmanship. It is to be seen, in the crypt
of what is interiorly a most beautiful church, and numbers of the faithful
daily assemble to pray before this tomb.*5 There, in former times, many
miracles are said to have been wrought ; nor have we any doubt, that the
Die Neuminster Kirche, Wurtzburg, containing the Martyrs' Tomb.
aithful clients of those saints, at the present] day, receive various spiritual
and temporal benefits through their intercesson. The city *6 and citizens of
Wurtzburg, who are almost exclusively Catholics, are under the special pro-
tection of their Patron Martyrs.
the accompanying illustration copied from
a photograph procured on the spot. A
drawing of it by William F. Wakeman on
the wood has been engraved by Mrs. Mil-
«sOn the 23rd of September, 1886, the
writer had the same privilege and an oppor-
tunity for inspecting this and other fine
churches in Wurtzburg, during the course of
a trip from Frankfort-on-the Maine to Ratis-
bon and Vienna.
46 It contains a Catholic University and
thirty-three Catholic churches, including the
cathedral, with several other fine religious
houses and institutes.
4? On a stone slab, the following verses
were inscribed : —
" Annis sexcentis octogenisque nove-
Istic Kyllenam scimus fontis prope
Et Colonatum, necnon Tothnanque
Ob Salvatorem proprium fudisse
Hinc fuit, est, et erit salus illi, qui
pie quaerit,
Est caecus, mutus, claudus, sordusque
Septingentesimo quinquagesimoque
A Bonifacio, Burkardo consociato,
Hi sunt sublati, rite quoque canoni-
zati :
Hos pete devote, qui sint oramine
pro te.
Septingentesimo nonagesimo quoque
Burkardus moritur, corpusque suum
Juxta sanctorum tumulum, ceu scribi-
tur, horum,
Per Megengaudum successorem re-
An epitaph, in memory of these martyrs, was placed over the sepulchral
crypt, to the west side of the church, but several years after their death.*?
However, it does not appear to have conveyed to us the exact date for St.
Burchard's elevation of the remains ; nor is it correct to have stated, that he
procured the canonization of those Martyrs. It is even doubtful, if St. Bur-
chard lived to a.d. 752, although some writers have it, that he died on the
9th of February, in that particular year/8 Some of the Benedictine writers *9
suppose St. Kilian to have belonged to their order ; but, this is altogether
an unwarrantable supposition. In the vestibule of the chapter of Neuminster
was to be seen a Latin inscription^0 in verse. This is in the upper part of
the building, and on the northern side of the crypt. The authorship of the
inscription has been contested, some writers attributing it to St. Burchard,*1
while it is more correctly supposed to have been written, in comparatively
recent times. It is interesting to notice, that in Wurtzburg the figures of
those saints have been thus represented : St. Kilian in an episcopal dress ;
St. Colman in a priest's habit, and St. Totnan in that of a deacon. It may
be observed, likewise, that on an old seal, dating back to a.d. 1119, St.
Kilian is figured in an episcopal habit, having a curiously shaped old mitre
on his head, with a dalmatic and pallium over his soutane, bearing an Irish
fashioned staff in his right hand, and an open book in his left. Another seal
of a.d. 1 135 presents him seated on a throne, with staff and book, but with
habiliments somewhat dissimilar from the former figure.52 On the coins of
Wurtzburg, he is represented as holding a sword and a crozier ;S3 also, as
holding a cross, with a sword beneath his feet ;5* also, as holding a dagger
and sword ;5* also, as martyred by sword and spear ;56 as likewise, holding
two swords. 57 The holy martyr is sometimes *8 — but incorrectly — called
48 See Rev. Alban Butler's " Lives of of Brittany," book xxiii., chap, xxv., p.
the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal 613.
Saints," vol. x., October xiv. 59 This city was only erected into a Bishop-
49 Among these is Trithemius, and even ric, fifty-three years after his death ; how-
Mabillon, although expressing it with a ever, St. Kilian is the principal patron, as
doubt. likewise a recognised Apostle, for the pro-
50 It ran as follows : — vince of Franconia.
60 See Bishop Challoner's " Brittannia
"Hi sunt, Herbipolis, qui te docuere Sancta,"part ii., p. 25.
magistri, 6l See "The Popular Encyclopedia; or
Qua verum colores religione Deum. Conversations Lexicon, "vol. vii., Art. Wurtz-
Impia quos tandem jussit Geilana ne- burg, p. 128.
cari, 6a The spacious episcopal palace is not far
Celavitque sub hunc corpora caesa from the cathedral, in which are to be seen
locum. several fine monuments of the deceased
Ne turpi, sine laude, situ defossa jace- bishops of Wurtzburg.
rent 63 There is a notice of this Festival, at the
Corpora, Burkardus sub monu- same date, in the Third Volume of this
menta locat." work, Art. vi.
64 The interior presents an uncommonly
51 Such as Henricus Pantaleon and Arnold striking appearance, it being decorated with
Wion. fresco paintings, rich and in the most gar-
s'' See the Bollandists' "Acta Sancto- geous colouring. Along the grand nave and
rum," tomus ii., Julii viii., Commentarius mounted high on corbels are numbers of
Praevius, sect, vi., p. 611. beautiful statues.
53 See Very Rev. F. C. Husenbeth's 6s The accompanying illustration of the
"Emblems of Saints," Third edition. cathedral front at Wurtzburg taken from a
Edited by Augustus J essopp, D.D., p. 125. photograph procured there has been drawn
54 In Bilder Legende. by William F. Wakeman on the wood, en-
55 In Die Attribute der Heiligen. graved by Mrs. Millard.
s6 In Der Heyligen Leben. M See "Thesaurus Reliquiarum Electora-
-i Lambrecht. lis Brunsvico-Launeburgicus." Hanoverise,
58 See Dean Cressy's "Church History 1713-
[July 8.
Bishop of Wurtzburg ;59 by some writers, however, it is thought probable, he
had been consecrated as Bishop before he left Ireland.60
A magnificent cathedral
— the building of which is
said to have taken place in
1042 ;61 and which now
fronts on one of the chief
streets in Wurtzburg — has
two imposing flanking
towers on the facade, and
they are crowned with
tapering spires to lanthron
finials, which are again
surmounted with crosses.62
Over the entrance door of
fine design are two grand
rose-windows with a triplet
circularly-headed window
in a compartment between
them. On building this
new cathedral, a shrine
was prepared within its
walls, for the reception of
the holy martyrs' remains,
and to this they were
transferred on the 25th of
March. 63 The year when
this Translation took place
has not been discovered.
Under the tabernacle of
the high altar within 6« are
preserved the heads of St.
Kilian, St. Colman and
St. Totnan, in magnificent
silver shrines.6* A portion of the martyrs' relics were said to remain, encased
in a rich shrine, and in possession of the Elector of Brunswick-Lunenburg.66
Among the elegant Epigrammatic Latin Poems 6? of Father Bonaventure
Baron, there is one on St. Kilian, the Irish Martyr ; and, it pithily describes
the occasion of his death, with the reverence paid to his memory.68
Throughout Germany, but especially in Franconia, extraordinary venera-
tion has been entertained and manifested in regard to the revered Martyrs,
Kilian, Colman and Totnan. But, as we may naturally suppose, Wurtzburg
claims to concentrate most that cultus, which its good Catholic people pay to
their Irish patrons. An ancient illuminated copy in Irish handwriting, of the
Fa9ade of Cathedral Wurtzburg.
6? See " Opuscula Prosa et Metro," Ar-
gumento etiam Varia, tomus I. The dedi-
cation of this work is dated by Frater Bona-
venture Baron, at Herbipolis, 6. Nones of
May, 1666, and the first folio volume was
published there in 1668. The second folio
volume appeared at Lyons, in 1669.
68 Thus run these lines : —
" Pellis idola adytis, Christum Kyliane
reponis :
Nee pateris nisi quum faemina pul-
sa thoro est.
Vivis Apostolicos Kyliane superstes
Baptista pariter funere functus obis."
— Lib. ii., n. 20, p. 26.
69 Among the Manuscripts preserved at
Wurtzburg, it is intituled, Codex Evangelio-
rum quo usus est S. Kilianus.
79 See an admirable article ** Irish Art in
Epistles of St. Paul, and of the Latin Gospels belonging to St. Kilian,6^ is
yet preserved in Wurtzburg.7° It lias been described, by M. Wattenbach, an
eminent German antiquary. It is traditionally believed by the people, that it
had been stained with the martyrs' blood. Before the irreligious innovations
of Luther and his brother reformers in Germany, in nearly all the imperial
cities there, churches and chapels had been dedicated to those martyrs. Besides
Wurtzburg, in Windsheim the principal church^1 built a.d. 1190, was dedi-
cated to St. Kilian, In Hailbrun, in the country of the Suevi, there was also
a church, and in it are memorial representations of the saint. In Halle, there
was a church, dedicated to him, with memorials. In the town of Huxar, and
near the monastery of Corbei, before the year 1000, a church had been built
and dedicated to St. Kilian; while, it is related, at a.d. 1088, that oblations
were made to its altar, by certain pious patrons.72 Likewise, at Vienna,
the capital city of Austria, there is annually a solemn celebration of the
Feast of the holy Patrons of Franconia.73 The church of Lambach,74 a town in
Upper Austria, had for its special Patrons, Saints Kilian, Colman and Tot-
nan, and there 75 the people had great devotion for their memory.
Having related the foregoing Elevations and Translations of those holy
Martyrs' relics, it is difficult to find what honours were paid to them in Wurtz-
burgh, before the close of the fifteenth and beginning oi the sixteenth century.
Yet, in a Missal, which is printed in Teutonic or Gothic characters, we have
a Mass in honour of St. Kilian, both on the vigil and on the day for his chief
Feast. We have also an Office^6 which had been recited in Lambach, with
an Octave.77 Its divisions have been noted by the Bollandists, and certain
extracts from it are reproduced ; but, various passages prove, that some inter-
polations of Egilward's Acts have been admitted to its Lessons. We learn,?8
that in the early part of the last century, very special veneration was given to
St. Kilian, and to his companion Martyrs, in the city of Wurtzburg. On the
eve of their chief Festival, 8th of July, it was the custom there, to sound the
great cathedral bell for the Ave Maria at noon, when all the bells in the city
and its suburbs gave forth a sonorous and continuous peal, to assemble the
clergy and people for the First Vespers of the chief Feast. 79 Having finished with
Complin, an hour's interval was allowed, when Matins and Lauds were recited
in the collegiate church of the New Monastery for the following Festival Day.
The senior Dean of the cathedral church presided on the occasion. The
Prince Bishop of the city and all his canons were present to chaunt First
Vespers in the cathedral. This celebration was continued all the remaining
days of the Octave; while the Abbot of St. Benedict's Order with his monks,
secular clergy of the collegiate churches in the city, and all the parish priests
Bavaria," by Miss Stokes, in " The Journal are here to be seen.
of the Royal Historical and Archaeological 7<5 It is intituled: "viir. Julii. In Festo
Association of Ireland," vol. i., part ii. SS. Kyliani et Sociorum Martyrum, Patro-
Fourth series, January, 187 1, pp. 352 to norum Ecclesise Lambacensis."
359. 77 it extends to nearly three entire folios in
71 Over its high altar, this saint's passion 4to, or to 24 pages.
was delineated. ?8 The account in the text Father Soller
72 This is stated, by Christian Francis had from the learned, most reverend and
Paulinus, in his Chronicle of Huxar, pub- illustrious John Bernard, Bishop of Chryso-
lished at Frankford, a.d. 1698, fol. 6, 7. politanus, suffragan of Wurtzburg.
73 This is stated, by Galenius, in his Ca- 79 It is remarkable, that without the choir,
lendar, on this day; and, it may be found, at this time, and for the ensuing three days,
from the Offices celebrated at Osnaburg M in- the right of asylum in the city was pro-
den, and other places. claimed by the public herald, for all who had
74 See an account of it in the "Gazetteer left it, charged with a public crime, and who
of the world," vol. viii., p. 634. feared prosecution or punishment for their
75 A noble Benedictine Abbey and Church delinquencies.
in the vicinity, assisted. They generally came in procession, and bearing
the reliquaries of saints kept in their respective churches. Early on the
morning of July 8th, the Little Hours of Prime and Tierce were publicly
recited in the cathedral. Afterwards, the canons of the cathedral assisted at
a First Solemn Mass. This ended, from seven to eight o'clock, the Assistant
Bishop of the diocese usually preached on a subject appropriate for the
occasion. Afterwards, at eight o'clock, the Prince Bishop and the clergy in
solemn procession went from the cathedral to the place where the tombs of
the martyrs were, in the collegiate church of the New Monastery. Thence
they returned to the great cathedral, where the heads of the Martyrs, placed
in their respective silver statues, were exposed on the high altar. Then the
Prince Bishop commenced the celebration of a Second High Mass. In the
evening, Second Vespers of the Feast were sung, the Bishop Assistant or the
Cathedral Dean usually presiding. Then the clergy of the various city and
adjoining churches returned to them, and bearing back their respective relics
in solemn procession. During the whole octave, and while the relics of
Saints Kilian, Colman and Totnan were exposed on the Cathedral Altar, a
Pontifical Mass was celebrated each morning, by a Bishop, or by an Abbot,
of the diocese. On the day of the Octave itself, a grand procession, at which
all the cathedral canons were present, went around the city. A singular cus-
tom was observed on the occasion of these processions, that the regular
soldiers and citizens — sometimes to the number of six thousand — lined the
route, and presented arms in honour of their saintly Patrons. Again, during
that whole Octave, the most solemn cultus was observed in the secular collegi-
ate church 8o of St. John the Evangelist, where the tombs of the martyrs lay.
Also, in the seminary of St. Kilian, and in the church of the celebrated Hos-
pital of Julianus, special veneration was paid to the holy Martyrs, whose relics
were there exposed. Until the political changes of the present century took
place, doubtless these magnificent celebrations took place ; but, even yet, in
the Catholic city of Wurtzburg, the Festival of its holy Martyrs and Patrons
is held, with appropriate religious rites and ceremonies.
In Ireland, the memory of those holy Martyrs has been preserved in
churches, chapels, and religious institutes, which have been erected in their
honour, and which have been specially dedicated to them. On an elevated
and a beautiful situation at Greystones, county of Wicklow, in the diocese of
Dublin, the foundation stone of a chapel dedicated to St. Kilian was laid, on
the 14th of October, 1866, by the Very Rev. Monsignor Walter Lee, P.P., of
Bray.81 It was designed in the early English style of Gothic architecture,
and it measured 72 feet by 22. However, the growing population and
requirements of that fashionable watering place necessitated the enlargement
of the primitive erection ; and accordingly, on Sunday, August 1st, 1886, His
Grace the Most Rev. William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, visited Grey-
stones, where, with the impressive ceremonies of the church,82 he laid the
foundation stone of transepts, extending east and west, with a choir in addi-
tion, and designed by P. F. Comber, C.E., of Bray. These have greatly
enlarged the building, now exceeding considerably over 100 feet in length.
80 Known in Latin Records as "Novum be deferred, until it became absolutely ne-
Monasterium." cessary to proceed with the building, owing
8' The site, half an acre of land, had been to a clause in the lease, which limited the
granted by Mr.Thomas Phelan — a gentleman time to within ten years,
then about to emigrate to America — on a 82 The proceedings are reported, at some
lease for 500 years, at a nominal annual rent length, in the Freeman 's Journal of August
of is., if demanded. For want of funds, the 2nd, 1886.
erection of ajsuccursal, church there had to 83 A handsome statue of St. Kilian,
Besides the Ven. and Very Rev. Monsignor Dean Lee,83 and several priests, a
large assemblage of parishioners and strangers was present. The whole build-
ing, in its present completed form, presents an exceedingly commodious and a
handsome succursal church. It seems the clergy and people of Mullagh
parish held a tradition, that the holy Apostle of Franconia, the Martyr St.
Kilian,had been born there, and accordingly it had been resolved to honour his
memory. Wherefore, considering him to be their patron, on Thursday, June
25th, 1857, the foundation stone of a new Catholic church, dedicated to St.
Kilian, and to be erected in the mediaeval style of Gothic architecture, was
blessed. The stone was laid, in the presence of several of the clergy, belong-
ing to the surrounding parishes, and of a large concourse of the respectable
parishioners. The Very Rev. Matthew McQuaid, P.P. and V.F., delegated
by the Right Rev. Dr. Browne, Bishop of the diocese, officiated on the occa-
sion.8* This church was afterwards completed, in an excellent architectural
style, and it was opened in honour of Franconia's and Ireland's illustrious
Apostolic Bishop and Martyr. The Catholic church in the beautiful vale of
Clara, near Glendalough, county ofWicklow, was authorized to be dedicated
to SS. Patrick and Kilian.85 Its situation is in a secluded spot, beside the
rushing Avonmore River, a few miles above where it unites with the Avonbeg,
at the celebrated " Meeting of the Waters/' In the United States of
America, we find churches and schools dedicated to St. Kilian, at Fond du
Lac County, at Hartford, Washington County, and at Hudson, Walworth
County, State of Wisconsin, in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee ; as also, in the
Diocese of Green Bay, and at New Franklin, Brown County.
From an early period, the Martyrologies and Calendars have recorded the
Feast of those holy Martyrs. Thus, in the Hieronymian copy of Usuard, belong-
ing to Lucca, there is an insertion ;86 as also, in an old Martyrology, belonging
to St. Martin, at Treves.8? The Martyrologists, Wandalbert,88 Raban,89 and
Ado, or his interpolator, placed it, on the 8th of the Ides of July ; while the
principal festival of those Martyrs has been assigned to this date, the pre-
sumed anniversary of their Martyrdom. Notkerhas rather lengthened notices
of those saints, and evidently drawn from ancient Acts, closely corresponding
with those referred to, in the earlier paragraphs of the present biography.
Trithemius, Ghinnius, Bucelin, Maurolycus, Felicius, Galesinius, Dorgan, and
Menard, have a record of their Festival, and of the saints' names, more or less
wrought by Herr Arnold Fussenging, an emi- 89 He writes : " In pago Austrioe, et castro,
nent Bavarian artist, and now mounted over the nomine Wirziburg, juxta Moiii fluvium,
high altar of the church, was a personal gift sanctorum natale Chiliani martyris et duo-
of the Dean, to whom the credit of erecting rum sociorum ejus, qui ab Hibernia Scoto-
the whole of this handsome church is due. rum insula venientes, nomen Christi in prse-
84 The foregoing account has been taken dictis locis pnedicaverum ibique ob veritatis
from a contemporaneous newspaper, the confessionem, a quodam judice iniquo, no-
Catholic Telegraph of July 18th, 1857. It had mine Gosberto, trucidati sunt, etposteamul-
been sent by a local correspondent. tis signis veri Christi Martyres esse clarue-
85 By His Eminence Paul Cardinal Cullen, runt."
on November 14th, 1864, at request of Very 9° Thus : " Herbipoli in Germania sancti
Rev. Richard Galvin, P.P., Rathdrum. Chiliani Episcopi, qui a Romano Pontifice
8° " In Austria, passio S. Kiliani." The ad praedicandum Evangelium missus, cum
Bollandist Soller deems this to have been an multis ad Christum perduxisset, una cum
addition to the original. sociis Colomano Presbytero et Totnano Dia-
*7 Thus entered : " In Vuirceburg, quae et cono trucidatus est." — " Maityrologium
Ermipolis nuncupatur, Kyliani episcopi et Romanum Gregorii XIII.," &c, p. 98.
martyris." Editio novissima, Romae, 1878, fol.
88 He states : 9I Thus, in Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of
Scottish Saints:'' " S. Kiliane bishop of h*er-
" Octavo ante Idus Cilianum Procopi- bipolis Scotismon vnder heraclius. 630."
umque." Seep. 157.
exactly rendered. The Roman Martyrology has a succinct and an accurate
entry regarding them, and likewise at this date. 9° In nearly ail the more
recent Acts, Martyrologies and Calendars of Saints, in like manner are to be
found placed the names of Saints Kilian, Colman and Totnan. In the Scot-
tish Kalendars, St. Kilian and his companions are entered, at the 8th of
July, viz. : in Adam King's Kalendar^1 and in Dempster's Menologium
Scoticum.92 Also, their feast is set down in R. Chambers' " Book of Days."93
In reference — evidently to these Martyrs — there is a curious entry 94 placed
in the Martyrology of Tallagh,^ at this day, the 8th of July, in honour
of St. Celian, a Scottish Martyr, with his holy brethren, Aedh and Tadg, with
Anurma, wife to the King of the Goths. We are informed, that they were
massacred by the prefect of the Royal Palace, and in the Hippodrome of the
king's residence. On Convceus' List of Irish Saints, St. Chilianus, St. Colo-
natus or Colomanus, and Totnanus, Martyrs, are set down at the 8th of
July.96 Father Henry Fitz-simon has also Totnanus, at this same date, and
as he states, by universal assent. 97 Father Stephen White 98 commemorates
these three holy companions, Kilianus, Colonatus and Totnanus, martyrs,
at the present date. The martyrdom of these three saints is noted in Vene-
rable Bede's Martyrology,99 according to the statement of Father Stephen
White.100 For this introduction, the Roman Martyrology is quoted. At the
8th of July, veneration was given to Kilianus, Colmanus et Colonatus,
Totnanus, Diaconus, according to the Martyrology of Donegal.101 There is
a Cillian, son of Dodhnan, adds the calendarist, at the 23rd of October. Then
he says : " inde error ;"102 but the writer of this note probably only intended
it for a memorandum, to guide himself or his readers to a better intelligence,
regarding the present Kilian or the Cillian, son of Dodnan, entered by him at
the 23rd of October. At the same date, in the Martyrology of Donegal,103 we
find the names of Cele-clerech, Bishop, Aedh, and Tadhg.10* These three
suffered Martyrdom, in Uairseburg,10s in Almania.
91 Thus : "In Franconia Kiliani, Totnani, Martyris et sociorum (Colonati et Totnani)
Colmani et Ervvaldi monachorum, gentis ejus, qui de Ibernia Scotorum insula,
Apostolorum, qui a Geilana martyris affici venientes, nomen Christi in prasdictis locis
jussi, M." — Ibid., p. 205. praedicaverunt, ibique ob confessionem veri-
93 See vol. ii., July 8, col. 555. tatis sub quodam judice Dosberto trucidati
94 It runs thus: " S. Celiani Scotti sunt, et multis postea signis veri Christi
martyris cum Sanctis fratribus Aedh ocus martyres esse claruerunt."
Tadg ocus Amarma conjuge Regis Gotho- I0° See "Apologia pro Hibernia," cap. iii.,
rum truncati a prepositodomus regiaein ippo- pp. 22, 23.
dromia Palatii regis." These words are MI Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
from a gloss to Marianus O'Gorman's 190, 191.
Martyrology. I02 A note by Dr. Todd says at Inde error:
95 Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii. u It is not very clear what the error was to
96 Thus: " S. Chilianus Epis. Hiperbo- which our author here alludes. He probably
lensis genere et martyris nobilissimus. meant the error in the name. He does not,
Wiziburgi. 8 Julii." " S. Colonatus, seu however, quote the Mart. Rom. correctly;
Colomanus, et Totnanus martyres et socii perhaps for " Colmanus et Colonatus," we
beati Chiliani Albiniaci. 8 Julii." See ibid., should read Colmanus vel Colonatus."
cap. x., p. 48. 103 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
97 See O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic 190, 191.
Catholicae Iberniae Compendium," tomus i., I04 There can be no doubt, that the
lib. iv., cap. xii., pp. 55, 57. Chilianus of the Roman Martyrology, and
98 This writer remarks : "en tibi novos his fellow martyrs — notwithstanding the
tres martyres, Gyralde." See "Apologia variation in the names — are the same as
pro Hibernia," cap. ii., p. 15, cap. iii., Cele-clerech, Aedh, and Tadg.
p. 23. ios A note by Dr. Todd says at Uairse-
99 In these terms : " Octavo idus Julii in burg : "i.e., Wirtzburg in Franconia." The
pago Austria et Castro nomine Wurtzbourg, more recent hand adds here in Roman letters,
juxta Maenum fluvium, natale S. Kiliani u Vide aliter apud. M. Taml."
With regard to the great Apostles of Gentile nations, we may safely assert,
that the person, who imparts Christian knowledge to those who have it not,
is like one who gives sight to a blind man. He is a true enlightener of men.
Although, indeed, the words of a preacher may contain little that is very
striking or remarkable, and although intellectually, the holy man may be below
mediocrity ; yet, the true preacher knows how to teach old and young, the
doctrines and precepts of Jesus, with a startling and an awakening freshness,
which present them as with a voice of power, thrilled and inspired by an
eloquence from on high. When this is felt by his hearers to be earnest, and
when it is known his own life is one of self-sacrifice, the mustard seed soon
begins to take root and to grow into a large tree. The labours and zeal of
those Apostles of Franconia, as on this day celebrated, flourished and faded,
for a brief time ; but, their blood sealed and watered that soil, where they
preached words of efficacy. In after time, the withered plant revived, and it
became that seed, which gave many Christians to the Church.
ALTHOUGH not wholly reliable in all statements, the most valuable and
authentic account of Pagan Germany1 we possess is that furnished by
the celebrated Roman historian, Caius Cornelius Tacitus.2 We are, however,
more concerned with the subsequent state and condition of that most impor-
tant country, which extended from the Rhine to the Vistula, and from the
Danube to the German Ocean and the Baltic Sea.3 According to Rhineland
tradition, the first teacher of Christianity, Crescens or Clemens, came with the
twenty-second Roman Legion, which had been with Titus in Palestine.
Afterwards, it was quartered at Mainz, about a.d. 78. In Mainz, he began
to announce the truths of the Gospel. A teacher, named Eucharius, in Trier
or Treves, also aided his efforts, to preach and propagate the Christian Reli-
gion throughout that wild tract of country, lying between the Main, the
Rhine, the Moselle, and the Saar. In the year from the foundation of Rome
651, or before the birth of Christ, 102, Marius delivered Rome from the
Article 11.— Chapter 1. — l See A. R. consuls.
Carson's edition " C. Cornelii Taciti Opera : 3 Some ancient writers give it even a larger
ad Fidem optimorum Exemplarium." De extent. See Rev. Fathers Catrou and
Situ, Moribus et Populis Germaniae, pp. Rouille's "Roman History; with Notes
415 to 430. Edinburgi, 1826, 8vo. Historical. Geographical and Critical," done
3 He was born about the year 810, after into English from the original French, vol.
the building of Rome, or the year 57, after vi., book lxii., sect, xxx., n. 105, p. 90.
the birth of Christ. He wrote this Treatise, * See Jules Zeller's " Hisioire d'Alle-
a.d. 98, M. Cocceius Nerva, Aug. iv., and magne," tome i., liv. i., chap, ii,, sect, ii.,
M. Ulpius Trajanus Caesar II. being then pp. 53 to 62.
[July 8.
incursions of the Cimbri and Teutones— who were Germans — for the first
time ;* afterwards, Caesar made some attempts to restrain them from invad-
ing Gaul ;5 Drusus, Tiberius and Varus conducted various Roman expeditions
against them, and with varying success or reverse f Germanicus in the year
of Christ, a. d. 13, made a final attempt to subdue Germany, but notwith-
standing his valour and military skill, he did not succeed in re-establishing
the Roman dominion there.? Although divisions prevailed among the German
nations contending for supremacy, and although the Romans took care to
foment and avail of those dissensions ; yet, were they unable to effect more
than an occasional and a precarious supremacy. Galba succeeded, however,
in causing the Catti to abandon that district of Germany between the Lahn,
the Maine and the Rhine, and it was distributed among the Roman veterans,
during the time of the Emperor Caligula.8 There, likewise, Christianity
began to spread ;9 although the vast extent of Germany north and east was
not subject to Roman dominion. It seems pretty well established, that long
before Constantine made Christianity a state religion, it obtained a firm foot-
hold IO within that particular territory." A very interesting glimpse depicting
graphically the state of that district, about 371, when the Idyll " Mosella w"
was written, has been left us by the poet Ausonius.^ In it, we have a descrip-
tion of his journey from Mainz to the sources of the Moselle.14 He crossed
the Nahe at Bingen,1* and he passed by the military road over the Huns-
rucken to Neumagen,16 on the Moselle, below Treves, and at the frontiers of
the Belgse.1? Long before the age of Disibod and his companions, however,
the Nahegau, and even the wooded country between the Nahe and the
5 See his work " Commentariorum de
Bello Gallico," lib. i., cap. xxxi. to liv.
6 See Carlo Denina's " Rivoluzioni della
Germania," tomo primo libro i., capo ii.,
pp. 12 to 21. Fizenze, 1804, 8vo.
7 See " Histoire des Allemands, traduite
de l'Allemand de Schmidt, par J. C. de la
Veaux, Profcsseur Royal a Berlin, tome i.,
liv. L, chap, vi., pp. 66 to 93. A Liege,
1784, et seq. 8vo.
8 These various incidents of early German
history are very lucidly set forth, in Jules
Zeller's " Histoire d'Allemagne," tome i.,
liv. ii., chap, iv., pp. 129 to 183.
9 We do not know exactly, what amount
of actual facts underlines the rhetorical
statements of St. Justin Martyn, of St.
Irenaeus, and of Tertullian, when they tell
us, that in the second century of our era, the
Christian religion had not only spread
throughout the Roman Empire, but among
the tribes and peoples beyond, and expressly
among the Germans.
10 There Roman remains have from time
to time been found, in considerable quanti-
ties. Numerous graves were in and near
Kreuznach, in which coins and human re-
mains have been found. There are no traces
proving the pagan custom of cremation upon
any of the latter. They were uniformly east
and west in position, which also marks
Christian burial from the earliest times.
" Herr Heep has some interesting obser-
vations regarding the castra stativa, at this
northern end of the Ilunsrucken, and in the
villa rustics around.
12 See "Corpus Poetarum Latinorum,"
Ausonii Burdigalensis Idyllia, x., pp. 1091
to 1095.
13 He was a native of Bourdeaux in France,
and he lived from about the year 320 to
14 The following are the opening lines : —
" Transieram celerem nebuloso flumine
Addita miratus veteri nova moenia
^Equavit Latias ubi quondam Gallia
C annas,
Infietseque jacent inopes super arva
,s The former name of Bingen was Vin-
cum. It is easily recognised, by its situation
on the Naua or Nahe. There is a common
readingof Vicum for Vincum, but theltenera-
rium Antonini gives the name as Vincum.
The modern name could hardly come from
Vicum or Vicus.
16 Noiomagum, where Constantine estab-
lished an enormous military settlement, is
easily recognised as Neumagen on the
1 The two points at the beginning and end
of the poet's journey being fixed, the old
Roman road from Bingen to Treves over the
Hunsrucken, appears to have been that direc-
tion in which the writer pursued his solitary
way. Trackless forests spread on either side
of the route.
Moselle — the Hunsrucken district — bad become Christianized. Mainz and
Treves l8 were the chief cities, from which Christianity flowed out over the
surrounding districts. The scene of Constantine's vision of the cross, T9 was
at Mainz,20 in a.d. 311, when he set out with his legions against Maxentius.
The best proof of the extent to which Christianity had spread, during that
period, is found in the fact, that from political as well as from religious mo-
tives, Constantine found it convenient to recognise its influences.21 Never-
theless, the Christianity of that district seems to have relapsed into heathen-
ism, in the age of Disibod. This fact could be easily accounted for, owing to
the irruptions of the wild hordes of Alemanni,22 at first, and afterwards of the
Franks, 23 who overturned the Roman power in Gaul, by their great victory
obtained at Soissons, in the year 486. 2+ Under the Romans, colonies of bar-
barian captives had been settled on the Hunsrucken, by Constantine II.,
about a.d. 360, owing to the wily statecraft of that people,2* who desired
those slaves of their Empire to become interested in holding other conquered
lands than their own. and who expected, in the case of outbreak by their bar-
barian neighbours, that the chief victims should be those who had yielded to
them in war as enemies, and in whose fate the heartless conquerors felt little
direct interest. Perhaps the tenacity, with which the colonists clung to their
ancient practices in those districts, which became afterwards the scene of
missionary labours for Disibod and for his companions, owed something to
the fact, that the population of those wild-wooded tracts had not benefited by
the examples of heroism and self-devotion manifested by the early martyrs and
pastors, whose doctrines began to spread through the better organized and more
civilized provinces of the Roman Empire. The leader of the Franks, King Clovis
orChlodoveus certainly did not — in the wilder settlements of his tribe — bring
about an entire abandonment of their old paganism, after his conversion to
Christianity. So late as the end of the eighth century, we find here in the
forests, and under the great oaks, a rustic worship of the old gods, and main-
tained by the Frankish settlers, within the episcopal diocese of Worms and
From some earlier accounts, as seems most probable, St. Raban Maur 2(S
and Marianus Scotus2? — or rather his interpolator Abbot Dodechinus28 — have
18 With these stations, the Nahegau and 23 These poured across the Rhine, when
even the Hunsrucken stood connected by they harried and wasted the country, and
military roads, which remain to this day. finally settled in the modern provinces of
19 This is described in his own Epistle to Alsace and Lorraine. See Edward Gibbon's
Eusebius. " History of the Decline and Fall of the Ro-
20 This is the oldest Christian See in Ger- man Empire," vol. iv., chap, xxxviii., p.
many. 349. Rev. Dr. William Smith's edition.
21 The various convulsions to which Ger- "* The Franks defeated the Alemanni, A.D.
many had been subjected from the third to 496, in the decisive battle of Tolbiacum, or
the fifth century are set forth in Jules Albiacum. This is held to be Tulpich, on the
Zeiller's " Histoire d'Allemagne," tome i., Lower Rhine ; or, if we read Albiacum, then
liv. ii., chap, v., pp. 184 to 264. Albich, near Alzir, in the neighbourhood of
22 The Alemanni for a time were dominant Kreuznach.
people, until their superiority was disputed. 2S The Emperor Julian reproached Con-
" La Germania Mendionale e Mediterranea stantine with having been the fiist to elevate
era tuttaviadaTuringi, da Sassoni, dagli Ale- the Barbarians to offices of importance in
manni posseduta. Questi ultnni occupavano civil and military affairs. See " Histoire
la maggior parte della Svevia, perche gli des Alemands," traduke de l'Allemand de
Alemanni erano per la piu parte di quelli Schmidt, par J. C. de la Veaux, Professeur
Svevi che abitavannoanticamente nella Ger- Royal a Berlin, tome i., liv. i., chap, viii.,
mania Settentrionale tra l'Elba e 1 Oder." — p. 125.
" Rivoluzioni della Germania," di Carlo 26 His Life has been treated of already, in
Denina, tomo primo, libro ii., capo ii., the Second Volume of this work, at Feb-
p. 95. ruary 4th — the date for his festival. Abou .
taken their notices of the holy man Dysibod. The Life of this saint was written,
according to the direction of Abbot Helinger,2^ by St. Hildegardis,30 in the year
1 1 70. This distinguished woman received her education, at Disibodenberg,
from the Abbess Jutta.31 St. Hildegarde was subsequently the last Abbess
over that convent.32 She tells us, in the beginning of her biography, that
she had revelations or some sort of internal monitions to undertake this
work.33 However, it seems probable, that earlier Lives of St. Dysibod were
then in circulation, and which were but amplified in particular passages,3* with the
pious reflections of St. Hildegarde. It is very certain, that the narrative is in-
volved and intricate, nor can we depend much on its general historical accuracy.
The present saint's virtues and labours are commemorated by Molanus,
Canisius,and Arnoldus.3* The Abbot John of Trittenheim 3<5 has an account of
St. Disibodus ; as also the Abbot Dodechinus, who was Abbot of Dissenburg,
and John Wilson,3? commemorate him. The Acts of this holy missionary and
bishop have been included in the collections of Lippeloo,38 of Surius,3? of the
Bollandists,4° and of the Benedictines.*1 Father John Mabillon has an
account of St. Disibodus, in his " Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti."42 He is
his Martyrology, more has been stated in the
First Volume. Introduction.
27 In G. Waitz's edition of Mariani Scotti
" Chronicon," there is no entry regarding
our saint, as may be noticed by referring
to the " Monumental Germania Historica,"
tomus v.
38 This Codex version, of what professes
to be the Chronicle of Marianus, has been so
filled with local historic incidents, that it
might better deserve the title " Annales S.
Dysibodi."— Ibid., pp. 483, 484.
29 He was the fifth Abbot over the Abbey,
built on Disibodenberg Mount.
30 For nearly one hundred years, after
1005, a cloister for nuns of noble families
existed at Disibodenberg, as well as the
cloisters for the monks. And
" Die Nonnen sangen ; O Christe du
bariitigam suss und traut !
Die Monche seufz'ten : Maria, O
Komm, du susse Braut I"
31 The Abbess Jutta of Disibodenberg —
one of the old Sponheim race — went through
the Glan with dry feet, and she turned water
into wine, according to the Legend of her
32 Having found the community of goods
between monks and nuns there not quite to
her severer taste, she insisted on a separa-
tion. With the help of the Counts of .spon-
heim and others, after great resistance on the
part of the abbot and monks, she accom-
plished her object, and founded a new reli-
gious Parthenon for herself andhernuns, about
1 1 50, on the Rubertsberg, and on the left
bank of the Nahe near Kreuznach. The only
male inmate of their house, in that place,
was the holy Rupert, a saint who was buried
there many hundred years before, in the
times of King Pippin. The abbess Hilde-
garde has been renowned for extraordinary
sanctity and austerity, while her revelations
have made her celebrated, not alone during
her own age, but through all succeeding cen-
turies. Her feast is celebrated on the 17th
of September.
33 See the Bollandists' " Acta Sanctorum,"
tomus ii., Julii viii. De S. Disibodo Episc,
et Confess, in Dysenberg, Territorii Mogun-
tini, in Germania. Vita auctore S. Hilde-
garde moniali. Ex M. S. Maximini Trevi-
rensis, in Four chapters and Fifty-four para-
graphs, pp. 588 to 597. A previous Com-
mentary in Three sections and Thirty-three
paragraphs, by the Editor, Father John
Baptist Soller, precedes, and notes are
34 Such is the opinion of Mabillon, when
treating on this subject, in the "Acta Sanc-
torum Ordinis S. Benedicti."
35 See Father Stephen White's "Apologia
pro Hibernia," cap. iv., pp. 26, 44.
36 In his "Chronicon llirsaugiensis," ad
annum Christi 1108. Likewise, in his work
" De Viris Illustribus Ordinis S. Benedicti,
lib. iii., cap. eclviii.
37 In his " Martyrologium Anglicanum,"
at Julii viii.
The "Vita Sanctorum." The Third
Volume contains Acts of St. Disibod, Bishop,
at July the 8th. See pp. 113 to 119.
39 See Vita St. Disibodi, Confessoris, in
Gcrmannia, in thirty-seven paragraphs of
Surius, tomus iv. of "Acta Sanctorum, " pp.
141 to 148, at Julii viii.
40 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
Julii viii., pp. 581 to 599.
41 In the Appendix to the Fourth Volume
of the "Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Bene-
dicti," sax iii., pars ii., A.D. 700 to A.D. 800,
is written the Life of St. Disibod, Confessor,
in 8 paragraphs, pp. 496 to 498.
4i Sec tomus i., lib. xvi., num. xliv., pp.
522, 523.
43 In his work " Annalibus Trevirensibus,
noticed, likewise, by Christopher Brower.43 The Bollandists 44 had obtained
Acts of St. Dysibod, which were taken from a vellum Passional, belonging to
the monastery of Bodensee, but to which they attached very slight importance,
as the accounts contained in them appeared to have been very unskilfully
compiled from other Acts of saints, and to have been mainly taken up with a
puerile Legend of King Dagobert's hunting and of his bestowing a munificent
endowment for the monastery of Dysibod, as also with an account of miracles
which had been wrought through his intercession after the time of St. Hilde-
garde. It is supposed, that these legends had been collected probably in
the thirteenth or fourteenth century. There is an unreliable account in
Dempster45 of this holy missionary. It was Colgan's intention to have
written his Acts at this date/6 Adrien Baillet 4? has some notices regarding
him, as Abbot of Disenburg. Among the more modern Irish writers, in
Walter Harris' Ware,48 as also in the works of the Rev. Dr. Lanigan w and
of John D'Alton,50 there are notices of St. Dysibod. A brief account of St.
Disen or Disibode is to be found in Les Petits Bollandistes'51 collection.
As a great portion of St. Hildegarde's Acts of this holy man are diffusely
rhetorical and traditional, we shall confine ourselves to an abbreviated state-
ment of the few facts they present, with some notices of him from other sources.
St. Disibod, or Disen, is said to have been descended from a noble Hiber-
nian family, although his parents were not possessed of a superfluity of this
world's riches. They were oppressed by the hostility of a certain powerful and
tyrannic chief, who was dominant in their part of the country, and who had re-
duced them and others as well, to a state of depression and dependence. Disi-
bod was still a boy, at this time, and from the very earliest age he was distin-
guished for many virtues. Although some of the Scottish writers claim him as a
compatriot,*2 he was born in Ireland, and as seems most probable,53 some time
after the year 620. It would appear, that his dispositions were all of a pious
tendency ; that he was pure of mind, and prudent for his age ; avoiding evil
and doing good, to the very utmost of his ability. No wonder, that his parents
were unwilling to surrender him as a hostage to that tyrant, whose caprices
were of a passionate and an ill-natured bent. Wherefore, they watched an oppor-
tunity and fled with him to a more remote part of the country, where a river
flowed into the sea.54 At this place, there was a town and an institute of
religious men, who conducted a school. These taught various liberal sciences,
and Disibod was placed under their care. His learning and intellectual
abilities were only surpassed by his proficiency in the graces of the Holy
Ghost, which gave great comfort to his parents, during their forced expulsion
from their former home. Disibod had a most retentive memory, and as day
by day he grew in stature and in mental resources, he applied also to the
practice of good works, to prayer and to alms-giving, daily becoming more
perfect in the knowledge and observance of God's law. He was resolved to
devote himself entirely to the Divine service. Accordingly, step by step, he
received the various minor charges of the ministry. At thirty years of age,
he was promoted to priest's orders. He then resolved, more sedulously,
if possible, to cultivate the Lord's vineyard. It so happened, in that part of
ad annum Christi 639. Mensium et Dierum."
44 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomusii., Julii v See "Les Vies des Saints," tome Hi.,
viii. De S. Disibodo Episc. et Confess., &c. pp. 67 to 69.
Commentarius Preevius, sect, ii., num. 15, p. 48 See vol. i., " Archbishops of Dublin,"
584, and pp. 597 to 599. p. 304.
4> See " Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Sco- « See "Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
torum," tomus i., lib. iv., num. ccclxxiii. land," vol. hi., chap, xviii., sect, ix., pp. 114,
46 As may be seen from "Catalogus Ac- 115.
tuum Sanctorum quae MS. habentur, ordine s° See "Memoirs of the Archbishops of
[July 8.
the country, one of the bishops belonging to the place had been called away
from this life ; and according to the custom prevailing, all the people assem-
bled to chose his successor. The holiness of Disibod, and his suitability for
that exalted office, were thoroughly well known. Accordingly, he was
unanimously elected. Through humility, he at first refused, but those, whose
prudent opinions he respected, urged him to comply with what seemed to be
the will of Divine Providence. He was soon afterwards elevated to the
dignity of Bishop, although he accepted this position with extreme reluctance.
However, he collected around him some persons of great judgment and
piety, by whose advice he desired to be chiefly guided. They gave him the
greater courage to discharge the duties of his trust faithfully, and while loyal
to their spiritual superior, they afforded him great consolation, in some trials
and difficulties to which he had been subjected. Notwithstanding, his greatest
refuge was in distrust of himself, and in prayer to God, whereby his deficien-
cies might be supplied. We are told, that the See over which he presided
was that of Dublin ;ss and some writers, who have treated regarding the suc-
cession of Prelates in that See, make him succeed St. Wiro,s6 another sup-
posed bishop in that See. He is said to have resigned it, and to have
left for Belgium, where he died at Rurimond, on the 8th of May, a.d. 650. 57
This, however, not
alone admits of
doubt,s8 but, it is
altogether improba-
ble, as Dublin had
not become a city, 59
nor had it been
erected into an ec-
clesiastical centre of
government, at that
early period.60 It
may be, that Dysi-
bod was a bishop in
some other part of
Ireland,01 and that,
as the fame of Dublin
— the chief city of
our Island— reached
the Continent before
the time when his
Acts had been writ-
ten, it was assumed,
he must have pre-
sided over its See, at
a more remote time.
He bore the episco-
pal dignity and bur-
den, it is said, for ten
years. During this
time, by his preach-
ing and zeal, he con-
verted many sinners from the error of their ways. While many of his subjects
were averse to wholesome discipline, others are said to have been pagan,
Street View in the City of Dublin.
Dublin," pp. 20, 21.
i' See "Vies des Saints," tome viii.,
viiie Jour de Juillet, p. 164.
s2 See Dempster's " Historia Ecclesiastic
while a schism arose, and many opposed the teaching to be found in the Old
and New Testaments.62 Even some are stated to have joined the Jewish
sect.6* Difficulties seem to have beset him, in his administration of diocesan
affairs ; and, for a long time, he steadily opposed the evils, which threatened
him, while bearing with fortitude and patience those various calumnies and
injuries that fell so thickly upon him. Even his personal safety seems to have
been affected, and a conspiracy of his enemies helped to gather a band of
rioters, who desired to depose him. Owing to the opposition of these turbu-
lent characters among his flock, he was obliged at length to resign his bishop-
ric. Disibod collected a few religious men to whom he revealed his purpose,
which was, to leave his native country, family and friends, for the sake of
Christ, whose vineyard he could not successfully continue to cultivate there,
and to find in a foreign land, some field of labour, which might be productive
of better results. It is thought to be probable, that Disibod exercised his
episcopal functions, until the year 674/4 when he is supposed to have resigned
the government of his See. Some writers assign an earlier date for his migration
to the Continent.63 Before parting from Ireland, an angel is said to have
appeared in a dream, and told him, that he must wander thence, to kindle in
dark places the light of the Gospel, and that he must not rest anywhere, until
one day when he shall have come into a country, where his staff should stick
in the earth, and afterwards become a green sapling. At the same time,
Dysibod learned, how he should see a white hind, scratching a spring in the
ground, and two rivers meeting, at that place. In consequence of those
troubles, already alluded to, he left his native country, resolving never more
to return. Taking the pilgrim's staff — like so many holy Irishmen of that
period — and resolving to seek another sphere of duty, with cheerful mind he
prayed " Lead kindly light,"66 and he trusted to God's protection and guid-
ance for the future situation, where his work in life might procure him an
eternal reward.6?
Gentis Scotorum," tomus i., lib. iv., num. 6° See D'Alton's "Memoirs of the Arch-
ccclxxiii,p. 205. New edition. Edinburgh bishops of Dublin, "p. 21.
1829. 6l In a safe manner, Mabillon states:
53 This must only be calculated, on the very ** Disibodus in Hibernia natus, ibidem epis-
uncertain data to be extracted from his Acts. copus fuisse dicitur." — " Annales Ordinis S.
** This indefinite way of stating it leaves Benedicti," tomus i., lib. xvi., num. xliv.,
us ignorant of the exact place to which he is p. 522.
said to have gone. 6a Father Thomas O'Sheerin suggests the
5SJohn Wilson, in his "Martyrologiam possibility of Pelagianism having spread in
Anglicanum," at the 8th of July, speaks Ireland, at this time.
of him as Bishop of Dublin : " Ordina- 63 It is quite evident, that nearly all these
tus est Dubliniensis in eodem regno Epis- statements are from the pure workings of
copus." imagination, on the part of the writer of our
56 See an account of him on the 8th of saint's Acts.
May— the date for his festival — in the Fifth 6* See the additions to Marianus Scotus'
Volume of this work, Art. i. " Chronicon." Ad annum 674 et 675.
57 See Harris' Ware, vol. i., "Archbishops 6s In Les Petits Bollandistes' "Vies des
of Dublin," p. 304. Saints," it is set down at about A.D. 652.
58 While he adopts this assertion on Wil- See tome viii., viiie Jour de Juillet, p. 164.
son's credit, Harris states it as unsupported 66 The sentiment conveyed in a beautiful
from any authorities cited by that writer. See Hymn, written by His Eminence John Henry
ibid. Cardinal Newman, in his "Poems," many of
. 59 The accompanying illustration presents which are so replete with true devotional
a view of Dublin from Grafton-street. On feeling.
the right is a portion of Trinity College and 6? See the Bollandists' "Acta Sanctorum,"
nearly opposite on the left, the front of the tomus ii., Julii viii. De S. Disibodo Epis.
former Houses of Parliament. Drawn from et Confess., &c. Vita Auctore S. Hilde-
a photograph, by William F. Wakeman on garde moniali, ex Ms. S. Maximinise Trevi-
the wood, engraved by Mrs. Millard. rensis, cap. i. , pp. 588 to 590.
[July 8.
Moved by the spirit of God, St. Disibod was accompanied by three pious and
learned men, named Giswaldus x or Gillilaldus, Salust, and Clement, who
travelled with him from Ireland. Their first course was probably directed
to England, although St. Disibod's Acts are silent regarding the special
places visited by them. However, it is stated, that Disibod, and those who
had accompanied him from Ireland, kept moving about and preaching from
one place to another, for ten years,2 before finding the site for his permanent
abode. The journey of those strangers was chiefly through France and Ger-
many, so far as we can interpret the order of narrative. It is likely, in after
time, they had reached the course of the Lower Rhine, and had travelled
along its left banks, through that highly romantic and precipitous duct
through which it flows, from the present city of Bonn, to Coblentz, and on to
liingen,3 where it is joined by the Nahe and its tributaries. The holy
missionary's exemplary life and actions caused even the rude inhabitants of
those countries, through which St. Disibod travelled, to entertain a great
veneration for him. His earnest, zealous and persuasive eloquence seemed
to be directed only for the attainment of one end, to win over his fellow-crea-
tures from the error of their ways. He preached the Gospel without cessation,
everywhere producing a harvest of souls, by the exercise of his apostolic
labours, yet oftentimes finding those persons, whom he exhorted in vain.
He had a profound distrust in his own unaided exertions; and therefore, he
frequently prayed the Almighty to assist and guide him.
Dysibod was at last consoled by a vision, which he had one night, having
been assured by the Almighty, that his trials should cease, and that he should
soon find a place of rest, to reward him for his toils and anxieties in God's
service. It is by no means certain, that our saint lived so very shortly after
the death of St. Benedict/ as has been stated by the Abbess St. Hildegarde,s
or that he desired to establish a house of that order, wherever he purposed to
rest. When he wished to gather around him a religious community, it seems
most probable, he intended only to follow the monastic models and rules,
which prevailed in Ireland during his time. After the interval already calcu-
lated, as being spent in preaching and journeying on his mission, St. Disibod
Chapter 11. — * So is he styled, by Ma-
billon, in his " Annales Ordinis S. Bene-
dict," tomus i., lib. xvi., num. xliv., p.
2 See John D'Alton's "Memoirs of the
Archbishops of Dublin," p. 20.
3 A finely coloured Map, Le Rhin de May-
ence a Coblenz, pi. vi., in Klisee Rectus'
"Nouvelle Geographie Universale," tome
iii., presents the physical features of this re-
gion which are beautifully shown. See chap,
iii., sect, iii., p. 550.
« This happened A.D. 543.
5 Of St. Benedict she remarks : " qui nuper-
rime migraverat."
6 " Unde iter ingrediens nemorosa per
avia solum,
Et nulla humani spectans vestigia
Praetereo arentem sitientibus undi-
que terris
Dumnissum, riguasque perenni fonte
Arvaque Sauromatum, nuper metata
colonis :
Et tandem primis Belgarum conspi-
cor oris
Nivomagum, divi castra inclyta Con-
— Ausonius' "Idylia," x. Mosella, 11. 5— II.
entered the Lower Palatinate of Germany. He appears to have travelled
through that picturesque region so happily described by the Poet Ausonius.6
It is said, that he and his companions wandered without the sacred sign, till
one day, travelling through this distant part of Gallia, its future patron reached
the Nahethal. No doubt, similar reports of that heathenism and paganism,
existing in the wild woods and solitudes of northern Germany, which attracted
St. Goar 1 and others from Aquitaine, had penetrated to Ireland, then the
Island of Saints and of missionaries. A desire for spreading the Gospel
among those people, inspired Disibod and his zealous companions, to under-
take the labours of their mission.8 Through the mountains of the Hunds-
ruck region^ and beyond those of the Hoch Wald 10 and Idar Wald, they
passed. At length, they penetrated to the valley of the Nahe.
That district lying round the villages of Sohren, Niedersoren, and Sohr-
schied,11 on the right and left of the old Roman road, were the fields I2 of
ancient colonists, known as the Saurometes. In these wild mountain and
forest districts, along the river Nahe, and where it flows into the Rhine, it is
pretty clear, that in the sixth century the scanty population must have
relapsed into entire paganism. Early as Christianity had been planted in
those regions, it was not from Mainz or Treves, however, that efforts were
now made to reclaim those rude populations to Christianity. The missiona-
ries had come from a remote Island in the Western Ocean, and these too
were the pioneers of civilization. In the interior of that country, at the present
time, every valley that descends towards the Rhine near Bingen is domi-
nated by high donjons and walls, and there too begin those magnificent
and vine-clad heights, on either bank of that noble river.x3 TheGlan and the
Nahe were the rivers beside whose commingling waters, as had been foretold,
the wanderers were to find their future home. "This is my place of rest,"
cried out Dysibod to his companions, when they had arrived there.1* A high
and wood-crowned hill of difficult access presented itself, and the position
was one of extreme beauty, in the eyes of those stranger pilgrims ; nor can
their taste and judgment be questioned on this point, by tourists who visit it
at the present day.
A strong probability exists, that St. Disibod had been created a "Regionary
Bishop, J5 without a fixed See ; and, we may suppose, that such elevation was
a consequence of his indefatigable missionary efforts. However this may be,
near the confluence of the Nahe and the Glan, according to the legend, his
staff stuck fast, and behold it burgeoned and unfolded into leafage. This was
the sign he had so long desired. A white hind was grazing near, under whose
feet a clear spring was welling forth. The holy man stood and worshipped
? The town of St. Goar, on the Rhine, I0 The German word Wald — applied to
still preserves in remembrance the missionary many local denominations — has the significa-
zeal of its patron, St. Goar. He came from tion of " forest."
Aquitaine to convert the pagans of the " The syllable sohr has no German or
Rhineland. He died there, a.d. 575. Teutonic root.
8 In this description and in other accounts " Called " arva Sauromatum."
which precede and follow, we have utilized I3 See Elisee Reclus' " Nouvelle Geogra-
a very interesting series of articles intituled, phie Universelle," tome iii., chap, iii., sect.
" Letters from Kreuznach," which have been iii., pp. 547 to 555.
published in The Glasgow Herald. See No. I4 This spot is situated about two miles
vi., Thursday, September 2nd, 1875. from Kreutznac, and one from Sponheim.
9 It stretches between the Rhine, the See Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S. Bene-
Moselle and the Nahe, running chieflynorth dicti," tomus i., lib. xvi., sect, xliv., p. 523.
and south. With the Vosges Mountains it IS See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des
is connected through the Hoch Wald chain. Saints," tome viii., viiie Jour de Juillet, p.
See "Gazetteer of the World," vol. vii., 164.
p. 166. l6 The Life by St. Hildegarde thus de-
like Jacob, leaning on the top of his staff, admiring, as if by some forewarn-
ing instinct, the beauty of that scene. He prayed, likewise, that other souls
might delight in frequenting it, and that a faithful people might serve God
there. Not disobedient to the heavenly vision, Disibod and his companions
built themselves huts at the foot of that hill.16 His own habitation faced the
east, while the cells of his compnnions were severally somewhat removed from
it.1' For a considerable time, they lived on herbs and roots, not having any
oth er kind of food. Sometimes, when hunters or fishers entered this wood, for
the purpose of enjoying the excitement of their respective pursuits, and when
woodsmen came there to gather wood, or for other reasons, they found Dysi-
bod engaged in digging for his daily sustenance or employed in collecting
what was necessary for his support. Soon the rumour spread abroad, that a
holy man and his companions, no doubt divinely inspired, had come to settle
in that wild place. The people respecting their motives began to furnish
them with means for living among them, in return for which kindness, the
missionaries studied and learned their language, that so they might better in-
struct those to whom they announced the words of eternal life. The poor
and needy were encouraged to approach the hermits' cells, where they were
fed with what food those pious men could spare, while they were taught to
labour for that food which is not perishable. The examples of the Eastern
solitaries, such as Anthony aud Macharius, was a model on which Dysibod
and his companion fashioned their lives. Lest the ancient serpent might pre-
vail against them, they practised great mortification, and many austerities,
that they might bring their flesh into complete subjection under the spirit. In
return for his self-sacrificing mode of living, St. Dysibod was gifted with the
power of working miracles. Many who were sick and infirm he healed ; but
especially, through a sincere humility, he avoided as much as possible the
praise and admiration of men.
The original populations of that district, in which Disibod laboured as a
missionary, were probably the Sauromatian colony and their descendants ;
while the Frankish conquests added only thinly scattered settlements, here
and there, throughout the Wald. The fame of St. Disibod's sanctity could
hardly fail to spread abroad, and accordingly, as if by a spontaneous move-
ment, several people collected and built an oratory for him, on the eastern
side of that mountain where he dwelt, and it was intended for his accommo-
dation, so that he might celebrate the Divine mysteries there, and engage in
his offices of prayer and sacrifice. This was contrived, likewise, to prevent
an easy access, which might bring pilgrims in greater crowds to him, and
thus interrupt his daily round of spiritual exercises. Although he led a soli-
tary life l8 in that place, yet was he accessible, not only to the brothers of
his community, but even to strangers, who came to him for advice or instruc-
tion. Before his death, the holy man saw a chapel erected on the eastern
brow of that hill. In like manner, a village or collection of huts — the nucleus
of the later Studenheim — was built on a plain at its western foot, when the
thorns and brambles had been removed. Gardens and small paddocks were
there enclosed, to serve for his purposes and temporal wants. He erected a
monastery *9 accordingly, and he collected about him many monks, belong-
scribes it: " Mons autem ille in circuital, ries.
cum adjacentibus sibi silvis, locis quoque ,8 In Harris' Ware, it is stated he lived there
perviis et inviis (non unius hominis sed com- " an Eremetick Life," vol. i., " Archbishops
provincialium, tam minorum quam majorum) of Dublin," p. 304.
plusquam milliare unum eo tempore erat." '9 While some writers have the erection of
17 This description is quite in keeping, this monastery at A. n. 674, others place it at
with the plan of the primitive Irish monaste- a much earlier date.
ing, it has been said, to the Order of St. Benedict. However, this latter
statement does not appear to be correct ; for, it is much more probable, that
St. Dysibod and his companions lived under an Irish form of rule, which in
times long subsequent was supplanted there by that of St. Benedict.10 Soon
his congregation began to increase, and he endeavoured to govern it in a
manner, which might serve to repulse the approach of sin among them. He
warned the monks, to put on the whole armour of Christ ; to be chaste,
humble, disinterested and persevering in virtue. He cautioned thern against
the spirit of worldliness, which was to be overcome, by strict adhesion to
their rules of discipline. The number of his monks was fifty, in the earlier
period of his foundation; but before twelve years had passed over, that
number was largely increased. He was always careful to prove well the merits
of those, who sought admission to his institute. Having been elected Abbot
by the religious who followed him there, he applied to the faithful discharge
of those responsible duties devolving on him. Many came from distant
places to visit St. Dysibod, and these always recommended themselves to his
prayers and patronage. They declared, also, that as the Almighty had sent
such a great servant to dwell among them, so was it their duty to make a pil-
grimage to his solitude, and to honour him in every possible way. The holy
missioner received from one of the territorial proprietors, near the confluence
of the Rivers Glan and Nahe, as a provision for future support, and as a
means to procure temporal necessaries, the gift of a large tract of a high
wooded mountain.21 Both the chiefs and people of that district resolved the
saint and his successors should remain among them. The entire hill and its
appurtenances were given to the monks, who dwelt there. This was regarded
as their patrimony, because of the many wonders the Almighty had wrought
through their instrumentality. As if with one voice, the donors cried out :
4< Praises be to thee O Lord God, who hath deigned to send this saint among
us !" While Dysibod gratefully received this gift, he also dreaded, that it
might prove an impediment to his spiritual well-doing. He fell on his
knees and prayed, that this gift might be fruitful alone in bringing souls to
The site of his monastery took the appropriate name of Mount Disibod,
after the saint ;22 and at present it is called Dysenberg or Disenberg.23 Its
later ruined monastery — also called Dissibodenberg — near Staudemheim,2*
rises over the River Nahe. By the French, his place was designated Mont-
Saint Disibode.2s A work, intituled "De Monachorum Profectuin Solitudine
agentium," lib. i.,2<5 which was intended chiefly for the instruction of his dis-
ciples, has been ascribed to him. Thomas Dempster, the Scotchman, tells
us,2? that he saw a fragment of this work. The Rev. Dr. Lanigan 28 seems to
discredit this statement of Dempster, but he does not state on what grounds.
Probably, however, it was owing to his natural distrust regarding the honesty
and veracity of our national saint-stealer.
Owing to the merits of this holy servant of God, many miracles and signs
20 It is strange, that the acute and learned on the Continent," sect, viii., Route 100, p.
Irish historian, Rev. Dr. Lanigan, should 511.
have fallen into the error of his rule being 25 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des
tliat of St. Benedict. See "Ecclesiastical Saints," tome viii., viiie Jour de Juillet, p.
History of Ireland," vol. iii., chap, xviii., 164.
sect, ix., p. 1 14. 26 See Harris' Ware, vol. i., u Archbishops
21 See John D'Alton's " Memoirs of the of Dublin," p. 304.
Archbishops of Dublin," p. 20. 27 See " Historia EcclesiasticaGentis Sco-
22 See Arnold Wion's "Lignum Vitse," torum," tomus i., lib. iv., num. 373, p. 205.
lib. ix., cap. 58. 2g See his "Ecclesiastical History of Ire-
23 In Latin, called "Mons Sancti Disibodi." land," vol. iii., chap, xviii., sect, ix., n. 113,
24 See Murray's " Handbook for Travellers p. 115.
were wrought through him. Among these are specified his restoring to speech
a man, whose tongue had been paralyzed, so that he had not the power of
speaking, and this he intimated by signs to the saint. The latter prayed, and
then, in imitation of our Divine Lord, he cried out : " In the name of Him who
said to the mute man, effeta, and he began to speak, I order that thou depart
from the tongue of this man, which thou hast bound with a chain of infirmity,
and henceforth never prevent him from speaking," These words were
addressed to the evil spirit. Immediately the man found words to return
thanks to God and to his saint. In like manner was a dropsical person and a
leper healed, although through humility St. Dysibod would wish to conceal
his agency in those matters, and to refer all such supernatural benefits, not to
his own merits, but to the omnipotence of God alone. The blind, the lame,
the weak, as also those possessed by the devil, and persons who had been
deprived of their senses, came to him from places far and near, and as the
virtue of the Almighty had been exercised through him, they were healed
from their several infirmities.
He led a much stricter life, however, than even the rule demanded, which
had been established for his monks. Although living in such close proximity
to them, Disibod, it is said, never removed into their cloisters, nor assumed
the habits of their order j but, he lived a life more austere and self-denying,
than that required from his subjects.2^ While spending his days as a hermit,
he laboured zealously to urge upon them the practice of every good work,
while he so comforted them, that they desired not to have any other master
during his lifetime, so gentle and so inoffensive was his method of governing
them. Although he had suggested to his monks the desirability of electing
some other superior to fill his place, yet they would not entertain such a pro-
posal. The fame of his holiness and of his happy disposition spread far and
wide, so that many persons flocked to his place, even from distant provinces.
The people of the villages around him were also delighted to act the part of
good neighbours and of good Christians, while they lent willing and very
material aid to forward all his enterprises. He thus lived a retired and peni-
tential life for thirty years, at Dissenberg, watching and fasting, taking only
the most frugal and coarse food, and using a plain rough garment. He
imitated the retirement of Blessed Paul, the first hermit, preferring the soli-
tude of the desert to the towns which are the haunts of men. We are told,
that he celebrated the Divine office of the Altar, not after the manner of a
bishop, but according to the custom of poor priests. Always was he cheerful
in disposition, and his heart was never oppressed with sorrow, endeavouring
in all ways to imitate the patience of Christ under affliction. 3°
Having spent a long life in Disenberg, and preached much in the neighbour-
hood of Mainz,1 when his multiplied labours there and age had greatly wasted
'9 Sttibid., sect, ix., p. 1 14. Moguntini, in Germania. Vita auctore S.
s° See the Bollandists' "Acta Sancto- Hildegrade moniali, cap. ii., iii., pp. 590 to
rum," tomus i., Julii viii. De S. Disibodo 593.
Epis. et Confess, in Dysenberg, Territorii Chapter hi.— x See Rev. S. Baring-
his strength, Dysibod predicted to his brethren that their state of existing pros-
perity should not always continue, but that the devil, envying their happiness and
remembering how much they had served to weaken his power, should labour
to bring on them and on their successors future oppression and temporal
calamities. However, he consoled them by saying : '* With sighs and sorrow
of heart, I have hitherto earnestly endeavoured and desired, that I may not
live to see your tribulation in this world, and I trust in God this shall happen.
Yet, know you, that as my bodily strength is now failing fast, and as my death
is near, after you shall have suffered oppression, in later times, better and
more prosperous events shall take place, so that even your successors shall
abound in possessions, far greater than those I leave you." When his
brethren heard him speak thus, they were filled with sorrow, which found vent
in tears, for they now knew, that his death must soon happen. Soon the
rumour of his prophecy spread among the neighbouring people, who flocked
to him as to their chief patron. They were desirous to receive his last
instructions and blessing. He did not conceal from them the secret of his
approaching end, but offered up his prayers for them. He then recom-
mended to them the care of his monastery and the place ; he also gave his
last admonition and blessing. None knew through what medium he pre-
judged his near approach to death, except a few religious men to whom he
revealed it ; some said, he had an angelic admonition, although he concealed
a knowledge of it from men, lest his virtues should be too greatly extolled.
All his visitors parted from him, with visible manifestations of grief, because
they were to see him living for the last time. More owing to labour than to old
age, sickness fell upon him. Then calling all his brethren together, he
announced to them who was to be their future superior, and to him he com-
mended the guardianship of the monks and their place. He was the same
person, as had been formerly recommended for succession. Then with
sorrowful voice and in tears, he besought them to lay his body within that
oratory, where he had spent a solitary life for so many years, and he pointed
out the exact spot where he wished to be interred. This they promised should
be done, and in tears, all proclaimed his various good works and holy morals.
They exclaimed : "Alas ! alas ! what shall become of us, when we lose you,
the consoler and defender of our souls and bodies !" And, as the thirsting
stag pants for the living waters, so did the monks desire he should remain
much longer among them, for his presence was as a light for their eyes, and
as a balm for their hearts. His illness still increasing, he called them together
once more, and telling them, that the last hour had come, he calmly expired
in their presence, in the eighty-first year of his age. Immediately, a delightful
odour, as of myrrh and frankincense, filled that cell, while other miracles like-
wise took,place.
When he had attained that advanced age, he is said to have died, on the
8th day of July, according to St. Hildegarde's account. This statement has
been followed by many other writers. However, it is supposed, that this was
only the feast for a Translation of St. Disibod's Relics, and not the true date
for his death.2 The foregoing statement of St. Hildegarde probably rests
only on some inexact tradition, and as a matter of established certainty, it has
been contested.
Everywhere spread the news of his death throughout all that province, when
Gould's. " Lives of the Saints," vol. vii., corps, ou de sa translation dont Ton faisoit
July 8, p. 187. la fete du temps de saint Hildegarde."
2 " II y a apparance que Juillel Baillet's "Vies des Saints," tome hi.,
etoit plutot le jour de l'elevation de son Sept. viii., sec. iii.
multitudes flocked to assist at his funeral obsequies, and to witness the
wonders which the Almighty wrought in honour of His faithful servant. For
thirty days after St. Dysibod's decease a miraculous odour was diffused
around his grave ; while many lame, blind and deaf persons, as also several
demented and infirm, received healing by touching even the clay in which he
was buried. The nun St. Hildegarde observes, that those miracles became
less frequent ostensibly, because people trusted over much to experience
them, without merits and good works of their own, while the Holy Spirit
measures their accomplishment for a purpose different from the expectations
of men, and even produces hidden miracles of grace in their souls, although
signs and wonders may not be visible in great physical changes. She adds
many other useful moral reflections, which, however, may be pretermitted, as
they have no special bearing on personal details, regarding our saint's
There are writers who aver, that St. Dysibod having come into Germany « a
little while after the death of St. Benedicts must have lived there also towards
the close of the sixth century. While some place his death, so early as about
the year 580, there are others, who think it took place one hundred years
later.6 At the year 639, his departure is noticed by Christopher Brower j7
other writers calculate it about a.d. 674 ;8 while Adrien Baillet places it
towards the year 700.9 The death of St. Disibod occurred, about the begin-
ning of of the eighth century, according to Trithemius.10 The exact year,
however, is not known."
Several of the ancient and classical Martyrologies pass over St. Disibod
without notice, viz. : Bade, Florus, Ado, Usuard, and Notker, It seems
more strange, that Wandelbert, who was a monk in the monastery of Prumiens,
near Disenberg, should have been silent regarding a saint so well known and
having so long established a reputation in. Germany. His chief festival is kept
on this day, July the 8th. The date for his departure is supposed, however,
to have have been the 8th of September.12 At this latter day, it is set down
in the Martyrology of the Blessed Raban Maur.J3 By him, St. Dysibod is
noticed, but not as a bishop.1* The 8th of July is assigned for his festival,
and likewise the Abbess St. Hildegarde has it as the date for his death. This
account is followed, by Wion,1* by Dorgan,16 and by Bucelin. In the addi-
3 See the Bollandists' " Acta Sanctorum," u See the dissertation on this subject, in the
tomus ii., Julii viii. De S. Disibodo Epis. Bollandists' " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
et Confess, in Dysenberg, Territorii Mogun- Julii viii. De S. Disibodo Epis. et Con-
tini, in Germania. Vita auctore S. Hilde- fessore,"&c. Commentarius Prsevius, sect,
garde Moniali, cap. hi., num. 32 to 41, pp. ii., num. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, pp. 584, 585
593 to 595- I2 A further account of him will be found,
* This has been stated by Menard in his at that date,
work "De Oriyine et Incremento Ordinis '3 Thus : "Et in surburbanis Moguntia-
S. Benedicti," p. 860. censis ecclesioe, Natale Sancti Disibothi Con-
s This occurred a. n. 543. fessoris." He lived two or three centuries
'See Father Stephen White's " Apologia after the time of our saint,
pro Hibernia," cap v., p. 66. x4 "Neanmoins le bienhereuxRaban, Arch-
1 In Annalibus Trevirensibus. veque deMayence,qui etoitde trios cents ans
8 Supposing that St. Disibod came into plus pres du temps de notre Saint qu'elle, et
Germany, during the reign of Clodovoeus II., sans doute mieux informe, l'a mis dans son
who died A.D. 662, according to Labbe, or Martyrologe au VIII. de Septembre, sous le
as some suppose, at an earlier period, Cointe titre de simple confesseur, sans lui donner
is of opinion, that the date given in the text
cannot be far from the true mark.
9 See " Les Vies des Saints," tome ix., iii., Sept. viii., sect. iii.
September viii., p. 142. Ed., Paris, 1701, *s Thus : "In Monte, S. Disibodi epis-
8vo. copi, qui episcopatu relicto, Pater multorum
~ See " De Viris Illustribus Ordinis S. factus est monachorum, in monasterio dice-
la qualite d'eveque, comme font les mo-
dernes." — Baillet's "Vies des Saints," tome
Benedicti," lib. iii., cap. 288. cesis Moguntinse, comitatus Spanheimensis,
tions to Usuard,1? at the 8th of July,18 his feast is set down. Trithemius has
strangely entered the feast of St. Disibod, at the 8th of June.x9 Several other
Martyrologists appear to have followed him, such as Saussay,ao Menard, the
English Martyrologist John Wilson,21 Father Stephen White," and the
Scotch Dempster. Menard also has his feast at the 8th of June33 — evidently
a mistake for 8th of July. Henry Fitzsimon enters his feast at the same date ;
but, in the anonymous list, published by O'Sullevan Beare, we find the name
of Disibodus, at the 7th of this month. 2< At this date, likewise, is he entered
by Camerarius. At the 8th of September, Baillet, in his u Les Vies des
Saints,2* sets down St. Disibod or Disen.
In certain mediaeval artistic remains, we have illustrations of popular vene-
ration for many holy persons, nor has the present noble confessor been for-
gotten in this mode for manifesting devotion towards him. A very interesting
memorial of St. Disibod had been found by the Jesuit Father Alexander
Wilthem, and he wrote an account of this to Father Papebrochin 1676. This
consisted of four brass plates, which joined together formed a square frame.
On these were various figures and inscriptions. Among the rest are repre-
sented St. Disibod and his companions Gislialdus, Clemens and Sallust,
chiefly serving to illustrate the life and acts of the former. It had enamelling
introduced. This has been reproduced in a copperplate engraving, which has
been published by the Bollandists,26 with an accompanying account. There
are illustrations of Disibod, likewise, in which he is represented, as wearing
a very low mitre, with an archiepiscopal pallium, 27 in a copy 28 of that Life of
the saint written by St. Hildegarde.2^
Some years passed after the death of our saint, and according to his pre-
diction during life, the calamities and rapine of war, fell upon those Rhenish
provinces around Dysenburg. Knowing the hill upon which it had been
built to be a strong and steep defensive position, the chiefs and people of
that district fled thither and occupied it, much to the discomfort and against
the remonstrances of the monks. This seems to have happened, when
Charles Martel, after the death of Chilperic II.30 invaded Germany, and
passed over the Rhine, in 725, with a large army. The hill was then forti-
fied and garrisoned by warriors, who hoped, through the natural strength of
their cantonments there, as also through the protection of Blessed Dysibod,
qui locus postea a suo nomine, Mons S. a6 See " Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
Disibodi dictus est, et miraculis clarus in viii. De S. Disibodo Episc. et Confess, in
pace quievit." Dysenberg, Territorii Moguntini, in Ger-
16 He has it " S. Disibodi episcopi Trans- mania. Commentarius Praevius, sect, iii.,
latio." pp. 586, 587.
17 Edition of Lubec and Cologne. 27 It is remarked, by the Bollandist writer,
18 Thus : "Ipso die, beati Disibodi, epis- that although he is believed to have come
copi et confessoris." from Ireland in the seventh century, that
19 Thus: "cujus festum agitur VIII. there were then no archbishops in our
Junii." — " De Viris Illustribus Ordinis S. Island.
Benedicti,"lib. iii., cap. 288. 28 This is assigned to the twelfth century,
20 In " Martyroloyium Gallicanum." and the figures of this saint, repeated in six
21 In his " Martyrologium Anglicanum." different places, are supposed to represent
22 See " Apologia pro Hibernia," cap. iv., pretty accurately the episcopal habit of that
p. 44. period.
^ 23 Thus : " In Monte S. Disibodi, deposi- 2* The Bollandists give a copperplate en-
tio ejusdem Disibodi episcopi, qui relict© graving, representing St. Disibod, in three
episcopatu, factus est monachorum Pater in different attitudes. In one, he is laid in an
dicecesi Moguntina." ornamented coffin or tomb. See "Acta
24 See " Historic Catholicae Ibernise Com- Sanctorum," tomus viii. Propylaeum Maii.
pendium," tomusi., lib. iv., cap.xi., xii., pp. Conatus Chrono-Historicus ad Catalogum
SO, 53. Pontificum, pars i., p. 209.
25 See tome iii., Sept. viii., pp. 67 to 69. 3° This crent occurred a.d. 720.
that they might be saved from the fury of a cruel tyrant. Not over scrupulous
in his greed for spoil, Charles Martel plundered the monastery, and divided
a good portion of its accumulated lands among some of his adherents. How-
ever, it was not possible for the congregation of monks to remain there in
the peaceful and unfettered practice of their religious services. It was
resolved, with the advice of the chiefs and people, that, with the exception of
a few perfect and self-sacrificing men, who should remain at the tomb of their
holy Patron, the rest ought to divide themselves and seek places of residence
in more distant places. It pleased God, that those evils of war did not endure
for a long time, and the province was again freed from its former enemies and
oppressors. Accordingly, the exiled monks were brought back, when all
that had been built on the mountain was restored to them ; and, in addition,
they obtained more ample endowments in land, than they had at first. Thus
seemed literally to be fulfilled the prophecy pronounced by St. Dvsibod. To
the wickedness and barbarous habits of men at this time is ascribed the
decline of miracles at the saint's tomb. Only occasionally were these wonders
wrought. Wherefore, the chief persons of that district, lay and ecclesiastic,
took counsel together, and requested St. Boniface, then Bishop of Mayence,
that a solemn Translation of St. Dysibod's relics should take place. His con-
sent having been obtained, and a day being named for that ceremony, a great
conflux of people came to meet St. Boniface, who solemnly officiated on the
occasion. To prevent those precious relics from passing out of their hands,
with those portions of their territory that were not consecrated directly to
God, the monks approached the tomb and reverently lifted the bones of
Disibod from their first resting place in the oratory, and then laid them in
the Kloster Kerche, on the top of the hill, and looking westwardly. The
lifting and re-interment took place in 754. These ceremonies were conducted
with extraordinary ecclesiastical magnificence, in presence of St. Boniface^1
all present singing Psalms and Hymns. The body was deposited in a suita-
ble shrine. On this occasion, likewise, great miracles were wrought, and
again the supernatural fragrance was experienced by all those who were pre-
sent. Wherefore, the annual return of that day was regarded as one of great
devotion throughout the whole province, and crowds of people visited the
tomb of St. Dysibod, bringing with them oblations, while they engaged in
prayer. The monks afterwards lived for many years in peace, preserving a
great reverence for their patron and serving God. They were greatly loved
by the people, and as a result, large presents and endowments were made to
the monastery, so that the inmates were enriched with worldly goods and
This state of affairs continued for a long lapse of years, but disturbances
once more took place, in that part of the country. The chiefs and princes
there began to hanker for some of the monastic lands, and began to question
the monks' validity of title, while they represented to Charlemagne, then
wielding supreme power, that oppressed as the nobility had been in bearing
the brunt of war and the heavy charges thereon, they had neither money nor
means to serve the kingdom nor to render themselves useful as his subjects.
They insinuated, likewise, that as the monks should serve God and not the
world, they had a superfluity of riches, which might better be distributed.
Accurately divining their motives for this complaint, the politic and just king,
with hardly dissembled sarcasm, replied, that what the faithful had span-
s'He had been already appointed by Pope 32 This was Otho I., whose reign dates
Zachary to the See of Mainz, as its first from A.D. 961.
Archbishop, A. d. 751. 3 t This was Hatto II.— at first abbot of
taneously given to those monks, in the shape of lands or other goods, he had
no right to take from them. This pronouncement from so powerful a monarch
was a reproof they well understood, and accordingly, if their covetous desires
were not repressed, their action to give them effect altogether failed.
The Norman Invasion followed, about 880. Then, Kreuznach and the
palace of the Frankish kings, as also Mainz, Worms, Odernheim, and all the
surrounding country, were taken and laid in ashes. About the year 900,
still more ferocious hordes of Hungarians broke into the Empire. These laid
waste Alsace, Neustria, and more particularly the Rheinland, with a horrid
cruelty, the monkish chronicles can hardly find words to depict, in sufficiently
lurid colours.
After a long lapse of time, and under another German Emperor,32 descen-
dants of the aforesaid chiefs, who had importuned Charlemagne, addressed
their complaints to the sovereign, and asserted, that the monks of Disenberg
possessed the lands and properties of their ancestors, and they knew not
by what right. He lent a ready ear to their assertions, and appointed a
commission of enquiry. Understanding what should please the Emperor and
the chiefs, the commissioners soon managed to obtain much false and con-
cocted testimony ; while, as might be expected, their interests and prejudices
urged them to frame a report, which pronounced, that the monks held lands
without Imperial charter or concession. It is stated, that the Bishop of
Maintz33 was an accomplice in this proceeding. Accordingly, the courtier
judges unjustly deciding, and the imperial decree having gone forth, the
monks of Disenburg were deprived of their lands and finely cultivated farms. 34
Borne down with the weight of this cruel and wicked persecution, as also
having their possessions ravaged through the devastation caused by the past
and impending wars, while bemoaning their destitute condition, the plundered
monks were obliged to leave their beloved monastery and to wander else-
where as exiles. To prevent them from ever returning, the aforesaid unjust
invaders of their rights levelled their habitations to the ground, excepting
only the consecrated church in which the bones of St. Dysibod had been laid
after their Translation. Notwithstanding, lest that place should be left without
the Divine offices celebrated, one priest was appointed to look after that church
and the spiritual interest of those people attending it. Out of its former
ample revenues, even he was not awarded a decent allowance for his support.
Thus, for a long time, the place seemed abandoned to desolation. This
wretched provision for religious services continued, until a certain noble and
rich Count of that province and named Liuthard, seeing that steep and
charming mountain abandoned as it had been, conceived a desire to do
honour to its holy Patron, by making a provision for three priests to reside
there. 35 Afterwards, in the year 976,36 a certain Bishop of Maintz, named
Willigisus,37 pious, humble and contrite of heart, having made a pilgrimage
to the tomb of St. Dysibod, began to restore the place to something like its
former splendour. He resolved to give back some of those farms, which formerly
belonged to the monastery, and which he then held in possession. He had
Fulda— who did not long continue Bishop, 3* This spoliation took place about the
as Serarius shows, and who died a.d. 970, year 968.
according to Marianus Scotus. He was re- 35 To about the year 970, this partial en-
markable for his extreme avarice and unpopu- dowment may be referred.
larity. See "Nouvelle Biographie Gene- & This is the date given by Marianus
rale," tome xxiii., cols. 541, 542. He is said Scotus.
to have been devoured by rats. This legend 37 See Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S.
is related in Rev. S. Baring-Gould's " (Juri- Benedicti," tomus i., lib. xvi., sect, xliv.,
ous Myths of the Middle Ages," Second p. 523.
Series, pp. 182 to 205. 3* Under this year, Trithemius places the
another project in view, to serve that place. The monastery church of St.
Disibod was afterwards erected into a Collegiate Church of Canons, in the
diocese of Mentz, and that bishop raised the number of servitors to twelve,
so that they should be regarded as an Apostolic College.
But further benefits and glories were destined for Disenberg, when
another prudent and worthy Bishop of Maintz, named Ruthard, resolved to
establish the discipline and rule of St. Benedict there. He provided else-
where for the secular canons, and thus arranged matters for the mutual satis-
faction of both communities. He selected Burchard, Abbot of the great
monastery of St. James at Maintz, to become first superior over the new
monastery, which was to be founded at Disenberg. The first stone of the
great church ot' this monastery was laid on the 30th of June, and it was built
by Archbishop Ruthard, as stated, from a.d. 1108 38 to n 12. It was in the
form of a cross — the principal entrance to the west — at the east end arose
the high altar, with two smaller altars, beside it.39 These with the transepts
formed the cross. The nave contained a double row of pillars, supporting
the vaulted roof. Towards the north-east side of the great church stood the
Mary chapel — probably the oldest portion of the ruins. Over against it was
a range of buildings, comprehending the refectory and cells of the monks.
To find space for these buildings, they had to construct a double vaulting,
on the slope of that hill, on which the buildings themselves rested.*0 Beyond
the church, and towards the north, was a passage,*1 by which the monks
came from the cloisters in procession on great occasions. To the right of
this are the remains of the chapel-house/2 Beyond that was the Kloster
garden. <3 To the west lay the abbot's apartments." To the right stood the
high church of the monastery.^ Before entering at the old door of the
monastery, a little chapel is on the outside.*6
The country about here is described as covered with impenetrable forests,
tangled with thorns and brambles, during the early and middle ages. Here
and there were desert tracts, while human habitations were far asunder, and
travelling through it was difficult. Thus it became a great object with the
monks of Disibodenbcrgto facilitate attendance at public worship. At what
seem to be very short intervals, they built little forest chapels, the attendance
at which they undertook, as a service in connexion with their order. Those
good fathers had many vineyards along the sunny slopes of the Nahe, espe-
cially at Monzigen, at Nahrhenn, and at other places. Most probably, these
spots owe their strong and lively wines of to-day to the assiduous culture of
their vineyards by the monks of Disibodenberg. Brambles, too, were in
restoration, in his "Chronicon Hirsaugien- 4a In which are gravestones belonging to
sis. " some of the Abbots.
39 There were ten altars or chapels round ** In the middle of it was a cistern, into
that church, founded by the nobles and which water was brought by pipes from the
Ritterschaft of the surrounding country. In Kloster mills higher up the Glan, and at the
return for these foundations, they received southern foot of the hill.
family burial-places in the area of the church, 44 These commanded from the abbey bal-
as the many existing gravestones show. cony a splendid outlook down the Nathe-
40 Further east are the remains of the abbey thai.
smithy, and of other useful buildings with a 4* There is a little chapel remaining still —
second cistern. The rain-water from the probably the mortuary chapel.
Kloster buildings was collected into a sub- *6 About its origin or purposes no accounts
terranean vault with a double coating of ce- can be given. The threshold of the old gate
ment, and after settling there, it was led into is still observable.
this cistern for use. Somewhat behind this * It is recorded, they made from these a
there is a subterranean cell. jelly for table use, as also cordials for the
41 There are still many gravestones of the sick.
monks all along this passage. 4" They drew whatever they could get, n
request.** Even in such a wilderness, they lvd tithes of certain products.*8
To their credit be it told, moreover, the Benedictines in Disibodenberg were
great cultivators of letters.4'
While Conon,s° the fourth Abbot ot this new foundation ruled there, a
transference of our saint's relics was resolved on; and accordingly, Dom.
Gerard, Abbot of St. Maximinus, and Dom. Bernhelm, the first Abbot of
Spanheim, with all his congregation, having been summoned for the occasion,
on the Parasceve of the Pasch, and on the Kalends of April, in the year 1 138,
the grave of Disibod was opened, in that old monastery, where his remains
had been deposited by Archbishop Willegis. The following year, 11 39, on
the Kalends of November, and by the same Abbot Conon, his relics were
transferred to the new church, built in Disibodenberg, by Archbishop
Ruthard. Four years afterwards, a.d. 1143,51 the new monastery and its
principal altar were solemnly dedicated, by Henry, Archbishop of Mentz, in
honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of His glorious Mother, as also of the
Blessed John the Evangelist, and of the Most Holy Father Disibod, confessor
and pontiff. On the same day and year, in the vestibule of that monastery, an
altar was dedicated by the aforesaid Archbishop, in honour of the Most Vic-
torious Cross and of St. John the Baptist. On the iii. of the October Kalends,
the same Prelate had the remains of St. Dysibod collected into two little
leaden caskets,52 and he deposited them in a marble sarcophagus," which
rested on pillars behind the high altar. During the centuries that have elapsed
since the time of our saint, a large portion of the history of Disibodenberg
oscillates between the nobles and ritters robbing the monastery of its lands,
and their bestowing renewed donations for its support. However, the sar-
cophagus of the saint and its caskets have disappeared, while the sacred dust
of Disibod has long been blown about the world. For more than three
hundred years after the time of St. Disibod, the Benedictines held possession
of this monastery at Disenberg ; but, in the fifteenth century, it had fallen into
the hands of the Cistercians.54
The Reformation period of its history is also full of incidents.55 The
Kloster itself was not free from the new heresy.56 But the commencement
the shape of pitch and resin, which were em- S3 A stone with an inscription formed part
ployed in lighting their churches. They pro- of this sarcophagus.
cured beeswax for which they found many 54 go states John of Trittenheim —born
ecclesiastical uses, and wild honey, with there 1st of February, 1462, and who died
which they made many kinds of confec- Abbot of St. James, at Wurtzburg, 27th of
tionery, and also corrected the acidity of their December, 15 16 — in his work, " De Viris
wines. Illustribus Ordinis S. Benedicti," lib. iii.,
4» They boasted of one name, that is not cap. 288.
even yet forgotten, by those who take an in- ss Johannes Schwebel, the re$>rmer of the
terest in the history of mediaeval literature, Zweibrucken country, found refuge there,
viz., Petrus a Roberiis, or Peter of Retiborn. when driven from his native town of Pfors-
While only a common monk of Disiboden- heim, between Mannheim and Banden.
berg, on account of his great learning, he had With the celebrated Franz von Sickingen,
been elevated by Pope Boniface IX. to the at Ebernburg, he spent a whole year. There,
Bishopric of Samaria. too, were TJlrich von Hutten, Bucar, Aquila,
'•He departed this life on the vi. of the and CEcolampadius, engaged mainly in study-
July Nones, A.D. 1155, according to Dode- ingtheBible, bythe light of Luther'snewdoc-
chinus, and he was succeeded by the Abbot trine. Franz sent him with a letter of re-
Helinger, who urged the Abbess Hi Idegarde commendation to Duke Ludwig II., of
to write the Acts of St. Disibod. Zweibrucken. Not long after, the Zweib-
SI Dodechinus states it, "Hoc anno, In- rucken Duchy, with its Duke, became Pro-
dictione VI. v testant.
s* Dodechinus states: "altero eorum, s6 The whole of the monks left it except
scilicet minore, ossa continente, altero ma- the abbot and one monk. In 1559, the abbot
jore cinires." surrendered it, with all its belongings, to the
of the Thirty Years' War saw its old possessors reinstated by the Marquis
Spinola. In 1631, the monks were driven out again by the Rheingraf Otto
Ludwig, under the wing of Gustavus Adolphus. At the peace of Westphalia,
Disibodenberg again reverted to the Catholics.
In their turn, the Cistercians lost possession of Disenberg, and in the
seventeenth century, secular Canons are found to be in occupation,5? which
state of things prevailed in the early and middle period of the last century.s8
During the French Revolution, that establishment was consficated to the
Republic, and sold by auction for a few hundred francs, to the ancestors of
its present possessors.5? The ruins of the ancient monastery of Disiboden-
berg lie near the little town of Staudernheim, a railway station some forty
minutes distant from Kreuznach, and just on the confines of Rhenish Prussia
and the Bavarian Palatinate. The line of boundary posts, between the two,
crosses that road which leads from Staudernheim, on the Prussian territory,
to Disibodenberg, which is on the Bavarian side. The ruins are situated on the
flat top of a hill, which rises out of the level land, and which occupies the
angle, formed by the Nahe. At this point, the river flows from west to east,
and the Glan, one of its tributaries, flows in a direction, a little to the east of
north. The greater part of the flat hill-top must have been occupied by
buildings and by courts, during the last century, although we can find few
accounts of its condition at the time, probably owing to the fact, that the
ecclesiastics who served there lived in quiet and retirement, thus passing an
uneventful career. During the troublous times which preceded and followed
the French Revolution, the buildings were torn to pieces by the inhabitants
of the surrounding district, who made Disibodenberg a quarry for dressed
stones.60 Gradually its buildings came to a state of complete ruin. The
cloister bells went partly to Odernheim, and partly, including the great bell
cast in 1382, to the church of Meisenheim, in Glanthal.61 The remains of
Disibodenberg are still considerable, and they show, that it must in its prime
have been of great extent.62
The view from different points around Disenberg is various and charming.
On the north-west, the Nahe pours itself down in picturesque windings
through the hills into the valley. From the south, comes the Glan to meet
it, at the eastern foot of the hill. Right opposite towers Lemberg in majestic
repose — monarch of the landscape — with the hamlet of Duckroth at its feet.
Farther to the north rises the Gangelsberg.63 Towards the south side of the
Abbey, there is a magnificent view. You look westward into the pleasant
Duke. He dedicated it, together with the it a favourite place for excursions, among
Klosters of Hornbach, Wersweiler, and the strangers who come to Kreuznach.
Offenbach to the public worship in Zweib- ^ The new piers of Staudernheim Bridge
rucken, to the establishment of schools at were built out of its spoils. All the houses
Hornsbach, and to other like purposes. He at that period in Odernheim, Standernheim,
was a little more conscientious in dealing and even as far as Brockelheim, were built
with the windfalls of Church property, out of the wrecked Disibodenberg monas-
which the Reformation brought into his tcry.
hands, than were the English, Irish and il This is an old church, where the Stalz-
Scotch nobles of the Reformation. graten of the Rhei and many noble families
s? See Mabillon's " Annales Ordinis S. are buried. It is worth a visit, on account
Benedicti," tomus i., lib. xvi., sect, xliv., of the tower of its church, which is a beauti-
p. 523. ful specimen of architecture.
s" See the Bollandists' " Acta Sanctorum," 62 Indeed, the lordly list of its possessions,
tomus ii., Julii viii. De S. Disibodo Epis. and the bead-roll of its benefactors for cen-
et Confess, in Dysenberg, Territorii Mogun- turies, might lead one to expect such a con-
tini, in Germania. Commentarius Praevius, dition.
sect, i,, pp. 581 to 583. 63 On it stood a signal-tower, when this
59 These have done a great deal to make part of the country belonged to the French.
Nahethal. Staudernheim, with its romantically situated mills, lies below.
Westward appears Sobernheim,6* and further on the old town of Monzi^en.65
On the right bank of the Nahe, and resting on the mountain side, is the
hamlet of Middersheim ; and, where the valley closes, Merrheim, not far
from the stately ruins of the Schloss Dhaun. On a clear day, these can be
distinctly made out, and crowning their wooded height. These, too, carry us
back to the early Wildgrafen 66 and Nahgangrafen — almost coeval with the
foundation of Disibodenberg. In the middle of the valley, on the Nath, are
clustered the mills and barns of Sobernheim. From another point, you have
a view up the valley of the Glan, so far as the ancient town of Odernheim.
Nearer still are the old Kloster mills. Such is the scenery, with which the
modern tourist often renders himself familiar, and it is intimately associated
with St. Dysibod's name and missionary labours.
Article III. — St. Diarmaid, Bishop of Gleam-Uissean, now Kille-
SHIN, Queen's County. That Gleann-Uissean had been a place of impor-
tance in pagan history is not improbable ; and, at the present time, a remark-
able artificial and cone-shaped mound is to be seen on the sloping upland,
which gradually ascends to the summit of Clogrennan mountain. It rises on
the south side of the road, which leads from the town of Carlow to the collie-
ries, in the Queen's County. On the opposite side of the road are the ancient
cemetery and ruined church of Killeshin, also rising high over the same road,
which winds through a deep cut beneath. At a lower level still, and bound-
ing the cemetery on the northern side, is a rapid stream, which falls through
a very romantic glen, and in a succession of small cascades, almost buried
from view, unless the pilgrim desires to clamber down into that ravine, where
the water has hollowed out its course. The situation is still surrounded with
natural charms ; but, we know not at what remote date in Christian times, it
had been selected as the site for a religious foundation. It seems to be well
established, however, that the present holy man, St. Diarmaid, must have pre-
sided as Abbot there, probably before the eighth century. Were we to accept
one statement,1 his rule should be referred to the commencement of the sixth
century. Still, we cannot discover on what authority Colgan makes this
saint the first Abbot over Gleann-Ussein monastery.2 He seems, however, to
have followed some genealogical or other historic account ; yet, perhaps, it
has been inferred from notices, in two of our earliest preserved calendars. 3
Thus, in the Feilire * of St. iEngus, at the 8th of July, the feast of this saint
64 Around it, tobacco is extensively culti- 2 See " Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae," xxvii.
vated. Februarii, Vita S. Comgani, and nn. 8, 9,
63 The vicinity is well known for produc- pp. 417, 418.
ing an excellent quality of wine. 3 These known as the Martyrology of Tal-
66 To its feudal lords, in the early middle lagh and the Feilire of St. ^Engus, coin-
ages, it gave the title of Wildgrafen. These nosed originally in the eighth, or at latest
were distinguished as Comites Salvagii, or early in the ninth century.
Comites Silvestres, meaning "Counts of the 4 From the Leabhar Breac copy the fol-
Wildwood." owing stanza, translated by Whitley Stokes,
Article hi.— « That of Colgan, he sup- LL.D., has been extracted :—
posing the St. Comgan referred to in the
Acts of St. Ita — who died on the 15th of Sab-Air5 brxocan pcjubtiiT)
January, a.d. 569 — to have been St. Com- SAepbuAit) cenAch cuifel
gan, Abbot of Gleann-Ussen. The latter La ,OiA|MnAic tjepb Ia|ja^
therefore is thought to have died before St. Stuan gel Sl/itroe h Uiffen.
Ita, and it is asserted, that Diermait pre-
ceded him, in the government of that monas- " Brocan the scribe won a noble victory with-
tery. out any fall, with Diarmait a sure flame,
[July 8.
Diarmait is commemorated. In the commentary attached, he is called My-
Dimdc in Ui-Bairrche, and we are informed, that he was formerly in Glenn
Uissen, before Comgan.s Again, we learn that veneration was given, on this
day, according to the Martyrology ofTallagh,6 to Diarmait, of Glinne hUisen.
This place is identical with the present Killeshin, about two miles west of
Carlow town, and in the Queen's County. It has been stated, that St. Diar-
maid sprung from the race of Cathaoir M6r, of the Lagenians. His father is
named Sibrseus, the son of Dalian, son to Ere, son of Bracan, son to Fieg,
son of Daire, surnamed Barrach, who was son to the celebrated Cathair the
Great,? who had been monarch of Erinn. The Rev. John Francis Shearman,
who with some change of spelling, very closely follows the foregoing genea-
logy, gives Diarmaid the alternative name of Momedoc,8 and places him also
Moat of Killeshin, Queens Comity.
before St. Comgan, as Abbot of Glenuissin. We have already alluded to tins
place, and to its historic associations, in more than one instance.* I* or a
succession of ages, Killeshin had been regarded as a religious centre, and its
history can be traced very fairly through the ninth, tenth and eleventh cen-
turies, from various entries in our Annals, and which prove it to have been a
bright sun of Glenn Uissen."— "Transac-
tions of the Royal Irish Academy," Irish
Manuscript Series, vol. i., part i. On the
Calendar of Oengus, by Whitley Stokes.
LL.D., pp. cix., ex.
5 See ibid., p. cxvii.
6 Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii.
' According to the Genealogic Sanctilogy
of Ireland, Dist. vii., cap. i.
8 See " Loca Patriciana," No.ix., No. 10.
The Genealogy of the Ui Bairrche, p. 180.
In this Genealogical chart, the Rev. Mr.
Shearman has one additional grade in the
pedigree of our saint.
9 See the First Volume of this work, at
January 27th, Art. viii., and the Second
Volume, at February 27th, Art. i.
10 The accompanying sketch by the author,
and drawn on the spot, September, 1889,
was taken from an opposite point of view to
that presented in a previous illustration,
given at the 27th of January. The present
sketch represents the large moat in the fore-
ground, and beyond the travelled road, the
east gable of Killeshin old church in the dis-
tance. This sketch has been transferred by
William F. Wakeman to the wood, engraved
by Mrs. Millard.
place of considerable ecclesiastical importance. A city or town appears to
have grown around the church ; but, it is difficult now to determine the
monks' quarter, which, however, according to a prevailing Irish usage, was
quite convenient to the church. Again, as in so many other instances we have
found throughout Ireland, the large circular moat was in close proximity with
the religious establishment ;10 yet, whether erected for purposes of defence,
or to serve a different end, we have not been able to determine, and an
examination of such an antiquarian problem must continue to exercise the
research and ingenuity of ecclesiastical and secular historical investigators.
It seems very probable, that the St. Diarmaid, commemorated in our Calendars
at this date, had been the original founder of a church and monastery
here,11 and that he presided over both as the first Abbot." His period, how-
ever, has eluded inquiry ; nor are the incidents of his incumbency known.
Some writers think this saint flourished as early as the sixth century, and
that he preceded St. Comgan^ — who died before 570 14 — in the
government of Gleann-Ussein monastery.^ This is also the opinion of
Sirinus, as communicated to the Bollandists, who have notices ofDiermetiiis
of Gleann-Ussein, at the 8th of July.16 Although the day for St. Diarmaid's
feast has been assigned to the 8th of July, yet the year when it occurred does
not appear to have transpired. The present saint can hardly be identical
with that Diarmaid, Abbot of Gleann-Uissean, whose death is'recorded, at
the year 874 ;•» unless, indeed, we could imagine some interpolations in the
Martyrology of Tallagh, or in the Feilire of St. ^Engus. It is evident, more-
over, that the last-named Diarmaid had not been the first Abbot over Kille-
shin. The fullest and most exact account of this locality and of its history
is that given in the very learned and valuable work of the Most Rev Michael
Comerford,18 at present Coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of Kildare and
Leighlin.1^ The earliest annalistic account of this place, we find, is at a.d.
843, when Aedhan of Gleann-Uisean died.*0 The existing ruins denote that
class of structure, known as Irish Romanesque, with incised mouldings on
the west door,31 and these date probably to the eleventh century ; the pre-
vious oratory having been broken down in 1041 by Mac Moylnerao, when
11 Of late, the ruins have been repaired and he adds, that this saint must be distin-
but hardly well restored, by the Irish Board guished from Diermit of Inisclothran. See
of Public Works. " Ecclesiastical History of Ireland," vol. ii.,
12 We have already seen, that a local tra- chap, x., sect, xiv., p. 76, and n. 244, p. 78,
dition assigned the foundation of Killeshin to ibid.
M'Dermott-r-very significantly referring to l6 These writers add : " Utcumque fuerit,
Diarmaid. certus est Comgani cultus, ut vide xxvn.
13 The festival of this holy Abbot is refer- Februarii, non ita hujus Diermitii : nisi idem
red to the 27th of February, at which date sit cum eo, qui in nostris Sanctorum Hiber-
are some observations regarding him, in the norum Catalogis refertur II, et in. Augusti."
Second Volume of this, work, Art. i. Think- — "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii viii.
ing him to have lived later than a Diarmaid, Among the pretermitted saints, p. 533.
Abbot of Gleann-Uissean, whose death is set 1? See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the
down in Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 520, 521.
Four Masters," at A.D. 874, vol. i., pp. 520, l8See "Collections relating to the Dio-
521 ; we have deemed that Comgan to have ceses of Kildare and Leighlin.'' Third Series,
been his successor at no particular date, but Diocese of Leighlin, pp. 241 to 248. '
possibly in the ninth century. Now, as both I9 Consecrated, New Year's Day, 1889, by
the Diarmaid and Comgan of our early Most Rev. Archbishop of Dublin, William
Calendars, and mentioned in them, must have J. Walsh, D.D., in the cathedral of Carlow.
flourished before they had been written, both 20 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the
should be assigned to a still earlier date. Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 464, 465, and n.
14 See Colgan's " Acta Sanctorum Hiber- (y), ibid.
niae," Februarii xxvii. Vita S. Comgani, pp. 2I Portions of these are set forth in beauti-
417, 418. ful engravings, in Miss Stokes' "Early
l? Dr. Lanigan follows such a statement, Christian Art in Ireland," y. 187.
he seems to have burnt the town in revenge of Fernamor. Afterwards, Gleann-
Uisean, with its yews, was burned, a.d. 1077, Dut the monastery appears to
have survived the many vicissitudes of those years. In the beginning of the
last century, about 40 feet of the eastern part aa had been converted into a
modern little church for Protestant services.33 Under the head of Glenn
Uissen, Duald Mac Firbis enters Diarmuid, bishop of Glenn Uissen, at July
8th, as the date for his festival.24 His name occurs, also, in the Martyrology
of Donegal,2* at the same date. There he is entered, as Diarmaid, Bishop,
of Gleann Uissein, in Ui-Bairrche. If these entries be correct, he would seem
to have united in his person the episcopal and abbatial functions.
Article IV. — St. Summiva, Sunnifa, Sumniva, or Sunneva, an Irish
Virgin, Patroness of Bergen, in Norway, and her Companions,
Martyrs. Some proofs of Irish Christian influences on the northern coun-
tries in Europe are shown from the account, that Summiva or Sunneva, who
was born in Ireland, must have visited Norway at a later period. She was
probably connected with the Norwegians by descent, or by alliance. In the
Norwegian Calendars, she is variedly called Sunnifa, Summiva, Sumniva,
Suniva and Sunneva. The monk Oddr records her legend.1 In Hermann
Greven's additions to the Martyrology of Usuard, her name seems to have
been first published,3 and at this date. Molanus, Canisius,3 Ferrarius, and
the more recent Martyrologists, borrowed their notices of her, from the fore-
going accounts. Claude Castellan has her name in the General Index * to
his work, the Universal Martyrology. Her history is little known ; but, if we
are to credit the statement of Rev. S. Baring-Gould, there is not the smallest
foundation for this story, it being only a Scandinavian version of the Legend
of St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins.s At the 8th of July, the
Bollandists 6 have a few brief notices of this holy virgin and of her com-
panions. These writers found, on consulting certain northern muniments,?
that under the name of Suniva, herself and her companions had been formerly
honoured in Sweden, with an ecclesiastical office. In an old Swedish Missal,8
there is a Calendar prefixed, in which the name of St. Suniva occurs, at the
8th of July, and in it there is a Mass for her, with this title, De Sancta
Suniva Officium.9 Nor is it to be supposed, that Greven derived his state-
23 This portion is shown in the accompany- of St. Sumniva, has " Sociorum," and not
ing engraving. ' ' Sociarum. ' '
23 See "Collections relating to the Dio- 4 There he implies a want of certainty, for
cese of Kildare and Leighlin," Third Series. the introduction of Summiva among his
Diocese of Leighlin. By the Rev. M. Comer- Martyrs.
ford, M.R.I.A., p. 244. Annexed is a beau- 5 See "Lives of the Saints," vol. vii., July
tiful drawing of the west door of Killeshin 8th, pp. 195 to 197.
old church, by Rev. E. O'Leary, litho- 6 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
graphed by Morison & Co., Dublin. Julii viii. De S. Summiva Virg. et Martyre,
2+ See " Proceedings of the Royal Irish cum Sociis vel Sociabus, in Norvegia, p.
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., 649.
part i., pp. 112, 113. 7 There is a Latin fragment of the Church
:ted by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. Office and Lections regarding these Virgins
i£8, 189. and Martyrs, in " Scriptores Rerum Danica-
Article IV. — ' In the Saga of King rum," tomus vi., pp. 3, 4, and 14 to 22.
Olaf, the younger Olafs Saga Tryggvasonar, 8 It is distinguished as Missale Votivale.
chap. 106-8. and 149. The writer flourished This was printed towards the close of the
in the twelfth century. fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth cen-
2 Thus : " Sumnivse virginis et sociorum tury.
ejus martyrum : qui de Hibernia egressi, in » Some extracts from it are furnished, by
Norbegia coronas martyrii assecuti sunt." the Hollandists.
J Canisius, in alluding to the companions ,0 See Rev. S. Baring-Gould's " Lives of
ment solely from this authority. The age and acts of St. Summiva and of her
companions do not appear to be known, with anything which approaches to
certainty. However, a sort of tradition records, that she was a beautiful Scottish
virgin, and the daughter of a king who lived in Ireland, in the days of Earl
Hako. With seven other pious virgins, she had been captured by the tyranni-
cal and pagan Northmen, who invaded Ireland. By these pirates, they were
taken as captives, and brought into Norway. According to the Legend,
Sunnifa was endowed with wealth, beauty and great Christian piety ; but, a
northern viking hearing of her charms and accomplishments became
enamoured, resolving to go in quest of her. That viking landed on the coasts
of Ireland, and he sought the king, who hesitated to accept his suit for the
hand of Sunnifa. The tyrant thereupon harried the whole country, and he
set flames to every house. At last, to save her native island from devastation
by the cruel suitor, the princess expressed her determination to leave Ireland.
The Saga has it, that her brother Alban(?) and a multitude of virgins joined.
All sailed away eastwards, and trusting to the guidance of Divine Providence.
They came ashore on the Island of Selja,in Norway, and finding it uninhabited,
they settled in the caves, and lived upon fishes. However, the islet served
as a pasture for cattle in summer. When the farmers on the mainland saw
those people on that island, they appealed to Earl Hako to protect their cattle.
Gathering some armed men, Earl Hako rowed to the island. The Christian
maidens fled into the caves on his approach. They prayed God to preserve
them. Accordingly, the rock closed upon them, and they came forth no
more alive.10 In Norway, according to another account, St. Sunnifa and her
companions were greatly distinguished for their innocence of life, for their
love of chastity, and, it is even said, for their miracles. It is related, likewise,
that through their good example and holy conversation, some Norwegians
had been converted to Christ.11 Their Legend states, that during the reign
of Olaf Tryggvason, a farmer found a human head on the Island of Selja,
and it was surrounded by a phosphoric light. This emitted an agreeable
odour. He at once took it to the king, who submitted it to Bishop Sigurd.
Both recognised the evidences of sanctity, and then they went together to
the island. There, they discovered the cave filled with the bones I2 of the
saintly refugees. How they found out, that those were Irish, that their leader
was named Sunnifa, and her brother Alban, we are not informed. Two
churches were then erected in Selja ; one of these was dedicated to St. Sun-
nifa, and the other to St. Alban. Various miracles afterwards confirmed the
popular belief, that they were glorious saints. Their death occurred in Norway,
where it is said they suffered martyrdom, but under what circumstances seems
not to be known. However, St. Sunnifa and Alban are regarded as the
proto-martyrs of Norway. In the first edition of Father Henry Fitzsimon's
the Saints," vol. vii., July 8, pp. 195, 196. number of companions.
11 Such was a statement conveyed to the I4 A curious Legend was current, that in
Bollandists through Father Stephen White, the extreme parts of the north of Europe, and
as found among the Manuscript collections among the Scritefings, seven men lay sleeping
of the Irish Franciscans at Louvain. in a certain cave beside the ocean. Opinions
12 The Rev. S. Baring-Gould remarks : differed regarding them, some holding, these
" The bones discovered were probably those sleepers should awake and preach to that
of some shipwrecked foreign rovers, massa- people before the end of the world. But,
cred in Earl Hako's reign. And the legend others said they were some of the eleven
that grew up around them is a distant echo thousand virgins whose company separated,
of the legend of St. Ursula." — " Lives of the and some of these had been wrecked on that
Saints," vol. vii., July 8, p. 197. rock. There, too, miracles were wrought.
13 He cites Canisius as an authority, but See Pertz's " Monumenta Germanise Histo-
neither he nor Greven specifies the exact rica," tomusix., p. 302.
11 Catalogus aliquorum Sanctorum Hiberniae," there is no mention of these
holy virgins and martyrs ; but, in the second edition enlarged, he notes at
the 8th of July St. Summiva with seven companions in Norway. *3 We are
told, that in 1170, the relics of St. Sunnifa were brought from Selja to Ber-
gen, by the Bishop Paul, chaplain to King Eysteinn.1* Dempster falsely
cites Canisius, for the seven female companions of St. Summiva, virgin.
The body of St. Sunnifa is alleged to have been deposited in a large and hand-
some shrine, over the high altar of Christ Church, in Bergen. On the 8th
of July — probably the day of St. Summiva's demise — the Norwegians
annually celebrated Mass in her honour.1'
Article V.^-St. Trega, Virgin and Patroness or Ardtrea Parish,
County of Londonderry. {Fifth Century '.] St. Tiega had a feast on this
day, in the place and parish called after her Ardtrea, partly in the barony of
Dungannon, County Tyrone, but chiefly in the barony of Loughinsholin, and
county of Londonderry.1 The parish of which she was patroness lies on the
north-west border of Lough Neagh,2 the largest inland lake of Ireland. It
seems to have been Colgan's intention to treat about her,3 on two different
days consecrated to her memory, viz. : on the 8th of July, and on the 3rd of
August. The Bollandists have a notice, at the present date, regarding St.
Trea of Ard-Trea.4 St. Trega, Treha or Trecha was daughter to Carthennus,
the minor dynast of that country, called Hy-Tuirtre,5 near Slieve Gallion,
and on the borders of Lough Neagh. This prince was son to Ere, son to
Eochad, son to Colla Huaish,6 the monarch of Ireland, in the year of Christ
326.7 The mother of this saint was named Mugania, descended from Fear-
gus the Great, prince of Dalaradia. Her father and mother, with their house-
hold, embraced the faith of Christ. They were baptized by St. Patrick,8
when he passed Toome ford, and entered the country of Hy-Tuirtre. Car-
thennus was named the Minor, to distinguish him from an elder brother,
bearing a similar name, called Carthennus Major. This latter would not em-
's See J. J. A. Worsaae's "Account of the 122 to 125.
Danes and Norwegians, in England, Scot- 7 Duald Mac Firbis thus traces the origin
land and Ireland," sect, v., p. 333. of this family : — " CoUIa UAip cjva t>a iiiac
Article v. — * A description of it may be rhAice. bAif .1. eAj\c y jma SLiad a cuai-6 o
found in the "Parliamentary Gazetteer of ccAi-umec CappcAinn locA|:eAbuilpAcr\A
Ireland," vol. i., pp. 66, 67. Cope fro SbiAb a n-'oeAf o ccait> in
a A curious legend of its origin is to be Cuir\c r\e Acup pp. ti, acur- pn Luij\c, Acur*
found, in Caxton's "History of England, U1 tTlAC Uai|\ Ay Ler-itie ceAtmA t>eA|MiAt>
Wales, Scotland, and Ireland," printed cor\c§AbAil ConAille mui|\ceinne (cope
a.d. 1497. 'ono Ainm no gAbAil) &c." The following
3 See " Trias Thaumaturga," Sexta Vita is a translation of the Irish: " Colla Uaishad
S. Patricii, n. 97, p. 113. two goodly sons, viz., Earc on the North of
4 They add : "de qua ait Sirinus, viden- the Mountain, from whom descend the Mac
dum diem in. Augusti : sed et hrec aliis Ka- Cartains of Loch Feabhail [Foyle], and
lendariis prsetcrita est." — " Acta Sancto- Fiachra Tort on the South of the Mountain,
rum," tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pre- from whom descend the Hy-Tuirtre, and the
termitted saints, p. 533. Fir-Li, and the Fir-Luirc, and Hy-Mac Uais.
5 The descendants of Fiachra Tort, son to It was by him [Fiachra] that Conaille
Colla Huaish, were called U1 Cuir\Cj\e. Muirthemne [Louth] was first appropriated —
From him the territory which they occupied Tort being a name for seizure," &c. See
received its name. Rev. Dr. Reeves' "Ecclesiastical Antiqui-
6 This monarch with his two brothers de- ties of Down, Connor and Dromore," Ap-
feated the Ultonians at the battle of Cain- pendix BB, pp. 292, 293.
Eacha-lethderg, A.D. 331. He assumed the 8 See an account of this incident, in the
sovereignty of Ireland in the year 323, and Third Volume of this work, at the 17th of
he held it until 326. See Dr. O'Donovan's March, Art. i. Life of St. Patrick, chap.
"Annals of the Four Masters," vol. i., pp. xv.
brace the Gospel, but rather he treated St. Patrick with insult and reproach,
driving him forth from the country in which he ruled. This joined the terri-
tory of his younger brother. Hereupon, St. Patrick predicted, that the
younger Carthennus should one day enjoy the tyrant's inheritance. He had
unjustly expelled the prince from his dominions, lest this junior might succeed
to any portion of his paternal possessions. The journey of our Irish Apostle to
this part of the country is thus minutely described in theTripartiteLife; from the
territory of Dalaradia his travels lay through Fersait-Tuama,* in the district of
Hi-Tuirtre, and for forty days he remained in a place called Finnabhuir,10
wishing at that beautiful site " to establish his cathedral See." It is described
as having been near the mountain Callann towards the east and Lough
Neagh towards the west. This seems, however, to have been an accidental
reversal of the proper order. St. Trega was born at the time when St. Patrick
baptized her father's household.1* She received her name and the sacrament
of regeneration, likewise, through the instrumentality of that great Apostle.
He predicted, at the same time, the future sanctity of the child, and the con-
secration of her virginity to God, at a subsequent period. The people of Hy-
Tuirtre region, moved by the example of their dynast, and enlightened by
Divine grace, received the faith of Christ at the same time, from our Irish
Apostle. By pious exhortations and labours, he endeavoured to strengthen
the foundations thus laid, and to nurture germs of salvation, already planted
in the minds of his neophytes. The father of St. Trega was distinguished for
piety and devotedness to all his Christian engagements, and for the munifi-
cence with which he built and endowed churches. Seven m of these are parti-
cularly noted, as having been commenced by St. Patrick. ■• Some of these
churches have been identified.16 Thus, the Domnach-Fainre is known to be the
present Donaghenry,1? a parish in the county of Tyrone, near Lough Neagh.
Domnach-Riascaigh is the present Donaghrisk,18 a townland in the parish of
9 This denomination signifies "the cross- have existed besides those of Clonmacnoise,
ing of Tuaim." It is identical with Toome Glendalough, Clonenagh, &c, There were
Bridge over the River Bann, in the parish seven churches founded by St. Patrick in
of Duneane. By the Irish Annalists, it is Keenaght, of which Boith- Domnach, now
called Uuaim, and it gives name to a barony. Bandony, was one. See Colgan's "Trias
This passage of the Bann is at the issue of Thaumaturga," Vita Tripartita S. Patricii,
the river, where it leaves Lough Neagh. pars, ii., cap. cxix., p. 145.
10 It is rendered " albus compus," in ** " Unde in regione ilia septem basilica-
Latin. See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," rum jecit fundamenta : quarum prisca voca-
Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xciv., p. 87. bula erant Domnach Fainre, Domnach -
11 There were several places bearing this Riascaigh, Domnach-Fothairbe, Domnach-
name of Fionnabhair in Ireland. One of Righdhuinn, Domnach-Brain, Domnach-
these was near the Abbey of Mellifont. See moelain, et Domnach-libeir." See ibid.,
O'Donovan's " Annals of the Four Masters," cap. cxxxviii. to cxl., p. 148.
vol. ii., p. 1043, and n- (e) 5 also PP- II24» l6 By Rev. Dr. Reeves in his invaluable
1 125, n. (m). There is also one near Clogher, historical and topographical work, intituled
which is thus described by Colgan : "Collis " Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor
Finn-abhuir in Lemania, quae est regio cam- and Dromore," Appendix BB, p. 294, n. (b).
pestris Tironiae, dicecesis Clocharensis, vulgo Ijr It was formerly within Domnaghfenre
Maglemna aliis clossach, dicta." — "Trias and Dompnachfionnray, in the ancient regis-
Thaumaturga," Septima Vita S. Patricii, ters of Armagh.
cap. iv., p. 149 and 184, n. II. ,8 In the Taxation of Armagh diocese A.D.
" See Rev. Dr. Reeves' "Ecclesiastical 1291, Donagheresca occurs as the name of
Antiquities of Down, Connor and Dromore," an independent church. In the ancient
Appendix BB, p. 293, n. (x). Registra of the diocese, it is called the rec-
13 See Colgan's " Trias Thaumaturga," tory of Domnaghreasca and Downaghryeske.
Vita Tripartita S. Patricii, pars, ii., cap. cxl., The Dungannon Inquisition of 1609 repre-
p. 148. sents Donaghreiske as a chapel, with two
14 There are other instances in Ireland, balliboes of Erenagh land thereto belonging,
where we hnd groups of seven churches to Its ancient cemetery was the burying-place
Desertcreat, which joins the former parish on the west. Donnabaran, in the
deanery of Tullaghoge, washerenach land, and it resembles the name Dom-
nach-Brain.T9 The Rev. Dr. Reeves was unable to identify the modern names
of the remaining churches.20 Callann is the same as Slieve Gallion, a high
ridge of mountain at the south-west of Loughinsholin barony, in the county
of Derry; whilst Ethach is identical with the present Lough Neagh. When
her father had been restored to his territory, St. Trega received the veil from
St. Patrick f1 and, afterwards, she became greatly distinguished for fervour
and fidelity to engagements with her Divine spouse. In all probability, she
founded a religious establishment, in the present parish of Ardtrea, on the
north-west border of Lough Neagh. This parish reaches to Toome, and it
was situated within the ancient territory of Hy-Tuirtre.22 The festival of our
saint was celebrated, likewise, in Ardtrea parish, on the 3rd of August.^
Whether this had been the date for her death, or the 8th of July, has not
been determined.
Article VI. — St. Brogan, of Maethail-Bhrogain, now Mothil,
County of Waterford, or Secretary to St. Patrick. The identity
of St. Brocanus has been questioned. While some writers deem him to have
been the nephew of St. Patrick, and also his scribe ; others hold a
different opinion. In the Feilire of St. ^Engus,1 at the 8th of July, Brocan
the Scribe is invoked, and with a special panegyric. The commentator
states, that he was of Moethail Broccain, in Desi, of Munster; but, he has
an alternative supposition, that Broccan, Patrick's scribe is meant here ; and,
if such be the case, Brechmag in Ui-Forta was his church.2 In the Martyr-
ology of Tallagh,3 at the 8th of July, the name of Broccan, Scribuid, is
inserted. According to the Kalendars of Cashel and of Marianus O'Gorman,
he was the nephew of St. Patrick, the constant companion in his missions,
and travels, as also his secretary. If we consider him to be St. Patrick's
nephew, he is alluded to by Jocelyn, where he introduces the Bishops Bro-
chadius, Brochanus, Mogenocus and Loman, as having come from Britain, to
labour with their uncle, the Apostle of Ireland, in the missionary field, where
he sowed the seeds of the Gospel.4 The feast of that St. Brochan is referred
by Colgan, to the 8th of July .5 According to Cathal Maguire, he was either
of the O'Hagan sept. county of Tyrone, and Loughinsholin in the
x« According to the Armagh Register of county of Derry. See Rev. Wm. Reeves'
Swayne, fol. 60. "Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor
20 He says, there is not any approach to and Dromore," Appendix BB, p. 293.
them in the lists of parishes, contained in 33 " Trecha sive Trega, filia Carthennii,
the Armagh Registra. filii Erci, filii Eochadii, filii Collae Huassii
21 According to the Irish Tripartite Life, colitur in Ardtrea, 3. Augusti." — Colgan 's
as translated by William M. Hennessy for " Trias Thaumaturga," Septima Vita S.
Miss M. F. Cusack's "Life of St. Patrick," Patricii, n. 232, p. 183.
angels brought this veil from Heaven, and Article vi. — x See "Transactions of
placed it on her head down over her eyes, the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manu-
when Patrick began to raise it up. "Why script Series, vol. i., part i. On the Calen-
is it not good to bear it as it was placed ?" dar of Oengus, by Whitley Stokes, LL.D.,
asked Trea. " It is good, indeed," answered pp. cix., ex.
Patrick. She never saw anything during her 2 See ibid., p. cxvii.
life except what she saw through that veil. 3 Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii.
Part ii., p. 446. * See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
22 Not being of the Ruderician or old Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. 1., p. 76.
Ultonian stock, the Hy Tuirtre territory ori- 5 See ibid., n. 51, p. no.
ginally lay on the west side of Lough Neagh, 6 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
and comprehended a considerable portion of Julii viii. Among the pretermitted saints,
the modern baronies of Dungannon, in the p. 533.
Brocan of Maothal-Brogain, in the Decies of Munster, or Brogan, scribe of
St. Patrick. The Bollandists 6 have some notices of St. Brocan, the scribe,
at the 8th of July. We are told, that an abbey for Canons Regular of St.
Augustine had been founded in the sixth century by a St. Brogan.7 It stood
in Mothill parish, county of Waterford ; and, at the dissolution of monasteries,
it was granted to the celebrated Sir Walter Raleigh in fee-farm.8 Some few
remains of this foundation were traced near the parish church, in the last
century.9 Others deem the foundation to have been for Cistercian monks.
A St. Brochanus, bishop, is mentioned in St. Patrick's Acts ;10 but, he appears
to be a different individual from the present saint, in the estimation of some
persons. At the same date, the Martyrology of Donegal " records Brogan,
scribe, of Maethail-Bhrogain, in Deisi Mumham. This holy bishop is entered
in Henry Fitzsimon's Calendar." He was venerated in Scotland, as we learn
from the Calendar of Drummond,1* at the 8th of July.1*
Article VII.— St. Condmac or Connmach, of Ath-Blair, or Atha
Stlain. In the Martyrology of Tallagly at the 9th of July, a festival is re-
corded in honour of Condmac, of Atha Silain. The place of this saint is
differently denominated, in a later Calendar. The Martyrology of Donegal,2
at the same date, enters the name as Connmach, of Ath Blair. Under either
name, the place of this holy man has not been identified.
Article VIII. — Festival of Saints Totnanus and Colmanus,
Martyrs. The various Usuard Codices, according to the Bollandists,1 have
their Festival entered, apart from that of St. Kilian, Martyr, at Wurtzburg;
however, as they were his companions in suffering, all that can be known
regarding them has been already given in his Life — the first at this day.
Article IX. — Reputed Feast of St. Adelinus, Martyr. In the
Scottish Menology of Dempster, the name of Adelinus, Martyr, and com-
panion of St. Kilian, has been introduced, at this date. The Bollandists "
merely notice this entry, and refer to their previous commentary on the Acts
of St. Kilian for their opinion regarding this statement of Dempster.
Article X. — Reputed Festival of St. Erwaldus, Arnwal, or
Arnualis, Disciple of St. Kilian. Owing to the confusion of name,
7 See Archdall's " Monasticon Hiberni- Catholicse Ibernise Compendium," tomus i.,
cum," for an interesting record of this Abbey, lib. iv., cap. xii., p. 53.
its rulers, and its possessions, pp. 696, 697. I3 Thus entered : " viii. Idus Apud Hiber-
8 See Harris' Ware, vol. ii., "Antiquities niam Natale Sanctorum Confessorum Bro-
of Ireland," chap, xxxviii., p. 226. Theassig- cain et Diarmata."
nee was the Earl of Cork. I4 See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of
9 See Smith's "Ancient and Present State Scottish Saints," p. 17.
of the County and City of Waterford," chap. Article vii.— x Edited by Rev. Dr.
iii., p. 91. Kelly, p. xxix.
10 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 2 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
Vita Sexta S. Patricii, cap. ii., and n. 51, 190, 191.
p. 100. Article viii.— T See "Acta Sancto-
11 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. rum," tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pre-
190, 191. termitted feasts, p. 531.
12 See " Catalogus aliquorum Sanctorum Article ix. — » See " Acta Sanctorum,"
Ibernise," in O'Sullevan Beare's " Historice tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pretermitted
different Martyrologists assign the feast of this reputed disciple of St. Kilian
to various days. Thus, it is at the 19th of January, at the 15th of February,1
at the 8th of July, and at the 2nd of October. Whatever may be the truth of
that statement regarding his having been the companion of St. Kilian — whose
Life is already given on this day — such companionship is not noticed in his
Acts, as relating to Franconia or to his martyrdom. The Bollandists, who
notice him, at this day, state, that he is undoubtedly one and the same, who
has been referred, in the Irish and Scottish Calendars, to the 2nd of
Article XI. — Reputed Feast of St. Giswald. The Bollandists,1 at
the 8th of July, have a notice of Giswald — said to have been a companion of
St. Disibod — by Camerarius.3 About him or his cultus nothing more is
known, than what has been already" recorded, in the Life of St. Disibod,
already given on this day.
Article XII. — Reputed Feast of St. Alganus, Archbishop and
Martyr. In the Carthusian Manuscript Martyrology at Bruxelles, and at
the 8th of July, is entered an account of St. Alganus, Archbishop, of the
Island Hibernia, who was martyred among the Umbrani. Nothing more
seems to be known regarding him, and the Bollandists, who have inserted
the foregoing account for this day,1 are at a loss to know whence it had been
derived, as Fitzsimon has it not in his catalogue of Irish Saints, nor has
Dempster or Camerarius any similar entry in their Scottish Kalendars.
Article XIII. — Reputed Feast of St. Kilian, Dux, and Uncle to
St. Ursula. This feast of St. Kiliamis, Dux, uncle to St. Ursula and father
to the holy Brigid, Helena and Sapientia, is entered by Gelenius, as having
been celebrated at Cologne, on the 8th day of July. The Bollandists insert
this notice, at the same date, and distinguish this St. Kilian from the Martyr
so called at Wurtzburg.1 However, finding nothing more definite regarding
him, and desiring further information, they defer to the 21st of October any
subsequent notice, when they should have an opportunity of treating about
St. Ursula and her companions.
Article XIV. — St. Ribianus, Bishop. Floratius and Henry Fitzsimon,
at the 8th of July, enter a festival for St. Ribianus, a Bishop.1 This is to be
found, likewise, in the " Menologium Scoticum " of Thomas Dempster.2 In
saints, p. 531. 'In his Scottish Kalendar, Giswaldus is
Article x. — ' See an account of him, placed at the 26th of June.
under the various titles of Eruald, Erwald, Article XII. — ' See" Acta Sanctorum,"
Arnwal and Arnual in Franconia, at the tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pretermitted
date given, and in the Second Volume of .saints, p. 531.
this work, Art. v. Article xiii.— l See ''Acta Sancto-
a See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., rum," tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pre-
Julii viii. Among the pretermitted feasts, termitted saints, p. 534.
p. 1534. Article xiv. — ■ See O'Sullevan Beare's
Article XL — x See " Acta Sanctorum," " Historic Catholicse Iberniae Compen-
tomus ii., Julii viii. Among the pretermitted dium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. xii., p. 56.
saints, p. 531. a See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of
July 8.]
his larger work on Scottish Ecclesiastical History, there is nothing referring
to him.
Article XV. — St. Burchardus, First Bishop of Wurtzburg.
Floratius, the Chronica Mundi, and Henry Fitzsimon, insert, at the 8th of
July, the feast of St. Burchardus, Bishop.1 The Bollandists 2 notice this entry,
at the same date, but they refer to his principal feast at the 14th of October.
Article XVI. — Reputed Festival of St. Aidus, Abbot and Martyr.
[Ninth Century']. Our Irish Annals relate, that Aidus was Abbot of Tir-da-
Ghlas x and of Cluain-Eidhneach,2 in the earlier part of the ninth century.
Ruined Fortress of Dunamase, Queen's County.
He is called the son of Dubhdachrich.3 It would seem, that he was obliged
to fly from the Northman devastations to Dun-Masg,* which was a strong
fortress at the time. A fine castle, with a circumvallation on the upper sum-
mit, and strong outworks around the lower level — accessible only on the
Scottish Saints," p. 205.
Article xv.— l See O'Sullevan Beare's
"Historian Catholicae Iberniae Compen-
dium," tomus i., lib. iv., cap. xii., p. 53.
2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Julii
viii. Among the pretermitted feasts, p. 534.
Article xvi. — * Now Terryglass, in
the county of Tipperary.
2 Now Clonenagh, in the Queen's County.
3 The Annals of Clonmacnoise, as trans-
lated into English, render his name Hugh
mac Duffedachrich, and they place his death
atA.D. 842.
4 Now Dunamase, near Maryborough,
Queen's County. On this isolated rock for-
merly stood a cashel or strongly fortified
stone enclosure.
s For an excellent and accurate illustration
of the Barbican of Dunamase we are indebted
to the pencil of Samuel Lover, R.H.A., the
well-known Irish poet, novelist and painter,
in the "Irish Penny Magazine," vol. i., No.
3, p. 17. The historical article accompany-
ing it is from the pen of John D'Alton, also
celebrated for his valuable local histories of
various parts of Ireland.
6 These have been very inaccurately
sketched and engraved in the works of Grose
eastern side — had been erected on the site of the older Irish fortress, by
William de Braosa, Lord of Brecknock, in the beginning of the thirteenth
century. The following age, in 1325, it was seized by Lysach O'More, and
afterwards it had a varied history.s The extensive and romantic ruins of that
old castle6 are to be seen there at present. 7 The old fortress of Dunamase
was plundered by the foreigners, a.d. 843, and Aedh was there taken
prisoner. He was thence carried into Munster, where he suffered martyrdom,
for the sake of God.8 It is added, in the Bollandists' work,' that this hap-
pened on the 8th of July,10 when they note this commemoration, although it
appears to have been omitted, by the Irish Calendarists.
Article XVII. — St. Colman Imramha or Iomhramha, of Fahan
Beg, County of Donegal. A festival to honour Colman Imramha was
celebrated at the 8th of July, as we find it entered in the Martyrology of
Tallagh.1 He is called Colman Eirmer, by Marianus O'Gorman. The Bol-
landists 2 have notices of St. Colmanus Iomramha — interpreted Remex seu
de remigio — at the 8th of July ; but, they pretend not to distinguish him
further, among the many saints, called Colman, and entered in the Irish
Calendars. He belonged to the race of Cairpre Riada, son to Conaire, who
sprung from the race of Heremon. Fahan Beg, of Inis Eoghain, was his place.
It lies on the eastern shores of that fine expanse of water Lough Swilly, in the
barony of Inishowen, and county of Donegal. His name appears,
likewise, in the Martyrology of Donegal,3 at the same date, as Colman
Article XVIII. — Reputed Festival of St. Boisil, Prior of Mel-
rose, Scotland. In the Kalendar of Herdmanston,1 a later hand has in-
serted a festival for St. Boisil, Prior of Melrose, at the 8th of July.2 His Acts
have been already epitomized, at the 23rd of February.3
and Ledwich. 2 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
7 The accompanying illustration is from a Julii viii. Among the pretermitted saints,
drawing taken on the spot, by William F. p. 533.
Wakeman, and by him drawn on the wood, 3 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
engraved by Mrs. Millard. 190,191.
"See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the * "The more recent hand adds in Irish
Four Masters," vol. i., pp. 464 to 467, and characters :" Colman Eirmer Mor." But
n. (a), ibid. M'Curry's copy of the Brussels MS. reads,
9 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii., Colman crniep tmpairiA no tiALeb("Col-
Julii viii. Among the pretermitted feasts, man, the Cimmerian wanderer, I invoke.")
p. 533- A note by Dr. Todd.
10 According to their version of the Annales Article xviii.— x Thus: "viii. Idus.
Dungallenses. This date is omitted, however, Sancti Bosilii."
in that work, as edited by Dr. John O'Dono- 2 See Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of Scot-
van, tish Saints," pp. 42, 281.
Article xvil— « Edited by Rev. Dr. * See the Second Volume of this work
Kelly, p. xxviii. Art. x
#fttt& IBap of 3ulj?*
THE present holy man lived contemporaneously with St. Patrick.1 At
the 9th of July, the Martyrology of Tallagh a mentions, that venera-
tion was given to Broccaid. The name of his father was Gollit, according to
received accounts. 3 It has been stated, that Broccaidh, of Imleach-Broc-
cadha, in Maigheo, had Darerca, sister of St. Patrick, for his mother. Jocelyn,
however, makes Tygridia his mother.* It is said, by O'Clery, that Gallit,
sister s of Patrick, was the mother of Loman. But, this writer here mistakes,
regarding what is said in the Tripartite Life, Gollit, being the father of Saints
Loman, Munis, Broccaidh and Brogan or Broccan.6 In another place,? a
similar mistake has been committed, by the O'Clerys, in their Calendar. The
Latin Tripartite Life of Patrick states,8 that Broccaidh of Imlach Each, in
Ciarriaghe, of Connaught, was a brother to Loman, of Ath-Truim. He was
a bishop, according to received accounts. The Tripartite Life states, at
another place,? that Broccaidh, of Imleach Each, brother to Loman, of Ath
Truim, was along with Patrick at Magh-Sealga, in Connacht. The only
place in Mayo known as Emlagh, at present, was formerly called Imleach-
each, i.e., " Strath " or " Marsh of the Horses." It is situated, in the barony
of Costello, and County of Mayo.10 This place is described as being in
Kierragia, a region of Connaught," and where a church had been erected by
St. Brocadius. He was identical with the present saint, and his memory in
connexion with it appears to have given a name to that place subsequent to
his departure from this world. Archdall has erred in placing it within the
county of Roscommon.12 , There were no less than three different places,
called Ciarraighe or Kierraga,^ in Connaught. St. Brochad I4 accompanied
St. Patrick on his mission to Magh-Selga in Connaught. The Imleach to
which this saint belonged, was a church in the deanery of Siol-Muiredhuigh,
Elphin diocese, according to a Catalogue of Churches belonging to this dio-
Article 1. — * See his Life, in the Third and nn. 8, 106, pp. 173, 177.
Volume of this work, at the 17th of March, 9 Chapter Twenty-two is quoted.
Art. i. I0 See Dr. O'Donovan's " Annals of the
2 Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxix. Four Masters," vol. i., n. (d), pp. 359,
3 See Rev. Dr. Todd's "St. Patrick, 360.
Apostle of Ireland," Introduction, Appendix " See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
B, p. 260. niae," xvii. Februarii, Vita S. Lomani, cap.
* See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," iii., p. 362.
Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. 1., p. 76, and n. " See " Monasticon Hibernicum," p.
51, p. 100. 610.
s See Rev. Drs. Todd and Reeves' J3 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Leabhar na
" Martyrology of Donegal," pp. 190, 191. g-Ceart, or the Book of Rights," pp. 100 to
6 See Colgan's " Trias Thaumaturga," 103, n. (f).
Quinta Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. ** Colgan mentions this saint, as one of
iv., p. 226. those venerated in the church of Mayo. "S.
7 At the 1 8th of December. Brochadius de Imleach Brochaidh, in Mageo,
8 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," 9 Julii." — "Acta Sanctorum Hibernise,"
lib. ii., cap. ii., p. 129 ; also cap. Iii., p. 136, xiii. Martii, Appendix, cap. iv., p. 605.
cese, which had been sent to Colgan, by the Very Rev. Boetius Egan, brother
to the Bishop of Elphin.'s It was situated in the present parish of Kilkeevin,16
of Castlereagh Barony and Roscommon County. We are enabled to dis-
cover the exact situation of St. Brocaidh's place, from crown grants,^ the
rolls l8 and other documents. This parish of Kilkeevin is bounded on the
north, by Tibohine and Baslick parishes- on the east, by this latter parish
and that of Ballintober ; on the south, by Kiltullagh parish, a part of Galway
County, and part of Drumatemple parish in Roscommon County ; and on the
west, by Kiltullagh parish and part of Mayo County.1* The Rev. Dr. Todd 2°
has incorrectly identified the church of Broccaide with Imliuch or Emleach Each
or the " Horses' Marsh," in the barony of Costello and county of Mayo.
The three Kierragas of Connaught are thus more particularly denominated by
Irish historical writers : Ciarraighe Locha na n airneadh, Ciarraighe Uachtair,
and Ciarraighe Aoi, otherwise called Ciarraighe Mhic Ceithearnaigh. The last
of these is comprised in the present county of Roscommon, and the other
two in that of Mayo.31 The present barony of Costello comprises two terri-
tories, namely, Sliabh Lugha, the ancient patrimony of O'Gara, and Ciar-
raighe Locha na n airneadh. The boundary between them is defined by that
of the diocese of Achonry with that of Tuam. The territory of Ciarraighe
Uachtair comprises the entire of the present barony of Clanmorris, with the
exception of the Termon of Balla, which comprised 24 ballys or ancient Irish
townlands, and which belonged to the territory of Ceara. The parish of
Balla was added to the territory of Ceara, and it made the remaining part
of the barony of Clanmorris the same as the territory of Ciarraighe Uach-
tair.22 This saint's name is found entered on Henry Fitzsimon's list.2*- The
Martyrology of Donegal 2* records him, at this same date. Under the head
of Imlech Brochada or Brochaid,25 in Magh-Eo Magh Ai, Duald Mac Firbis
'S See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga," ar On the Map of ancient Mayo, Mr.
Septima Vita S. Patricii, lib. ii., nn. 104, O'Donovan has both the districts of ce<in-
106, 107, p. 177. f»Aije, situated in this county thus bounded.
16 "There is an old church at Emlagh in On the north, the ancient territories of 541-
this parish, at which there springs a very lean^A and Sliab U15A ; on the east, Ros-
sacred fountain, where patterns were held common County ; on the south the county
on the 15th and 28th of August ; but strange of Roscommon, and the ancient territory of
to say it has no name but cobap An lml/15. Conmaicne, in Mayo ; and on the west, the
This is the Imlach Brocadb (Each) of Col- ancient territory of Ceaj\A in Mayo,
gan." — " Letters containing Information 23 " The authorities for these boundaries
relating to the Antiquities of the County have already been given in the Mayo Letters,
of Roscommon, collected during the Pro- but I thought it necessary to add the fore-
gress of the Irish Ordnance Survey in the going remarks on the manner in which I
year 1837." Mr. O'Donovan's Letter, dated laid down the territories on the ancient Map,
Castlereagh, July 10th, 1837, vol. i., p. 170. that it may be seen how far the boundaries
'7 See one of these to Richard, Earl of are proved." See "Letters containing lnfor-
Clanrickard, dated 8th April, 1662, grant- mation relating to the Antiquities of the
ing him several parcels of land and tithes, County of Mayo, collected during the Pro-
formerly belonging to the absorbed parish of gress of the Irish Ordnance Survey in 1841."
Termon Kelline, alias Termonbeg. One o( paper headed, " Of the Ancient Territories
those was Imlaghbrocowa, now in the pre- constituting the County of Mayo, in the pro-
sent parish of Kilkeevan, which contains vince of Connaught," signed, John O'Dono-
the town of Castlerea, County Roscom- van, May 15th, 1 84 1. See vol. ii., pp. 503,
mon. 504.
18 See Dr. O'Donovan's Supplement to * See " Catalogus aliquorum Sanctorum
O'Reilly's " Irish Dictionary," voce Imlach ; Ibetniaj." O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic
and Patent Roll of 35th of Queen Elizabeth, Catholicae Iberniae Compendium," tomus i.,
part 2. lib. iv., cap. xii., p. 53.
*» See Ordnance Survey Maps of the 3* Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
County of Roscommon. 190,191.
30 See " St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland," a* Now Emlech, barony of Costello, county
Introduction Appendix B, p. 260. of Mayo. William M. Hennessy's note.
enters Bishop Brochad, at July 9th, and in two distinct places.26 In the Irish
Calendar, belonging to the Royal Irish Academy, we find this saint's
name referred to,*? at the vii. of the July Ides, corresponding with the 9th
of July.
Article II. — St. Onchon or Onchu, of Clonmore, County of Carlow,
or of Rath-Blathmac, now Rath, County of Clare. Earthly power and
decay have been able to obliterate vestiges of ourformer saints with the memory
of their names and places, in particular districts of our Island. But, although
ruin and loneliness characterize the sites of their ancient churches; however,
some glimmering lights may help to brighten the shadows. A few doubtful
inferences only can be drawn in reference to the present holy man. In the
" Feilire" of St. ^Engus,1 the Festival of St. Onchon is found at this date,
with a panegyric, and an encomium on the efficiency of his intercession. It is
difficult to determine, whether or not this holy man had been identical with
St. Onchuo2 of Clonmore, in the county of Carlow; but, an Irish poem 3
seems to favour the affirmative conclusion. However, the scholiast offers an
opinion, that Onchu was a priest, and the son of Blathmac of Raith Blath-
maic, in the upper part of Dal-cais.* On this conjecture alone appears to rest
the conclusion of Colgan and the O'Clerys. In the Martyrology of Tallaght,5
we find but the simple entry, Onchon, at the 9th of July. He is noticed,
also, by Marianus O'Gorman.6 As already, at the 8th of February, the
Calendar of St. ^Engus contains an entry of Hua or Hoa, without designating
his place, but calling him a splendid descendant of the sage, and stating that
his speech was of Christ, so the panegyric of Onchon at the present day leaves
it possible, either that they may have been distinct persons, or one and the
same having two different festivals. If he were identical with the patron of
Clonmore, sufficient has been stated regarding him at the 8th of February;
if lie be distinct, we may probably seek for a more distant locality. His
place is now known, it is said, as the old church of Rath, in the barony of
Inchiquin, and county of Clare. Dr. O'Donovan states, that the festival of
26 See " Proceedings of the Royal Irish 3 It is thus translated into English : —
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i..
part i., pp. 112, 113, and at pp. 122, 123. " Dear the two who are at rest
27 Thus: OnogAio Irntech bnocAOA 1 At the cross with relics in the south
ITU115 eo, Common Place Book F, p. 62. Onchu who loved not a despicable
Irish Ordnance Survey Copy. world,
Article ii. — ' In the "Leabhar Breac" . Finan the Leper, hand of the bene-
copy we have the following rann, translated fits.
thus into English by Whitley Stokes, The poet's son Onchu, a forceful
LL.D. : — man,
A poet vigorous in quelling tribes.
<Arlon,ou,o An Onchon At the place where the tree falls,
Ittofcic each nounAile It is not easy to carry off its top."
pncnirc cAnAir leni
j^rvoAn cAm Cmn^ocrAiLe. Seethe Scholion, ibid., cxviii. The Com-
mentator adds, that the membro, i.e., the
" A spendid declaring of Onchu : well fares relics of Finan the Leper and of Onchu are
every one who entreats him : he loved dili- in one place, i.e., in Cluain Mor.
gence as to Christ, Garban the fair of Cenn- 4 It is observed, likewise, that in one
saile." — "Transactions of the Royal Irish religious sepulchre he was with Finan. See
Academy," Irish Manuscript Series, vol. i., ibid., p. cxvii.
On the Calendar of Oengus, p. ex. s Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxviii.
2 See an account of him in the Second 6 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Iliber-
Volume of this work, at the 8th of February, nice," viii. Februarii, Vita S. Onchuonis, n.
Art. i. 2, p. 277.
St. Blathmac 1 was celebrated there, on the 9th day of July. Blathmac's
name is still remembered at the church, but his festival is no longer cele-
brated.8 According to Colgan, this saint was venerated at Killonchon, Cor-
comroe territory, on the 9th and 14th of July. 9 The Bollandists take no
notice of him, at the 9th of July. The Martyrology of Donegal IO records
him, however, at this date, as Onchu, son of Blathmac, in Dalg-Cias, i.e., of
Rath Blathmaic. The meaning of this word is Blathmac's Fort. The time
of this saint cannot be determined, but it seems to have been during or before
the eighth century.
Article III. — St. Garbhan, of Kinsealy, County of Dublin, or
of Kinsale, County of Cork. In a previous article, at this date, as we
have already seen, there is mention made of Garbdn by our earliest pre-
served Martyrology — that of St. ^ngus the Culdee.1 He is there eulogized
for his diligence in the service of Christ, and he is characterized as the fair
of Cennsaile. Whether or not the latter description have reference to his
complexion or to the qualities of his mind may be questioned. The name of
Garban, priest, Cinntsaile, occurs in the Martyrology of Tallagh,2 at the 9th
of July. In the Calendar of Cashel, this saint has been commemorated, as
likewise, in other Martyrologies. His parents appear to have been Lugad,
the father, and Canneria, his mother.3 This couple had six sons, besides St.
Garbhan.4 It is thought to be probable, that this was the holy man, men-
tioned in the Life of St. Kevin,* Abbot of Glendalough, and who lived near
Athcliath, which lay in the northern part of Leinster. Colgan 6 seems to
identify this saint with that one mentioned in the Life of St. Kevin, and who is
said to have lived near Dublin. It was called Dubh-lein ? — now Dublin — in
the Scottish or Irish tongue. Its Latin signification is said to have been
Nigra thermae, or in English " blackbath."8 The situation of Kinsealy, near
Dublin city, would appear to favour such a conjecture.9 If so, he was a
contemporary and a disciple to St. Kevin. In the Martyrology of Donegal,10
at this same date, he is recorded, as Garbhan, priest, of Ceann-saile, on the
west side of Surd, or in the west of Erin. This means, that the author was
not sure to which Ceann-saile he should refer St. Garbhan, whether to Kin-
7 Probably Dr. O'Donovan meant, Onchu, 6 See ** Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae," xxvi.
son of Blathmac. Martii. De S. Garvano Abbate, nn. 2, 3, 4,
8 See Dr. O'Donovan's "Annals of the p. 751.
Four Masters," vol. v., n. (x), pp. 1574, 7 A Manuscript thus describes it: " Et
1575. ipsa civitas potens et belligera est, in quo
» See "Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae," viii. semper habitant viri asperrimi in proeliis, et
Februarii, Vita S. Onchuonis, n. 2, p. 277. peretissimi in classibus."
10 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. 8 See Walter Harris' " History and Anti-
190, 191. quities of the City of Dublin from the
Article hi. — x See "Transactions of Earliest Accounts," chap, ix., pp. 164, 165.
the Royal Irish Academy," Irish Manuscript He quotes a Latin passage, transcribed from
Series, vol. i. On the Calendar of Oengus, the Manuscript called Codex Kilkenniensis,
p. ex. cap. 30. This is probably the well known
a Edited by Rev. Dr. Kelly, p. xxix. copy thus denominated, and preserved in
3 According to ^Engus the Culdee, in his Marsh's Library.
attributed "Opuscula," lib. iv., cap. 66. 9 There is an engraving of Kinsealy old
4 With this statement, the Sanctilogium church by George A. Hanlon, from a sketch
Genealogicum, cap. xx., accords. See Col- by John J. Sloane, C.E. The latter gentle-
gan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiberni*," xxvi. man also furnishes a description of it in his
Martii. De S. Garvano Abbate, nn. 2, 3, 4, Antiquarian Rambles in the County of
p. 751. Dublin. See "Irish Literary Gazette,"
5 See his Life, in the Sixth Volume of this vol. ii., pp. 243, 244.
work, at the 3rd of June, Art. i. I0 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves,
July 9.]
sealy, at the west of Swords, or to Kinsale, in the west — but rather in the
south — of Ireland. If we are to understand, this latter had been the place, the
town and parish so called11 are situated in the barony of Kinsale, in the county
of Cork, East Riding. A part of the town is in Ringcunan parish." There
a prominent rock advances far out in the Atlantic Ocean, and it is known as
the Old Head of Kinsale. The isthmus connecting it with the mainland
had been blocked by a strong castle x3 and its fortifications, now in ruins.1*
De Courcey's Castle, Old Head of Kinsale, County Cork.
These appear to have been erected by John de Courcey,15 who inherited the
circumjacent country, owing to intermarriage with the family of Cogan, who
are deemed to have obtained the lands by right of conquest from the Irish.16
However, it is said to have had a more ancient repute as a royal residence of the
Irish kings, and to have been known as Duncearma.1? The present town of
Kinsale is at the mouth of the Bandon River,18 where the sea meets it, and
furnishes a good harbour. It is also picturesquely situated, x9 and it is stated
to have had an ancient history connected with it. According to Colgan,20
a disciple of St. Ailbe — called a good master and named Goban— is said to
have had a monastery dedicated to him at Kennsaile. It has been assumed,
pp. 190, 191.
" They are shown, on the "Ordnance
Survey Townland Maps for the County of
Cork," sheets 112, 125.
13 See ibid., sheets 97, 98, ill, 1 12, 125.
13 Its dimensions with a wood engraving
may be found in " The Irish Penny Maga-
zine, " vol. ii., No. 2, January, nth, 1834,
pp.9, 10.
14 The accompanying illustration from an
approved drawing has been sketched by
William F. Wakeman on the wood, en-
graved by Mrs. Millard.
15 See " Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ire-
land," vol. ii., p. 569.
16 A very full and an interesting account
of the Barony, Parish, Town, and Old Head
of Kinsale, may be there found. See ibid.,
pp. 566 to 570.
1 See ibid., p. 570.
18 Its position is well defined in Dr.
Charles Smith's "Ancient and Present
State of the County and City of Cork." See
County Map attached, vol. i., book i.,
chap, i., p. 15.
19 A copperplate engraving of this town
from the Old Fort in 1750 is to be found in
the work just quoted. See book ii., chap, iii.,
p. 215.
20 See "Acta Sanctorum Hibernise," xxvi.
Martii. De S. Gobano Abbate de Airdne
Dairinnsi, p. 750.
that this place should be in Cork; yet, it must be a matter still left for conjecture.
There was also a St. Melteoc or Eltin" connected with the church ofCluain,
between the mountains of Crot and Mairge, and who is said to have been
buried at Kennsaile, a maritime town in southern Munster.22 The references
to these historic statements have been misunderstood and obscured by Arch-
dall ;23 and no less so by Dr. Charles Smith, who makes St. Multeoc or Eltin
the same as a supposed female saint Multosia or Multos, to whom the parish
church of Kinsale is stated to have been dedicated in the fourteenth cen-
tury.2'* Here, too, it is related, that there had been an Abbey for Carmelites
or White Friars in that century, founded by Robert Fitz-Richard Balrain, a.d.
1334, a part of the ruins remaining on the north end of the town.2* The
prior, Stephen Prene, obtained a quarter of land in Liscahan, a.d. 1350,26
from the founder. The Protestant church at Kinsale 2? has been modernized,
and it occupies the site of the fourteenth century structure. The history of
this town is fraught with considerable interest.
Article IV. — Reputed Feast of a St. Molruan. The Bollandists
notice a certain — or rather an uncertain — St. Molruan, Archbishop and
Legate in Ireland, at the 9th of July,1 on the authority of Father Henry Fitz-
simon. A sort of Life had been given to them, but partaking of a legendary
character in their estimation. He is said to have been a holy man, to have
undergone persecutions and accusations, to have gone to Rome so that he
might exculpate himself from some charges, to have returned again to Ireland,
where full of years and of merits he passed to the rewards of eternal life, on
the 9th of July. The Bollandists sought eagerly for accounts of him in
various Irish and Scotch Calendars, at this date, but in vain. It seems to
us, he must have been confounded with St. Maelruan of Tallagh, already
noticed, at the 7th of this month. Afterwards, the Bollandists notice an
entry of the names Germanus, Kilianus, Ribianus, Totnanus and Brocardus,9
as having been placed in the extended Kalendar of Father Henry Fitzsimon.
Among the foregoing, Dempster alone notes, Ribianus as a Bishop, but, the
Bollandists desire to have further knowledge before including them on their
list of saints.3 There is a Brocadius, no doubt, mentioned by Colgan,* in his
Acts of St. Patrick, but the Bollandists cannot readily admit, that all the
Irish Apostle's relatives had been classed among the saints.
•Article V. — St. Condmac or Connmach, of Ath-Blair, or Atha-
21 His feast has been assigned to Decern- Dublin Penny Journal," vol. ii., No. 90, pp.
ber nth. 297, 298.
"See ibid., x. Martii. De S. Sedonio Article iv.— ■ See " Acta Sanctorum,"
Episcopo S. Senani Discipulo, p. 573, and tomus ii., July ix. Among the pretermitted
n. 4. saints, p. 668.
23 See " Monasticon Hibernicum," p. 74. 2 They state " Bcllandm alicubi legit pro
2* See " Ancient and present State of the Germano et Bibiano, Rimanus et Mul-
County and City of Cork," vol. i., book ii., tonus;" yet, however their names be
chap, iii., p. 219. changed, none of these belong to the pre-
2s See ibid. sent day. About Germanus they treated at
86 According to Sir James Ware's Manu- the 3rd of July, and about Kilianus and
scripts, vol. 34, p. 108. See Archdall's Totnanus on their proper day, the 8th of
"Monasticon Hibernicum," p. 74, and July.
n. (p). 3See "ActaSanctorum,"tomus ii.Julii ix.
27 There is a woodcut representing this Among the pretermitted saints, pp. 668, 669,
building, with some historic notices, in "The 4 See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
silain. In the Martyrology of Tallagh,1 at the 9th of July, a festival is
recorded in honour of Condmac, of Atha silain. The place of this saint is
differently denominated in the later Calendar. The Martyrology of Donegal,8
at the'same date, enters the name as Connmach, of Ath Blair. We have not
been able to identify his place under either denomination.
Article VI. — Reputed Feast of St. Germanus, Bishop, and of
others. The various compilations of Floratius, Molanus,1 and Henry Fitz-
simon,2 enter St. Germanus, Bishop, at the 9th of July.3 The Bollandists
notice him, at this same date, but only the authority of Greven's additions to
the Martyrology of Usuard ; yet, they know not who that saint can be, if not
the Germanus, whose commemoration has been already treated of, at the
3rd day of July/ Jocelyn has some account of him, in his Acts of St.
Patrick,* and as stated, we have recorded whatever can be known about him.6
Cent!) JBap of 3ulp*
AFTER the Church of Christ had been founded, and when Christians
were redeemed through his precious blood ; then her illustrious chil-
dren, whether as Martyrs, Apostles, Doctors, Virgins or Confessors, began to
exhibit those virtues and labours, which served to extend her sway over the
hearts of men. Several holy missionaries banded together for this purpose,
and left the shores of Ireland for more distant countries. Among those was
Etto, and he became a saint illustrious for his apostolic zeal and miracles.
The particulars of his Acts are only to be gleaned from popular tradition,
nor do we know that any very ancient written accounts regarding him are to
be found. No doubt, there are several inaccuracies that have been incor-
porated with the more authentic accounts, yet even for those incorrect state-
ments, reasons may be assigned, and allowances must be made.
A Life of this saint has come down to us, but it does not appear to be a very
ancient one. The date of its composition is uncertain, and it is supposed
to have been the composition of a monk at Liesse.1 It has a Prologue of the
Quinta Appendix ad Acta S. Patricii, cap. * See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus ii.,
iv., p. 230. Julii ix. Among the pretermitted saints, pp.
Article v.— ■ Edited by Rev. Dr. 667, 668.
Kelly, p. xxix. s See Colgan's "Trias Thaumaturga,"
2 Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp. Sexta Vita S. Patricii, cap. xcii.
190, 191. 6 In the present volume, at July the 3rd,
Article vi. — ■ In Vita S. Eloquii. Art. i.
3 See "Catalogus aliquorum Sanctorum Article 1.— ■ In the Latin language,
Iberniae. this town is written Lsetiae or Letia, in Han-
3 See O'Sullevan Beare's "Historice nonia or Nerviorum. It is generally known
Catholicse Iberniae Compendium," tomus i., at present among the French-speaking
lib. iv., cap. xii., p. 54. people as Liessies or Liessy, in the diocese
Author, and then follows a narrative of public events, connected with the
period of Etto's arrival on the Continent, as also the subsequent traditional
accounts, regarding his mission and career. His offices and the Martyrologies
hardly serve to throw any additional lights on his history. In French, this
saint is called Z€ ; but, in the ancient Lives, his name is written Etto or
Ethon. Sometimes, too, he is named Hetto.3 It was Colgan's purpose to
have published his biography, at the ioth of July.3 In the " Natales Sanc-
torum Belgii,"* there are some notices of St. Etto, as also in Miraeus.s The
Bollandists have special accounts of this holy man.6 A commentary 7 pre-
cedes his Acts. These follow, with the author's prologue, in two chapters
and seventeen paragraphs. His Acts have been published from a Manu-
script,8 belonging to the Abbey of Marchiennes. This has been collated with
two other Codices ; one of these having been in the hands of D. Prued-
homme, a Canon of Cambrai, and another belonged to the collection at
Alnensis. In the " Acta Sanctorum Belgii,"? Etto is particularly commemo-
rated. Some notices of him are to be met with, in the work of Bishop
Challoner.10 The Petits Bollandistes also have an account of St. Etton or
Z£, at this date." There is a notice of St. Etto, likewise, in Rev. S. Baring-
Gould's " Lives of the Saints.''12
St. Etto was a native of Ireland ;*3 but, regarding his family descent, and
earlier years, we have no account. He was probably born in the early part
of the seventh century. There he was instructed in a knowledge of the Scrip-
tures, and trained in the principles of virtue. ** This holy person is said to
have been in Britain, to confer with many saints, that then flourished in these
Islands ; but, whether he joined St. Fursey I5 there or in Ireland is not
known.16 As we have already seen, in the Life of St. Fursey,1? that a certain
Count named Madelgarius,18 surnamed Vincent, and who had gone to
of Cambrai. Here there was a celebrated I3 See Bishop Challoner's " Britannia
Abbey of Benedictines. It is situated on the Sancta," part ii., p. 31.
River Helpra, not far distant from Avesnes. I4 See Les Petits Bollandistes, "Vies
See Hadrianus Valesius, " Notitia Gallia- des Saints," tome viii., xe Jour de Juillet,
rum," p. 260. p. 238.
■ As by Mirseus, and byBaldericus, Bishop IS See his Life, in the First Volume of
of Toumay and Namur. this work, at the 16th of January, Art. i.
3 This we find, from the posthumous list l6 Mabillon merely alludes to him in a
of his Manuscripts. passing manner, and adds: " De beato
4 In two paragraphs, at the loth of July, Ettone nudum fere noraen nobis relictum
pp.147, !48. est." — " Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti,"
s See "Fasti Belgici et Burgundici," pp. tomus i., lib. xiv., sect, iv., pp. 411, 412.
391 to 394. '7 See the First Volume of this work, at
6 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus iii., Julii January 16th, Art. i., chap. v.
x. De S. Ettone Ep. et Conf. Leetiis in l8 According to the Acts of our saint,
Belgio, pp. 48 to 62. Madelgarius was born in Hibernia of noble
? In five sections, and forty-three para- parents, and he came to Fiance, where he
graphs. married Waldetrude, daughter of the noble
8 This had been sent to the Bollandists in Walbert, and for a long time he served in the
1636, by D. Christian le Roy. It has been wars of King Dagobert. He had been urged
composed in a diffuse and careless historic by the pious Waldetrude, to separate from
fashion. her, and to lead a religious life, which she
9 See vol. iii., at the loth of July. At most earnestly desired for herself. He
Lrctiis, in Hannonia. There is a Historico- affected to yield to her wishes, but leaving
critical commentary, by Cornelius Smet, in her, he returned to Ireland, where he in-
three sections, pp. 666 to 682. tended to take another wife. Learning this
10 See "Britannia Sancta," part ii., pp. purpose, Waldetrude followed her husband
31, 32. to Ireland, with some companions, where
11 See "Vies des Saints," tome viii., she exhorted him in such moving words,
xe Jour de Juillet, pp. 238, 239. that he firmly resolved on returning with her
12 See vol. vii., July ioth, p. 261. to Prance, where both of them afterwards
Ireland,1? waited upon that celebrated missionary in England, and succeeded
in persuading him to visit Gaul, where he afterwards founded the monastery
of Lagny. At this period, that country was just beginning to recover from
the devastations of the Huns and Vandals, with other barbarous invaders.20
With his brothers Foillan 2I and Ultan," as also with Mimbolus,a3 Eloquius,2*
Bertuin,2s Fredegandus,26 Adalgisus 2? and Gobban,28 disciples ofSt. Fursey,3?
Etto was one of those apostolic preachers, who, in the seventh century, went
forth to spread the Gospel on the Continent.2* They are said to have accom-
panied Madelgarius 3I and his wife St. Waldetrude,32 when these returned to
France. The great desire of the holy missionaries was to visit Rome, in the
first instance ; most probably to receive the necessary jurisdiction and
approval, for the tasks which they had proposed to accomplish. About the
middle of the seventh century, they arrived in France, and Etto thence made
a pilgrimage to Rome, but whether in company with St. Fursey or not seems
to be uncertain. While he was visiting the tombs of the Apostles, it is said,
that he received episcopal consecration. 33 By Molanus, he is styled
" Hiberniensis Episcopus."3* Afterwards, he returned to France. With St.
Fursey, it is stated, that Etto lived for a time at Lagny,35 and that he carried
the word of God afterwards into the Low Countries. He passed into those
parts with six other companions, and in the company of St. Waldetrude.
Among the holy men, who went to preach in the Low Countries with St. Etto,
or about the same time, was St. Bertuin, a Bishop. He built an oratory, at
Maloigne,36 upon the Sambre. After his return from Rome, Etto chose for
his abode a solitary place, near the little river Corbriol. Like many of the
primitive saints, he had a Divine inspiration, that he was destined to evange-
lize the people, in that part of the diocese of Cambrai. St. Etto settled on a
little stream at Thierache, near the town of Avesnes. There he cleared away
the brambles, and built a cell for his occupation.
At first, he experienced some difficulties and opposition, owing to a man
named Jovinus, who laid claim to the land, he being unwilling that a stranger
entered the religious state. a6 On the 17th of July, his festival occurs
x» The writer of St. Etto's Life thus de- s? See his Life, at the 2nd of June,
scribes it positions and states : " Est autem 28 His feast is not correctly known.
Hyberniaproxima Britannia? Insula, spatio 29 See Colgan's "Acta Sanctorum Hiber-
terrarum angustior, sed situ fcecundior. Hsec niae," xvi. Januarii, Appendix ad Acta S.
ab Africo in Boream porrigitur, cujus partes Fursaei, cap. vi., p. 96.
priores ab Hibernia et Cantabrico oceano 3° We are not to take in a too literal sense
includuntur." the statement of some writers that all the
20 At a.d. 407, Miraeus writes, "in- foregoing were brothers of St. Fursey, ex-
numerabiles et ferocissimae nationes univer- cept in a religious sense. Even the writer
sas Gallias occuparunt. Quidquid inter of our saint's Acts, alluding to persons
Alpes et Pireneum est, quod Oceano et named in the text, observes, " licet de omni-
Rhodano includitur, Quadus, Vandalus, bus non simus certi, utrum fuerunt carnali
Sarmata, Alani, Gepides, Heruli, Saxones, nativitate germani," &c.
Burgundiones, Alemanni et hostes Pannonii 3I See further notices of him, at July 14th
vastarunt." — "Rerum Belgicarum Chroni- — his feast-day— in the present volume,
con, ab Julii Caesaris in Galliam Adventu, 32 See her Life, in the Fourth Volume of
usque ad vulgarem Christi Annum 1636," this work, at the 9th of April, Art. i.
&c. Antverpiae, 1636, fol. 33 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des
21 His feast occurs, at the 31st of Octo- Saints," tome viii., xe Jour de Juillet,
ber. p. 238.
22 At the 1st of May, his feast is com- 34 See "Natales Sanctorum Belgii," at
memorated. Julii x.
33 His festival is held, on the 18th of 35 See Rev. Dr. Lanigan's "Ecclesiastical
November. History of Ireland," vol. ii., chap, xvi., sect.
I 3* His Acts are at the 3rd of December. x., p. 462, and n. 98, p. 464.
25 His feast is on the nth of Novem- 3* Also called Maconia, in the territory of
ber. Liege.
should take possession of it. Jovinus railed at the holy man, nor would he
enter upon any terms of compromise, until convinced by a miracle, that he
should yield, and make an humble apology to Etto. There our saint erected
a church, under the patronage of St. Peter, chief of the Apostles. He used to
visit the Abbey of Hautmont, where under St. Ansbert,3? Madelgarius lived j
and there he niet St. Amandus,38 St. Wasno, and St. Humbert.39 There, too,
St. Ursmar <° and his assistant bishop Erminus -*1 met him ; as also St.
Wasnulph,*2 St. Gissen/3 St. Aldegunde,^ and St. Gertrude/s Besides these,
St. Foillan and St. Ultan came to meet him from the monastery of Fosse,*6
as likewise many other celebrated fathers of the Church, who were living in
France during his time.
Throughout all that region, St. Etto zealously laboured to spread the
Gospel seed. As a light placed on a pedestal cannot be hidden, so did the-
fame of his virtues spread on all sides. To the place of his abode came
numerous visitors, to ask his counsel in spiritual affairs, as also to obtain the
succours of religion. But, Etto was exceedingly humble in his own estima-
tion, nor could he bear that others should think highly concerning him. One
of the miracles recorded of our saint is that one day, and while walking in a
field, he saw a mute cow-herd sleeping. Touching him gently with a staff, 4?
the man arose, and immediately found the use of speech. Fiscau or Fescau,48
afterwards a priory, and depending on the Abbey of Liessy, near Avesnes, in
Hainault, was the place noted in connexion with St. Etto's demise. Here he
lived for a considerable time, constantly engaged in prayer, and crucified to
the world. Daily did he offer the Holy Victim in Sacrifice to the Lord.
He became a father of the poor, a protector of the widow, an aid of the
orphan, a consoler of those in sorrow and tribulation, aransomer of captives,
and an intercessor for all who were reduced in circumstances. Finding his
last days on earth about to close, St. Etto called his disciples to him, and
then gave them special instructions, to observe the precepts of charity and
peace towards one another, as also to fulfil with great care the duties of a
Christian and a religious life. Receiving from him an intimation, that he
37 This holy bishop has a festival at the " Mutus ad haec coeptis instabat talia
9th of February. dictis :
38 His feast occurs at the 6th of February. Quid mirando stupes? metritis quid
From him the town of St. Amand in Flan- vero perhorres,
ders has been Darned. Muta tuis tacitas si fudit lingua loque-
39 See Rev. S. Baring-Gould's "Lives of las?
the Saints," vol. vii., July 10, p. 261. Numne recordarisDominantis, Sancte
40 His feast has been assigned to the 18th fidelis
of April, Angelecis tremefacta minis quia fatur
*' He has a feast at the 25th of April, but asella
it does not seem probable, he could have Sessori per verba suo ; linguaque
been a bishop, during the lifetime of St. rudenti
Etto. He died in the year 737. Edidit humanas animal pecualeloque-
42 His feast occurs on the 1st of Octo- las?
ber. Immemor es rerum, quoniam Sapien-
43 His festival is at the 9th of October. tia mutum
44 Her feast is at the 30th of January. Saepius os reserare solet, puerisque
4s Her festival is held on the 17th of disertas
March. Efficiens linguas, cogit depromere
46 The fiollandists remark, that all the laudes ?
holy persons named in the Latin Acts of Talia fante viro, gratulans venerabi-
our saint, as published by them, may be com- lis Etto,
bined whether as contemporaries or as Congrua pro facto referebat munia
locals. Christo."
4? This anecdote is thus introduced, where
related in St. Etto's Acts, and in Latin *'~ This place is situated on the confines
hexameter lines: — of Picardyand Artois.
should soon leave this world, his monks were moved to tears, and they
naturally gave way to sorrow. However, they felt consoled when Etto
imparted a special blessing on them. For immediate preparation, to meet
death, the holy man redoubled his prayers and vigils, fasting with still greater
strictness and giving alms most bountifully. The night before his departure,
Etto had a vision regarding the place of his sepulture ; and, on waking, he
desired one of his friends to meet another, who was then in an adjoining wood,
preparing a coffin, although he knew not for whom it was destined. This
coffin that man was engaged in bringing away on a cart, drawn by a bullock.
The coffin was brought to Etto, who had desired to see it. Afterwards, he
devoutly received the Body and Blood of our Lord in the Holy Sacrament.
Then, in the presence of his disciples, who were standing round, his soul
passed away to the company of the Holy Angels and Saints.*0 He is said to
have departed, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. His death has been assigned
to about a.d. 670.5°
On the 10th of July, various ecclesiastical authors commemorate St. Etto.
His feast has been noted, in the Belgian, Gallican and Benedictine Martyr-
ologies. Thus, Saussay,*1 Molanus,52 Miraeus,53 Ferrarius,** Wion, Dorgan,
Menard, Bucelin,55 Castellan,56 and Baldericus, have notices of him. In
Convaeus' list, at the same date, we find Etto set down, as " Epis. Fasciaci et
Laetiarum patronus."57 He is noticed, likewise, by Thomas Dempster^8
His festival was celebrated on this day, with a proper office, in the church of
Buinvilliers.59 There is extant, likewise, an office with Eight Lessons,60 and
these profess to give the Acts of St. Etto, but some of them are only foolish
The forty-second Bishop of Cambrai, Nicholas, in 1162, issued a diploma,
whereby certain possessions were confirmed to the abbacy of Leisse, with a
provision for the maintenance of so many monks as might be required to serve
the church of Dompierre, and a prohibition against removing the body of
the saint from that place.01 Other donations to Dompierre are on record.02
The monastery of Fiscau, was in the village of Dompierre.63 There and in
all the surrounding country, St. Etto's name was held in very special rever-
49 See the Bollandists' "Acta Sancto- per aliquot annos ibidem haeserat, ML. F."
rum," tomus iii., Julii x. De S. Ettone Ep. —Bishop Forbes' " Kalendars of Scottish
et Conf. Lsetiis in Belgio, Vita, &c, pp. Saints," p. 205.
59 to 62. S9 A copy of this was sent to Father John
50 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des Boland by Rev. D. Luytens, sub-prior and
Saints," tome viii., xe Jour de Juillet, p. master of novices at Liesse, in the month of
239. November, 1637. This has been published
s* In " Martyrologium Gallicanum." in all its chief parts by Father John Pinius,
s2 In " Natalibus Sanctorum Belgii." who has edited the Acts of our saint, in his
53 In Fastis Belgicis et Burgundicis. Previous Commentary, sect. ii.
54 In " Catalogus Generalis Sanctorum." 6o These were copied from an old Manu-
ss In their several Benedictine Martyrolo- script Codex belonging to the Monastery of
gies. St. Lambert, at Liesse, and they were sent
s6 In his Universal Martyrology. to Father Rosweyde, by Father Peter Lorig-
57 See O'Sullevan Beare's " Historic nairt, Librarian and monk of that place.
Catholicse Ibernias Compendium," tomus i., See ibid., sect. i.
lib. iv., cap. x., p. 48. 6l Allusion is made to this charter in the
s8 In his " Menologium Scoticum " thus : Chronicon Lretiense.
" Laetiis Ettonis episcopi et confessoris, 62 See the Previous Commentary to St.
Germanise infcrioris Apostoli, qui in Hiber- Etto's Acts in the Bollandists' "Acta Sane-
niamad regenda monasteria concessit, et inde torum," sect. iii.
in Belgium eductus per Maldegarum Han- 63 Now a commune, and town of France,
nonise comitem, qui Sanctorum albo ad- in the Department of Nord, canton of
scriptus Vincentius dictus, et Hirlandiae Avesnes. See "Gazetteer of the World,"
gubernator destinatus ab aula a rege Pipino, vol. v., p. 43.
ence.6« However, the disturbances occasioned by the new Reformation
caused his body to be removed to a place of greater security. His relics
were translated to Mons,6* with those of other saints, during the wars about
the middle of the sixteenth century. They were temporarily placed in a
house of refuge, belonging to that Abbey.66 Afterwards, when order had
been restored, St. Etto's remains were removed to the Abbey of Liesse, or
Liessies,6? a suitable receptacle having been prepared for their reception,
while the coffin or shrine was newly decorated and restored, as time's effacing
traces had begun to show marks of fading and decay. Other smaller reliqua-
ries of the saint were repaired at the same time. To this resting-place, St.
Etto's body was translated, by Louis de Blois, then its Abbot, and placed in
the church of his monastery, on the 22nd day of June, a.d. 1559. 68 This
establishment was subsequently an abbey of Canons Regular. There the body
was kept, with great veneration, and St. Etto's feast has become a great solem-
nity, on the anniversary of his death, iothof July. In like manner is he com-
memorated, in the priory of Fiscau.6^ On that day, the people assembled in
great numbers, and assisted at Mass, while a vast procession on foot and on
horseback accompanied a shrine containing the relics of our saint. On that
day, too, the people abstained from servile works, regarding it as a superior
feast. The office of his Natalis was recited in the'parish, and it was sung in
the monastery of Leisse, during the entire octave.?0 However, in the church
of Dompierre, the body of St. Etto is now preserved, and there is a tomb on
which he is figured with a mitre, a cross in his hand, and clothed in episco-
pal vestments. At some distance from the church, there is a fountain, which
bears the name of St. Ze'.?1 In the parish of Dompierre, for many ages past,
as also in that of Buinvilliers, diocese of Arras, a confraternity has been
established in honour of St. Ze\ The latter was ordered to be erected, by
the bishop of Arras in a letter, written June 16th, 1630; but, its inauguration
was deferred, owing to the fact of two churches being in the same town —
the congregation of each contending for their respective church as being the
parochial one. An arm-bone of St. Etto is preserved at Buinvilliers, near
Arras.?3 St. Etto is represented with oxen at his feet, as he is invoked
by cow-herds and cattle-drivers. 73 A copperplate engraving of this character
has been inserted in his Acts, as furnished by the Bollandists.74
Since the time St. Etto departed from this life to our Lord's happy inherit-
ance, in the seventh century, the people who lived after him had great faith
in his intercession. Those who had been afflicted with various diseases were
taught to believe, that through a devout invocation of his patronage, the
Almighty would be pleased to remove their ailments and to prolong their
6* See Les Petits Bollandistes, "Viesdes ?° See the Bollandists' "Acta Sancto-
Saints," tome viii., xe Jour de Juillet, p. 239. rum," tomus iii., Julii x. De S. Ettone Ep.
65 See Rev. S. Baring-Gould's " Lives of et Conf. Laetiis in Belgio. Commentarius
the Saints," vol. vii., July 10, p. 261. Pircvius, sect, iii., num. 16, p. 53.
•J6 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des n See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des
Saints," tome viii., xe Jour de Juillet, p. Saints," tome viii,, xe Jour de Juillet, p.
239. 239.
6? Now a commune and town, in the De- ?2 See Rev. S. Baring-Gould's "Lives of
partment of Nord, France. See " Gazetteer the Saints," vol. vii., July 10, p. 261.
of the World," vol. v., p. 730. 73 See Very Rev. Dr. F. C. Ilussenbeth's
68 The Bollandists give a detailed account " Emblems of Saints," edited by Rev. Dr.
of the foregoing general statements in their Augustus Jessopp, p. 73.
Previous Commentary to the Acts of our 74 See "Acta Sanctorum," tomus iii.,
saint, sect. iv. Julii x. De S. Ettone Ep. et Conf. Lcetiis
69 See Les Petits Bollandistes, " Vies des in Belgio. Commentarius Prsevius, sect, ii.,
Saints, "tome viii., xeJour de Juillet, p. 239. p. 52.
lives. Even he was supposed to hear the prayers of country people, who
intreated him to avert distempers from their cattle and other animals.
Article II. — St. Cuain or Cuan, of Airbhre, in Hy Kinsellagh.
At the 10th of July, the festival of Cuan is found in the "Feilire" of St.
^Engus.1 A commentary annexed states,2 that he was Cuan Airbre in Ui-
Cennselaig, and he is the same as Cuan of Maethail Broccain in Desi of
Munster. This latter place, as we are told,3 was in the deaconate of Kill-
barrimedin, in the diocese of Lismore, and where there was a church and a
well dedicated to St. Cuan. The Martyrology of Tallagh < registers a festival
at the 10th of July, in honour of Cuain of Airbir, in h Cendselaigh. The
Martyrology of Marianus O'Gorman has a similar identification, according
to Father O'Sheerin, when furnishing some particulars regarding the present
saint to the Bollandists,* who allude to him at the present date. We are
informed by Dr. O'Donovan, that Kilquan, in the county of Wexford, takes
its name from a church dedicated to the present holy man. Tobar Cuan
was situated five chains south-west from the ruins of Kilcowanmore, as we
learn from the same gentleman. Notices of a religious man named Cuan are
introduced in the Acts of St. Fintan of Dunbleisque, and Colgan thinks he
must be identical with the present saint.6 At this date, in the Martyrology
of Donegal,? is recorded Cuan, of Airbhre, in Ui Ceinnsealaigh, in
Leinster ; and he is the same, we are told, as Cuan, of Maethail Brogain, in
Deisi Mumhan. Among many other saints bearing the same name, he is
mentioned by Colgan.8 His place has been identified 9 with Cuain Airbhre,
in Hy Kinsellagh, a place now called Ballybrennan, at Kilcowanmore,
barony of Ban try, and county of Wexford. This part of Ireland, it would
appear, formerly abounded in silver.10 The Kalendar of Drummond " has
notices of St. Cuain, at the 10th of July.
Article III. — Deacon Aedh, of Cuil-Maine, now Clonmany, County
of Donegal. Veneration was given, at the 10th of July, to Aodh Deochain
in Crichmaine, according to the Martyrology of Tallagh.1 Elsewhere this
Article ii. — x In the " Leabhar Januarii, Vita S. Fintani Abb., cap. ix.,
Breac" copy is the following rami rendered and n. 17, pp. IX, 13.
into English by Whitley Stokes, LL.D. :— * Edited by Drs. Todd and Reeves, pp.
192, 193.
Slti-irco cejwo tni.rnb|AAich|\e 8 See "Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae,